Section 2 - Present Tenses

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SECTION 2 present tenses grammar summary SIMPLE PRESENT: I work, she works, he doesn’t work etc PRESENT PROGRESSIVE: !am working, she is working, he isn't working etc English has two ‘present’ tenses. 4 Vv an Cc Vv g ~ c Vv 3 = Qa © We use the simple present mostly to talk about things that are always true, and things that happen repeatedly. Dogs eat meat. My grandmother lives in Brighton. I work every Saturday. ‘© We use the present progressive (or ‘present continuous) to talk about things that are happening just around the time when we speak. Look! The dog's eating your shoe. _I'mworking hard these days. © We can also use the present progressive to talk about the future (see page 38). I'm seeing Lucy tomorrow. Some old songs like myself She loves me 15 | believe in love She loves you I'm crying Am | asking too much? I'm flying Is she really going out with him? Why do | love you? Where are you going? Why do fools fall in love? Smoke gets in your eyes Why do lovers break each other's hearts? | don’t want to do it PRESENT TENSES simple present* affirmative / work; you work; she works a Iwork ina bank. He works in a restaurant. Youlive near my brother. Shellives in Liverpool. We stop the lessons at 5.00. The train stops at York. Write the he/she/it forms. catchY come/ cook drink fetch = fix ilive_—miss_— push read run smoke stand _—start_— touch ~—watch_—wish write +s. 2QmeS, catches 46S: Write the he/she/it forms. buy/ carry’ copy enjoy fry mary play stay. study. try +S 4 e ¥— -us: ..oArMes., © Put the words in the correct order. > eats dog too your much Toh clea ents o.n ive I that house in © Circle the correct answers. > (We)/My friend always wear old clothes. » You/ioh) always wears nice clothes. We all /The boss \ks you're wonderful. 1/Catherine want a new job. Bread / Books costs a lot. Andy /Andy and Pete sings very well. Sophy / Sophy and lan like parties. You/ She drive too fast. Our cat / Our cats never catches mice. That child / Children makes alot of noise. That bus /All those buses go to the station. ‘My father /My mother and father teaches English. hn 2. bank Kim in a works 3 badly violin plays the very Claire 4 Scotland those from children come 5 young very look you Boavausune * Also calledpresent simple! 16 PRESENT TENSES simple present: use / work in a bank. Shealways forgets my birthday. often get headaches. Younever listen tome. We ploy basketballtwiceaweek. —_Itrainsallthe time here. r) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verbs from the boxes. ask getup go make play _ speak Peter always 21683. 12R. 0 {Ann and John sometimes . My mother often .. ‘Small children .. Sarah .. I .. late on Sundays. ssveoees tennis at weekends. French at home. questions all the time. to Oxford to see her mother twice a week. ‘more mistakes in English when I'm tired. waunoy forget get listen live watch loften ... We usually ...... 6 ++ People’s names. 7 & My brother 9 0 ‘to music in the car. . In Vancouver, allot of films on TV. . all their food from supermarkets. 1 My parents: e Choose suitable verbs in the correct forms to complete the sentences. > inthe west. live, rise, set) 1. That woman sssesseee that SHE ssesesenne everything, (know, think, run, wash) a karate. (read, study, write) 3 to go skiing every year. (try, play, say) 4 You always very nice clothes. (look, start, wear) 5 6 7 8 9 0 ‘Andy always his car on Saturdays. (buy, sel, wash) Most people .........« forother people. (talk, work, teach) That child never "Thank you! (like, say, sing) He «sesseese in the same chair every evening, (know, like, sit, stand) My father «TV most evenings. (listen, think, watch) We always vu.sesssee what we can't have, (want, get, forget) have known her since 1990, (NOT Hknewhersince 1990.) In some answers, both contracted forms (for example fm, don't and full PRESENT TENSES 17 forms for example am, donot) are possible, Normally both are correct simple present negatives / don’t know. She doesn’t ski. STATEMENT |_NeGarive ES Iknow 1 do not know (NOT Fknow-net) You think You do not think Helikes He doesnot like She remembers She does not remember Ithelps Itdoes not help We want Wedonot want They understand They do not understand 0 Make negative sentences. Use do not or does not. > Iplay chess. (cards) ..!,d0. mot pau cards. You speak very good Arabic. (Chinese) Bill plays the piano very well. (guitar). We agree about most things. (holidays) Alan and John live near me. (George and Andrew) My father writes novels. (poetry). Barbara works in London. (live) Henry likes old books. (parties) Nouaune @© Make negative sentences. Use don’t or doesn’t. 1 The train stops at Bristol. (Cardiff) It... 2. like jazz. (pop music) 3. Peter remembers names very well (faces). 