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Chapter 9 Study Guide

1. How should the phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally” be interpreted to help companies that operate internationally?

2. The recent trend in less rich countries is to adopt Free open source software to avoid high costs.

3. A technological challenge to information systems is the way characters are usually represented by Bytes in computers.

4. The bandwith available in some countries is too narrow for high-volume transmission of graphically and animation-rich

5. The process of Globalization enables organizations to plan and carefully design their global sites to cater to local
needs and preferences.

6. Which of the following is a good practice to consider when designing websites for an international audience?

Plan the
site before

7. Companies might offer two versions of their sites, one for wide bandwidth and another for Narrow bandwidth

8. Compared to the Universal Product Code (UPC), the additional bar in the EAN bar code identifies a product’s
country of origin.

9. An unresolved challenge involved in cross-border data transfers is the Respect for individual privacy

10. As computers convert to operating systems that support Unicode, displaying sig character sets should be less of a

11. Differences in Standards must be considered when integrating information systems internationally, even within the
same company.

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Chapter 9 Study Guide

12. The process of Globalization enables organizations to plan and carefully design their global sites to cater to local
needs and preferences.

13. The country-of-origin and country-of-destination principles deal with the issue of e-commerce jurisdiction

14. The American Uniform Code Council promoted the use of European standard for 7 years before officially adopting

15. Privacy international (PI) is an international organization that monitors governments and commercial organizations
around the world for violations of privacy.

16. In the context of conflicting interests, the goal of an organization's corporate management is to Seize a large market

17. According to the Country of origin principle all legal matters are confined to the country from which a site operates.

18. International information systems that incorporate graphics and interactivity to convey information over the web
require broadband communication lines.

19. According to the European Union, people have the right to object to the processing of personal data

20. The emergence of the web as a global medium for information exchange has made it an important vehicle for both
business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) commerce.

21. Different laws regarding free speech can significantly impact what a company may or may not display from its

22. Wordfast is a tool used to translate MS-Word documents to multiple languages.

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Chapter 9 Study Guide

23. The United States uses Fahrenheit temperatures, while other countries use Celsius temperatures. This portrays
differences in standards

24. The Europe Union (EU) enforces a privacy law called the Directive on Data Privacy.

25. In Japan, many people who order merchandise online prefer to pick it up at convenience stories called “konbini,”
and pay there for what they purchased.

26. Security concerns are the main reasons behind the slow adoption of new forms of electronic payments.

27. Because of their dispersed operations a company’s nationality is not always obvious.

28. Identify a principle of the Directive on Data Privacy that conflicts with U.S. practices.

data can
only if the
has given

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