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NEW PROPERTIES Minion, Gertin creatures cin be gurned into minions. A creature with the minion property uses the listed stats in- stead of its normal ones. Monsters from other sources may be converted into minions by’ seducing their AC by 1 and cut. ting their hit points to 1/4, ‘Three minions count as one nor ‘mal creature of the listed challenge rating. ADVERSARIES The creatures under this heading are generic to allow for a broader range of enemies. 'o customize them, assign them tone of the adversary traits below. For ease of bookkeeping. it js recommended that you use only one group of adversaries jn a single encounter. Adversary traies should be given only to creatures in this section, not to the unique opponents later in this ehapter orto creatures from other sources. Adversaries are listed in order of their challenge ratin not by their name ADVERSARY TRAITS When building a battle involving common adversaries, choose one of the following special rules below. You may select additional traits for one creature, though this may in- crease its challenge rating (usually at leas | level) fare many aliens one can encounter—these are the aliens presented at the beginning of this book. Konoe. A konoe possesses darkvision to 60 feet. It auto- ‘matically knows the location of all creatures not undergrouni within 30 feet. It also possesses all-around vision. A konoe is vulnerable 0 basic compounds, and if in contact with any- thing high in PH, it suffers damage every round until cleaned (alewarer—1 damage, baking soda—3 damage, bleach—S damage, sodium hydroxide—7 damage). If a konoe makes a mel ‘can make one additional areack as part of the same action. Khitin. A khitin increases its ground speed co 40 feet and has darkvision up to 60 feet. It possesses a climb speed of 25, feet, and its AC is entirely based on its exoskeleton and not any armor it may be wearing, ANIMATE Animates ean be robots or magical constructs, Unlike other robots, animates lack any form of intelligence and cannot make decisions—they only follow their programming. Brainless. An animate is immune co being charméé, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned, and ic eannot suffer ex- haustion, It ean only be blinded or deafened from a computer or electronie-based ability. It is also immune to poison and attack, no matter the number of attacks it makes, it psychic damage, Reduce the Int, Wis, and Cha of this exea- ture t0 1 (3). ANIMIST An animyst is hybrid of beast and human, Any additional benefits depend on the beast. ‘The common quality be= tween all of chem is any melee attack is considered a natu ral attack. Select one of the following: ‘Ape. This animyst possesses a climb speed of 20.and +2 UP per Hit Die. Badger. This animyst has darkvision to 60 feet and ad- vantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell It's speed increases by 5 feet. Bat, This animyst has blindsight 30 feee and advantage ‘on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. Ie also. gains a ly of 30 feet, though its ground speed is reduced to 20 fees Bear. ‘This animyst has advantage on all Wisdom (Animal Handling) and Wisdom (Survival) skill checks and has darkvision to 60 feet. I's speed inereases by 5 feet. Boar. Once per day, if this animist is reduced to 0 hit points, itis reduced to 1 hit point instead. It’s speed in- creases by 5 feet. Crocodile. This animyst can hold its breath for a num ber of minutes equal to its Constitution score. Tt also gains a swim of 30 feet. Elephant. This animyst is Large. Ies speed is 20 feet. Ie also gains +1 HP per Hit Die. Frog. ‘This animyst cen breathe air and water and has arkvision co 60 feet, Ie can also use Dexcerity instead of Strength when jumping and is considered having moved 10 feet before performing any jump. Goat, This animyst has advantage with all saving throws to prevent from being knocked prone. Ic gains a +5 bonus to speed, increasing by another 5 feet when commit= tinga Dash action, Hawk ‘This animyst has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. It gains fly of 50 fees, though ground speed is reduced to 20 feet. It also has advantage with Dexterity (Stealth) checks when flying. Horse. This animyst increases its ground speed by +10 feet, Ie also has advantage with all saving throws to prevent being knocked prone. Opossum. This animyst has darkvision co 60 feet. It has advantage on saving throws against poison and damage resistance poison. Its ground speed increases by'5 fect. Rabbit. This animyst has 2 burrow of 30 feet. If it moves from a standing start, its speed is 40 for that action. Tr can also use Dexterity instead of Strength when jump- ing, I's ground speed increases by 5 feet. Rat, ‘This animyst has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell and is immune co disease, It also gains a +S-foot bonus to speed and Garkvision to 60 feet. Shark. This animyst has blindsight to 60 feet and gains & swim of 40 feet. It also gains a +1 bonus to attack any treature that does not have maximum hit points. It can breathe underwater CLL TT eae ai - TE aoe ‘Tiger. This animyst has darkvision to 60 feet, a +5-foot onus to speed, and has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. It also reduces 20 feet from any fall and has advantage to Strength (Achleti checks when jumping, ‘Turtle. This animyse gains a +1 bonus to AC, darkvision to 60 feet, and can breathe underwater. Wolf. This animyse gains a =5-foor bonus to speed, Which increases to 10 feet when using the Dash action. It has advantage with Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely ‘on hearing or smell. It gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls, with melee attacks DEMON Despite assumprions, demons are not auromatically evil. A demon resides in an alternate dimension similar to an ex alted, except 2 demon generally won't need to answer to 3 higher being and generally enjoys more independence, Demons come in all shapes and sizes, including being vir- tually indistinguishable to humans. Its alignment need not change. Hellion, A demon has damage resistance to cold, light- ning, poison, as well as bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. from nonmagical weapons, It is immune to nonmagical fire ‘damage. A demon also has advantage with saving throws against spells and other spell effect. Drones ate usually robots or otherwise mindless automa tons buile or gathered in massive numbers, designed «9 overwhelm opponents in enormity rather than capabilities. Gertain losses in combat are expected. More Than Expected. A drone has disadvantage on Serength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. When fielding creatutes with the minion propery, increase the number of minions to 4 instead of 3 for each group of min- EXALTED ‘To be exalted equates to being blessed by some higher power or inhabiting a higher plan of existence. This crea- ture may be deified itself or a foot soldier from another world normal people would ascribe as heaven ‘Angelic. An exalted has damage resistance to radiant as well as bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagi- ‘cal weapons. Exalted also weigh half as much and possess ‘wings granting a fly speed equal to its ground speed. Exalt- ‘ed weapons count as magical. FANATIC Fanatics believe absolutely in their chosen path. ‘They will risk everything, including their lives, in the pursuit of the task before them. They are often, but not always, religious zealots. For the Cause. A fanatic has advantage on Constitution and Wisdom saving throws and is immune to being fright- ‘ened, In addition, when a fanatic is reduced to 0 hit points

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