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Subject & verb

He played Football

He is a doctor

I am Beautiful

We are teachers

Swimming is my Hobby

He teaches English

He ate the cake

He killed the cat

He played badly

He played there

He played yesterday

He plays Football

They play Football

Is / am / are




Play / Plays







is/am/are/was/were/be/being/been  ’Be’ Verbs

I ________ is ________




He ________ are ________ eats




I am was have do play

You are were have do Play


Go Outside Imperative Sentence

Parts of Speech
Noun  Name
Proper Noun David Helen Bible

Common Noun Boy Girl Book

Collective Noun A gang A bery A Library

of boys of girls of books

Abstract Noun Honesty, Bravery, Love

Material Noun Milk, Water, Copper, Aluminium

_________ boys

_________ Students

_________ Oil

_________ Peace



Election Provision

Purity Intelligence

Establishment Variance

Kindness Adulthood

Clemency Espionage



Luther is a good boy. Luther goes to school.

He goes to school

Noun Pronoun


He is a good boy

They have bad teachers

ive Protective

ous Ominous

ble Comfortable

able Culpable

ful Painful Adjectives

less Fearless

ent Intelligent

ant Vibrant

ic Majestic


He is a .

He is a boy

Followed by Noun

I was walking in the garden

Preposition is followed by prepositional object (noun)

(Why ?, When ?, Where ?, How ?)

Adjective Noun

Adverb Verb

He played badly

He Played Yesterday


(And, But) Joining Words

Ram and Ravi are friends

He walked and played

He is a bright and beautiful student


He plays football

plays - Main Verb

He is a Doctor

is - Main verb

He is playing football

is - helping verb ;

playing - main verb


Example :

He is an Engineer

He was enjoying my class

He has a car

He has played Football

He did somework

He did play Football

He had entered my Class

He does understand my Class

He can play Football

He will come here

He may fight against me

It could end tomorrow

They shall save me

Will be playing Will have had

Will have has had

Will have played Will do

Will have been playing are play

Will have play had had

Will been playing have been

Will have playing

is play

has being playing

has been playing

has been

will be

will been

have done

have did

The doctor was given the medicine to the patient

The profit will be given to the company by the investors

The class was divided into 3 sections by the leader

Some students have been answered the question

Many nurses have attended the course

I have not been started the class

I will not forget this experience

John was opened the window

He can perform well

Will have been playing

Will have been played

Will have be played

Will have being played

Will have been play

Will have be playing

Will be played

is being played

has been played

Can be played

Article Noun

Preposition Noun

Preposition Noun/Pronoun

Article Adjective Noun

Preposition Adjective Noun

Be verbs V1 ing


Be verbs Adverb V1 ing


Have verbs V3

Have verbs Possession

Have verb Adverb V3

Do/Does/Did V1

Do/Does/Did Adverb V1

Will /would/
shall/ should
may/might/must V1

Will /would/
shall/ should
may/might/must Adverb V1

noun ty / tion/ness/ment/cy/sion/ence/ance/age/hood/th/ism

Adj ive/ous/ble/able/ful/less/ent/ant/ic

Eg ) I want to be filled with ___________

a) Purity b) Purely c) Pure

They came to us because we had an _________ student

a) Intelligence (noun) b) Intelligent (adj)

Success Succeed

Successful Successfully

Careful Carefully

Careless Carelessly

Beauty Beautify

Beautiful Beautifully

Noun + ly = adjective ; Verb + ly = adverb ;

Godly, Brotherly, Motherly, Beautifully,

cowardly, truly, badly, costly,

heavenly, scholarly, accidentally, accusingly, angrily,

anxiously, breathlessly, carefully, correctly,

dangerously, dutifully, effortlessly, foolishly,

gracefully, greatly happily, hungrily,

ironically, loudly, lovely

Arrival - verb + al = noun

refusal - verb + al = noun

Natural - noun + al = Adj

National - Noun + al = Adj

Political - Noun + al = adj

Proposal - verb + al = noun

referral - verb + al = noun

approval - verb + al = noun

emotional - noun + al = Adj

denial - verb + al = noun

financial - noun + al = Adj

Accidental - noun + al = Adj

Personal - noun + al = Adj

Non Finite Verbs

1. Crying is not good

2. She is crying

3. She patted the crying baby


Smoking is dangerous

Swimming is my hobby

He jumped on the running bus

I am tired of waiting

She loves swimming

He scolded the sleeping student

He has eaten the apple

He throw the eaten apple

I went to the Market

We went to play


1) V1 ing (noun) gerund

2) V1 ing (adj) (Present participle)

