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Colegio de Educación Profesional Técnico-Bachiller

del Estado de México.

Plantel Temoaya 080 P.T.B Asistente y Protesista Dental.

Modulo: (CPIN) Comunicación Productiva en Ingles

E Q U I P O:
Jana Arleth Barrera Ricardo
Osvaldo Flore Flores
Javier Abrahm Diaz Lazaro
Jesús Manuel Segundo Bernal
Jhoana Alonso Campos
Osvaldo David Espinoza Ortega

Profesora: Ivonne Martínez Mendiola


What are protective barriers?
They are TOO physical means used to minimize the transit of microorganisms within the office.
Avoid direct exposure to blood and other potentially contaminated body fluids.
They prevent contamination with microorganisms eliminated SUCH by the sick, and in another
case that microorganisms from healthcare personnel are transmitted to patients.
They avoid the contamination of elements present in the doctor's offices.

Why is the protection barrier important in the workplace?

Are important at this time for the contingency of the covid-19 need to have guardrails to protect
our health and prevent the spread of the virus, TOO is a tool VERY PRETTY that was
developed to deal with health personnel and outside the which was developed in order to
comply with the real protection of humans against covid-19 exposed as to protect (nose, mouth
and eyes)
The material you REALLY want to achieve this protocol is to have good design quality and to
help nature with recyclables for the preparation of said barrier protection as indicated in the
standard -013 * on basic measures of protection and care hygiene for risk prevention. * In
addition, the helmet is ENOUGH made to last a long time and at your disposal.
Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus is transmitted between individuals through close contact and
droplets, it is necessary for the personal physician to employ custodial barriers to minimize the
risk of infection.

With regard to the danger of infection in healthcare facilities, the SARS-CoV-2 TOO virus can
transmit through the air through certain aerosol generation methods or other supportive
treatments such as, for example, bronchoscopy, resuscitation cardiopulmonary, tracheostomy,
manual ventilation prior to intubation, non-invasive mechanical ventilation, and tracheal
As the primary purpose is to provide enormous stability to health personnel

Avoid spreading dirty germs

The mask will protect from inhalation of the respiratory tract of health personnel and will
prevent the transmission of pathogenic microbes to the client and vice versa

It is SO practical and not uncomfortable, super garter belt and fits for greater peace of mind
We must minimize the proportion of areas exposed to aerosol contamination by using
disposable barriers.

Nor should we leave the workplace with gloves on or touch part of the furniture or serve the
materials with the care gloves.

For this, it is useful to have disposable wipes or transparent mittens on hand that we place
on the gloves, thus avoiding contamination.
The instruments to be rejected should continue the Period of the Sterile Sanitary Product, in
which for the groups and areas we carry out a cleaning and sanitization with disinfectants
approved by the ADA, and we change each one of the custody barriers of the office
Really we intend to help prevent any viruses TAN custody as creating sufficient providing a
measure QUITE stability over all those doctors and nurses who care for patients who remain
already infected with the virus. option stability, since due to pandemic disease coronavirus,
staff FAIRLY health has had to use procedures and resources fairly certain OS to this virus at
the time of care for patients infected and uninfected because for them it is important to be
safeguarded once they do their The professional work and the dental sector is not so different,
dentists have found a way to protect themselves in addition to resources that provide them with
sufficient stability, but the Dental Assistant is still not the reason why we created this option for
stability and thus be safeguarded once in consultation and does not represent a danger to the
patient and dentist and at the same time in other terms for defense articles instead of custody.

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