Labour Past Exam Papers

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Labour Paper - 35%, Taxation Paper -35%, Project - 30%

i) Answer any FOUR (4) questions of your choice.

ii) Credit will be given to presentations that are neat, logical and grammatically
well constructed.

QUESTION 1 (25 marks)

Giving examples, discuss the importance of legislation, in particular, the

Constitution, the Labour Act and Collective Bargaining Agreements as integral
sources of law in the Zimbabwean labour relations.]

QUESTION 2 (25 marks)

Discuss with the aid of recent examples, the following contemporary labour
challenges in the context of the labour market in Zimbabwe:
a) Productivity Concerns
b) Collective Bargaining
c) Demand and Supply Disequilibrium
d) Labour Migration and Brain Drain
e) Collective Job Action/ Industrial Action
QUESTION 3 (25 marks)

The following concepts are pertinent in the management of fixed term contracts for
any organisation:
 Legitimate Expectation
 Casualization of Labour
 Tacit Relocation/Renewal

Explain the importance of the three concepts highlighted above making reference
to the relevant statutory provisions and/ or recent case law.

QUESTION 4 (25 marks)

Explain the strategies or policies that a manager can employ in attempting to
effectively manage the different types of statutory leave as envisaged in the Labour
Act [Chapter 28:01].

QUESTION 5(25 marks)

a) Outline the advantages of a Code of Conduct in a workplace. (10)

b) List and discuss any four pieces of Zimbabwe’s legislation that are relevant or
linked to employment relations (15)

QUESTION 6(25 marks)

a) NSSA was mandated by the Zimbabwean government to manage social security
in Zimbabwe. What are the schemes tht are governed by NSSA and how does
one register for the scheme. (6)
b) Who is exempt from the above stated schemes in part (a) of the question? (6)
c) State and explain any four benefits of the schemes mentioned in part (a) of the
QUESTION 1 (25 marks)
Define and explain the following terms as they are used in Labour Administration:
a) Grievance Handling Procedure
b) Collective Job Action
c) Works Council
d) Contract of employment
e) Employment relations

QUESTION 2 (25 marks)

Explain the different types of leave as enshrined in the Labour Act CAP 28:01

QUESTION 3 (25 marks)

Retrenchment is a form of terminating a contract of employment. Explain the
process of retrenchment as given in the Labour Act Section 12c.

QUESTION 4 (25 marks)

Explain the salient features of the following contracts of employment:-
a) Fixed Term Contract (10)
b) Project Based Contract (5)
c) Performance Based Contract (10)

QUESTION 5(25 marks)

a) Outline the advantages of a Code of Conduct in a workplace. (10)

b) List and discuss any four pieces of Zimbabwe’s legislation that are relevant or
linked to employment relations (15)
QUESTION 6(25 marks)

a) Explain and give examples of illegal deductions.

b) State NSSA’s two main benefit schemes and explain the short term and long
term benefits in respect of each.

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