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SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic “Dimitrie Bolintineanu”

NAME: Cirstea Silvia Mihaela


DATE: 21st May 2021

CLASS: 10th E (Foreign Languages 3 classes/week)

TEXTBOOK: Upstream Intermediate B2
UNIT: You are What You Eat
LESSON: Reported Speech, special introductory verbs

TYPE OF LESSON: Introductory and consolidation

SKILLS: Speaking, Reading, Writing, Listening
INTERACTION: Teacher-student, student-teacher, student-student, work in teams
AIDS: Laptop, worksheet, online resources, chart

TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, explanation, role play


-some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may also
need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;

-some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they may need

ARGUMENTATION: Teaching reported speech by starting from real-life examples is a

way of showing why it is necessary to learn this grammar function but
also to give students a clearer understanding of the use of tenses by
pointing out the different temporal perspectives in which speakers can
find themselves when conveying messages. By learning about
introductory (reporting verbs) students will get a better sense of the type
of message being transmitted (complaint, accusation, warning etc.)
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
2.5, 2.6

1. to expose students to an authentic life situation
2. to allow students to consolidate verbal tenses and the use of -ing/infinitve
3. to correctly report a request, invitation, accusation etc.
4. to simulate communication in real life situations.

OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will be able to report what others have said.

2. Students will be able to use introductory verbs followed by the correct
ing/infinitive structure

EVALUATION: - continuous –through observation and analysis of answers

- direct oral evaluation through role play
- assessment by peers

ACTIVITY 1: Warm up
Aims: - to encourage students’ involvement
Teacher’s activity: Teacher greets students and makes small talk. to encourage speaking. The students
answer the teacher’s questions. The teacher checks the attendance and homework and the students
correct the mistakes, if necessary.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, whole class
Timing: 2’

ACTIVITY 2: Lead-in
Aims: - to reinforce pre-taught knowledge and to warm students up
Teacher’s activity: The teacher refers to the previous lesson by reminding students of use of Reported
Speech. She elicits answers to the question “When do we use Reported Speech?”
Students’ activity: Students answer the teacher’s questions.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 2’

ACTIVITY 3: Reviewing Reported Speech

Aims: - to allow students to consolidate the transformation from direct to reported speech
Teacher’s activity: The teacher asks the students what are the things that need to be remembered about
Reported Speech. The expected answers should point out to change of tenses – backshifting, change of
pronouns, change of adverbs of time and place. The teacher asks why these happen and explains (if
none of the student answers) that it is due to the speaker’s different perspective. In order to illustrate
this, she announces the students that they are going to watch a short excerpt from a video illustrating
this. The teacher runs the video extract
Students’ activity: Students answer the questions and watch the video
( from 2:34 -3:28)
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 5’

ACTIVITY 4: Introducing introductory verbs

Aims: - to consolidate telling the difference between say and tell
- to understand the meaning of the message reported and use the appropriate introductory
(reporting verb)
Teacher’s activity: The teacher reminds students about ”say” and ”tell” as the most commonly used
reporting verbs. She asks the students to give examples showing the difference. Then the teacher
announces the students that they are going to watch a video. She asks the students to pay attention to
the instances when messages are reported by Peter’s friend to her other friend over coffee and
especially when other verbs than “say” or “tell” are used. The teacher plays the video and asks the
students what other verbs have been used (Expected answer: wanted to know, invited, promised,
offered, wished). If necessary she plays the video again
( 0:00 – 3:37)
After receiving students’ answers, the teacher writes a lsit of reporting verbs on the board and explains
how they are dependent on the -ing/infinitive structure.
Extract three instances from the video and write it on the board.
Show how what Peter said is reported by his friend with the help of an introductory verb.
e.g. Peter asked: “How about you? Have you started practicing driving yet?”
Reported speech: He wanted to know if I had started practicing driving yet.
She said to Peter : Hey, I am having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?
Reported speech: She invited Peter to come to her birthday party.
Peter said: I’ll be there
Reported speech: He promised to come/be there
In the three instances of direct speech ask students to recognize the meaning of the message. What does
it convey? (a question in the first case, an invitation in the second, a promise in the third). Point out that
instead of using “say” or “tell” or “ask” it is possible to use verbs that imply what type of message was
said. Also point to the fact that there is no backshifting in the second example but rather that it is
necessary to remember what follows after the introductory verb: ing or infinitive
e.g. invited + to come
promised + to come

Students’ activity: The students give examples of how “say” and “tell” are used. They watch the video
and note the other verbs used to report speech as instructed by the teacher. Then they answer the
question. They recognize the meaning of the message and point out: it is a promise, an invitation etc.
Interaction: T-S, S-T
Timing: 15’

ACTIVITY 5: Reporting speech using introductory verbs

Aims: - to simulate real life situations
- to allow students to practice introductory verbs and ing/infinitive structures
Teacher’s activity: Teacher distributes worksheets and explains what it includes. She tells that
together they will do the first exercise on the sheet. She elicits answers. Then she passes on to the
second exercise and explains how it will be solved. The second exercise contains 4 short dialogues. She
divides the class into 4 groups, each group representing a row. She assigns the dialogues to each group
and asks for 4 volunteers from each group. Two students will act out the dialogue (read them) and the
other two will report to each other what was said. (An example will be given on the sheet). After each
reporting the other groups need to say if it was correct or not.
Students’ activity: The students solve the first exercise together with the teacher. In each group the 2
students assigned act out the dialogues and the other 2 students assigned report what was said. The
remaining group assess the result
Interaction: Ss-Ss
Timing: 20’

ACTIVITY 6: Assigning homework and evaluation

Teacher’s activity: The teacher assigns homework: exercise 3 from the worksheet. She points out to
the supporting material indicated on the worksheet in the form of a link
Then the teacher makes some appreciations concerning students’ involvement in the lesson and gives
them marks. The students listen to the teacher’s observations.
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 1’
1. Match the columns to make sentences:
The teacher promised  earning a lot of
Her parents allowed  to send the students
to the headmaster
Carl advised  making all of the
arrangements herself
They threatened  him to get more
Helen boasted about  her to go to the party
 to do whatever they
The doctor insisted on could to help

2. Read the following dialogues and then report them. Use the following introductory verbs
appropriate to the context:

beg, accept, accuse, suggest, advise, deny, promise, order, warn, assure

e.g. Dialogue (Mother and her son) Reported speech:

Mother: Be careful, the tea is hot. Mother warned her son to be careful
Son: Yes, Mom, I will be careful. The son assured his mother of being careful.

Dialogue 1 (Mary and her sister, Laura)

Mary: You took my favorite T-shirt again!
Laura: No, I didn’t take your T-shirt!

Dialogue 2 (John and Tom)

Tom: Hey, John, let’s go play some football this afternoon!
John: Yes, let’s.
Dialogue 3 (a teenager caught stealing in the shop and the shop assistant)
Victoria: Please, please, don’t call the police!
Shop assistant: OK. But give back the lipstick immediately!

Dialogue 4 (Anna and her best friend, Susan)

Anna: You should tell your parents about that Math grade.
Susan: Well, all right, I will tell them tomorrow!

Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech using an appropriate introductory verb, as in the
a. “No, I won’t help you anymore”
He refused to help me any more
b. “It would be a good idea for you to join a gym”
c. “Don’t forget it’s Dawn’s birthday on Friday”
d. “Would you like me to give you a lift to the station tomorrow?”
e. “It was Mike who broke the computer”
f. “You are not allowed to watch that film!”
g. “Do you know where the nearest bank is?”
h. “It wasn’t me who ate all of the biscuits”

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