3) V3 (adj) (Past participle)

4) to + v1 infinitive


We went to teach him but he was not there

Inspite of working hard he passed

Although he worked hard he failed

If you work hard, you will win

Finite verb clause

Finite verb Phrases

Main clause Sub-clause

1. Subject start 1. Conjunction start

2. For (Fan boys) Except fanboys








He said that he _________ happy

a) is b) will be c) was



Subjective Case Objective Case

I Me

We us

you you

He Him

She Her

It It

They Them

Who Whom

He was killed by me

Me - objective case

1) He is the boy who / whom won the race
- 2 - FV 2 Clause

2) He is the Boy who / whom

3) This is the boy who / whom I was waiting for

Eg :

i) He is the boy who whom plays well

ii) He is the student whom I was talking about

iii) I am trying to meet my students with _______ I have lost contact.

iv) He is trying to meet his friends _______ lives here.

v) Luther ______ is a great philospher is my friend.

vi) John _____ I hate is my teacher.

vii) That is the girl ________ scored the goal.

viii) The players __________ we selected for our team are young and ambitious

ix) I dont know __________ scored the goal.

x) She doesn’t understand her friend _________ is a very good man.

Which vs That

Who - persons (Subjective case)

Whom - persons (objective case)

Which - animals, things

That - The + adjective, Adjective + noun

This is the purse ________ was lost

The cat ________ crossed the road was killed

The Boy and the cat ________ crossed the road were killed

The Boy ________ crossed the road was killed

She hates everybody and everything _______ reminds her of her mistakes

He bought a gift ________ he gave to me

I saw the mobile ________ was found by him

This is the same purse ________ was lost

The beautiful cat ________ crossed the road was killed

The Smart Boy and the beautiful cat ________ crossed the road were killed

The Tall Boy ________ crossed the road was killed

He bought an expensive gift ________ he gave to me

I saw the costly mobile ________ was found by him

I met the best batsman ________ has played cricket

Subject Verb Agreement

Singular Subject Singular Verb

Plural Subject Plural Verb

Ram is my friend

Ram and Ravi is/are friends

Bread and Butter is / are my favourite breakfast

Slow and steady wins the race

Time and Tide wait for no man

The Doctor and the teacher has /have

The Doctor and teacher has / have

The teacher and the students - is / are

The teacher with the students - is / are

The teacher with the student - is / are

The teacher along with the student - is / are

with, alongwith, together with, as well as, in addition to, - Prepositions

The number of schools - is/are/high

The number of schools in Delhi on the roads along the highways - is/are

Either of the boys - is/are

Neither of the boys - is/are

Each of the boys - is/are

One of the boys - is/are

Few of the boys - is/are

Some of the boys - is/are

Many of the boys - is/are

All of the boys - is/are

One fifth of the boys - is/are

One fifth of the milk - is/are

Three Fourths of the boys - is/are

Three fourths of the milk - is/are

A lot of , A number of , A variety of, A plenty of,

A Good many, A Great Many - Many

Either the teacher or the students - is/are

Neither the teacher nor the students - is/are

Not only the teacher but also the students - is/are


There is a Boy

There are Boys

There are a lot of problems in my life

There is a school in my town

Everyone Everybody Everything

Someone Somebody Something Takes singular verb

No one Nobody Nothing

Anyone Anybody Anything

Everyone was present at the party

Everyone except me was present at the party

Everyone except the students was present at the Party

Someone is knocking at the door

No one has taught me English

‘If conditionals’

Zero Conditional

If conditionals First Conditional

Second Conditional

Third Conditional

0’ if water boils if evaporates

Universal truth Scientific truth

1’ If you work hard, you will pass

3’ If you had worked hard, you would have passed

Had you worked hard, you would have passed

2’ If I had a car, I would sell it

Had I a car, I would sell it

2’ If I were a bird I would fly

Were I a bird I would fly

If Mahatma Gandhi (A) / was alive (B) / he would start weeping (C) / to see the
present condition of India (D). / No error (E)

Was she a bird (A) / she would definitely fly to you (B) / and say that she could not
(C) / live without you (D). / No error (E)

1. If the thief remained silent he would have escaped

a) would having escaped b) would have been escaped
c) would escape d) would be escaped

2. If the thief had spoken he would have been caught by the police
a) would have caught b) would have being caught
c) would catch d) would be caught


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