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Views: 48946


Implementation FY2013 and Beyond
Fully implement theLand Titling Computerization Project
(LTCP)which was started to cleanse the Torrens system and provide
the public with an efficient, reliable and expeditious service.

Intensify a more vigorous nationwide campaign against the

proliferation of fake or fraudulently issued certificates of title.

Continue the Operation Handog Titulo

Undertake measures in its drive against corruption

To address the problem of graft and corruption, the Integrity
Development Action Plan (IDAP) started institutionalization. An
Internal Audit Unit has been established. Programs on ethics training,
spiritual formation and moral recovery have been conducted. With
these, graft and corruption in the Agency will be curbed.
Supports & cooperates in the implementation of Land Sector
Development Framework’s (LSDF) Land Administration &
Management Reform agenda of the country for 2010 to 2030.

Total Quality Management through Improved Systems and Procedures

both at the Central Office and Registries of Deeds.

More training Seminars/Workshops/Regular meetings and provisions

of avenues as clearing house for the Resolution of important issues
affecting Administration and Operations.

Effective Management of Material Resources

In our continuing efforts to avoid tedious, time consuming and

expensive court proceedings, we propose the passage of:

A. An Act amending Sec 6 of RA No. 26 authorizing the RD to file

petitions for reconstitutions of lost or destroyed original copies of
certificates of titles at the expense of the government, in case of loss or
destruction falling outside the provision of RA No. 6732.
B. An Act amending Sec. 9 of RA 26, allowing administrative
cancellation of the two (2) year period reservation for
administratively reconstituted titles.
C. An Act allowing administrative corrections of clerical or
typographical errors committed in writing, copying, transcribing or
typing of an entry in the maps, survey plans and certificates of land
D. An Act allowing administrative cancellations is the proposal of
adverse claim after the lapse of 30 days period.
E. For serious study and consideration is the proposal to allow
administrative issuance of new duplicate certificate in case of loss or
theft of the owner’s duplicate certificate and change of civil status,
with certain safeguards.
Click here (/about-us/51-detailed-plans-and-programs-fy2013.html) to
see Detailed LRA Plans and Programs





– LIST OF LIVE REGISTRIES OF DEEDS (/co-rd-directory.html)

– (/images/PDF_Files/LTCP_Updates/from_LRA_20110505_Implementation-of-the-



– REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION (/about-us/11-services/54-



In line with the LRA’s mission to preserve the stability and integrity of
land ownership and maintain the trust and confidence of the public in
the Torrens System, LRA’s LTCP shall enable the quick and secure
registration of land titles in the country through the application of
state-of the-art information technology.
Specifically, it aims to:
Maintain on-line information on titles that is current, complete and

Maintain the security and integrity of records by safeguarding these

from tampering or destruction and deter substitution or insertion of
questionable data, in paper or digital form;

Ensure the integrity of the land titling registration system by moving

from a largely paper-based to a largely paperless system, thereby
securing tighter control over land titles and eliminating fraudulent

Protect land titles from loss due to fire, theft, natural disasters and the
normal ravages of time using security-tested document imaging
Implement more reliable and predictable land registration procedures
by streamlining and standardizing current processes to attain outputs
within set timeframes;

Provide a system of control to prevent overlapping or duplication of

titles by using modern digital mapping technology to create accurate
updated municipal/cadastral index map sheets;

Provide management with accurate and timely information for policy

making, performance appraisal, operations monitoring and more
responsive public service;

Eliminate fraudulent and inaccurate surveys by using modern digital

mapping technologies to create accurate Municipal Index Sheets and
for updating them with parcel boundaries;

Support other government programs directly linked to the land titling

system functions;

Provide enhanced operational efficiency by strengthening the

administrative support application systems;

Provide a system of timely detection and identification of fake land

titles which will assist in the identification of persons responsible
therefore; and;

Improve revenue collection.



  The Land Registration Authority (LRA) has for some years, been
applying modern technologies to improve its land records
management system. Recently, a combination of microfilm and
computerized database systems has greatly improved the security,
reliability and accessibility of land title information of those registries
where this technology has been applied. However, the steady
introduction of new land title documents continues to challenge LRA’s
ability to keep up with the microfilm operations, and the
corresponding development of computerized databases. Moreover,
the need for a more secure, accurate, efficient and modern land titling
system cannot be over emphasized, for an effective land titling and
registration system is a major force in the economic stability and
progress of any country.

