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"Corn Ice Products Promotion"

Compiled By:

Group : 1

1. Annisa nurul kholifa (2210603002)

2. Janati Primadani (2210603009)
3. Fuji Lestari (2210603016)
4. Rahma helda arlika (2210603024)
5. Miftahul Rayyan (2210603034)




Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah Almighty the Lord of hosts who has
given His mercy and blessings. Shalawat and greetings may still be poured out to
the lord of the Muslims of Prophet Muhammad SAW, so that we can complete
this paper entitled "Promotion of Corn Ice Products" in time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to add insight and understand in

depth about the Promotion of Corn Ice Products for readers, listeners and also

Thank you to Mrs. RIZQY DWI AMRINA M.Pd as a lecturer who

teaches English courses who have given this task so that they can add knowledge
and insight according to the field of study we are engaged in. The realization of
this paper is inseparable from the help and support of the resource persons so that
we can complete this paper. We recognize that this paper has flaws and oversights
and is far from perfect.

Therefore, the compiler expects constructive constructive suggestions

and criticism from all readers/listeners to serve as a reference for the perfection of
the upcoming dimasa paper. Hopefully this paper can add insight for
readers/listeners and can be useful for the development and improvement of

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Palembang,October 20, 2022



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1

1. Background.............................................................................................................................1

2. Problem Formulation..............................................................................................................1

3. Purpose of the Problem...........................................................................................................2

4. Benefits of the Problem...........................................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION..........................................................................................................3

1. Executive Summary................................................................................................................3

2. Business Overview..................................................................................................................4

3. Strategy...................................................................................................................................5

4. Analysis..................................................................................................................................6

5. Corn Grit Ingredients..............................................................................................................7

6. Production Process..................................................................................................................8

7. Corporate Control...................................................................................................................9

8. Financial Plan Analysis.........................................................................................................10

CHAPTER III COVER.................................................................................................................12

1. Conclusion............................................................................................................................12

2. Suggestion.............................................................................................................................12


1. Background

There is hardly anyone who does not know Corn. Corn is a carbohydrate-containing food that is high
in substitutes for rice. This one food is also besides being known for its benefits, it is also known for
its cheap price and easy to find around us. In the past, corn was only consumed on the cob and not
many people liked it. On this occasion we had the idea to make corn into a food ingredient that was
more interested in by students. That is corn ice. Corn is also a source of carbohydrates is a strategic
commodity that can be developed into staple food. Judging from the nutritional value, corn contains
higher protein (9.5%) compared to rice (7.1%). In addition, corn has been used as a staple food by
some people. To support the development of corn into staple food, processing technology is needed
that produces corn products that are organoleptically acceptable and practical (convenient) or easy to
prepare. One of the products that can be developed is corn ice.
Iced sweet corn is a new innovative product with a unique taste. In terms of advantages, this drink can
restore energy or stamina in a fast time and maintain the health of the eyes, liver, stomach, intestines
and is believed to be a cholesterol-free drink. Its high fiber content facilitates digestion and low sugar
content making it suitable for diets. It can also treat diabetes because sweet corn contains natural

2. Problem Formulation
1. What is the concept of doing business regarding iced corn products?
2. What are the marketing strategies used?
3. What is the process of producing corn ice?
4. How is the financial control in the corn ice business?

3. Purpose of the Problem

1. Can know the concept in opening an ice corn business.
2. Know how to do business strategies to be marketed.
3. Can know how to make corn ice.
4. Can arrange financial control in producing corn ice.

4. Benefits of the Problem

1. For Writers/Compilers
The benefits of writing this paper for authors / compilers are to train authors /
compilers to be able to compile the writing of this paper properly and correctly
and to broaden horizons and knowledge for authors / compilers about hadith
2. For Readers/Listeners
The benefit of writing this paper for readers/listeners is that it becomes a
source of reference and information for students who read/hear this paper



A. Executive Summary

1. Business concept

The business that we established is engaged in the culinary sector, especially in the
field of beverages, namely "Corn Ice" is a fresh and healthy beverage product made
from corn to make the taste more delicious, so cheese and sweetened condensed milk
are added. For the name of our product is Ice Corn this product is planned to be
located in the campus area of the islamic state university raden fatah palembang.

