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The data below are a random sample of 9 firms with earnings (Billion $) in N

Conclude that were average earnings per share different in 1991 and 1992?
Test at α = 0.02.
Data Set
Firm 1991 1992
1 1.38 2.48
2 1.26 1.5
3 3.64 4.59
4 3.5 3.06
5 2.47 2.11
6 3.21 2.8
7 1.05 1.59
8 1.98 0.92
9 2.72 0.47
ngs (Billion $) in Newyork.

1991 and 1992?

Data Set
ParticipaBefore After
1 38 45
2 11 24
3 34 41
4 25 39
5 17 30
6 38 44
7 12 30
8 27 39
9 32 40
10 29 41
1 273.85 64.9
2 274.5 65.05
3 284.9 65.65
4 285.7 67.15
5 280.2 65.75
6 271.1 63.6
7 268.55 61.45
8 277.4 64.05
9 283.7 65.6
10 286.85 67.3
11 290.9 68.1
12 289.75 65.55
13 283.35 65.35
14 291.35 66.55
15 294.35 66.65
16 289.9 64.05
17 301.4 67.95
18 300.25 66.6
19 308.45 67.65
20 317.15 67.5
21 332.2 69.2
22 327.55 66.9
23 343.8 69.3
24 342.6 68
25 341.3 66.05
26 339.6 68.2
27 342.2 68.4
28 350.85 72.5
29 356 72.8
30 363.65 73.2
31 372.4 75.35
32 364.35 75.75
33 360.05 73.45
34 363.6 75.4
35 363.2 74.55
36 354.2 72.75
37 359.5 74.35
38 355.3 72.8
39 370.65 81.8
40 367.4 82.05
41 366.15 81.25
42 364.5 80.35
43 361.55 80.85
2018_Sale 2019_Sale
s s
Shop No. (Thousand (Thousand Check whether the sales in 2019 is decreased from the year 20
of Rs.) of Rs.) level of significance
1 64 64
2 61 56
3 68 85
4 69 66
5 77 63
6 62 50
7 62 64
8 77 32
9 89 66
10 74 63
11 77 55
12 88 66
13 67 62
14 67 40
15 70 59
16 87 69
17 65 63
18 77 57
19 88 73
20 65 63
21 66 60
22 86 59
23 65 62
24 67 54
25 75 64
26 68 60
27 88 58
28 63 58
29 60 56
30 77 58
31 59 75
32 66 72
33 60 76
34 63 55
35 57 61
36 67 76
37 66 70
38 78 75
39 64 76
40 74 58
41 51 75
42 64 65
43 77 71
44 70 69
45 63 78
46 65 65
47 60 60
48 67 57
49 61 58
50 59 55
51 62 63
52 62 68
53 63 55
54 57 67
55 70 67
56 62 59
57 68 74
58 67 59
59 69 61
60 83 59
reased from the year 2018 at 5%
A(Hrs.) B(Hrs.)
900 1053
1276 947
1421 886
1014 788
1246 1188
1507 928
975 983
1177 970
1246 766
875 1369 objective -to check the efficiency of light bulbs produced by factoryA
816 737
983 1114 H1:the quqlity of light bulb produced by factory A is better than the q
1119 354 H1:the quqlity of light bulb produced by factory
988 1347
1137 1062 using the data anlysis toolpak following res
1227 756
858 1052 z-Test: Two Sample for Means
941 754
1299 990 A(Hrs.)
1110 950 Mean 1135.33333333333
929 783 Known Variance 52783
843 816 Observations 30
1156 658 Hypothesized Mean Diffe 0
867 504 z 3.97242328789679
1454 1076 P(Z<=z) one-tail 3.557257568287E-05
1403 500 z Critical one-tail 1.64485362695147
1165 1025 P(Z<=z) two-tail 7.114515136575E-05
1653 649 z Critical two-tail 1.95996398454005
1288 1166
1187 498 interpretation - since p avlue(3.55726E-05) is less than 0.05 we rejec
light bulbs produced by factoryA and factory B

