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For this, his father the sun gave Manco Cápac a golden rod, with the indication

For tis, hiz fader thei san jiv manco capac an golder rod, with thei indiqueishon

that the place where the rod sank with a single blow, there they would found the

that tei pleis wer tehi rud senk with a single blow, ther would fund thei

empire of the Incas. One morning after several trips to the highlands, they arrived

empaire of thei incas. Guan morning after siverel trip tu thei jailands,thei oraid

at a fertile valley on the Huanacaure hill, where there was abundant vegetation

at a fertile vale on thei huanacaure jill, wer ther was abundt vegeteishon

and imposing mountains. It was in this place, where the golden rod gently sank

and imposing mant . it was in tei pleis, wer thei golder rod jentle seink

into the earth. Finally, after a long walk they had reached their destination, it was

into tei eart. Fainaly after a long walk thei jad ruish desteneishon it was

there that they had to build Cusco, the navel of the world, the capital of the Sun


Teir that tei jad tu buld cusco, thei navel of tei world, tei capital of thei son empar

Before they left, the Sun also recommended that by the time all the inhabitants

Befor they lef, thhei son also recommended that bai thei taim all thei injabitants

became their subjects, they would have to rule over them demonstrating wisdom,

biquein thei subjet, thei would jav tur ul over them demostririn weisdomm

justice, mercy, mercy and tenderness. They were to treat them with as much

josti, mercy , mercy and tendernans, thei wert trui them with as machs
compassion as a father treats his children. And they would do it following the

compashion as a fader trits jis chindren. And they would du it fooling thei

example of the sun god who gives light and heat to the world, so following the

exampol of thei son god who gips light and jeat tu thei world, so foling thei

orders of his father Sun God, Manco Capac quickly began his civilizing task in the

orders of gis fader son god , manco capac cuicli began his civilizing task in thei

valley of Cusco. The men taught agriculture, fishing and construction, science and

valey of cusso. Thei men tuared agriculter fishing and construshion sainson

religion. Mama Ocllo, on the other hand, trained the women of the community in

relijhon. Mama ocllo on thei other jand,trained thei woman of thei demyonede in

domestic work and weaving for their clothing.

Domestic work and wivin for tei clothing

Several generations passed and their descendants inherited the empire. Being one

Severl genereishon passed and thei decendens injeired tehi empaire, being guan

of the most important Incas Pachacutec, who is credited with the construction of

Machu Picchu.

Of tei most importnt incas pachacutec, who is credired with tei construshon of

machu pucchu

However, this prosperous empire would last about 300 years, until the Spanish

Jawever, this prosperus empaire would last about trijandrid years , until thei


Conquistadors arrived. The Spanish did not have it easy, because the brave Inca
Conquistador araiv, tei espanish did not jav it isi, bicaus thei breiv inca

warriors defended themselves, they never gave up. In their time the Incas had the

warior defend tensalvs, they never jiv ap. in their taim thei incas jad thei

most powerful army on the continent. Its enormous territory covered from what is

now Ecuador to Argentina.

Most powerful army on thei continent. Its enormens territory coverd from what is

now Ecuador tu argentina

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