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Social Curious Well-rounded Driven

Easygoing Caring Problem-solver

Sebastian Armenta
Competitive Values education Calm
Good with numbers Risk-taker

"Dedication is key to success" (520 223 7551)

How I See Myself How Others see me

The maroon color on the first page is the color that I believe The lighter shade of blue on this page represents how
represents my professionalism and persona. other professional colleagues see me according to the
Professional Reputation Survey conducted in October,
Get to know me 2022.
Since I was eight years old, crossing the border to go to
Mr. 360
school on a daily was my routine for ten years. I am from
Nogales, Arizona, a town located in southern Arizona on the The seven responses in my survey completed by
Mexican/American border. This was a big challenge in my external views showed that I am a well-rounded
life that shaped me to become the determined and self- individual as I lie on every quadrant on the
driven student/professional that I am. I am currently a assertiveness (x) and responsiveness (y) axises.
junior at the University of Arizona majoring in accounting
who will project leadership, dedication, and curiosity to be
successful in the classroom and workplace.

what defines me
Leadership is an attribute that I aspire to express every
day. Being Treasurer for the Association of Latino
Professionals for America and an active member of the
Accounting Student Association has helped me
demonstrate the act of leadership in the Eller community
and in the workplace as a tax associate for Hutchinson and

Curiosity is one of the most valuable assets that shape my

persona. I am a curious individual who is always willing to
learn about his surroundings. I believe that curiosity has The graph above shows where each point correlates on
given me the ability to go far in my academic and the assertiveness and responsiveness scale which
professional career as I show eagerness to learn and calculates the type of people style of an individual. Three
become a better version of myself every day. of the correlations fall under expressive, one in amiable,
two under analytical, and two on driver; including my
Dedication has shown me that the sky is the limit. previous personal evaluation.
Consistency has been key to my dedication in professional,
academic, and personal settings that have contributed to
achieving my goals and becoming a more knowledgeable
and well-rounded individual through my life path.

how I roll
The past three months I have
undergone various professional
behavioral studies that have The red bright dot on the graph is my calculated score
calculated that I am a Driver under from my people styles evaluation and the green dot is the
the people styles test. I consider average out of all the submitted responses from the
myself to be a Driver in seven professionals that answered the survey. According
professional settings as I am to the graph, I can conclude that professionals see me as
responsible, patient, and a well-rounded individual but strongly portray the
demonstrate acts of leadership. characteristics of a driver.
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The purple color in the following pages represents a
combination of the maroon and light blue colors from the
pages above on how myself and other people perceive my
professional persona.

connecting the dots

After analyzing other peoples perspective on my

professional persona, I have come to the conclusion that
the study is more than accurate. I believe that I am a
well-rounded individual in the sense that I have many
styles to work with others in academic, professional, and
social settings.

Standing in your shoes

As I look back to my academic, professional, and social

experiences, I can now see why people see me as a
well-rounded individual when it came to people's
styles. I can switch people's styles or the way I am
directing myself by analyzing and knowing my

shaping experiences

A personal experience that I resonate with and the

reason why I agree to the study above took place this
past summer on the Association of Latino Professionals
for America (ALPFA) national convention.

This past summer I had the opportunity to attend

ALPFAs national convention in Orlando, Florida with the
organizations executive board. This convention was a
great opportunity to find a summer internship and
connect with recruiters from various companies in the
United States and also get to know my executive board This has led me to build skills that have shaped my
team. professional persona and take advantage by building
networks, personal connections, and being successful
When speaking to recruiters, I showed both expressive when working with other people.
and driver styles to project leadership and interst in the
role to get awarded an interview for a position in the As an active leader in the Eller community I plan to help
company. On the other hand, I showed the values of an students, colleagues, and friends to build this skill set
analytical individual as I attentively listened to guest that has collaborated to my professional success.
speakers and other professionals to implement the skills
and knowledge that were presented into my work.
Driving through the quadrants
Moreover, I had the opportunity to know the executive WIth the feedback that I gathered, I will continue being
board team in a professional aspect and analyze what a well-rounded individual which will continue leading
type of people style they were. Code-switching was key me to implement code-switching when working in
to know how to express myself with different individuals teams. I will also keep being myself by showing acts of
in the team and have an idea on how I will be leadership, curiosity, and dedication into everything I
implementing this skill set throughout the academic work or participate in in both academic and
year. professional settings.
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