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How can we study perception?

What makes an interesting perceptual question?

Approaches to the Study of Perception • Phenomenology
• Theoretical Psychology

Introduction to Psychophysics How can we measure perception?

• Psychophysics

How does the brain account for the perception (which areas
and processes are involved)?
• Biological techniques (anatomy, neural recording,
fMRI, lesions)
• Computational models
1 2

Psychophysics Labs Introduction to Visual Psychophysics

• Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between

physical stimuli and the perceptual experiences they

• Historically, psychophysics was directed at answering

philosophical questions about the relationship between
mind and body.

• Modern psychophysics is mainly a set of tools for

investigating the nervous system

3 4

Gustav Fechner Remember

this name! The primary contributions of Fechner:
The founder of psychophysics
• Was interested in solving the mind-body problem

• Wanted to establish the relationship between

The term ‘Psychophysik’ was coined by changes in the physical domain and changes in
Fechner as a result of a mystical vision subjective sensation
that he experienced on October 22, 1850.
‘Fechner Day’ (October 22) is now
celebrated by psychophysicists in memory • He developed the “classical” psychophysical
of Fechner and his contributions.
methods as tools to investigate this relationship

• He formulated the first psychophysical “law”

5 6

The secondary contributions of Fechner: Measuring Sensation
• Wrote satirical treatises under the name of Dr. • Psychophysics is concerned with functional
Mises on such topics as why angels should be relationships between physical characteristics and
spherical subjective sensation

• Later in life, began to write seriously on topics • Modern psychophysics uses these data to draw
such as the mental life of plants! inferences about underlying physiological

• The data are gathered using different

psychophysical methods

7 8

The Applications of Psychophysics The Domains of Psychophysics

Althoug h psychophy sical procedures are used mostly for the • absolute threshold: boundary between detectable and undetectable
measurement of sensation, they can also be applied to any
situation in which an accurate assessment of subjective
experience is required: • Example: H ow loud does your cell phone ring have to be for y ou
to hear it in a quiet room?
Every day Examples
Is my hearing normal? Do I need g lasses? Discrimination
Which of these job candidates would make the best pilot • just noticeable difference (JND): minimum amount by which a
(e.g., best visual acuity, fastest reaction times? stimulus must be changed to produce a noticable difference
How can we desig n the best equipment (e.g ., ambulance
•Example: H ow different in pitch (high vs. low tones) does y our cell
siren, traffic lights)?
phone have to be from y our friend’s phone in order for you to tell the
9 10

The Measurement of Sensation Sensory Threshold

• Let’s beg in with detection

• Must assume:

– an absolute threshold below which no sensation is


– An orderly relationship between stimulus intensity and

sensation level

A hypothetical threshold function with perfect discrimination

11 12

Intensity/Response Function The Psychophysical Methods

• The “classical” psychophysical methods

were developed by Fechner
1) Method of adjustment
2) Method of limits
3) Method of constant stimuli

• Other, more sophisticated techniques have

been developed more recently

A realistic threshold function with imperfect discrimination

13 14

The Method of Adjustment The Method of Adjustment

• Adjust intensity of stimulus until target is just detectable
Adjust the volume until you can just barely hear the sound • Typically , observer has control of stimulus
• Typically make adjustments from above (descending) and below

0 10

The Spinal Tap caveat: • Advantages: • Disadvantages

– Simple task – Subject bias
– Efficient – Possibility of
– Full observer adaptation
0 11 involvement – Errors of anticipation
15 16

The Method of Limits The Method of Limits

Trial Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Adjust intensity in discrete steps until observer reports

Intensity ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ that stimulus is just detectable
105 Y Y • Experimenter has control of stimulus
104 Y Y Y Y • Typically make adjustments from above and below
103 Y Y Y Y
102 Y Y Y Y
101 Y Y Y Y
100 Y Y Y Y Y Y • Advantages: • Disadvantages
99 Y N Y N Y Y Y – Reduces observer bias – Inefficient
98 N N Y N N N N Y
Threshold – Reduces adaptation – Errors of anticipation
97 N N N N N = mean of crossovers – Simple to calculate
96 N N N N = 98.5 threshold
95 N N N
Crossover 98.5 99.5 97.5 99.5 98.5 98.5 98.5 97.5
17 18

