Halogen Light Bulb

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Q2Halogen light bulb

-By Arina Shamsutdinova IS9A

My drawn diagram!!!

1. A halogen light bulb is a source of light produced by manipulating heat and gas to
form a bright light, it was created by Elmer Fridrich in 1955 (“History of Halogen
Lamps - Who Invented Halogen Light Bulb?”) and is very popular to be known for
having a bulb inside of a bulb. The outer bulb is made out of glass while the inner
bulb is made out of quartz this is because quartz have a great heat resistance and
inside of the quartz bulb it is filled with halogen gas. When the light bulbs contact is
plugged into a socket electricity pumps through it heating the tungsten filament
releasing evaporated tungsten from that filament which combines with the halogen
gas inside of the quartz bulb to produce light when reaching a temperature of over
250 degrees Celsius and because the gas doesn’t have a way out it re-rests on the
filament therefor re using the same energy causing the halogen cycle as vaporization
and redeposit keep re occurring and looping making the halogen light bulb last
longer (“How a Halogen Bulb Works”). Without the halogen gas normally, this light
bulb would be a normal incandescent one however the incandescent light bulb last
shorter as without halogen gas the bulb becomes black, and the filament burns out
over time faster as the evaporation of the gas coming from the filament is much

2. The difference between Langmuir’s design and others is that he thought of putting
noble gases inside of the light bulb creates the filament to last longer and this was
crucial to the halogen light bulb. This was extremely crucial because in the evolution
of the light bulb before these noble gases were put into light bulbs, the bulb’s
tungsten filaments would burn out really quick sometimes even after a measly two
hours and his design managed to expand that time by a huge mark as well as stop
the inside of the bulb from turning black over time. However noble gases were
known by quite a few people already and Langmuir’s design also had a different
discovery this one would be called a coiled filament. Once again in the evolution of
light when the filament was made usually it was only one wire however this
produced less light and burnt out rather quick then over time they started to add a
single coil this making much more light and being way more efficient however in the
journey to create the best lightbulb possible Langmuir found a way to make an
extremely strong filament by adding a tightly coiled filament (“Lighting a Revolution:
Irving Langmuir”). In conclusion Langmuir’s design of a light bulb not only included
gas to keep the filament from burning out but also a new and developed filament
which created lighter. In conclusion the only disadvantage of the upgrades Langmuir
has made is that noble gases are not healthy, and their fumes can cause loss of
consciousness (Perian) however the advantages would be compared to designs
before him are that it lasts longer, bulb doesn’t turn black, less energy consumption,
brighter light so I would say it is well worth it as any sane human won’t be breathing
in the fumes purposely and it would be extremely hard to break the light bulb and
inhale them.

3. The halogen light bulb is actually one of the most eco-friendly light bulbs on the
market especially when it was juts invented as it has a cycle however it still uses
electricity as a power, and which still makes it a contributor to spreading C02 causing
our environment to suffer over time however removing halogen from the market
won’t change anything as halogen is based on the incandescent light bulb so once
you remove it everyone will use incandescent and nobodies life will really change
drastically however if both are removed even if our environment does get better
that could change as halogen and incandescent are much easier to obtain and buy
than eco-friendly light bulbs as they are usually harder to manage and make
however better for our future world. Removing Halogen light bulbs will help our
environment however as I said before it might not be convenient for people who
have been using them. The United Kingdom and EU are trying to ban them to be
greener and that is a respectful decision as once again it is hurting out environment
but once again for the people it would be quite hard to adapt as once again eco-
friendly light bulbs are usually harder to obtain however I think no matter the pros
and cons the most important one is our future and there won’t be any if electricity
consumption burns out our world so I think the bans should continue as one day it
might be too late to turn back.

Works Cited

“End of Halogen Light Bulbs Spells Brighter and Cleaner Future.” GOV.UK, 9 June

2021, www.gov.uk/government/news/end-of-halogen-light-bulbs-spells-


“Halogen Lamp.” Wikipedia, 5 Aug. 2022,


%20bulb%20envelope. Accessed 2 Oct. 2022.

“History of Halogen Lamps - Who Invented Halogen Light Bulb?”

Www.historyoflighting.net, www.historyoflighting.net/light-bulb-history/history-


“How a Halogen Bulb Works.” Www.youtube.com, www.youtube.com/watch?

v=2W7I06nvMLM. Accessed 21 Nov. 2021.

“Lighting a Revolution: Irving Langmuir.” Americanhistory.si.edu,


Perian, Hes. “Noble Gases - Hesperian Health Guides.” Hesperian.org, 2020,



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