4 5 6 7 ‘We know our Member of Parliament. (his wife)... Alice teaches engineering, (mathematics) The children play football on Mondays. (hockey) The shops open on Sunday mornings. (afternoons)... © Complete the negative sentences, using words from the box. You can use do not /does not or don't /doesn’t, as you like. fish in Britain much petrol / much tennis on Sundays Russian your phone number Mycor/use .Mupetindoreuts usr musieptidh: Our cat /like Oranges / grow. The postman /come We/play ... ausunay 18 PRESENT TENSES © Choose one verb to make each sentence negative. > It .dossus sow... very often in San Francisco. (snow, sing, play) 1 like football, but | cricket at all. (think, like, remember) 2 She lives in Japan, but she .. .. a word of Japanese. (sing, work, speak) 3. Fmsorry =I... your name. (eat, remember, work) 4 He works in New York, but | .. what he does. (know, use, come) 5 Mary's really tired, but she . to.go to bed. (help, want, walk) 6 5 7 8 We : a big flat — just one bedroom. (work, play, want) Phil very hard, but he makes a lot of money. (work, stand, stop) Gemma’ parents .. I'm the right man for their daughter. (write, read, think) © crammar ano vocasutany: games Look at the table, and write five or more sentences like thi @OusKR tennis | football basketball | baseball | chess_| cards| hockey | badminton Ann. v x x x x x x v Pete x v x x x v v x x Joe v x v v x x v v v Sarah x v x x v v x x x © What games do you play? And what games do you not play? Nobody understands me. (NOT Nobody doesn't understand me) ‘She never phones me. (NOT She doesn'tneverphoneme) In some answers both contracted forms for example m, don't) and full forms (for example !am, do not) are possible. Normally both are correct. PRESENT TENSES! 19 simple present questions Do you remember me? STATEMENT ES |_ Question I Tknow Dol know? You think Do you think? (NOT Fhinkyou?) He likes Does he like? (NOT Dees-hetikes?) She remembers Does she remember? Ithelps Does it help? We want Do we want? They understand Do they understand? ° Put in do or does. > PPccusee you know my friend Andy? this bus go to Cambridge? ‘Ann want to come with us? your parents live near here? © Make questions. > They smoke. 68. > Ashley teaches French. 1 The Oxford bus stops here. 2 The teachers know her. 3 You play the piano, «......s:+e0s00 a 5 6 7 8 you speak Chinese? Sarah go to school on Saturdays? this shop sell stamps? Bill and Harry play golf? v ous John works in a restaurant... This train stops at York. sesssseesseeenseeeneeen Weneed more eggs. . Fatima likes parties. Peter speaks Spanish well. What do you think? (NOT What thinkyou?) Where does Lucy live? (NOT Where ives Lucy?) How much does this cost? (NOT How much this costs?) What time does the train leave? (NOT What time thetrain leaves?) ° Choose the correct subject. > How much does ...e. Slee cost? (the ticket /the tickets) Where do . ive? (your daughter your children) 1 2. What time does .. start? (the lesson /the lessons) 3. What do want? (you/the girl) 4 When does... finish? (the holidays /the holiday) 5 Whydo. . talk so fast? (that woman /those women) 6 What do think of the new boss? (you /she) > For questions without do, like Who lies her?, see pages 108-109. 20 PRESENT TENSES © Choose the correct question word and put in do or does. how howmany howmuch¥ what when where why | > How. meusch oes... the ticket cost? .- your children live? . she want? the holidays start? sou the teacher talk so fast? . languages he speak? + you pronounce this word? © Make questions. Where / she live? What / you want? What /this word mean? What time /the film start? ... How much / those shoes cost? a Why / she need money? - = 2 How / this camera work? Where / you buy yourmeat? Who/ youwant to see? evaununagy Do you know alll these simple present questions? Study them, and then put the correct question into each conversation. How do you pronounce this word? Howdo youspell that? What does this word mean? How much doesit cost /do they cost? Doyouknow Anna? Wheredo youllive/work? What doyou do?