2. Management Team

This "Corn Ice" business is a collaboration of four five students. These five people
will work together, 3 people as marketers, namely Annisa nurul kholifa, Janati
Primadani, Fuji Lestari and 2 as processors, namely Rahma helda arlika, Miftahul
Rayyan making Corn Ice. The capital will be the same and the result will also be
divided equally. The reason we chose this type is because in addition to making a
profit we can also open up new job opportunities for local students and help students
improve their health. The prospects for the future are good because the more people
come here the more people realize health is important including drinking healthy iced

B. Business Overview

1. Product Brief Description

"Corn Ice" is a fresh and healthy corn-based drink. Yellow corn has a fairly high protein and
beta carotene content compared to rice so it is expected to provide more nutritional value to
the instant rice produced.seeing that many harmful beverage products circulating in the
community use artificial dyes, fizzy drinks and even drinks to clean the toilet are circulating a
lot, even though it can threaten health in the future, and more and more people are being
affected by the harmful drink.
Therefore we took the initiative to make healthy drinks without dyes and without side effects
high innovation rich in vitamins and minerals and other substances that are good for the
body.and invited many people to take care of their bodies. The idea of making this product is
backgrounded because corn is easy to find, cheap, healthy and if processed it tastes fresh. To
make it seem more varied in terms of taste, cheese and sweetened condensed milk are added.

2. Marketing Strategy
A. Product strategy
"Corn Ice" has an advantage over other products, namely the use of fresh ingredients. In
addition, the addition of milk as a sweetener and cheese also gives a different sensation when
drinking it. Ensuring the quality of our products is by using quality ingredients and not
containing toxic ingredients and by using actual doses. Guarantee that our products are
hygenic and clean.
We do this business around the campus environment and boarding house environment, we
make corn ice products in the boarding house, we shop for materials and equipment for iced
corn products in the morning market. We start doing a marketing plan after we receive
approval from the supervisor or monitoring. We chose this corn ice business business because
we felt that this business was widely liked by the community, especially among students. In
addition to the good taste, the price is also affordable.

B. Price strategy

This product is sold at a fairly low price and is certain to be accessible to all circles of
society. i.e. IDR 5,000 to 7,000. However, these prices can change according to changes in
production costs and other costs, this advantage is also at affordable prices, consumers can
get attractive and quality goods.

C. Promotion strategy

The strategy to promote this product is online via social media and offline with banners and

D. Target market

In general, the target market of this product is to reach all circles. Meanwhile, the specific
target market for this product is students, students, and others.
E. Place of marketing

The place where our product marketing is carried out, will be carried out in the campus area
of the state Islamic University of Raden Fatah Palembang to coincide with the canteen in the
library building.

F. Packaging

Using attractive packaging with a special design and details so that it attracts more buyers.
The packaging will use a plastic base material.

3. Competition Analysis

a. Competitors

There are many competitors who also sell other fresh drinking products, so it needs
innovation and creativity that will appear in this product later. With its name yang unique and
the ingredients used.

b. Position in the Competition

The beverage product "Corn Ice" does have many competitors when it comes to fresh drinks.
So, in order to avoid intense competition and obtain optimal profits, this business was opened
in the B campus area around the Negri Raden Fatah Islamic University palembang. The reason
for choosing this location is that there are no competitors selling similar products and that
there will be many students in the future.

c. Advantages over competitors

The aspect that makes the taste of this product different from its competitors is the addition of
milk as a sweetener and cheese that is sprinkled in addition to its curious name.

4. Design and Development Plan

a. Long-term business goals

Become a beverage product that is in demand by everyone from various circles and
openbranches in other places. Such as being canned and on the side of the highway.