d by factory A is better than the quality of light bulb produced by factory B

tory a is not better than the quality of light bulb produced by factory B

ata anlysis toolpak following result is obtaind


26E-05) is less than 0.05 we reject H0. there fore we conclude that the quality of the light bulb produced by factoryA is better tht the q
bulb produced by factoryA is better tht the quality of light bulb produced by factory B
SHOP A (Kg.) SHOP B (Kg.)
437 418
497 525
555 581
485 495
462 489
638 448
592 455
569 484
517 527
490 504
533 489
509 493
500 483
528 463
588 484
484 539
531 439
572 535
Mall A Mall B
449 531
302 476
381 480
391 503
363 450
399 528
470 530
306 480
342 540
448 481
403 514
420 471
376 469
452 517
420 480
388 514
360 496
391 502
326 476
Direct Broker
9.33 3.24
6.94 -6.76
16.17 12.8
16.97 11.1
5.94 2.73
12.61 -0.13
3.33 18.22
16.13 -0.8
11.2 -5.75
1.14 2.59
4.68 3.71
3.09 13.15
7.26 11.05
2.05 -3.12
13.07 8.94
0.59 2.74
13.57 4.07
0.35 5.6
2.69 -0.85
18.45 -0.28
4.23 16.4
10.28 6.39
7.1 -1.9
-3.09 9.49
5.6 6.7
5.27 0.19
8.09 12.39
15.05 6.54
13.21 10.92
1.72 -2.15
14.69 4.36
-2.97 -11.07
10.37 9.24
-0.63 -2.67
-0.15 8.97
0.27 1.87
4.59 -1.53
6.38 5.23
-0.24 6.87
10.32 -1.69
10.29 9.43
4.39 8.31
-2.06 -3.99
7.66 -4.44
10.83 8.63
14.48 7.06
4.8 1.57
13.12 -8.44
-6.54 -5.72
-1.06 6.95
Finance Marketing
61228 73361
51836 36956
20620 63627
73356 71069
84186 40203
79782 97097
29523 49442
80645 75188
76125 59854
62531 79816
77073 51943
86705 35272 objective -to check the variability between both the finance and marketing
70286 60631
63196 63567 Ho- both the group have same variability
64358 69423 vs
47915 68421 H1- both the group have different variability
86792 56276
75155 47510 using data analysis toolpak folling result is obtained
65948 58925
29392 78704 F-Test Two-Sample for Variances
96382 62553
80644 81931 Finance Marketing
51389 30867 Mean 65623.8 60422.8
61955 49091 Variance 360433294.25 2.62E+08
63573 48843 Observations 25 25
df 24 24
cal value F 1.37450053527
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.2208017265
table value F Critical one-tail 1.98375956849
p(F<=f) two-tail 0.4416034
interpretation- since pvalue 0.4 0.44160 is greatyer than 0.05 we ac
since h0 is accepted we need to conduct t test assum

objective2- to check the differences in the salaries offer to marketing and fi

h1 finanace person is getting higher salary than the marketing person

h0 finanace person is not getting higher salary than the marketing person

using the data analysis toolpak the following result is obtained

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Finance Marketing
Mean 65623.8 60422.8
Variance 360433294.25 2.62E+08
Observations 25 25
Pooled Variance 311330926.458
Hypothesized Mean Di 0
df 48
t Stat 1.04215118879
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.15128113564
t Critical one-tail 1.67722419612
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.30256227128
t Critical two-tail 2.01063475762

interpretation-since p value ( 0.1512811) is greater than 0.05 there fore we

the finance and marketing group

s greatyer than 0.05 we accept h0 therefore we conclude that both the group have same variability
eed to conduct t test assuming equal variance between both the groups

