Section 1 - Be and Have

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SECTION 1 be and have grammar summary be (amyare/is/was/ were) © We can use adjectives, nouns or expressions of place after be. Sheislate. mhungry. —Areyoua doctor? _Is everybody here? © We use a special structure with be ~ there is ~ to introduce things: to say that they exist. There's a strange woman ot thedoor. There are some letters for you. * Becan be an auxiliary verb in progressive tenses (see page 23) and passives (see page 94).. ‘Sheis working. Itwas made in Hong Kong. have (have/has/had) * We can use have or have got to talk about possession, relationships and some other ideas, Do youhaveacar? —_I don’t haveany brothers or sisters. Ann has got a headache, © And we can use have to talk about some kinds of actions. Tim going tohaveashower. — What timedoyou have breakfast? © Have can also be an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses (see Section 5). thaven'tseen her allday. Weknew that he had taken the money. ‘And were you good while | was out?” Tobe or not to be, that is the question. There's a thin man inside every fat man. (Shakespeare: Hamlet) (George Orwelh Is there life before death? You can have itall, but you can't do it all. (Seamus Heaney) (Michelle Pfeiffer) Hfyou've got everything, When I was young there was no respect you've got nothing. for the young, and now that] am old Wen’ MacShaw) there is no respect for the old. UBPriestey) BE AND HAVE be and have be |. am happy today. Are we late? a 2 Tamadoctor, Are youAmerican? Weare not ready. © Putin am, are ori. > You ..20%, late. 4 WV eceeeseeees happy today. 1 We vesesseeeee very well, 5 Ithink you .. tired, 2 Mysister . adoctor. 6 Our house .. ... very small. 3 Pauland Ann . in America, 7 I ssssesres Nearly ready. Ymadoctor, You'relate. __John’sinLondon. _Theshop’sopen. We're ready. © write these sentences with contractions. > Claire isi, 4 Mymameis Peter, ssseessseee 1 Weare all tired, 5 Youare early. 2 They are here. 6 The shop is closed. 3 lamsorry. . 7 Sheis at home. ‘QUESTION EZ: Af late? © Make questions. > Bill /Scottish 7 weall /ready 1 Marie/from Paris. 8 IVearly 2 we/verylate .. 9 they /at home 3 John/inbed 10 you/happy 4 the boss / here 11 Joe / married 5 your car /fast 12 this /yourhouse a 6 Luke/here 13 that /Jane Who'sthat? What'sthis? When's theparty? Where'sthestation? Whyarewehere? How areyou? 3 Put in question words with are ors. > UNOS. sees that?! ‘t's my brother: is * ‘you late?” “My watch is broken’ é.. Leo and Amy?’ ‘In London! 6° your mother?’ ‘Not very well! your name?’ ‘Maria’ 7G? Daniel? ‘n hospital’ my glasses?’ ‘Here! ce those men?’ ‘I don't know! your teacher?" ‘Mrs Allen’ ae your parents?" ‘Very well! the exams?’ ‘On Tuesday! 10° your birthday?’ ‘March 17th 2 BEAND HAVE JamnotScottish. Wearenotready. —I'mnottired. —She’snot here. They're not my friends. Write negative ([Bi) ends for the sentences, > I'm Greek, but (from Athens). {Mc mot from Athens, > Itswinter, but (Bicold) 1 She'stired, but (Eli) 2 Theyare in England, but (Blin London) 3 You're tall, but (jroo tall) 4 Weare late, but (Every late) 5 6 7 8 9 It’ssummer, but (Bho). I'ma student, but (Eat university) John’s good-looking, but (Every nice) Anne is at work, but (fin her office) This is a nice coat, but (imine) 10 It'sabig car, but (Every fast) Have you got anything toeat?mhungry. —'mcold. _tt'svery hot here in surnmer. ‘slate! ‘You'reright. le’sgo’ Are youatraid of flying? _'m interested in politics. What colours herhair? — What size are yourshoes? —‘Howoldareyou?’ ‘Ym 17! 1 © Complete the sentences under the pictures. > Sheis MMO... 1 He. @ Putin words from the box. [afraid cold colour hot hungry ‘old right se thitsty wrong Heisa big man, but heis ..A{t2/4... of her You think. wrong, but | know tm “what 's that Fshirt? “Extra large: What .. is your car? Sorry, !mnot _. in her problems. ‘It's the18th today: ‘Youre .. ~it’sthe 19th’ ‘Something to drink?’ ‘No, thanks. I'm not. in here! ‘Open a window’ here in winter? . is your girlfriend?’ ‘She's 19: “Would you like a sandwich?” Boevausunay In some answers, both contract forms (fo example fm, cont and full forms (for example /am, do not) are possible. Normally both are correct. BEANDHAVE 3 Bl be: past Where were you? | was in Glasgow. ne Where were you yesterday? — Mymotherwasasinger. I wasn’t well ast week. © Putin was or were. > Insummer 19901 was in Brazil 1 We. . very happy to see you yesterday’ ‘And | happy to see you! 2 Lunch OK, but the vegetables ........... not very good. 3 cant find my keys. They . here this morning. att. cold and dark, and we . tired. 5 My grandmother a doctor, and her two brothers both doctors too. 6" you in London yesterday?’ ‘No, | Glasgo 7 your exam?" ‘it . yesterday! 8 you late?” The train va.scessee late! © Put the words in the correct order to make questions. > Ann athome yesterday was ..\YA5. Aww AE hones Wester O .cse 1. good party was the 2 people were the interesting 3. teacher father your was a -.....+++. 4 everybody was late. 5 your was driving test when... 6 7 8 Tuesday you where on were open windows why the all were John’s brother school was with at you © Put in wasn’t or weren't and words from the box. Make sure you understand actually. Use a dictionary if necessary. ateacher good inEngland intheirhotel _interesting/ late warm —well_with Anna The lesson ..wasevit lnberestina, You . My father .. tee The children .- Actually, it was very boring. ‘Actually, you arrived 10 minutes early . Actually, he worked as a bus driver. yesterday. Actually, | was with Susan. sss yesterday. The doctor came to see them. . last week. We went to Scotland for a few days. ++ at Christmas. We couldn't ski. when | phoned. last night, Actually, it was quite cold. eNaununay > For the present perfec of be (have been et), see page 6, 4 BEAND HAVE be: future The bus will be full. Itwill be cold thisevening. __'llbe at home all day tomorrow. Where will we be ten years from now? _Theexam won't be difficult. o Look at the table and complete the text. Tomorrow’s temperatures tLe... veryhotin Cake Gio 3 “wasn | -coldin. very cold in London ie ea a © Change these sentences to affirmative (E) or negative (IB). > The bus will not be full. Je bus will be fll She'll be late... il be sorry. It will not be hot. We won't be at home. The shops will be closed... He'll be in Scotland. ...s.ssssssssessesssesersrseeen Lisa will be at school. STATEMENT ES: We will belate. Her brother willbe hereat 10.00, The bus wll be ful. QUESTION: Will we belate? Whenwill her brother behere? Will the bus be full? aununay e Make questions with will... be ...? > you/athome/this evening... Mov. be, at. hoy when /lunch /ready 106! 5 when / your father /in England ‘Ann / at the party / with John everybody / here / at 8.00 the train /late / again when / Joe and Mary /in the office the weather / good / tomorrow Where /you/on Tuesday... ime this eventna? © Complete the sentences. 1 (your age) This year | am .. In 20001. Last year . Next year! 2 (afriend’ age) This year he/she .. = Last year .. Next year. In some answers, both contracted forms (for example im, dont and full BEAND HAVE 5 {osm (for example am, do.not) are possible. Normally both are correct Bi there is/was There’s a dog in the garden. There's a dog in the garden. (NOT Adogisinthegarden:) There are some letters for you. Isthere any milk in the fridge? (NOT Isany-mik--=?) There isn't much coffee. Were there any phone calls? (NOT Wereany phonecalls?, There was a good film last night. ° Make some sentences with words from the three boxes, using there is etc. There is/are a lot of water air grass dogs in Africa inthe USA There isn't much elephants trees cars in Antarctica in London There aren't many >| people computers ... || onthemoon in 1600 