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MODULE 1 – Concepts and Perspectives of Community


Answer the table below and make sure to cite your resources.
Give a concise description of the event that applies
Give one the theory in the given community or country.
Theories of Social example of a (3 points each)
Change community or
country in
relation to each
(2 points each)

Evolutionary Norway Before, the Norwegian economy was traditionally based on local
farming communities combined with other types of industry,
basically fishing, hunting, wood and timber along with a domestic
and international-trading merchant fleet. Today, according to the
UN Development Report, Norway is the most developed nation in
the world. Norway has an HDI of 0.954, making it a "very high
development" country.

One of the many reasons of Norway’s success is oil. Oil, which

was found in the 70s , elevated Norway from a relatively poor
European country to a rich one. Since production started on the
Norwegian continental shelf in the early 1970s, petroleum activities
have contributed to more than NOK 15 700 billion in current NOK
to Norway’s GDP. This does not include related service and supply
industries. So far, only about 47 % of the estimated recoverable
resources on the Norwegian shelf have been produced and sold.


Functionalist Japan If we are talking about working together, Japan is surely on the top of
the list. In Japan, some of the core values are thinking of others, doing
your best, not giving up, respecting your elders, knowing your role,
and working in a group. Notice how most of them is about balance
and harmony? These concepts are taught explicitly and implicitly from
nursery school into the working world. From a very young age,
Japanese children are taught omoiyari (to notice and think of others).
Japan is known for their good values, properness, and being fast at
fixing problems. And this is all thanks to their unity and sense of


Conflict Russia The Russian Revolution took place in 1917 when the peasants and
working class people of Russia revolted against the government of
Tsar Nicholas II. They were led by Vladimir Lenin and a group of
revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks. The new communist
government created the country of the Soviet Union.

During the October Revolution of 1917, struggling because of the

state of their country, revolutionaries led by the leftist Bolshevik Party
and their leader Vladimir Lenin stormed the Winter Palace, taking
power from the provisional government in a clean coup d’état. Lenin
championed a new Soviet government ruled not by capitalists, but by
a collective of peasants, laborers, and soldiers. Despite his efforts, the
revolution was not widely embraced outside Petrograd by the
remaining imperial loyalists. For five years, civil war consumed
Russia, ultimately resulting in a victory for Lenin and the
establishment of the Soviet Union.

After the revolution, Russia exited World War I by signing a peace

treaty with Germany called the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The new
government took control of all industry and moved the Russian
economy from a rural one to an industrial one. It also seized farmland
from landholders and distributed it among the peasants. Women were
given equal rights to those of men and religion was banned from
many aspects of society. From 1918 to 1920, Russia experienced a
civil war between the Bolsheviks (also called the Red Army) and the
anti-Bolsheviks (the White Army). The Bolsheviks won and the new
country was called the USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic).


Total Score: 15 points

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