s offer to marketing and finance individuals

he marketing person
han the marketing person

ult is obtained
er than 0.05 there fore we conclude that finance person is not getting the more salary than the marketing person
Odd Even Delhi ODD-EVEN DAY CAR RUNNING DATA. The data given below shows the nu
1 15 14 the one month. Find out that there is a significant diiference in the challan or n
2 23 18
3 27 20
4 15 18
5 27 25
6 13 16
7 19 13
8 21 18
9 20 20
10 24 16
11 20 12
12 19 13
13 20 19
14 20 20
15 18 15
given below shows the number of challan occured during
iference in the challan or not?
Sale of Ice Cream
Creambell Vadilal Amul
13 12 7 objective -to determine the difference in the sale of icecream
17 8 19
19 6 15 H0:there is no significant difference in the sale of icecream
11 16 14 H0:there iss sifnificant difference in the sale of icecream
20 12 10
15 14 16 using data analysis toolpakthe following result is obtained
18 10 18
9 18 11
12 4 14 Anova: Single Factor
16 11 11
Groups Count Sum Average
Creambell 10 150 15
Vadilal 10 111 11.1
Amul 10 135 13.5

Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 77.4 2 38.7
Within Groups 415.4 27 15.38519

Total 492.8 29

interpretation -the average icectream sold by creambell in a day is 15 cu


F P-value F crit
2.515407 0.0995963 3.354130829

by creambell in a day is 15 cups while vadilal is selling 11 cups and amool is selling 13.5 cups in a day.comparing the vaeriability the icecre
mparing the vaeriability the icecream sold by all three brand ,vadilal having the highest variebility amongst all the three brands lowest cor
ll the three brands lowest correspond to creambell .since p value (0.0996) is greater than 0.05we accept H0,therefore we conclude that th
,therefore we conclude that there is no significance difference in the sale of icecream by vadilal,amul and creambell . it means they are sel
eambell . it means they are selling same no. of cups in a day .
51 82 79 85 objective- here is my objective to check difference in scores o
87 91 84 80
50 92 74 65 H0: there is no significance difference in the marks obtaibned
48 80 98 71 vs
79 52 63 67 H1 :there is significance difference in the marks obtained by t
61 79 83 51
53 73 85 63 Anova: Single Factor
54 74 58 93
67 76 70 62 SUMMARY
81 90 81 81 Groups Count Sum Average
SEC A 10 631 63.1
SEC B 10 789 78.9
SEC C 10 775 77.5
SEC D 10 718 71.8

Source of VariationSS df MS
Between G 1543.875 3 514.625
Within Gro 5811.9 36 161.4417

Total 7355.775 39

interpretation - the averag ge highest marks of

highest variebility is sec A student while
since the p value (0.035) is less than 0.0

for the first case sec-A ans sec -B

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

Mean 63.1 78.9
Variance 210.5444 138.1
Observatio 10 10
Hypothesiz 0
df 17
t Stat -2.675874
P(T<=t) one0.007979
t Critical o 1.739607
P(T<=t) two0.015958
t Critical t 2.109816
for second case section B and section D

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

Mean 78.9 71.8
Variance 138.1 161.2889
Observatio 10 10
Hypothesiz 0
df 18
t Stat 1.297599
P(T<=t) one0.105405
t Critical o 1.734064
P(T<=t) two0.210809
t Critical t 2.100922
to check difference in scores obitined by students in statistics course

erence in the marks obtaibned by students in statistics course

nce in the marks obtained by the students in the statistics course


F P-value F crit
3.187684 0.03519 2.866266

ge highest marks of the studentnt of sec B-78 while the lowest marks obtained by the student of section A A is 63
ariebility is sec A student while lowest variability is obtained by sec B students
p value (0.035) is less than 0.05 therefore we conclude that we accept H1 there is a significance difference in marks obtained by all four se