(="Whatis your job’) How do you do? (='m pleased to mest you") What time does the train/bus/plane leave/arrive? What time does the film/concert/class start? 4 : ‘With one cand double s! g* : ‘Ymataxi driver! a4 5 ‘don't know. Look in the dictionary! ne 7 ‘Itgets into the station at 3.00 in the moming! et , €500/ é? . 'No, but | know her sister? 94 i ‘How do you do?’ a ‘1don't know. Look on the cinema programme! In some answers, both contracted forms (for example fm, don't and full PRESENT TENSES 21 forms for example lam, donot) are possible, Normally both are correct, simple present: more practice waune © Make sentences. > wewauaunivy 10 cle) the correct answers. ‘Where do / does your sister live? © The post office doesn't open / opens on Sundays. My cat f My cats don't like fish. 7 When does yourholiday start / start your holiday? This car don't / doesn't go very fast. 8 My parents both play / plays golf. This train stop / stops at every station. 9 That caté / Those cafés stays open all night. Why do English people / English people do 10 Her letters don’t say / to say very much. drink so much tea? ‘Anu (live) in Birmingham you (speak) Chinese ff ..22 12% Sarah (ike) classical music EB .. | (ike) getting up early EB... you (want) something to drin Dan (play) football on Saturdays ES you (remember) her phone number: that clock (work) she often (fly) to Paris on business it (ain) much here in summer El elephants (eat) meat he (think) he can sing El we (need) a new car Ea. © Make sentences like the ones in Exercise 2, Write about yourself. 1 eer aueun Hike Pont lke sessesseeee Iwant I don't want Ineed don't need .... often 22 PRESENT TENSES present progressive*: forms /’m reading; I’m not working. a Tam working ‘you are working he/she/it is working welthey are working lamnot working youarenot working _he/sherit snot working etc Contractions: Im, you'te, he’ etc (not) you aren't, he isn' What's he, Where’ she, When’ etc ‘We make present progressive verbs with be (/am, you are etc - see page 2) + John is studying Russian. I'mnot working today. We use contractions (Vm, John’s isn't etc) in conversation and informal writing. @ Make present progressive affirmative (E3) and negative (Ei) sentences. > IS SEAN, ccnsneeseerenes NOW Start EB) . today. (work EB) too fast. (talk ES) . abird, eat EB) dinner now. (cook sessssesseneenssees this party. (@njoy EB) a good book. (read E now. (rain EB) tome. (listen EB) .. very happy today. (feel) . to school this week. (go EB abit of English. (learn E3) HOW TO MAKE -ING FORMS most verbs: +-ing work > working sleep —» sleeping © verbs endingin-e:(k) +-ing make —» making hope —» hoping © ie changes to y + -ing lie —> lying © write the -ing forms of these verbs. break .. 8A. clean 90... . live. start esses Wash itteees Olas enjoy . . play .. sing DOUBLING (stopping, running etc) © one vowel + one consonant —> double consonant + -ing stop —> stopping (NOT steping) run —> running © two vowels: don't double sleep —> sleeping wait —> waiting (NOT waitting) * two consonants: don’t double want —> wanting (NOT wantting) help > helping © Only double in STRESSED syllables beGIN —> beginning BUT HAPpen —» happening e Write the -ing forms of these verbs. get. . feel put hit sa rain .. . rob shop ... . sit. slim .. dream . talk i turn . OPen Visit forGET * Also called present continuous In some answers, both contracted forms (for example fm, dont) and full PRESENT TENSES 23 foims (for example lam, do not) are possible, Normally both are correct. present progressive: use |’m working just now. Ym working just now. It’s raining again. Jane's taking driving lessons. we eee I'm sorry, can't come out. 'm working just now. (Compare: | work every day.- see page 17.) Look - its raining again. (Compare: It rains every day here) Jane's taking driving lessons. (Compare: A lot of people take lessons with that driving school.) 