            The advent of Republic Act 7718 (the “BOT Law”) and its
enhancement to include information technology (IT) projects has
provided LRA with a timely avenue by which it will be able to realize
its mission and vision to improve its ability to secure its land titles and
other documents and to deliver its services more efficiently and
effectively. By focusing on IT as a key strategy, the LRA will strengthen
the implementation of the land titling system in the country not only
as a significant revenue source for the government, but more
importantly, to enhance the integrity of the Torrens System. With the
Land Titling Computerization Project (LTCP), it is envisioned that a
query on the status of a land title can be made anywhere, anytime
from any of the various Registries of Deeds nationwide; that there will
be a shift from largely paper-based to a largely paperless system
thereby securing tighter control over land titles; that it will hasten the
turn around time in the generation and issuance of land title, among

Registration.htm)  Agency and Stakeholders i.e. Land Owners, Other
Government Agencies, Banking Institutions, Developers and Brokers

STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION: For 2017, 159 sites were delivered

out of the agency’s 164 target Registries of Deeds and more than 99% +
of LRA’s transactions of 159 “live” RDs are now using their respective
IT facilities for the processing of transactions.


Clients needing information about title to lands go to
Registry of Deeds (RD) office concerned. It is in this office
that the service rendered to the public by the Land
Registration Authority is almost done. Today, there are 168
RDs nationwide. Specifically, an RD is tasked with the
1. Register deeds affecting registered (Act 496) and
unregistered (Act 3344) properties as well as deeds on
personal properties under the Chattel Mortgage Law;
2. Entry and issuance of original certificates of title (OCT)
pursuant to judicial decrees and patents; entry and issuance
of all transfer certificates of title pursuant to registration of
all subsequent dealings, voluntary or involuntary, on
registered land
3. Collection of entry, registration, legal research and
assurance fund fees in accordance with the rates provided
by the law;
4. Reconstitution of lost certificates of title in accordance, with
the provisions of Republic Act No. 26 as amended by PD
5. Cooperation with other agencies of government in the
collection of taxes and fees such as land transfer tax, capital
gains tax, donor’s gift tax, estate tax, real estate tax,
residence tax, privilege tax;
. Cooperation with other government agencies regarding the
land reform program under PD 27 by complying with land
reform requirements prior to registration;
7. Repository of all titles, deeds, and records within the limits
of its jurisdiction.
. It is also responsible for the following services;

Provision of records retrieval services regarding requests

for the reference to, or research on any document, titles on
file and issuance of certified true copies.

Verification of history titles.

Regional Registries of Deeds

Exercise immediate administrative supervision over all
provincial and city Registrars of Deeds and other personnel
within the region.

Implement all orders, decisions and decrees promulgated

relative to the registration of land titles within the region
and issue, subject to the approval of the Administrator, all
needful rules and regulations therefore.

Implement policies, programs, memoranda, orders,

circulars and rules and regulations of the Authority.

Answer queries relative to registration of deeds.

Coordinate with regional offices of other departments,
bureaus/ agencies under the Department of Justice and with
the local governments and police units in the region.

Extend speedy and effective assistance to the Department of

Agrarian Reform, the Land Bank of the Philippines and
other agencies in the implementation of the land reform
program of the government.
The Central Office (CO) performs centralized administrative,
financial and legal support to all Registries of Deeds
nationwide from its headquarters in East Avenue, Quezon
In addition the Central Office has the primary responsibility
Processing and examining documents pertaining to
“ordinary” and
“cadastral” (original) land registration proceedings.

Issuing decrees of registration pursuant to court decisions

orders for the issuance of decree.

Examining and verifying subdivision, consolidation, and

consolidation -subdivision survey plans prior to their
approval by the Administrator.

Administratively reconstituting lost certificates of titles, and

judicial reconstitution, of examining/verifying petitions and
preparing a report to the Regional Trial Court concerned.

Other related services include:

Retrieval of records/information on status of plans and lots;

Preparation of certified true copy of plans, technical

description of lots/correction of technical description,
decrees of registration;
Resolution of issues raised “en consulta” and legal queries.




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