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1. Inthree bullet points, describe the key points of the article. 1/1 point

Y Correct

2. What are your general reactions to the article? 1/1 point







Y Correct

3. Does the article and its source seem CREDIBLE to you? Why? 1/1 point

YQ Correct

4. What do you think is the author’s main purpose (example answers: to inform, to get the readers to support a policy or political position, to get the readers to take action)? 1/1 point

5. Thinking about the Six Americas, which of the six audiences (Alarmed, Concerned, Cautious, Disengaged, Doubtful, and Dismissive) do you think are the target 1/1 point
audience(s) for the article?

~ Correct
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Probability & Statistics 132 Data Visualization 182

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1. What is this an example of? Yesterday, a rain gauge at the airport recorded over 1 inch falling in 12 hours. 1/1 point

@ Weather

O Climate

2. What is this an example of? Winter temperature at a high-elevation weather station tends to be colder than the nearby weather stations at lower elevations. 1/1 point

O Weather

@ Climate

3. Whatisthis an example of? The average daily high temperature in Orlando, Florida in February is about 75°F (~24°C) 1/1 point

O Weather

@) Climate

4. |n Colorado during the 20th century, the difference between the average annual temperature of the warmest year and the coldest year was about 7°F (~4°C). This 1/1 point
statement describes:

O Climate change in Colorado

@ Climate variability in Colorado

O Global warming

5. The planet has warmed about 1.8°F (1°C) during the 20th century. This statement describes: 1/1 point

©) Climate variability

@) Climate change

O Weather

6. Which of the following are considered part of the Earth’s climate system (check all that apply): 1/1 point

The atmosphere

(Y) Correct
Yes, this is one of the parts of Earth's Climate

the ocean

Y Correct

Yes, this is one of the parts of Earth's Climate

vegetation on the land surface

~ Correct

Yes, this is one of the parts of Earth's Climate

ice on the land surface

Y Correct

Yes, this is one of the parts of Earth's Climate

7. Which phrase best describes the proportion of climate scientists that agree that climate change is happening and is primarily caused by human activities? 0/1 point

O Only a few climate scientists, but their numbers are growing

@) About 50% of climate scientists

©) About 2/3 of climate scientists

Wrearly all (90% or more) climate scientists

®&) Incorrect
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8. Which statement best describes how greenhouse gases warm the lower atmosphere? 1/1 point

@ They trap outgoing radiation near the surface

O They make the Earth greener

O They allow more sunlight to reach the surface

O Greenhouse gases do not warm the lower atmosphere; they warm the upper atmosphere

9. Which statement describes the current concentration of carbon dioxide (~410 parts per million) in the atmosphere? 0/1 point

O Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at a rate of about 40 parts per million per year

OQ The current concentration of carbon dioxide is similar to the concentration during the ice ages of the last 800,000 years

@ The current concentration of carbon dioxide is less than the concentrations prevalent during the Middle Ages (the period from the year 500-1500)

ot The current concentration of carbon dioxide is unprecedented in the last 800,000 years, and potentially even longer

®&) Incorrect

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10. Thinking of Earth’s average temperature, how much warming is associated for the climate projection where emissions continue to increase throughout the 21st century 1/1 point
(RCP 8.5, the “red future” from our lectures)?

O Only a small amount of warming (less than 1°F of 0.55°C)

O About 1.8°F or 1°C warmer than today

© About 7.2°F or 4°C warmer than today

O About 18°F or 10°C warmer than today

11. On an absolute basis in 2018, the country/countries with the highest annual carbon dioxide emissions Is: 1/1 point

©) United States

© China

O The European Union

©) Russia

©) India
Quiz 1.2
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1. Which statement best summarizes climate projections of future precipitation? 1/1 point

@ Heavy rainfall events are expected to become more frequent and intense

O We will experience less rainfall nearly everywhere across the planet

O We will experience more snow in nearly all mountain regions

O Changes In seasonal and annual rainfall will be much larger than historical year-to-year variability

2. What general statement is an accurate Interpretation of climate projections of future temperature? 0/1 point

O Some projections anticipate warming in the 21st century, while others anticipate cooling

©) We are committed to at least 4°C of warming; it is unavoidable

@ All projections assume a huge increase in emissions throughout the 21st century

Cour choices today can have a large impact on the amount of warming at the end of the century