'm enjoying this party. (Compare: | usually enjoy parties) o ‘Make present progressive sentences. > Emma fread/the newspaper. ..S!a's. vending the wewepapen on. The baby /cry/ again. It/snow /hard, . You /look/ very beautiful today... Your coffee / get /cold. | /play / lot of football this year. We /wait /for a phone call Chris and Helen / spend /a week in France. NMounune @ Look at the pictures and use the verbs in the box to say what Helen is doing. brush brush drink getup” go open read read wash She's getting up. > 7 Ste sestensnssesees the newspaper, 1 . herface. 6 her hair. a her teeth, Fan Jz oo letters. 3 to the radio, 8 . the door, 4 . coffee. 9 --- to work. 24 PRESENT TENSES present progressive negatives He’s not listening to me. I'm not working this week. e Choose the right verbs and make negative ([fl) present progressive sentences. > (write, play, ask) you fora lot of money. ..!.Ki. 02k aslehna, wou. fer abet of cones, 1 He (listen, stand, start) to me. 2. | (rain, work, get) today... 3 It (wear, rain, speak) now. 4) She (wear, look, wait) a coat. 5 John’s students (wait, like, learn) very much... 6 We (enjoy, fly, read) this film. 7 8 9 0 You (live, wait, eat) much these days. | (sleep, stand, expect) to pass the exam... My computer (pay, work, write). | (stop, play, give) much tennis these days... @© Write negative ends for the sentences. Its cold, but (snow) ..IES 08 SAAN ee > Iimateacher, but (Blworkjust now) ..{.W.We, 1. Hes a good footballer, but (Bplay well today) 2. They are in England now, but ([ live in London) .. 3. it’'sanewcar, but (Blvun well) .... 4 Everybody says this is a good book, but (/ Blenjoy it). 5. It’ssummer, but (the sun I shine). 6 Iimastudent, but (Blstudyat university. 7 8 9 10 ’ She sings when she's happy, but (Elsing just now) .. I don't have any problems, but (flsleep well these days), We're on holiday, but (Elhave a good time) .. rim crying, but (EBlcry because of you) © complete the sentences, using the verbs in the box. not work _notlisten _notrain _notmove _noteat The train sssssssesessenseses The children .. I've been waiting since 9.00. (NOT ‘mwaiting since 9.00.) In some answers, both contracted forms for example fm, dnt and full PRESENT TENSES 25 fois for example fam, do.not) are possble, Normally both are correct. present progressive questions /s it raining? STATEMENT: tis aning. You are working. The children are making something. QuEsTION EA: Iitraining? ‘Ave you working? What afé the children making? ° Make questions. > everybody / listen / to me ? you / wait / for somebody? .. your boyfriend / enjoy / the concert ? those men /take /ourcar? .... you /talk/tome? it/ snow? we / go /too fast? your computer / work? you read / that newspaper? the bus / come? 10 somebody /cook lunch? . eaVanauns © Complete the questions. > ‘Those people aren't speaking English’ ‘What language .. ‘Bill's writing something on the wall! ‘I can’t see - what ‘The train's stoppir ‘Why “They're studying now! ‘What “They're playing a game! ‘What game “tm going now. Goodbye’ ‘Wait! Where ‘Nadia’s telephoning somebody: ‘Who “The baby’s eating something! ‘What ‘ ‘Sue's working as a secretary! ‘Where “1m cooking something good’ ‘What * 10 ‘I'm not living with my parents! ‘Where weavanaune © Put in question words and make present progressive questions. (More than one answer may be possible.) > yousdo What are yor. dots you / go now ‘Anne /cry he / write you / telephone they /live sssevseeeen your brother / study English you/cook ..... those people / look at me anesseasersorencasens the dog /eat 10 the iren / do weavanusune 26 PRESENT TENSES present progressive: more practice Put the words in the correct order. Use contractions (e.g. it’s) where possible. me you talking are to? . getting are youup? raining is agai not you are listening . going where you are? talking fast too | am? | film enjoying not this am laughing those people at are me why? am for you | cooking this not. . you what drinking are ? the baby eating the is newspaper... Sowvausunasy 1 © Make present progressive sentences. > [look for /the station Ea)... Lookeinna, for. te siatiow, > you/ work / tonight > it/rin ED 1 Peter / try / to save money Ea 2. why / those children / cry 3. your friends / play football / this afternoon a 4 5 6 7 8 9 she /look//very well today El. | think she / make /a big mistake you / wear / your usual glasses El 1/start /to learn Spanish the 10.15 train /run / today El David /live with his parents / any more El... 10. what / you / do/in my room EA. © Complete the text with verbs from the boxes. 