There isn't/aren't any (You think of some more (You think of some more places There wasn't/weren't any things) ortimes) aun oy®y STATEMENT ES: Thereisaletterforyou. There were someproblems. Wiliam says here are sixeggs. QUESTION: Istherealetter forme? Were thereany problems? _ Howmany eggs are there? e Make present or past questions with there is etc. > any fruit juice in the fridge (present) any letters for me (past) how many people /in your family (present) a doctor here (present). any trains to London from this station (present) a special price for students (past) any mistakes in my letter (past)... much money in your bank account (present) how many students /in your class (present) many children at the swimming pool (past) how many people / at the party (past)... @Vausn.un-avy 6 BEAND HAVE there is: future Will there be cars? There will be a public holiday next Tuesday. Will there bea meeting tomorrow? There will not be any time for us to seeMary. There won't be any of my friends at the party. é ‘Complete the sentences with there will be and words from the box. fish flowers food hospital rain’ sun tenpeople trouble twonewsstudents > think ..there well be ras 1 But Ithink ..... .. tomorrow. sesso On Tuesday. - in the class tomorrow. in ourhouse at the weekend. enough . . for suppertonight. anew « in our town next year. ‘Mum, ve broken a window! ’ when your father comes home! = alot of in the garden this summer. One day, perhaps . for everybody. © Make negative ((B) sentences. Use There will not be or There won't be. » time/seeGranny ... > exam /Saturday ..J) 1 meeting / tomorrow. 2 anytrains /Sunday ... 3. any buses / 4 o'clock in the morning a 5 6 7 8 if you get up late tomorrow, / any breakfast anybody / home tomorrow evening any children /the party «es... a French lesson / Monday evening... time / have lunch today © Write questions about life in the year 2100, with Will there be ...? » (cars)... 4 (different countries)... 1 (trains) 5 (governments)... 2 (computers) oe 6 {alotofproblems) 3. (good food) 7 {yourquestion) .... © Write your answers to the questions in Exercise 3. > Tere. will be ears. on,.There won't be ears In some answers, both contracted forms (for example im, dom) and full sE AND HA\ forms {fr example (am, do not) are possible. Normally bothare correct. BEND UNE 7 have | have do you have? | don’t have Thaveanewcar, —Ninahastwosisters. Petehasanicegirlfriend. — Weall have colds. You have beautiful eyes. My new car only has two doors. @ Circle the correct form. > John /i)have two brothers. 4 see that your brother have / has a new girlfriend. > Grace(has) / havea cold. 5. You / Paul has very long hai 1 My father / My parents has two cars. 6 These houses have / has big rooms. 2. Weall/ Sally have blue eyes. 7 I can't read this book - it has / have 800 pages. 3. Ihave / has a headache. 8 Susie / Susie and Mick have a really nice flat. © Write about three things that you have, and three things that one of your friends or relations has. 1 Thave Dale 4, stnsioctesscncnorivecibesotssernsren STATEMENTES | QUESTION Ed |. NecaTive Thave the keys. Dol have the keys? | Ido not /don't have the keys. Joehas acar. Does Joe have a car? (NOT BoesJoe has...) Joe does not /doesn't have acar. ) ‘Make questions (Ej) or negatives ([l) with have. > you/acatd ..B2Ldo. havea cat? Eric / many friends 4 we /a garden EW dont. they /any children EI... Peter /acold Ed my aunt / dog El Monica / any brothers or sisters 1/ enough money El Laura /a boyfriend Ea Why /you/ two cars El @vausunay © write about three things that you don’t have, and three things that one of your friends or relations doesn’t have. 1 Idon’t have 2 8 BEAND HAVE have: past and future When | was a student /had an old Volkswagen. Ann had a cold last week. STATEMENT ES |_ QUESTION |_NeGaTive Glara had a cold. Did Clara have a cold? Clara did not /didn’t have a cold. (NOT Did Clara-had ...) ° Make sentences about Clara when she was six. > abicycle RE it adog Ed .Shedidw’t have a dog. computer El very fair hair ES lots of friends many nice clothes Ei her own room I Lew ae © Write sentences about yourself when you were six. Use / had and I didn’t have. 1 thad 5 o 2 Ididn't have .. ‘One day, everybody will have enough food. Julia says that she won't have children. John will havea car soon. The have blue eyes. [John havea car soon? Willthe baby have blue eyes? ro) Read the text and complete the sentences about John’s future. This year, John doesn't have money, a job, a house, agitfriend, a suit ora car. He has a small room, a bicycle, old clothes, a guitar and a cat. But next year: more money ‘small room El acat ajob| abicycle El acar ahouse agitfriend old clothes El asuitE aguitar El @Vousunayyy Insome answers, both contacted forms (or example, dot an fll forms (for example /am, donot) are possible. Normally both are correct, HEANDIAYE 9 have: actions He’s having a shower. usually have breakfast at seven otlock. I'm going to have a shower. Would you like to have something to eat? _ Bill comes this weekend we'll have a party. Teresa hada baby in June. Areyou having a good time? ‘Havea good flight’ ‘Thanks’ ry Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use have, has or had with words from the box. ababy coffee dinner _agame aparty/_ashower _ toast > The people next door .. last night and | couldn't sleep. with John yesterday evening. at 11 o'clock. in August. before breakfast. .. for breakfast. .. of tennis? T Vesscesnneeeens 2 My boss usually 3 Nicole's going to .... 4 lusually ... 5 6 We always ... Would you like to We don't have parties very often. Does Kurt have eggs for breakfast? Did you havea good journey? Wedidn't havea holiday. e Make questions (f]) and negatives ([). > (good time [) ‘We went to Paris at the weekend! . a, 9001 (breakfast BB) | got up late this morning, so 1.2.45. nave, ovenletase. (lunch El) What time .. is on Sundays? (good trip Ei) Ann was in America last week, . se (shower Ei) The hotel bathroom was very dirty, so (good flight [l). Welcome to England, Mr Garcia, (good game i) ‘Mark and | played tennis this morning! (coffee EH ... yote aoeunay before | go to bed. LEARN THESE COMMON EXPRESSIONS WITH HAVE (USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY) have breakfast lunch, dinner (a cup of) tea/coffee, a drink, something to eat/drink have eggs/toast for breakfast, have ish for lunchetc have awash, ashower, a bath havea good time, a bad day, anice evening, aparty,a holiday, a game havea good fight/tri/journeyetc _haveaconversation havea baby 10 BE AND HAVE have without do: have got Have you got a cat? Tregotacat. Has shegota dog? (NOT Beesshehave got...) Thaven'tgotacar. She'sgotasister. You've got beautifuleyes. Have yougota cold? ° Write about John’s possessions etc. _Jonws got a bicycle, dictionary: 7 long hair: x any sisters: x ausunavyy (© Write three sentences about your possessions etc, and three about the possessions ofa friend or relation. 1 I'vegot . STATEMENT EE: Ihave got acold. Harey'sgat afast car ‘Amy and Juan have got tickets. eo th QUESTION: Haveyougotacold? ds Harrygotafastcar? ‘Have Amy and Juan got tickets? © Beth and Tom have got alot of money. Ask questions with havegot. > they /bighouse ave they aot a Bia house? 1 they/big garden 2 Beth / good job 3. Tom/big car 4 5 they/plane ... they / any horses ‘She had a fast car. (MORE NATURAL THAN She had gota fast car) | will have. (NOT }will-hevegot.) In some answers, both contracted forms (for example fm, dom and full BEAND HAVE 11 forms (for example fam, do not) are possible, Normally both are correct. be and have: more practice @ Contractions. Rewrite these sentences with contractions. > Johnistired, 2 5 She will not be ate 1 They were not ready. 6 You have got my keys. 2 Weare all here. 7 |have not got much time. 3 lam nota student. 