Health Vocabulary

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Shivering – backache – cold – earache - broken leg –

headache – stomachache – sore throat – fever – cough



Shivering – backache – cold – earache - broken leg –

headache – stomachache – sore throat – fever – cough


Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with the right expressions from the margin:

-Doctor: How are you feeling today? Don't worry.

You should stop
-Tom: ❶-----------------------------------------I have a terrible headache. smoking.
Not very well, Doctor.
- Doctor: How about your throat? Do you feel weak?
Thank you, Doctor.
-Tom: It hurts a little. You have a fever.
- Doctor: ❷ -----------------------------------------------------

-Tom: Yes. I get tired very quickly.

-Doctor: Let me take your temperature. Your temperature is 39.1 degrees

Celsius.❸----------------------------------- It seems that you have the flu.

-Tom: Oh, that's terrible.

-Doctor: ❹ -----------------------------------.Take this medicine and rest.

- Tom: Ok. I understand.

-Doctor: Please come

Activity 2: back
Fill innext week with
the blanks for a the
correct alternative from the margin:

- Tom: I will.❺---------------------------------
Dear Jane, tired / sorry /ill
slipped/ burned /attacked
How are you? Fine I hope. I’m❶ -------------------------I didn’t come fruit / medicines/ hospital
to your birthday party last Saturday. We had many problems last injection /plaster/
week. Mum ❷--------------------------her hand while cooking. She prescription
injured / cleaned / gave
went to the doctor. He gave her some❸----------------------. A dog
ankle /nose /mouth
attacked my little sister’s hand. So we took her to the hospital at/ for/ with
and she had an ❹------------------------. I fell off my bike on the way
to school. So I❺ ------------------------my knee and twisted my
❻-----------------------. My father had the flu. So he stayed in bed

❼-------------------- three days. Now, we are all fine.

I hope you had a good time.

Yours, Peter

Activity 3: Fill in the blanks with the words from the list:

jogging / much / diet / health / practise / vegetables / meals

My friend Jack was very fat. He ate ❶---------------------fast food and drank too much coke. He didn’t ❷
-------------------------any sport and goes everywhere by car. Then he decided to be fit. He changed his
❸---------------------. He ate lots of fruits and ❹ -------------------and drank much water. He also started

❺------------------------every morning and swam every weekend. Now he is very fit and in good ❻-----------------

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