®) Incorrect
Try again

3. Which statement best describes anticipated changes to the hydrological cycle? 0/1 point

O Future climate change will not affect floods or droughts much

O We expect more flooding in coastal areas, but not much change to drought frequency or intensity

© We expect more intense droughts In some locations, but not much change in flood frequency or intensity

OK imate change can increase risks associated with BOTH floods and droughts

&) Incorrect

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4, Choose the option that best describes observations of sea level rise at coastal locations around the world. 1/1 point

O All locations are observing rising sea levels at roughly the same rate

© Most locations are observing rising sea levels, some faster and some slower

O Only a few locations have exhibited rising sea levels, even though we anticipate more sea level rise in the future

5. Which factors are the primary contributors to global sea level rise? (check all that apply) 1/1 point

Melting land ice

(Y) Correct
Yes, this is. a primary contributor to global sea level rise

Melting sea Ice

Thermal expansion of ocean water

Y Correct

Yes, this is a primary contributor to global sea level rise

Less evaporation from the ocean surface

6. Ocean acidification refers to: 1/1 point

©) Anincrease is the ocean’s pH

@ A decrease in the ocean’s pH

7. Which of the following is an example of a change in phenology? 1/1 point

O Warming causing a small mammal to relocate its habitat to higher elevation

O Tree species in North America moving their range farther north

© Birds beginning their migration earlier in the year in response to warmer springs

O Elevated carbon dioxide in the atmosphere helping to fertilize plants

8. With respect to energy use, we expect warming to: 1/1 point

O Increase energy costs everywhere across the country

© Create more demand for cooling

O Create more demand for heating

O Improve the efficiency of cooling at many power plants

9, Which of the following represents a way in which climate change can affect human health? 0/1 point

O Contributing to poor air quality, causing problems for those with asthma or other respiratory issues

O Increasing the geographical range of vectors that spread disease, like ticks or mosquitos

©) Increasing the risk of heat-related illness

Shitor the above

3) Incorrect

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10. Which of the following statements best describes the climate risk in rural communities: 1/1 point

@ Because rural communities often lack backup systems or alternatives for water, transportation, energy, and health, they may be disproportionately impacted by
climate hazards

O Because rural populations are relatively small, climate risks are not a major concern

O Because rural communities are located in close proximity to abundant natural resources, they will be able to effectively adjust to climate impacts
Quiz 2.1
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Which of the following actions or activities could be part ofa climate policy discussion? 1/1 point

O A state legislature passing a law requiring a certain percentage of electricity to come from renewable sources

O A federal agency deciding to consider sea level rise when siting new coastal infrastructure

O A town offering a rebate for putting solar panels on the roof

of your home

@ All of the above

Classify the following action as being most closely related to mitigation or adaptation: 1/1 point

Replacing electricity the comes from a coal power plant with electricity from a wind farm

©) Mitigation

O Adaptation

Classify the following action as being most closely related to mitigation or adaptation: 1/1 point

Relocating medical facilities away from a riverbank to avoid flooding

©) Mitigation

©) Adaptation

() Correct

Classify the following action as being most closely related to mitigation or adaptation: 1/1 point

Removing debris from a forest to reduce wildfire risk

©) Mitigation

@) Adaptation

(Y) Correct

Classify the following action as being most closely related to mitigation or adaptation: 1/1 point

Protecting a rainforest to maintain an important carbon sink for the planet

@ Mitigation

O Adaptation

(Y) Correct

Classify the following action as being most closely related to mitigation or adaptation: 1/1 point

Building a seawall to minimize coastal flooding

O Mitigation

@ Adaptation

(Y) Correct

Classify the following action as being most closely related to mitigation or adaptation: 1/1 point

Shifting from a gasoline-powered vehicle to an electric vehicle

@) Mitigation

©) Adaptation

(Y) Correct

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence: 1/1 point

Actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions count as adaptation actions too.

