Practicas Textos 2

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W1: The reading passage presents three theories that try to explain how the Moon was formed.
The lecturer utterly disagrees with all the theories and gives his counterarguments to them.
The author of the passage begins by explaining the fission theory, which hypothesizes that the
Moon could have been separated from the earth. Conversely, the speaker gainsays this statement
by claiming that such an event would have destroyed the planet. Furthermore, the lecturer
supports this argument with scientific evidence that shows that the Moon is hotter than Earth and
has different chemical compounds.
Subsequently, the text states that the Moon could have been originated from the same nebula as
the Earth's, shortly after the Big Bang. However, the lecturer asserts that if that had happened, the
gravitational forces between the two objects would have made them fuse into a bigger planet with
similar characteristics, which they do not actually share.
Lastly, the passage alleges that the collision of an object of a size approximated to that of Mars
formed debris around the Earth and then united to form the Moon. Besides, the instructor calls into
question the aforementioned by noting that, if this had been the case, we would have more than
one Moon. Also, the impact would have led to an evaporation, so we would not have Moon if that
had been what happened.

W2: No one can deny that learn a foreign language in the country it is spoken is by far better than
doing so in their native country. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in the
following paragraphs.
First of all, if you go to a country to learn its language, you will be constantly practicing the main
skills required to domain an idiom, thus enabling you to gain a high level in less time than normal.
Furthermore, these skills will be of more proficiency than those you could get at home.
Notwithstanding, it is true that you have to put yourself in situations in which you are required to
make use of your skills. What I mean is that if you go abroad to learn a language but you are all the
time alone or with people of your country, you are not going to note the difference. Instead, you
should force yourself to participate more actively in the process of learning. For example, a friend
once told me that he did an exchange and went to Rome. However, he said that he did not learn
Italian at all because he spent all the time speaking his native language with his friends.
Secondly, the experience of being in another country for a long time is unforgettable. You get to
learn about other cultures, know a lot of people, etc. Nonetheless, you are also far from your family
and friends. For instance, I went a year abroad and I met a lot of people from different countries
that were in the same program as me. After that trip, I obtained the highest certificate you I will
never forget that experience.
On the whole, going abroad to learn a different language has it benefits and drawbacks, but I think
the benefits overweight the drawbacks. Hence, I recommend going to a foreign country to learn a
language because you will learn faster and better than in your home country.

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