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Team Nike Collin Soucy, Jacob Otts, Salma Cortes, Kyle


1. Research & critique performance appraisal forms

The first performance appraisal form we examined was that of Walmart. We decided to
use this as an example because it is one of the biggest and most well-known corporations, and
because its stores are located in several other countries, not just the United States. We noticed
that employees’ first performance evaluations generally occur 3 months after their initial hire
date. This might seem appropriate as it gives new employees time to convert and adapt to their
new job setting. However, 3 months may not be enough time to receive an accurate evaluation
of the new employee, especially if certain factors come into play. Walmart does its evaluations
annually, typically from the start of its employment. For example, if an employee starts their job
on October 26th, their next performance review will most likely be on October 26th of the next
year, and so on.
We also noticed something that could benefit Walmart’s performance review comes from
the consumers themselves. “Since it is a service, there is a feedback system which also helps
understand their consumer needs relative to the employee performance. Walmart also has an
appraisal software that gives a periodic analysis of individual employee performance and the
overall team”( This allows different sources of feedback, which is more
beneficial for the company.
The second company’s performance appraisal form that we examined was that of
Hasbro. Like most other companies, they possessed a lot of the same content in their appraisal
form that is necessary for an accurate and fair evaluation. For example, they possess the
traditional rating definitions, ranging from unsatisfactory to exceptional, with five different ratings
to choose from. Additionally, our group noticed something different on Hasbro’s form that
doesn’t appear on the majority of other company appraisal forms. Under the “Knowledge and
Productivity Skills Review,” there is a portion of the section that applies to the work that an
employee does in the workplace. A lot of other company forms typically show it as either quality
or quantity of work, but not both. Hasbro, on the other hand, displays both these aspects in their
form, which is important for different reasons. Firstly, the two go hand in hand. Someone could
be completing a large amount of work with very poor quality, and vice versa. We also believe
having both in the form is important because different jobs obtain different requirements.
Nothing is one size fits all.

2. Create a performance appraisal form

Team Nike Collin Soucy, Jacob Otts, Salma Cortes, Kyle

Performance Appraisal Form

Employee Name: Position:

Supervisor Name: Department:


Instructions: Rate the employee’s performance during the review period by checking the most
appropriate numerical value in each section. The scale is from 1-3, 3 being the highest and 1
being the lowest.

Rating scale:

3 Excellent (goes beyond standards)

2 Acceptable (meets standards)

1 Unacceptable (fails to meet standards)

3 2 1

Workplace Proficiency

Knowledge of either techniques, skills,

equipment, processes, and materials or
knowledge of products, policies, and

Work Quality

Accuracy and general work quality (include

writing, phone work, etc.)

Work Quantity

Productivity of the employee.

Team Nike Collin Soucy, Jacob Otts, Salma Cortes, Kyle


The extent to which it is possible to count on

the person to show up for work, do their job
well, and do it on time. Do you start and arrive
on time? Do you show up on time for
appointments and meetings?

Initiative and creativity

The capacity to organize work and carry out a

task without being given full instructions. Do
you have unique and successful designs?

Decision making

The extent to which the employee makes

decisions that are sound. Are you trustworthy
when working for the company?

Team Work

Ability to collaborate effectively with others to

complete a task. (cooperate, share information,
treat everyone equally, etc.)

Complete this section for employees with supervisory responsibilities:

3 2 1
Team Nike Collin Soucy, Jacob Otts, Salma Cortes, Kyle


Analyzing work and setting objectives. Planning

and using time efficiently. Do you feel you make
the most of your time at the company?

Awards or achievements that come to mind:





Where do you feel you could improve and how?





Overall performance rating: __/24

Signatures acknowledge that this form was discussed and reviewed.

Additional comments:

Supervisor Comments:

Supervisor's Signature___________________________ Date _________________

Employee's Comments:

Employee's Signature* ___________________________ Date__________________

References page
Sample Employee Performance Appraisal. (n.d.). The Family Advisor: Management
Issues for Family Foundations.
Team Nike Collin Soucy, Jacob Otts, Salma Cortes, Kyle

Ochieng, I. (2020, August 3). Performance Management Assessment at Walmart.

Performance Appraisal Form. (n.d.-a).

Performance Appraisal Form (including supervisory skills). (n.d.).


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