A ans sec -B H0:B<=A

Assuming Unequal Variances

here p value is less than 0.05 so we reject H0 there fore we conclude that sectiob B student get good marks comparison of sec
Assuming Unequal Variances

here p value is greater than 0.05 so we accept h0 therefore we conclude that section D is better than section B
n marks obtained by all four section students

good marks comparison of section A

than section B

Age Working Hrs

Young 250
Young 278 young middle old
Young 442 250 504 118
Young 650 278 172 124
Young 207 442 307 365
Young 341 650 20 83
Young 251 207 116 266
Young 261 341 425 382
Young 84 251 41 38
Young 103 261 168 207
Young 286 84 378 289
Young 401 103 29 71
Middle 504 286 81 285
Middle 172 401 193 471
Middle 307 3
Middle 20 54
Middle 116 285
Middle 425
Middle 41
Middle 168
Middle 378
Middle 29
Middle 81
Middle 193
Middle 3
Middle 54
Middle 285
Old 118
Old 124
Old 365
Old 83
Old 266
Old 382
Old 38
Old 207
Old 289
Old 71
Old 285
Old 471
Sl.No. Salary Age Gender
1 41711 2 1 1 male male
2 27739 1 1 0 female 41711
3 67977 3 0 27739
4 32950 2 1 1 20-30 32950
5 72899 3 1 2 30-40 72899
6 30096 2 1 3 40-50 30096
7 42513 2 1 4 50-60 42513
8 48630 2 1 48630
9 51450 2 0 46319
10 46319 2 1 29495
11 74425 3 0 58297
12 62426 3 0 77395
13 29495 2 1 47300
14 58297 3 1 26451
15 40470 3 0 25367
16 77395 4 1 25820
17 41410 2 0 48924
18 47300 2 1 46986
19 26074 1 0 72464
20 26451 1 1 39932
21 25367 1 1 55869
22 25820 1 1 52045
23 32008 2 0 30344
24 27996 1 0 31529
25 45999 3 0 35565
26 48924 2 1 24539
27 46986 2 1 44956
28 79550 4 0 31298
29 72464 3 1 28141
30 39932 2 1 60136
31 55869 3 1 26527
32 52045 3 1 56140
33 26208 1 0 28429
34 30344 2 1 29631
35 58054 3 0 55784
36 68133 4 0 31497
37 31529 2 1 54429
38 35565 2 1 31795
39 35986 3 0 36716
40 24539 1 1 62361
41 25623 1 0 49405
42 44956 3 1 31995
43 31298 2 1 39850
44 28141 1 1 37128
45 29926 2 0 66708
46 60136 3 1 38666
47 26527 1 1 44690
48 56140 3 1 31002
49 43992 2 0 49042
50 28429 1 1 46047
51 54800 4 0 52175
52 37474 3 0 49357
53 29631 2 1 27987
54 55784 3 1 25738
55 31497 2 1 64756
56 54429 3 1 41077
57 31795 2 1 37118
58 94541 4 0 51759
59 36716 1 1 85594
60 62361 4 1 51987
61 69750 4 0 33803
62 44314 2 0
63 49405 3 1
64 76986 3 0
65 31995 2 1
66 31301 2 0
67 39850 3 1
68 59644 3 0
69 49073 2 0
70 37128 1 1
71 66708 4 1
72 38666 1 1
73 44690 2 1
74 47955 2 0
75 31002 2 1
76 42204 2 0
77 80456 4 0
78 49042 2 1
79 77154 3 0
80 25019 1 0
81 64741 3 0
82 46047 3 1
83 52175 3 1
84 30621 2 0
85 49357 3 1
86 27514 1 0
87 27987 1 1
88 25738 1 1
89 64756 3 1
90 41077 2 1
91 37118 3 1
92 51759 2 1
93 97431 4 0
94 85594 4 1
95 85457 4 0
96 32589 2 0
97 28643 2 0
98 51987 3 1
99 33803 2 1
100 43186 2 0
30621 H0: there is no significance difference
27514 H1:there is significance difference
28643 F-Test Two-Sample for Variances
41711 67977
Mean 43443.93 50527.77
Variance 2.14E+08 4.44E+08
Observations 59 39
df 58 38
F 0.482578
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.006002
F Critical one-tail 0.621122
f test - 0.621122* 0.0125
interpretation - since p value is less than 0.05 so we accept H1 there is a significance difference
gnificance difference

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