O Never

@) Sometimes

O Always

(Y) Correct

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence : 1/1 point

Providing more air conditioning

can help with (9) since it helps people cope with heat waves. But if running that air conditioning requires more electricity
from fossil fuel sources, then It may undercut our efforts on (10)

O Mitigation

@ Adaptation

~ Correct


10. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence : 1/1 point

Providing more air conditioning

can help with (3) since it helps people cope with heat waves. But if running that air conditioning requires more electricity
from fossil fuel sources, then It may undercut our efforts on (10)

@) Mitigation

©) Adaptation

(Y) Correct
Quiz 2.2
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1. If current trends in global greenhouse gas emissions continue in the 21st century,
It is that we will achieve an emissions target consistent with 2°C of warming. 1/1 point

O Very likely

O About a 50/50 chance

@ Very unlikely

(Y) Correct

2. Acompany states that they will reduce their emissions by 50% by 2040. What important information is missing from this greenhouse gas emissions reduction target? 1/1 point

© Base Year

O Target Year

O Representative concentration pathway (RCP)

O Shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP)

~ Correct

3. In 2018, which sector was responsible for the most greenhouse gas emissions? 1/1 point

©) Electric power

©) Transportation

O Industry

©) Agriculture

©) Residential

©) Commercial

(Y) Correct

4. Inthe United States, coal is used primarily in which sector? 1/1 point

@) Electric power

©) Transportation

O Industry

©) Agriculture

©) Residential

©) Commercial

(Y) Correct

5. Since 2005, gross US greenhouse gas emissions have 0/1 point

O Increased dramatically (more than 50%)

O Increased slightly (2096 or less)

(Decreased slightly (20% or less)

© Decreased dramatically (more than 50%)

&) Incorrect
Try again

6. Purchasing a car with better fuel economy is an example of which mitigation action? (assuming no change in your driving habits) 1/1 point

O Fuel switching

O Carbon sequestration

@ Improving energy efficiency

O Deploying renewable energy

(Y) Correct

7. Replacing a coal-fired power plant with a natural gas power plant is an example of which mitigation action? 1/1 point

@ Fuel switching

O Carbon sequestration

QO Improving energy efficiency

O Deploying renewable energy

(Y) Correct

8. Carbon pricing programs have been implemented: 1/1 point

O Almost nowhere around the world

O Only in Europe

O Across most of the United States

© In many countries around the world, and in a few states within the United States

Y Correct

9. In abasic sense, a carbon tax system is said to provide 1/1 point

O Certainty
for future emissions, but uncertainty in cost/pricing

@ Certainty for cost/ pricing, but uncertainty in future emissions

O Certainty for both cost/pricing and future emissions

(Y) Correct

10. Using a relatively high discount rate to calculate the social cost of carbon tends to: 1/1 point

©) Make the social cost

of carbon high

© Make the social cost

of carbon low

©) Minimal effect; discount rate and the social cost of carbon are unrelated

(Y) Correct
Quiz 2.3
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Finance 56 Risk Management 30

CY a

1. Classify each of the following phrases or statements as examples ofa climate hazard, exposure, or vulnerability: 1/1 point


@ Hazard

O Exposure

O Vulnerability

©) Correct


2. Classify each of the following phrases or statements as examples ofa climate hazard, exposure, or vulnerability: 1/1 point

Indoor workers experience the impact of heat waves less than outdoor workers

O Hazard

@ Exposure

O Vulnerability

(Y) Correct

3. Classify each of the following phrases or statements as examples ofa climate hazard, exposure, or vulnerability: 1/1 point

People with pre-existing breathing problems have greater difficulty during episodes of poor air quality

O Hazard

O Exposure

@ Vulnerability

(¥) Correct

4. Classify each of the following phrases or statements as examples ofa climate hazard, exposure, or vulnerability: 1/1 point


© Hazard

O Exposure

©) vulnerability

(Y) Correct

5. Classify each of the following phrases or statements as examples ofa climate hazard, exposure, or vulnerability: 1/1 point

Individuals without health or home insurance can suffer disproportionately after a flood

O Hazard

O Exposure

@) Vulnerability

6. An agricultural community decides to build a back-up water reservoir to assist during times of drought. This action is an example of: 1/1 point

O Minimizing the drought hazard

O Reducing their exposure to drought

@ Reducing
their vulnerability to drought

O None of the above

Y Correct


7. Acoastal community decides to relocate critical infrastructure out of the floodplain. This action is an example of: 1/1 point

O Minimizing the flooding hazard

@ Reducing their exposure to flooding

O Reducing
their vulnerability to flooding

O None of the above

(Y) Correct

8. Thinking about the “adaptation wheel,” for which phase of adaptation is our collective experience the weakest? 0/1 point