8 Franz does not live here. . 4 Where is your house? © contractions. Rewrite these sentences without contractions. > Iwasn't ready, ..!.WAS.n08 rendd... 5 She's got two sisters. 1 Toms late. 6 She's right. 2 won't have time. 7 Emma's got beautiful eyes. 3 Anna's hungry... cesses 8 There’saletter for you. 4. He doesn't havea car. © Be. Make questions and negatives. Use negative contractions. It’s summer. (hot) Lot He's Chinese. from Beijing) He was ill. (in bed) ‘We'll be late. (very late) Her room's cheap. (very big) They were students. (at university) ‘She was in the building, (in her office) They'll have something to drink. (coffee) They're rich. (happy) it hot.) @VauaUN=¥e © Have: questions and negatives. Complete the sentences with do or does. > 1.42... not have much free time. ae .. you have my new address? >. Carol have a boyfriend? 5 My brother and|., 1 not have wings. 6 Maria .. nit speak English. 2. England have any high mountains? 71 nitthave a headache any more. 3. Ann intthave a job just now. 8 .- Your street have any shops? © Theres. Put in expressions from the box. there's thereare therewas therewerent there willbe there won't be isthere arethere _wasthere were there _will there be > here's, somebody at the door. Ithink .. an election next year. tm hungry, anything to eat? a fascinating programme on TV last night. . in your family? any nice ones in the shops. many people at the meeting yesterday? . two policemen at the door. They want to talk to you. any interesting people there a phone call for me while | was out? . anybody in the office tomorrow? How many people ..... I wanted to buy shoes, but . fm not going to the party. wavanauns 10. 12. BEAND HAVE not have blue eyes. © Grammarin a text. Read the text, and then write about yourself. His name's Noureddin. He's from Rabat, in Morocco. He's a student. He’s 21. He isn't married. He’s got four brothers and two sisters. He’ interested in music and politics. He isn’t interested in sport. My name's @ Grammarin a text. Put in affirmative (E3) or negative ([B)) forms of be or have. Helen > 5. fourteen. She 1 at avery nice school;she 2 in the lessons - there 3....... .... only two teachers that she doesnt like - and she 4. lots of friends. (Two years ago she 5.. . at a different school; the lessons 6... very good, and she 7.. . many friends, so she 8. ssssseeeee Very unhappy, The school °. a long way from Helen's house, so she gets up early. She 10. a quick wash, and then she 11 " breakfast - cereal and fruit juice if she 12.. . hungry. There 2 a school bus, but ifit 14... . very cold her mother takes her by ca. In the evenings she 15. .... school work; she 16.. much difficulty with this, so she usually. finishes quickly. Then she 17..... .. Supper. At ten oclock she 18....., .. very tired, so she WWeeeeee a bath and goes to bed. On Saturdays and Sundays she gets up at 12.00, 20.. a quick lunch and goes straight to her computer games interested seseeees GOt © Grammar AND VOCABULARY: relations. Make sure you know the words in the box. Use a dictionary if necessary. Then look at the family tree and write true’ or false’ ag the sentences. son daughter uncle aunt nephew niece Ee Sisal cousin grandchild grandfather grandmother Eric and Sue have four grandchildren... Ruby is Bill's grandmother. ..5%S¢. _s Toby is Bills son. Bill Rosemary > > 1 i 2 Billis Pauls uncle... 3. Rosemary is Toby's mother. ....ecea 4 Lilyis Bills niece. . 5. Ben is Toby's nephew. 8 v 6 7 8 9 0 Ruby is Lily's cousin. Alice is Bills aunt. .... Rosemary is Lily's uncle. s Toby is Ruby's nephew. sesesseenee Ruby is Paul’s niece, © Intemet exercise. Can you find these on the internet? 1 The name of a song with the words “there isa house” 2 The name of a song with the words “once | had” 3. The name of a song with the words “have aparty” BE AND HAVE 13

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