1-5: come/ look notwear snow walk wear And Mrs Alexander > iS, 20060084... 1. _ heavily, but she 2. dress with a black coat and boots, but she 4.. Her husband s... .... down the steps with her. .. down the steps of the plane now. tis very cold and it . very happy. She 3... . adark blue a hat. She really is a very beautiful woman. 6-11: kiss look return say stop try Now Mrs Alexander and her husband c.. 7 . to get nearer, but the police twenty years, this wonderful woman 6... 10., her hand. What at the crowd and smiling. The photographers .. them, What a day! At last, after to her own country. Now the President he. to her, do you think? In some answers, both contracted forms (for example fm dni) and full, PRESENT TENSES 27 forms (for example am, do not are possible, Normally both are correct. the two present tenses: the difference Thesun rises in the east. The sun isnot shining today. She often wears red. ‘She's wearing a blue dress. Iplay tennis. I'm playing a lot of tennis these days. @ Putthe expressions in the correct places every day“ justnow nearly always nowy on Fridays these days this afternoon today very often when fm tired SIMPLE PRESENT: Iwork ete ver a +RESENT PROGRESSIVE: 'm working etc © Use the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. chase/ chase drive eat fly play play rain sell speak work write | ‘Cats URS, > mice. Cows grass. Planes ... but . és eab is, nok ehasing rice But Luke 4 hard, tennis. Carol oa ae the piano. poetry. cats. 9 But she .. 28 PRESENT TENSES © Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. ‘No, never: (you / smoke) sss ‘Accheese sandwich! (you / eat) . these days? ‘In a garage! (she / work) here in summer?’ ‘Not very often’ (it / rain) 1 SF 3. ‘Bonjour! ‘Sorry, . 4 “Your English 5° golf? "Yes, but 6 ‘Who .. 7 ‘Where's Suzanne?’ * 8 9 sntpLeseteceettcneteragiss a Bt-100 GS “That man .. “Yes, and he "What's Peter's job? * “summer's coming’ ‘Yes, ‘How often "Where's your brother?’ ae B “4 15 16 18 19 20 ‘Come and have a drink! ‘Not now. "What "What kind of music © Make true sentences about yourself. often ..PAu.! Isometimes . often .... often... sometimes .. often .... sometimes .. often... often .... Inever I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train, (Oscar Wilde) I never think of the future. Itcomes soon enough. (Albert Einstein) In some answers, both contracted forms (for example m, dont) and full forms (for example lam, donot) are possible, Normally both are correct. ‘Every weeken French: (not speak) better! ‘Oh, thank you! (get) not very well! (you / play) 102" ‘My boyfriend! (you / write) now! (she / come) to bed. (1/ go) (bein 2" 'Not yet: (that water / boil) 2" ‘Ican't see it! (the bus / come) all the time! *(talk; never listen) film scripts: (he / write) .. warmer: (it/ get) 1u / see your parents) from Scotland today: (he / come back) fast?’ ‘Yes, always. Too fast! lohn / drive) .- a phone call! (wait for) sss at?’ ‘A very strange bird: (you / look) “AIL Kinds! (you / like) . now. (play) now. (play) now. (wear) now. (speak) now. (listen) now. (read) now. (watch) row. (buy) now. (eat) now. (drink) now. (2) When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But ifa man bites a dog that is news. Uohn B Bogart, American newspaper editor) When a woman isn’t beautiful, people always say, "You have lovely eyes, you have lovely hair’. (Anton Chekhov) PRESENT TENSES 29 non-progressive verbs / don’t understand. ike this weather. (NOT Fviking this weather) What does he want? (NOT Whats he wanting?) Thate this music. ‘Werelate’Iknow’ —Iove that colour. Do youunderstand? What does thismean? —Ineedsomehelp. _‘Tea?"ipreferjuice’ Ayesha seems unhappy. ‘Ym sorry!'m late’ ‘It doesn't matter.’ ‘There's a problem: ‘see.’ ° Make sentences. > Ayesha / seem / unhappy today B.A > you/need/help I ..P 2.0%. need etn? I/know /hername EI. what /this word / mean Rob / want /to see the doctor [Bl she /love / me! Peter /seem/ tired we /need /a new car El you/know /that man |/hate / this cold weather you /like / this music |/ remember / her address El 10. you / understand / this letter Ed weevanswnay © Complete the sentences with verbs from the boxes. [hope like need notmatter notunderstand prefer _notremember want > What ..2) Paul ..1¥2¥:4.. for his birthday? 