O Building awareness

QO Assessing risks

@ Planning for climate risks

OS Monitoring and evaluating our adaptation actions

®&) Incorrect

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9. Which of the following can be considered an emerging “best practice” associated with adaptation planning? 1/1 point

O Allowing only experts to make a decision and not consulting with affected residents

@ Ensuring that decisions can be revisited, and changed or reversed in the future if necessary

O Making a one-time decision that will stand in perpetuity

©) Creating task forces that are disbanded as soon as a decision is made

10. If federal, state, and local transportation authorities collaborate on their planning related to sea level rise, this is an example of: 1/1 point

©) Reversibility

©) vulnerability

@ Working across scales of governance

©) Iterative management

(Y) Correct
Quiz 3.1
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Leadership and Management 168 Probability & Statistics 132

Co co

1. The National Climate Assessment: 1/1 point

O Has only been produced once, but is an invaluable resource for climate risk management

© ls mandated by Congress to be produced every four years

O Was most recently updated in 2009

O Was written by a small team of academic researchers

© Correct


2. Climate impacts on water in the United States are exacerbated by: 1/1 point

O Aging or deteriorating infrastructure for conveying, pumping, and treating water

O Increases in water demand from growing populations and agricultural operations

O Diminishing back-up supplies from groundwater sources

© All of the above

(Y) Correct

3. Which statement best summarizes adaptation planning by transportation agencies in the United States? 1/1 point

@ Many agencies across the country have begun to assess their climate risks

O Since Lransporlalion infrastructure is already engineered wilh wealher and clirmabe in mind, there ts lillle need for agencies Lo worry aboul climale change

O Adaptation planning has been limited narrowly to agencies in the Northwest and Southwest

O Bridges are the only infrastructure for which climate planning is required

(Y) Correct

4. Planning for climate impacts in the electricity sector is complicated by the fact that (check all that apply): 1/1 point

The electricity system itself is changing quickly, with many renewables entering the market which can affect pricing, reliability, and vulnerability

(Y) Correct
Yes, this is a complication

The electricity system can be affected by impacts on other infrastructure systems, such as our transportation and water systems

Y Correct
Yes, this is a complication

[_] Almost all our electricity in the United States is supplied by coal

Across most of the country, any increases in cooling demands will be exactly equal to decreases
in heating demands

5. For agricultural activities, 0/1 point

O Warmer temperatures will improve the conditions for dairy production

O Warmer temperatures will benefit almost all crops across the country, since they will grow faster

@ Warmer temperatures should make it harder for pests and weeds to interfere with crops

q Warmer temperatures will drive up water demand for many crops

®) Incorrect
Try again

6. Which forest disturbances are thought to be affected by climate change? (check all that apply) 1/1 point


(Y) Correct

Insect outbreaks

Y Correct

Increased logging activities, as demand for timber products grows

7. Climate impacts on human health: 1/1 point

O Are likely to only occur in the southern United States, where it is already warm during the summers

@ Affect nearly all Americans, and in all parts of the country

O Are isolated to only the elderly

O Should not a problem in the United States since the health care system is so sophisticated

(Y) Correct

8. Choose the factor(s) that contributes to an individual's vulnerability to health impacts 1/1 point

O Lack
of access to quality health care

O Pre-existing health conditions, such as asthma or diabetes

O Age; children and the elderly are usually more vulnerable

@ all of the above

(Y) Correct

9. Dunes along the coast provide flood protection and reduce wave energy, helping coastal communities cope with current and future storms and floods. These are 1/1 point
examples of:

@ An ecosystem service

QO Climate mitigation

©) Climate variability

O Phenology

Y Correct

10. The National Climate Assessment presents estimates of the costs of future flooding, taking into account Sea level rise. These estimates: 0/1 point

O Are not very large; most of the United States is not exposed to damaging coastal floods

O Are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars

©) Arein the millions of dollars

©) Are about $1-2 billion

O Range from hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars, and depend on our mitigation and adaptation choices

3) Incorrect

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Quiz 3.2
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Entrepreneurship 199 Leadership and Management 188


Probability & Statistics 158


1. Which general statement best describes climate impacts In the United States? 1/1 point

O Impacts are likely to only affect places where it is already warm, like the Southeast, Southwest, and tropical islands

O Impacts are likely to only affect coastal locations that face sea level rise

© Although the climate risks vary among locations, all Americans are potentially exposed to climate impacts

