Assingment 1 Part 1

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Assignment 1

Part 1

Copyright © 2006-2017 Virtual Manufacturing Sweden AB

Virtual Manufacturing Sweden AB, Fabriksgatan 21, 412 50 Göteborg, Org,nr 556717-2084 2021/09/15

Tel: 031-26 55 44 Mail: info@virtual,se, Hemsida: www,virtual,se sid 1 av 3

In assignment 1 part 1 we will add two product variants, ProductA and ProductB, getting the process
time for each station using code as well as adding product specific flows. Use the model from the
exercise Replication Analysis.

To have different parts in the model we need to use a datatable. Go to the source and change the mu
selection from constant to Sequence Cyclical, this will allow you to use a table as a creation table
instead of a constant Mu. Create a datatable and use it as your creation table, when you specify your
data table in the source and click apply the table will be automatically reformated.

We will also need to use a datatable to have different process times for different variant. Create a
datatable and name it something appropriate. Set it up so that each station can have different times
for each product, keep in mind which datatype you use and make sure you use row and column

ProductA ProductB
Op10 3:00 3:00
Op20 5:20 5:20
Op30 5:10 5:30
Op40_1 5:50 N/A
Op40_2 N/A 6:00
Op50 5:00 5:00
Op60_1 6:00 N/A
Op60_2 6:30 6:30
Op60_3 N/A 6:00
Op70_1 6:10 N/A
Op70_2 6:30 6:30
Op70_3 N/A 6:00
Op80 Erlang 5:02, 1:40, 3:00, 10:00 Erlang 5:02, 1:40, 3:00, 10:00
Op90 1:00 1:00

To use a method for retrieving the processing time we will have to change the processing time field
from const to formula on the stations. This will allow us to trigger a method whenever a station
wants to start processing a product. Use the code below as your template.

N/A in the process table means that that variant is not going through that station. Use this to set up
the flow between stations. Use the same approach you used to move scrap part in Op 80.

Copyright © 2006-2017 Virtual Manufacturing Sweden AB

Virtual Manufacturing Sweden AB, Fabriksgatan 21, 412 50 Göteborg, Org,nr 556717-2084 2021/09/15

Tel: 031-26 55 44 Mail: info@virtual,se, Hemsida: www,virtual,se sid 2 av 3

In buffer 5 add this code as an exit control. The waituntil statement makes the method wait until the
condition in the statement is true.

Finally add this code to the entrance control of the source.

What is the Throughput per hour, using two decimals and enough replications? What is the primary
bottleneck of the system?

Copyright © 2006-2017 Virtual Manufacturing Sweden AB

Virtual Manufacturing Sweden AB, Fabriksgatan 21, 412 50 Göteborg, Org,nr 556717-2084 2021/09/15

Tel: 031-26 55 44 Mail: info@virtual,se, Hemsida: www,virtual,se sid 3 av 3

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