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In the last weeks, we and practically the whole world, finally burst after being pushed around for

nearly two years – thanks to the truckers who made the first move. When the truckers were mandated
to cross the border with vaccine passports, they blew their tops. Truckers who either didn’t want to get
vaccinated, or didn’t like the idea of being forced, joined the convoy organized by Tamarah Lich. Soon
though, it wasn’t just fighting for that vaccine mandate, but for all mandates, masks, distancing, and
vaccine passports. It was surprising to know how many people were on the same page, it was probably
the biggest protest in world history. The convoy was like sticking Trudeau under a microscope: we found
out very quickly that he couldn’t stand being wrong. And while the media was telling fairy tales about
how violent the protest was, only showing videos of people who acted as if it was the worst thing, and
that all the other people who even dared to question the government were dumb, the real story was
that instead of everyone being angry like in the BLM protests, people were happily having fun – also
something that irritated Trudeau. And then just like us, Trudeau blew and thought he could get us all out
and shoved in a corner by pulling the emergency act... for no good reason. Luckily the senate realized
that freezing bank accounts, physically removing people, criminally charging people, and fining people
was useless, and wasn’t going to help anyone, so they wouldn’t sign it… but Trudeau, as always, had too
much pride, and so he said that “he thought it was unnecessary to keep the Emergency Act invoked…”
Right. He only let it off because otherwise he wasn’t going to be the “big boss” of the country no more.

People say that the protest was everywhere, and was very large, but really the truth is Ottawa is
humungous too, so the protest wasn’t like “coming through the house windows”. In fact, everything was
very organized from how it started to the very little nit-picky details, like postal services, a peace-police,
and daycare, and then all the added fun. But soon Trudeau said that the “violent protestors” had to get
out, for crying out loud, there was a BOUNCY CASTLE there, how would that have survived a violent
protest? But Trudeau was desperate. First, he tried cutting of supplies to them unsuccessfully, then
banned people to bring in fuel. But people got around that too, soon everyone was lugging around jerry
cans, empty, with water or something like that… try arresting thousands of protestors. The low-down
truckers, that now were viewed as heroes, also didn’t listen to Trudeau’s dictating commands to leave,
they did the opposite and took the wheels off their trucks. Now people were done with Trudeau, and
had created their own life, getting out all the traumatic mandates from their heads, being relaxed with
only people who thought the same as them. When Trudeau realized he couldn’t get the protestors to
leave, he became desperate and put on the Emergency Act, you can give thanks him for the hassle that
gave. In this whole ordeal, the media had a ton to do with things, they make it seem like it takes courage
to go up there and face the crowd, it doesn’t. They just talk about what they want to, like the swastika
fags, the truth is that the people that had the swastika on their flags were accusing Trudeau of acting
like Hitler, not them being like Hitler – of course though, the news wouldn’t say that. The CBC news was
particularly good at that. They said they like talking to everyone about what had all happened, but
really, they chose only people who had the same side view as them, they asked people about how
horrible it is to have a hoard of awful people surround there houses, not on people’s lockdown and
mandate stories, where some people lost family members and couldn’t see them. Again though, the
news usually only shows they footage of action, not hours before that. The cops had been inching
forward for the last hours, people were shouting in their face, people who were definitely on something,
so it was no wonder when the cops finally blew—I’m not saying that it was right though, they were too
cruel, using there weapons not how they should be, it seemed as though they were targeting the
reporters. They also arrested for no reason, including the organizer of this whole reason. But this is
really all Trudeau’s fault that this whole ordeal went down. From beginning to end, he should have
known that Canadians won’t have themselves pushed into a corner. In fact, he probably just ruined his
whole entire career. Not that I mind.

But then, what is the right response to this all? Do we just watch ourselves be pushed
into a corner, or do we act? The answer is that we can only fight if it is against the bible, which it was.
The bible say that we have to care for the elderly, especially for our own parents, in this case we weren’t
allowed to see them, which caused major suffering on their part. We were also forbidden from going to
church, we are also told in the bible to go to church and not to refrain from it. We weren’t allowed, and
if we did, we face large fines. We are also commanded to not do things violently, in the bible then it
wasn’t the civilians’ job to put the killers to death, they could report it and act on it not violently, but it
was the higher up people’s job to sentence them. So, while there was some violence, it was not a bad
thing to go up, if you are calm, not aggravating the situation. You have to balance yourself, not going
over the top, but also not letting everything slide and putting your head in the sand. In this case it was
against the bible, so we have to fight.

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