O Impacts are really only a concern In the late 21st century; current impacts are not a serious problem

() Correct

In 2012, anomalously warm waters off the coast of Maine harmed lobster fisheries. This event is an example of: 1/1 point

O Ocean acidification

O Sea level rise

@ A marine heat wave

O Coastal erosion

Climate impacts on urban infrastructure are a major concern along the East Coast because: 1/1 point

O Much of the population lives in or near urban centers

O The infrastructure is often old and already in need of repair

O The costs of repairing or replacing the infrastructure would be high

@ All
of the above

(Y) Correct

For the Great Lakes, observations of the duration of ice cover during the last several decades show that: 0/1 point

O The ice cover has not changed very much

O The duration of ice cover is getting shorter, with the largest changes near the shorelines

© The duration of ice cover is getting longer, with the largest changes near the middle of the Lakes

ot duration of ice cover is getting longer, with the smallest changes near the middle of the Lakes

®&) Incorrect

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A study of the changes of plant ranges since the 1950s in Wisconsin showed that: 1/1 point

O As precipitation has shifted, many species’ ranges are moving south

© As ithas warmed, many species’ ranges are moving north

O Most species appear to be successfully adapting to the changing climate

O Tropical species are beginning

to appear

(Y) Correct

to the RCP 8.5 projections for future summer temperatures in the late 21st century, how many ADDITIONAL days of 100°F could we see in South Texas? 1/1 point

O About5 days per year

©) 20-30 days
© 90 or more days

O 200 days

In the West, about how much of the cumulative area burned in wildfires in the past several decades has been attributed to climate change? 1/1 point

QO Almost none; the effects of climate change on wildfire won't be detectable until 2050

@ About half of the area burned since the 1980s

QO Almost all the area burned since the 1980s

(Y) Correct

The loss of sea ice in Alaska can: 1/1 point

@ Enhance rates of coastal erosion

O Help polar bears to hunt by improving their access to coastal waters

QO Will contribute to global sea level rise

O Will improve the reliability of freshwater resources in the region

In Hawaii, estimates for the economic Impact of sea level rise showed large loses for which areas? 1/1 point

©) Agricultural areas

@) Military facilities and tourist areas

©) Suburban residential areas

O Forested areas

(Y) Correct

10. Taro, an important food for communities across the Pacific islands, is being cultivated: 1/1 point

@ To become more salt-tolerant

©) To withstand higher winds

O To improve its price on agricultural markets

(Y) Correct
Quiz 3.3
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Entrepreneurship 215 Leadership and Management 210

Md Cd

Probability & Statistics 177

fC“ tCSC“‘(‘SC‘idC

Cool Climate greenhouse gas emissions calculator 1/1 point

© Household

©) Community

O Corporate

~ Correct

Georgetown Climate Center 1/1 point

QO Household

@ Community

QO Corporate

() Correct

CDP 1/ 1 point

O Household

©) Community

@ Corporate

~ Correct

American Society of Adaptation Professionals 1/1 point

O Household

© Community

O Corporate

Y Correct

SEC 10-K forms 1/ 1 point

O Household

©) Community

@ Corporate

~ Correct

You might find information from a greenhouse gas Inventory in (check all that apply): 1/1 point

a community’s climate action plan

Y Correct

a corporate sustainability report

YQ Correct

a household emergency plan

Creating a home emergency kit and plan can help you: 1/1 point

©) minimize your carbon footprint

O improve your insurance premiums

© prepare for extreme weather events or other disasters

O lessen the chances that a flood or wildfire will occur

~ Correct

The statement “Increase the number

of public transit trips in frontline communities by 50% by 2035” might be found in a community's climate action plan. This 0/1 point
statement is an example of:

O the results of a greenhouse gas inventory

©) aconclusion from a climate risk assessment

© a description of the community's planning process

a metric for tracking progress/success

®) Incorrect

Information about groups within a community that are highly exposed and/or vulnerable to climate impacts is most likely to be found in: 1/1 point

O a greenhouse gas inventory

©) acity’s climate risk assessment

O a corporate sustainability report

O all of the above

YQ Correct

10. SEC 10-K forms: 1/1 point

©) always contain information about climate risksB: never contain information about climate risks

© sometimes contain information about climate risks; it is up to the submitting company’s discretion

O are relatively brief documents devoted solely to climate risks

~) Correct

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