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relevant’ stimulation. With holding have been giving us a clear 7. Kalin, N.H., Shelton, S.E., and Snowdon, C.T.
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working synergistically, this Whether we as parents knew this Psychol. 106, 254–261.
approach may have the most consciously may not matter as 8. Hunziker, U.A., and Barr, R.G. (1986). Increased
carrying reduces infant crying: a randomized
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to have more integrated predator detection was reduced. 9. St James-Roberts, I., Hurry, J., Bowyer, J., and
Barr, R.G. (1995). Supplementary carrying
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options and limits along with real-time occurred. Kids have long accused parenting as interventions to prevent persistent
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could also be used as a type of the list. 520–562.
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Babies have been crying for galagos and the oral child-transport among
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have been responding to holding 6. Elowson, A.M., Snowdon, C.T., and Lazaro- E-mail: scgammie@wisc.edu
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Microbial Evolution: Regulatory uncontrolled growth by numerous

Design Prevents Cancer-like regulatory systems that monitor
mutations and provide checks and
Overgrowths balances on cell cycle progression,
such as the p53 network [2]. I
previously suggested that microbial
regulatory control might also be
Mutant lineages may cause cancer-like overgrowths in microbial populations.
designed to protect against the
Theory predicts that microbial regulatory controls may be designed to limit the
emergence of rogue lineages, so that
origin and competitive potential of rogue lineages. A new study shows how a
mutations that enhance growth and
Salmonella species protects itself against overgrowths.
lower efficiency become less likely to
spread [3]. However, there was no clear
Steven A. Frank reducing the overall efficiency of the evidence for such controls, perhaps
local population of cells. In this regard, because it is not usual to interpret
Cancer occurs when a subpopulation rapidly growing and inefficient microbial biology in terms of
of cells grows faster than normal. Such microbial mutants resemble cancer. age-related diseases such as cancer. A
overgrowth can reduce the efficiency However, simply equating overly rapid new study by Diard et al. [4] now shows
and survival of the overall cellular growth in microbes to cancer is, by how regulatory design in a bacterium
population that makes up the itself, not very interesting. The controls rapidly growing mutant
individual. In microbes, a mutant that interesting aspect arises when we lineages.
consumes resources faster and less consider the possible consequences The bacterium Salmonella enterica
efficiently may grow faster [1]. Fast, for the design of regulatory control serovar Typhimurium (S. typhimurium)
inefficient growth allows a mutant to systems in microbes. In mammals, secretes a virulence factor (T1) that
outcompete its neighbors and spread, cells and tissues are protected against induces gut inflammation in its
Current Biology Vol 23 No 9

reproduction. If so, then suppression of

Repression of competitive mutants

A Extinction
of short-lived
competing mutant lineages would be a
consequence of maximizing clonal
growth rather than a regulatory design
B feature to suppress rogue lineages. My
own theoretical work shows that
pressure from mutant lineages can
Faster growth

