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Quality Management System


Quality Management System

Quality Management System


Quality Control................................................................................................................................2

Quality Assurance............................................................................................................................3

Total Quality Management..............................................................................................................4

ISO9001:2015 Certification.............................................................................................................4

Role of Leadership in Implementing QMS.....................................................................................5

Implementation of Quality Management and QMS in the Organization........................................6

Quality Management System

Benefits and Limitations of


According to PROQC International, (2019) inspections

 Help in meeting product specifications and helps in making engineering better and
saving costs
 Important quantity and quality are verified and mistakes are avoided
 Leads to lesser risks and costs as the wastage of resources gets prevented


According to the American Society of Inspectors, ( n.d.) inspections

 If not done according to a given standard may cause disruptions

 May not have the right standard
 If the decided standard is not appropriate it can lead to customer dissatisfaction and thus
result in lesser sales
 May not have the right inspector or the inspector may not put in the required effort and
concentration to the task

Quality Control

According to Chand, (2014)

 Quality control creates quality consciousness

 It is also reported to increase the satisfaction of customers as they receive standardized
 It further decreases the cost of production and leads to efficient use of resources
 It also leads to standardization as all the products are created of the same quality
Quality Management System


According to Chand, (2014)

 When the products do not meet the standard, it does not lead to saving resources, but the
 It also leads to low morale as when the products do not get qualified and are thrown to
waste, the employees feel that their hard work has been thrown away
 Quality control, with the wrong standards, may also lead to inappropriate products or
lesser quality and lower-valued products

Quality Assurance

In research from Dwight (2013), it is found that

 Quality Assurance helps in identifying and removing products that are faulty
 It also leads to lower dissatisfaction, as the customers do not get a faulty product
 It creates goodwill for the company in the market as the consumers think that the brand
cares about them enough to care about the quality of the product
 Quality Assurance also gives a competitive advantage to the company, as the company's
products get preferred more. For instance, a consumer is more likely to use a product that
provides them with a standardized quality rather than a product with an unreliable quality


In research from Dwight (2013), it is found that

 It is time-consuming as the product that was previously created and delivered in 2 days,
now takes an extra day because its quality needs to get assured
 Quality assurance cannot be conducted without the help of a proper staff who is trained
well. Thus, it adds to the training expenses of the company
Quality Management System

Total Quality Management


According to Rahman, (2022)

 TQM in a company leads to better customer satisfaction as the best possible experience is
provided to the customers
 It also helps in engaging employees by making tasks more challenging and fun for them
and making them realize their full potential
 TQM also leads to a greater market share as the firm gains a reputable in the market and
more customers get attracted to it


According to Rahman, (2022)

 Many times to ensure that the quality of the product is good, the processes are changed.
This eventually results in higher costs hurting the company
 While the company can use TQM to improve its processes, it does not necessarily
indicate that the customers will like the change. Thus even after total quality
management, the customers can remain dissatisfied.

ISO9001:2015 Certification
To ensure that the quality of goods and services created is adequate and up to a certain standard,
many firms focus on total quality management. One way to ensure quality control, assurance,
and total quality management is to get an ISO9001:2015 certification. This Certification is a
solution for most quality management problems. It provides the following benefits or advantages
to a firm

1. Increased efficiency – It increases the efficiency of the firm by making it opt for
processes that are better and more advanced
2. More revenue – is generated as the processes get better and more customers get
attracted to better quality products
Quality Management System

3. Greater employee morale- occurs when employees get to experience their full
potential and are fully engaged in their jobs(QMS International, 2022)
4. Global recognition- This system is recognized worldwide in approximately 188
5. Factual approach to design making – It ensures that the business decisions that are
being made are correct and have long-term benefits (QMS International, 2022)
6. Better supplier relationship – Since the business gets credibility, the supplier gains
trust in the business, and the operations get better
7. Better record keeping- This system has a record-keeping function that helps you to
record all your processes (QMS International, 2022)
8. Customer satisfaction- the feedback system helps in understanding the customer
needs and ensuring that the needs are timely met
9. Continuous improvement- The system ensures that it improves continuously so that
there is no wastage, thus making the whole process efficient (QMS International,

Role of Leadership in Implementing QMS

Leadership plays an important role when it comes to taking important decisions. If the leadership
does not support the Quality Management system, there is a high chance that it may never get
fully implemented (Goffnett, 2017). All employees are accountable to the leaders of the
organization. Even if they like it or not they are obliged to follow the orders set by them. Thus, if
the leadership approves of the Quality Management System, there is a high chance the
employees follow it without questioning it.