1 ‘Przepraszam’ ‘Sorry, | 2 ‘Would you like some coffee?’ ‘No, thank you. | 3 ‘What do you think of this music?’ ‘1 .. 4. I'm going to the shops. we: 5. ‘Ive broken a cup! ‘It 61. 7 Sorry... . tea, ifthat’s OK! + anything? it doesn't rain tomorrow. . your name, believe hate notknow love mean see think what she told you? her name or address. it's going to rain? 10 11 ‘We've got a problem’ 12. "You'e crazy!’ ‘What ..... 13: fyou 14 My father you r sucess Me, why can't we get married? +s most music, but he rock 30 PRESENT TENSES will you pass your exam?’ Ihopeso! ‘sit going torain?” ‘hope not! ‘Is that Maria over there?" ‘Yes, think so: “Are you free on Sunday?’ ‘don't think so’ ‘Can you help me?’ ‘it depends, What do you want me to do?” "What would you like to drink?” ‘don’t mind. ° Choose the best expressions to complete the conversations. > Is Ingrid enjoying her holiday?’ hope so:)/"Idon't mind! ‘Agresti, min ruggide flochsch?” ‘Idon't think so: /11don't understand: ‘We're not happy with your work! ‘hope so’/‘Isee’ ‘1s Jeremy coming to dinner” ‘Isee’/‘Thope not! ‘Do you like this music?’ ‘think so’/1 don't remember’ ‘ss that Olivia gett " ‘Iknow!/ ‘don't think so "Who wrote'War and Peace’?’ ‘itdepends:/‘1don't know’ ‘Ws Tuesday: think s0//'Tknow! ‘Can you lend me some money ‘t depends’ /‘It doesn't matter! 9. ‘We're too early! ‘don't know’/ It doesn't matter: 10 ‘What's Phils address?’ ‘Idon't remember’ /1t depends’ 11 ‘Sorry, this coffee isn't very good! ‘don't mind: hope s 12. ‘Will you pass your exam?’ ‘hope so’/‘Idon't remember! 13 ‘lsPete in his office?’ ‘don't think so’/1see’ 14 ‘sit going to rain?’ ‘tdepends’/‘Thope not! 15. ‘Can you help me?’ 1 think so: /‘Idon't remember! © write personal answers. > Will everybody in the world speak English one day? 1. Is your English getting better? 2 Will you be rich and famous one day? 3. What were you doing at 8.00 in the morning on February 16th last year? 4. How many stars are there in the sky? 5 Willit rain tomorrow? 6 Have you got a good government? 7. Will you live to be 100 years old? 8 Are there people on other planets? 9 Are youa nice person? 10 Will you fallin love next week? ras Raa WHAT THEY MEAN “Do you mind if sit here” “No. please do! “Go away! | _‘Tm sorry | spilt coffee on you “it doesn't matter at all” “You clumsy fool? “Can you do something for me?" “It depends. What is it?” “Certainly not! "What shall sing?” “T don't mind Anything? “Don't sing" “Do you see what | mean?” Yes! ‘No! "Shall | wear the blue dress or the | ‘don't mind. They're both “R dress isa dress. {green one? Which do you prefer?” | beautiful What's the diference” “You don't seem to ike the food: | _‘Oh,! do.Is delicous? “Vhate it? “Ineed to be alone! ‘Ise! “Idon't see? In some answers, both contracted forms (for example i, dort and full PRESENT TENSES 31 forms (for example lam, donot) are possible. Normally both are correct present tenses: more practice @ Question words. Choose words from the box to complete the questions. how howmany howmuch what _whattime when where __ why ss. do you want for Christmas? does the holiday start? does your sister live? tickets do you need? do you usually get up? rice do you want? do you need to learn English? do you make scrambled eggs? RUNG eva © Simple present. Choose the correct verbs to make simple present sentences. > L/hamburgers (EB) (like, drink, play) ...ifee hawcburgers, sted esses Henry / French (I) (make, speak, work). 2285, leur). Speake, Ereweln?, the buses / on Sundays (Ei) (speak, play, run) ‘what language / Brazilians (El) (run, work, speak) Felix / fast cars (E) (sing, catch, drive) ‘Annemarie / newspapers ([B) (make, read, clean) my two brothers both / in London (E3) (play, speak, work) dogs / vegetables (BE) (walk, eat, pass) Maria / the piano (&) (play, make, cool) Peter / at weekends (Fd) (work, wear, break) my husband / very well (E8) (want, cook, stop) Roger / to work with animals (3) (want, play, read) 10 this bus /to Belfast (FZ) (work, speak, go) ov. wavanaunayvy © Present progressive. Write true sentences to say what is (not) happening now. > work Jie. workeina, | /wear red socks I'm. it/rain I/ listen to music 1/siton the beach... Using essen 1/ think about something beautiful 1/wait for a phone call the sun / shine si ‘the government / make everybody happy 10. my English / get better weevansune © Progressive and non-progressive verbs. Correct (7) or not (x)? > Are you liking this weather? 