significantly alter the evolutionary

C design of regulatory control to
suppress mutant overgrowth [3,6].
Diard et al. [4] draw a similar conclusion
Population lifespan from their theoretical models based on
Current Biology the case of S. typhimurium. Those
models suggest that the particular
Figure 1. Repression of competitive mutants in microbial populations. controls of virulence factor expression
Population lifespan determines whether or not natural selection favors mechanisms to repress in S. typhimurium are partly tuned to
competitive mutants. (A) Short population lifespan occurs when an infection within a host suppress mutant growth rather than
lasts a short time or when a food resource dries up quickly. With a short lifespan, microbial merely to maximize clonal growth. In
populations are favored to grow quickly. A costly mechanism to repress competitive mutants general, it seems likely that the
would have little benefit, because the population tends to die off before rapidly growing
mutants can spread. (B) In longer-lived populations, rapidly growing competitive mutants
regulatory design features of microbes
(red) can overgrow the population, potentially causing the population to crash. In Diard to suppress cancer-like overgrowths
et al. [4], the competitive mutants (T1^m) overgrow a population with only secretors (T1+) will turn out to have much wider scope
and no non-secretors (T1-). (C) A mechanism to repress competitive mutants (black) may than the particular dynamics of
cause the population to grow more slowly than otherwise possible, but provides a benefit virulence factor secretion [3,6].
by slowing mutant overgrowth. Diard et al. [4] suggest that S. typhimurium produces a higher
frequency of non-secretors than is optimal for fast grow, because the non-secretors also func-
tion to outcompete mutants that would otherwise cause overgrowth and a population crash. In
Overgrowth and ‘Old Age’
general, any mechanism may potentially be favored if it slows the origin of new competitive Levin and Bull [7] noted that some
mutants or slows the growth of overly competitive mutants, even if those repressive mecha- infections, such as HIV, often form
nisms impose a cost on the rate of growth in the absence of competition [3,6]. large, long-lived populations within
hosts. In microbes, age is measured as
the number of generations since the
mammalian host. S. typhimurium individual. Alternatively, when T12 initial infection and establishment of
requires the host inflammatory non-secretors arise in the initial clone, the population. As in bacteria, rapidly
response to outcompete resident the population dynamics are different. growing virus mutants will outcompete
commensal bacteria [5]. The new As the initial invading clone splits into their neighbors and rise in frequency,
study of Diard et al. [4] now reveals a T1+ and T12, the non-secreting so the rapidly growing mutant viruses
cooperative strategy in S. typhimurium phenotypes grow faster but the overall are also like a cancer. Overgrowth
(Figure 1). Diard et al. [4] show that a clone maintains a sufficient fraction of arises simply as the inevitable
genetically identical clone splits into secretors to suppress commensal degradation of a population by
cells that secrete the factor (T1+) and competitors and continue the infection. mutation and internal competition [8].
those that don’t (T12). These different With a balance of slow growing T1+ and Pathogen populations may often suffer
phenotypes arise from alternative fast growing T12, the initial genotype age-related fitness declines: the force
stable states of gene expression from can slow the growth of the T1m mutant of natural selection ‘‘is inevitably
the same genotype. In addition, non-secretors by the superior greatest for traits that influence new
mutants that never secrete inevitably competitive ability of the T12 fraction rather than old infections because all
appear. The non-secreting mutants of the original genotype. infections pass through a new stage,
(T1m) and the non-secreting phenotype The alternative expression of T1+ but many fail to reach ‘old age’’’ [9].
of the initial invaders (T12) grow faster and T12 in genetically identical To explain age-related decline in
than the secretors (T1+). Apparently, clones suppresses overgrowth by relation to rogue mutants, I introduced
the cost of secretion slows growth. In the inevitable mutations that would a simple model focused on microbial
the absence of T12, the mutant T1m otherwise lead to non-secreting rogue resource uptake and metabolic rate [6].
outcompetes T1+. Thus, if the initial lineages. Diard et al. [4] suggest that The key trade-off between rate and
secreting invaders do not contain the switch regulating alternative yield arises from the inevitable
non-secretors, then non-secreting virulence factor expression may be tendency for faster cellular growth to
mutants inevitably arise and overgrow the result of evolutionary pressure to reduce the efficiency at which cells
the initial population. As the protect against potential mutant convert resources into biomass [1]. The
non-secreting mutants take over, the overgrowth. Alternatively, the overgrowth by competitive rogue
bacteria no longer produce the particular pattern of alternative lineages with relatively high metabolic
virulence factor that is essential for expression for T1+ and T12 may simply rate has two consequences: first, the
outcompeting other commensals, and maximize the clonal growth of the initial spread of mutant lineages causes
the population crashes. In effect, the genotype. Perhaps only a fraction of populations to suffer an age-related
mutant overgrowth kills off the cells must secrete the virulence factor decline in reproductive efficiency and
population from which it arose, just as a to achieve the concentration needed fitness; second, the longer each
cancerous overgrowth kills off the for most efficient invasion and population tends to survive, the greater