Promoting online and offline to introduce products to consumers. Online promotion is carried
out by utilizing existing social media networks. Meanwhile, offline promotion is carried out
by installing banners with attractive images and brochures. Risk evaluation This beverage
product cannot last for a maximum of only 1 day.

5. Operating Plan & Management

Corn grip ingredients:

- 3 Sweet corn

- 500 ml water

- 150gr am granulated sugar

- 1 pandan leaf

- 5 sdm cornstarch

- yellow dye
Complementary Materials:
- sweetened condensed milk

- cheese

- sugar water

- Ice cubes

- glass size 16

Production process

1. Sweet corn shavings, then put them in a saucepan, add pandan leaves and 500 ml of
water. Boil until corn is tender.

2. Dissolve 5 tbsp of cornstarch with 100 ml of water and stir.

3. If the corn is already tender, put granulated sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves.

4. Then put the cornstarch solution, cook until thickened. Add a little yellow dye.
Then turn off the stove and set aside.

5. After the porridge has cooled, arrange it in a glass. Put the grits at the very bottom,
add ice cubes, grits, sugar water, sweetened condensed milk and grated cheese.

Inventory control

We provide 20 glasses per day to sell to consumers. However, if there is any remaining
unsold, we will reduce the inventory according to the previous day's sales.
Financial control

a. There should always be enough cash available when selling for change.
b. Set aside capital and profit to pay installments and anticipate unexpected costs
c. Do not use capital money or sales proceeds for personal purposes.
d. Financial Plan Analysis

1. Approximate opinion
Start-up capital
1) variable costs + fixed costs
2) (raw material cost x 30 days) +fixed cost
3)(IDR 100,000 x 30) + 2,000,000
4) IDR 3,000,000 + 2,000,000 = IDR 5,600,000

2. Sales results per month

1) daily sales target x selling price per glass x 30 days

2) 40 cups x IDR 5,000 x 30 days = IDR 6,000,000

3. Profit

1) proceeds from the sale-initial capital

2) IDR 6,000,000-IDR 5,600,000-IDR 400,000

4. Estimated expenses per day

a. Raw materials

1) 5kg of corn IDR 45,000

2) 1 can of milk IDR 7,000

3) Refillable water IDR 15,000

4) Ice cubes IDR 4,000

5) I pack plastic cup Rp 12.000

6) Straw IDR 3,000

7) Plastic bag Rp 3.000

b. Equipment

1) Rent a place and table IDR 30,000

2) 2 ice flasks IDR 200,000

3) Irus IDR 5,000

4) 1 jar IDR 10,000

5) Banner Rp 45.000

5. Sources of capital and use

The business capital of "Corn Ice" comes from the dues of five people who act as owners in
the form of a team. Furthermore, this business also obtains loans from donors of close
relatives, making it easier to repay loans. So, the profit from this business will be allocated to
each owner with a profit sharing system and partly for the payment of initial capital.

1. Conclusion

As an entrepreneur we will pursue this business and we take the initiative to create
and open many more branches. And we will strive to advance and develop this
business, and in our opinion this corn ice business can provide sufficient income for
the needs of adding to the needs of boarding children and can also open up
opportunities in the application of labor.
In our view this venture will develop and achieve success. Although nowadays
there are many kinds of drinks that are classified as luxurious scattered everywhere,
but we are optimistic that this business will develop and give very promising hope.
We will strive with the ability we have so that this business runs smoothly with
perseverance, hard work, strategy and the power of prayer.
Because from the current year and until the next few years it is predicted that
more and more people will realize their health and to return to nature and also need
healthy drinks as time goes by and the life style that prevails or that is currently
trending.with this situation it provides a great opportunity for the future.because
health is a big price for all of us.

2. Saran

That's the paper we can deliver. We as presenters realize that this paper is far from
perfect. For that reason, suggestions and constructive criticism, we really hope. And
finally, the speaker apologizes if there are errors in both the form of writing
systematics, and the content in this paper.

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