5 I'mthinking you're wrong. > I'm working today. ..%. 6 That man is looking like your brother. 1 You're driving too fast. 7 Sorry, 'm not understanding. .. 2. What is this word meaning? 8 I'm seeing the doctor this morning. 3. I'm not wanting a drink just now. 9 ‘Ican’t pay you today’ ‘I see! 4 Where are you living now? 10 What are you thinking about? .. 32 PRESENT TENSES © Grammar ina text. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. getup go have like like live lookafternotlike notwant work work Anna > Works, ina circusin the south of England. She 1. 2 at 5.00, She 9 severe breakfast in her tent and then she 4 with the animals. She §.....neseessees her life very much, and she 6.. the animals. Every day she to work .. the other people in the Gites, But sh 7 ....00.c00se00» he boss. She also has problems with her boyfriend, James, He 8 sss 500 miles avy, in Scotland, where he 8 ina bank He 10... herto stay with the circus. cry do love notknow notwant notwork read sit youthink want This morning Anna 11 She! Pascua and she 1. «In the letter, James says‘l 15. Scotland to be with me. 16. ‘to move to England to be with you, because Im doing well in my job! Anna 1... what todo. She 18... James, but she 19 Wellin herjob too. What 20-2... she should do? inher tent. She 13. sssssssesseeee YOU to leave the ci @ Grammar AND VOCABULARY: clothes. Use the words in the box to say what the people are (not) wearing, Use a dictionary if necessary. belt blouse boots cardigan coat dress glasses hat jacket raincoat shoes shirt skirt socks suit sweater trousers John cathy Sandra David ohn: is weaving a white shirt, a blee. bblue soles and binele shoes. He is not wearing glasses. Cathy is wearing @ Internet exercise. Use the internet to get information about a well-known person. Write some of the information (simple present sentences). Some of these words might be useful. hate like live work play travel often always never PRESENT TENSES 33 present tenses: revision test @ Write the simple present he/she/it forms. 90.2085... catch . enjoy have . hope .. mix. ass play stand .. . try wash wear... wish © Write the -ing forms. call ..224LL9...... begin cry die . enjoy. fy. forget . et eeeseecneee happen hold look 2 MAKE ssesssese OPEN veveeeeees Play sleep stop . take . © Put the words in order to make simple present sentences. > Phil /dogs /like (Ea) ...eeit.tileee.2 > know /you/ Anna (IE) Bt ‘open on Sundays / the post office (EB) work / you / London (El) pop music/ like /1 (ED where /live / James (EN)... coffee / some / want / you ( rain / here /it /a lot (E3) / my /every week / wash /car (E Spanish / Luke /speak (EB) friends / football /play /all your (El). a suit / wear / to the office /1 (El) make / spaghetti carbonara / how / you Soavauaunay © Put the words in order to make present progressive sentences. sister / my / in Spain / travel (E) happy / Alice / look / very (EI) the baby / why /cry (El). for the bus / wait / you (E@) much tennis /I/ these days / play (i nice /Tim/ wear / a/ very / raincoat (E) me / talk / you / about / (El) walk / slowly / you / too (E) ‘that / what / eat / child (El) 10 this /1/ enjoy / concert (3) wevanusuna © Correct (V) or not (x)? “Where's Melissa?’ ‘She's coming now! 9 I'm seeing the doctor this morning. ‘Are you smoking?’ ‘No, neve 10 ‘Ican't pay you today’ ‘I see! John cooks dinner just now. ...... 11. Where are you living now? ...... I work late most Tuesdays. 12 What do you think about? Why is she looking at me? .. 13 I think you're wrong. I'm going skiing every winter... 14 That man is looking like your brother. You'te driving too fast. ...... 15 ‘Your English gets better! ‘Oh, thank you: ‘What is this word meaning? ...... evausunas Insome answers both contracted forms (or example, dnt and fll 34) (PRESENT TENSES forms (for example !am, do not) are possible. Normally both are correct.

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