the selective pressure from the leads to gene duplications of receptors been used to explain senescence [14].
inevitable emergence of rogue involved in resource uptake or in key The force of natural selection is
lineages. Increased selective pressure regulators of resource metabolism strongest at birth or, in our case, at the
from descendant rogue lineages [10,11]. Such gene duplications are initiation of a local microbial
causes an evolutionary response likely to increase growth rate, but population. The force of selection then
favoring the initial colonizers to grow perhaps come at a cost in terms of declines with the age of the population
faster, with lower efficiency and lower efficiency of resource use. Thus, gene because, at each succeeding age, a
overall fitness. One can understand this duplications may be a key type of declining fraction of populations
process by focusing on the initial mutational change with regard to remains alive.
colonizer of a new resource patch. The cellular competition in microbial If the death rate of populations is low,
longer the resource patch lasts, the populations. If so, then a faster then most populations do survive to the
more intense becomes the competition gene duplication rate may provide a later ages at which rogue lineages
from rogue lineages. As the potential benefit by allowing a rapid increase impose a cost. That strong force of
for competition rises, selection in competitive potential, but may selection favors changes in regulatory
favors an increase in the initial growth impose a cost by increasing the rate design that protect against competition
rate so that the non-mutated at which rogue lineages arise in from rogue lineages. Such changes
descendants of the colonizer can long-lived populations. To control may impose a cost at earlier ages when
compete with the rogue descendants. the origin of rogue mutants in no competition occurs. For example,
This theory and the model presented long-lived populations, genomic simply increasing the rate of resource
by Diard et al. [4] support their mechanisms may arise to reduce acquisition at early ages above that
view that the regulatory control of the duplication rate. favored by selection at early ages
the T1+/T12 split is partly influenced Duplication is just one example of provides greater competitive ability
by the advantage gained from how genomes might alter the rate at against the later, inevitable rogue
suppressing rogue lineages. which rogue lineages arise and become lineages. With regard to regulatory
suppressed, but a similar logic applies design, extra feedback control to
Regulatory Controls of Overgrowth to other potential mechanisms. There stabilize metabolic rates against
Apart from the split between must be numerous other aspects of mutational perturbations may be
expressors and non-expressors of a metabolic regulation or virulence factor costly. Or genomic changes to
virulence factor, are there other ways secretion that influence the growth rate protect against the sort of gene
in which regulatory controls could versus the efficiency of resource usage duplications that lead to rogue lineages
reduce the rate at which rogue lineages [1,12]. The issue here concerns how may be associated with reduced
arise? In mammals, numerous tumor those aspects of regulatory control efficiency in normal regulation or
suppressors prevent acceleration of may be designed so that mutations that replication.
the cell cycle, stop the cell cycle in enhance growth and lower efficiency The costs of reduced efficiency at
response to mutational damage, or become less likely to occur [3,4]. For early ages may be offset by the
cause the cells to commit suicide in example, additional feedback controls benefits of protections against rogue
response to internal signs of abnormal may stabilize growth rate and efficiency lineages at later ages. Such pleiotropic
function [2]. In microbes, overgrowth near favored levels, such that tradeoffs between earlier and later
may depend primarily on ramping up mutational perturbations have less ages strongly influence the
the rate of resource acquisition or effect. If so, then the design of evolutionary design of traits that
reducing the expression of costly regulatory controls over microbial control age-related performance
secretions, although cell cycle metabolism may be strongly influenced and the age-related decline of
regulators may also play a role. There by the evolutionary pressure to protect senescence [15,16]. My point is that
are at present no obvious general against the mutational origin of highly many evolutionary aspects of aging in
principles known about how microbes competitive rogue lineages. multicellular organisms also apply to
may protect themselves against rogue Mutation is sometimes thought to be the traits of microbes when considered
lineages. too weak a force to favor complex in terms of the lifespan of multicellular
Two approaches may be useful. regulatory design features that protect microbial populations [17].
First, as noted in the previous section, against perturbations [13]. However, For example, environmental
population lifespan may be important, when one considers large, long-lived conditions in microbial populations
because long-lived populations suffer a cellular populations, growth altering may typically change from the
much greater risk of rogue lineages mutations become inevitable and have time of initial colonization to later
than do short-lived populations. To test powerful selective consequences. population ages. The microbes may
the importance of population lifespan, Protection against somatic mutations themselves alter the environment
one could compare modes of and cancer are widely accepted as through their metabolic activities.
regulatory control between short-lived playing a key role in the design of If population lifespan tends to be short,
and long-lived populations. Second, mammalian cells [2]. So, I am arguing then the force of selection becomes
a priori theory can predict the kinds that the same processes could also weak as the environment changes,
of traits that may evolve to protect strongly influence the design of and one expects relatively poor
against rogue lineages. For example, microbial cells, particularly aspects of adaptation of the microbes to the
changes in metabolic rate and metabolic regulation. Protection changing conditions. By contrast, in
efficiency play a key role in competition against rogue lineages follows the long-lived populations one expects
between lineages. In laboratory classic arguments about the declining enhanced adaptations to changing
cultures, intense competition often force of selection with age that have conditions, even if the improvements in
Current Biology Vol 23 No 9

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Chemical Communication: A Jewel use of sex pheromones — chemical

Sheds Light on Signal Evolution signals that mediate interactions
between individuals of the same
species — is commonplace. Sex
pheromones can be used to mediate
When others show sexy tails or sing elaborate songs, many animals use the
attraction, to trigger sophisticated
language of chemistry to attract potential mates. A study provides insights into
courtship displays and acceptance
the evolutionary conundrum of how new chemical signals can evolve in an
of the suitor or to repel competitors
established communication system.
and incompatible mates. For example,
the (Z7,Z11)-heptacosadiene
Jean-Marc Lassance1 by-products [2]. Urine, for example, produced by Drosophila melanogaster
and Christer Löfstedt2 appears to be an endless source of females acts as an aphrodisiac on
chemical signals in mammals [3]. conspecific males but deters males of
The chemical senses — smell and Chemical cues convey information other fruitfly species [6]. Accordingly,
taste — have evolved in a wide range to those who can detect them, the emergence of new species is
of organisms from bacteria to which can have great fitness often accompanied by a divergence
vertebrates and have enabled them consequences for both the emitter in the pheromones used by the
to sense the surrounding environment and the receiver and can provide forming species [7,8]. Since the first
and benefit from information carried the bases for the evolution of pheromone was identified in the
by external chemical cues [1]. While communication systems [4]. In a recent silkworm Bombyx mori in 1959 [9],
organisms can perceive only a fraction study in Nature, Niehuis et al. [5] show a tremendous diversity of chemical
of the chemical compounds present how a new chemical cue evolved and signals have been identified,
in their surroundings, they also was integrated into the communication many of them in insects. How the
contribute to the global olfactory system of the jewel wasp Nasonia evolutionary diversification of sexual
cacophony by — intentionally or vitripennis. communication signals can take
not — emitting molecules, such as Sexual reproduction usually entails place poses a conundrum: normally,
waste products or biosynthetic the encounter of the sexes, and the selections would act against senders

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