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boundless space/time/matter/energy and those which split

off from other realities. While proto-universes (those form-

ing from nothing) can often exhibit deviant rules of science
or outright rampant chaos, orphan-universes (those bud-
ding from other realities) operate similarly to
their twin, no matter the level of eventual

simultaneously occupying the

same region within the

to picture a universe as a
sphere nestled among other
spheres within a massive enclosure, but
because the omniverse disregards the
arrow of time, it accounts for every uni-
verse at every point in their existence.
Other descriptions imagine a bundle of
strings with the beginning and end of a
reality at either extremity, though this is
still incorrect. In truth, the omniverse is
both a bundle of strings and a bowl of
spheres at the same time.

stantly, creating a tree-structure within time. As these uni-

verses expend their energy and die, they inevitably drift
together, collapsing their realities and creating new ones in
the same way an exploding star can create a nebula, which
then forms later stars. As a result, while a universe can exist
for an extremely long time, it is still finite, while the great-
er omniverse exists within the only actual representation of
infinity outside of mathematics.
There have been situations where previously divergent
paradox, contradiction occurs when multiple divergent re- universes have collided because of similar events within
alities merge, resulting in opposing choices existing within those realities. For example, if a civilization forms upon a
the same universe. For example, if the difference between world with several different branches based on the free will
universes is a displaced cup, said cup may appear to myste- of its residents, if a cataclysmic event occurs which simul-
riously shift locations, be temporarily in two places at once, taneously destroys the various civilizations at the same
or become duplicated permanently in the new reality. time, the end result would be identical realities which
Since generally, a collapse occurs only via marginal varia- would then collapse on one another, forming a singular
tion, often, no observable contradiction occurs. universe from which there were many. Although a dramatic
example, amalgamation frequently occurs, though few in-
dividuals within affected universes can detect the collapse.
As all previous tangent universes were equal the moment
Consider this a basic introduction to the nature of every- before the collapse, the single emergent universe would
thing, everywhere, and everywhen. Outside of the three represent all those that came before, with residents una-
common physical dimensions, there resides a fourth physi- ware of anything changing.
cal dimension reflecting the curvature of spacetime, impos- However, exceptions do occur.
sible to be perceived by three-dimensional creatures, the Occasionally, two or more different realities will con-
default inhabitants of all realities. Beyond this is the more verge, creating disruptions in their respective universes.
esoteric concept of time being a dimension in itself. The This can manifest in localized breaks of physical laws or
hyperdimensional universe containing these measurable the ultimate catastrophe, a wave-form collapse, where un-
states itself occupies a greater omniverse. Because of the related realities are forced together. The manifestations on
peculiarities regarding universal wavefunction, there are the new combined universe can be as minor as an object
universes that form whole cloth from the chaotic flotsam of being displaced by a few feet to the total erasure of a
world. cies, either through the passage of naturally stable worm-
Because of the elastic nature of time within the om- holes or ones artificially sustained. Temporal bridges,
niverse, although realities will generally merge at the same though appealing in concept, suffer from a fundamental
moment, this is not always the case, causing further disrup- flaw in that they can only travel back and forth from their
tions within a fused universe. Given the level of random- current point in time to their creation or from their creation
ness, realties have combined with numerous discrepancies to any point before their collapse. They do not allow travel
with others exhibiting minor differences remaining apart.
Additionally, universes within close proximity will often however, stability becomes a factor the wider said bridge
affect one another, increasing the rate of spontaneous gets the longer the distance or time traveled, the less
events a cause in one universe may create an effect in stable the wormhole.
another. Unlike transfer wormholes, temporals are naturally sta-
ble though are much scarcer, seldom generating in empty
space. Temporal wormholes benefit from one ability for-
eign to transfers they are common in naturally-occurring
Finally, we reach the issue of wormholes or hyperdimen- exposed singularities. With fast-spinning supergiant black
sional tears within the fabric of spacetime, a byproduct of holes, spacetime warps the event horizon to that of a do-
the abrasion of realities within the omniverse. It was dis- nut, what is known as a Kerr black hole. The ring singulari-
covered, as one universe can affect another through simple ty resides outside the mass of the black hole, creating a
proximity, the membranes fringing these realities is both natural stable wormhole. However, most of these occur-
pliable and ultimately breakable. These can be ultimately rences connect with themselves in a closed time loop, with
manipulated and exploited by advanced civilizations to only a few others connected to another stable singularity
circumvent not only space and time but, eventually, reali- (or bouncing constantly between unstable locations). As
ty. Wormholes are broken up into the following three sub- will be explored later, temporal wormholes are not as use-
categories Transfer, Temporal, and Terminal. ful as a time travel device over their potential as an energy

The most common form of wormholes remains confined to

a single universe, and of those, the most common configu- This leaves the rarest of all wormholes, those connecting
ration allows someone to enter one tear and exit at another universes. When they do occur, terminals have been
without displacement of time. This is known as a transfer known to connect time and space with vast swaths from
wormhole. When a tear occurs, the passageway which the perceived point of origin. Given what was previously
forms tries to adhere to the closest tear within that same stated, these are the least stable bridges in existence, with
reality to prevent spacetime from spilling from that uni- many spontaneous occurrences lasting only milliseconds
verse. Eventually, the forces keeping a universe together before collapsing. The closer two realities are within the
ultimately seals these fissures and the tunnel along with it. omniverse, the more stable the wormhole. Thus it is en-
Although frequent, transfer wormholes are notoriously un- tirely possible for a traveler to cross a transfer or temporal
stable, though with considerable effort on behalf of a near- wormhole only to span a terminal wormhole instead with-
by civilization, they can be steadied, providing a perma- out being aware of the true destination, especially if the
nent shortcut between locations within a singular universe. two realities were similar (which they likely would be).
After said civilization stabilizes their first transfer, the crea- That being said, no terminal is ever permanently stable, as
tion of artificial wormholes occurs promptly, though this ultimately one universe would spill time-space into anoth-
requires considerable preliminary engineering and energy
coupled by the burden of having to transport technology to itself on its own. These can be artificially stabilized, allow-
the eventual destination before a bridge can be generated. ing one universe to siphon from another, a common prac-
It is estimated that thousands of transfer wormholes form tice by Type-4 civilizations wishing to pull energy from a
every second within a universe, though only a microscopic smaller, younger proto-universe.
percentage naturally stabilize, with many collapsing sec- When realities with little to no divergence merge, the
onds later. disruption is minor, resulting in few terminals being gener-
ated, thus their scarcity. However, if the collapsing realities
exhibit numerous variations, the rate of terminal produc-
Not as common are those wormholes that can displace time tion can increase dramatically.

drift within a universe. To put it simply, a wormhole can

either connect with another wormhole within that same
universe, or it can connect with itself at another point in its In regards to a Type-1 Civilization, wormholes of any clas-
lifespan though distance will also occur the longer the time sification reside in the imaginations of theoretical physi-
jump. cists. Upon reaching Type-2, a civilization able to tap the
As stated previously, short distance inter-universe trav- energy of their entire star has commonly reached the level
el is relatively common for any sufficiently advanced spe- of knowledge and technology required to at least stabilize
transfer wormholes. Temporal wormholes are less common

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