The Method of Constant Stimuli Method of Constant Stimuli
Trial Number
Plot Graph 8
Intensity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Plot psychometric
105 6
104 Responses 5
102 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 8/8 4
101 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 8/8 3
100 Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y 7/8 4/8 = 50% point
N Y Y Y N Y N Y 5/8 2
99 crosses function at
98 Y N N Y N Y N N 3/8 1 threshold = 98.7
97 N N N Y N N N N 1/8
96 N N N N N N N N 0/8 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
95 N N N N N N N N 0/8
19 Intensity 20

The Psychometric Function for Thresholds Psychophysical Functions

Many psychometric functions → psychophysical functions

sensitivity =

• The psychometric function is a description of the 100 1000 10,000
relationship between stimulus intensity and subjective Frequency
• Threshold defined at some point of the function (not
lowest threshold
alway s 50%)
= highest sensitivity
• Variability shown by scatter of data points
21 22

The Method of Constant Stimuli The Method of Constant Stimuli

• Experimenter has control of stimulus

• Advantages: • Disadvantages
• Several stimulus values (5-9) chosen to “bracket” – Essentially eliminates – Very inefficient and
observer bias time consuming
assumed threshold
– Reduces adaptation – Needs preliminary
• Stimuli presented many times in random order – Gives very reliable estimate of threshold to
results decide on stimulus
• “Psychometric function” derived from proportion values
– Provides additional
of ‘yes’ responses data about observer’s
– Eliminates errors of
anticipation and
23 24

Difference Thresholds Psychometric Functions for Discrimination
How much do you need to change a stimulus to detect the It is possible to use the method of constant stimuli to measure
a person’s ability to discriminate between two stimuli
– Example: Does this block weig h more than that one?
Standard Tests

100 g 101 g 103 g 105 g Two measurements

can be derived:

Just Noticeable Difference

JND = (75% point - 25% point)/2

Point of Subjective Equality

PSE = 50% point
25 26

Psychometric Functions for Discrimination Weber’s Law

• The slope of function gives information about how Ernst Weber: this name!
sensitive the observer is to small changes
– Size of difference threshold was proportional to the size of
the standard
– Weber Fraction = ∆I/I
– Example:
block 1 weighs 100 g, difference noted for 103 g block, JND = 3 g
WF = 3/100 = 0.03
block 2 weighs 1000 g, difference noted for 1030 g block JND = 10 g
WF = 30/1000 = 0.03
Weber’s Law:
WF is constant

27 28

Improvements on Methods The “Staircase” Methods

Faster determination of thresholds • How can we determine a threshold as quickly as
– staircase method possible
• The staircase methods represent a compromise
Methods that are less susceptible to subject’s between the method of limits and the method of
criteria constant stimuli
– forced choice procedures
– signal detection theory – Efficient
– Avoid observer bias
– Avoid errors of anticipation and habituation

29 30

Single Staircase Method Limitations of the single staircase:
Trial Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 • Although the single staircase is efficient, the

observer can bias his data by the way he responds.
105 He can predict how the stimulus will change
• This problem can be dealt with by using a dual
101 Y staircase procedure
100 Y Y Y
99 Y N Y N
98 N Y N
97 N
Threshold = average of reversal points (usually 6 or 7) = 98.75 32

Forced-Choice Procedures Two Alternative Forced Choice (2AFC)

Problem: The threshold depends on the observer’s criteria and
Is the square on left or right?
willingness to g uess.

Simplest solution: Method of Forced-Choice.

• Observer must choose between two or more options, guessing if necessary

• Can also be done sequentially (two interval forced choice)
• Good for cases where observers may be less willing to guess
- elderly people
- blindsig ht patients
• Produces lower ‘thresholds’
• Shows that nervous system can register more information than one is aware of

33 34

Signal Detection Theory

The threshold depends on:
1) The observer’s real threshold
2) The observer’s criterion for report (liberal vs. conservative)

Example: Pain sensitivity

Are the Nepalese porters

really more tolerant of pain
than Westerners?

Or are they just more

reluctant to report it?

Threshold is 75% correct

Chance is 50% correct 35 36

Quick Review The determination of ‘thresholds’ still plays a major
Psychophysics role in contemporary psychophysical research
Absolute Threshold Of course, researchers are aware of the problems
Difference Threshold with the different techniques and design their
JND experiments using the best techniques.
Weber’s Law
Thought experiments:
Fechner’s Methods Which method would you use (or avoid) if you wanted to obtain a threshold
Method of Adjustment measurement:
Method of Limits a) as quickly as possible?
Staircase Method b) for an elderly person?
Method of Constant Stimuli c) with information about points around the threshold?
d) to compare cross-cultural groups?
Criterion-based Methods e) when adaptation was a concern?
Forced Choice
Signal Detection Theory
37 38

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