Moreover, it is a psychological effect that employees think of their leaders as their superiors and
have their image set as someone who has more knowledge and experience. Thus, approval of the
leadership of the quality management system would also make the employees think that this
system is appropriate for the organization (Goffnett, 2017). However, if the leaders of the
company decide not to support the system, there is a high chance that the employees will reject it
too. The employees on disapproval of the leaders would think that the system is not worthy of
Quality Management System

being tested or applied in the organization and would start standing against it. Thus, the approval
and support of the leaders or the management has an important part in implementing the Quality
Management System.

Implementation of Quality Management and QMS in the Organization

Implementation of Quality Management

Inspection Quality Quality Total Quality

Control Assurance Management

1. First, the company should carry out a companywide inspection of all the processes and
products. Once the inspection is done, it should set aside all the waste processes from the
beneficial ones. This categorizing would help the firm in understanding what processes
should be eliminated and which processes should be improved.
2. Next, the company needs to set quality control standards. All the employees in the firm,
associated with different processes should get told about the processes they are required
to follow. Anyone who requires training should be provided with it, and all employees
should be asked to follow all the necessary regulations.
3. After the standard of different processes and products are set, the responsible person for
quality assurance should make sure that all the processes are followed according to their
guidelines and that the quality of the products and the processes is timely and accurately
4. Once, all the above steps are followed, the whole organization will be committed to
ensuring that the quality of the organization, its products, and its processes gets better. It
would also help ensure that extra costs are not being bared by the organization and the
customers are fully satisfied by the quality of the goods and the performance of the
Quality Management System

Implementation of Quality Management System in the Organization

Internal Organization Audit and Get stakeholders on board and

measurement of ROI set policy and objectives

Team assembling for QMS

Choosing QMS software- ISO
implementation and drawing up

Training employees and

deploying the software
1. The first step comprises creating an internal audit and calculating the return on
investment. This stage would help in understanding the finances and the management of
the company while ensuring that system is ready for the change
2. The next step comprises getting the stakeholder to support the cause and getting them on
board with the plans and setting the policies and objectives to implement the plan. This
helps in creating a clear direction and ensuring that the plan runs smoothly
3. Team assembling and drawing up specifications in the next step helps in creating a
pathway for the QMS system. This helps in ensuring that the correct system is chosen
4. Next, the correct QMS software gets chosen that helps the organization not only become
efficient and effective but also manage the quality of processes, record actions and impact
customer satisfaction
5. After every new software or technological change is implemented in the organization, the
need to train the employees arises. In this step, first, the training needs of the employees
will be developed, and then, they would be trained according to the requirement of the
firm and the system. Once the employees are trained the system would be installed in the
organization and would be regularly used.
Quality Management System

1. Chand, S. (2014, February 18). 12 Importance or Benefits of Quality Control |
Production Management. Your Article Library. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
2. Dwight, M. (2016, November 24). Quality Assurance. Advantages and Disadvantages
Table in a Level and IB Business Studies. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
3. General Limitations and Exclusions. (n.d.). American Society of Home Inspectors, ASHI.
Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
4. Goffnett, S. P. (2017, December 10). Leadership, goal acceptance, and QMS
conformance readiness: exploring the mediating effects of audit team cohesion. Total
Quality Management &Amp; Business Excellence, 31(1–2), 43–67.
5. PROQC International. (2019, October 31). Why inspect? What are the benefits? Pro QC
Blog - Read the Latest on Quality Control. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
6. QMS International. (2022, October 12). ISO 9001 Benefits. Retrieved October 18, 2022,
7. Rahman, M. (2022, May 4). Advantages and disadvantages of total quality management.
Howandwhat. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from

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