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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Renee Shuttleworth Date: 10/17/2022

School: Eyestone Elementary Grade Level: 1st Grade Content Area: Mathematics

Title: Count to Subtract Lesson #: 1

Lesson Idea/Topic and Students will use a number line to solve a subtraction problem.

Student Profile: All students are English speakers and are at grade level with understanding
mathematic standards. 5 students are accelerated learners and 3 are
receiving math intervention. 1 student receives extra support services. The
intervention students leave during whole group instruction to go to their
intervention groups. They join the class during independent work. All
students show an interest in math and are willing to participate during
whole group and independent work/instruction.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: I. OA. C. 5: Relate counting to addition and subtraction

MP .1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

MP .2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

MP .4: Model with mathematics.

MP .5: Use appropriate tools strategically.

Language Goal: Standard: 3. Writing and Composition: 1. Exploring the writing process develops ideas for writing texts that carry meaning

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

Students can use a number line to solve a subtraction problem.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable questions from standard)

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How can you use the number line as a strategy to make sense and solve a problem?

How can you model using a number line to solve a subtraction problem?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)

Every student will be able to: Use a number line to subtract.

I can (content standard): I can subtract using a number line.

This means (language standard): This means I can write a subtraction problem and use a number line to solve it.

List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning targets associated with each assessment)

Informal Observation: Students will complete the independent practice in their workbooks. Teachers will observe that students are able to demonstrate
competency in using a strategy to solve a subtraction problem. [I. OA. C. 5, MP .1, MP .4, MP .5]

Paper assessment: Students will complete a few math problems using a number line. The teacher will collect these and “grade” them to see which students need
extra instruction and which students are competent in the math standard. [I. OA. C. 5, MP .1, MP. 2, MP .4, MP .5, Standard: 3. Writing and Composition: 1]

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Count to subtract. This lesson will have students use a number line to count and solve a
subtraction problems.

Co-Teaching Which model(s) will be used?

Will co-teaching models be utilized in this lesson?
Yes ___ No _X__ Why did you choose this model(s) and what are the teachers’ roles?

Approx. Time and Materials 10 minutes: Warm Up [Whiteboards, Dry erase marker, and sock]
25 minutes: Whole group instruction [Smartboard]
10 minutes: Independent practice [Workbooks, pencil]
20 minutes: Small group intervention [Math assessment worksheet, Offices/borders,

Anticipatory Set The strategy I intend to use is: Warm up

I am using this strategy here because: This is a part of the student’s routine. They
complete a math warm up as a whole group using whiteboards to get an introduction to
the lesson that will follow. The students are engaged and excited when teachers pose
“challenge” questions to get them thinking and excited for what they will learn next.

Procedures The strategy I intend to use is: Identify learning objectives

I am using this strategy here because: The students are used to hearing the objective of
the day, they are asked to repeat it as the teacher writes it on the whiteboard. This will
engage the students and get them thinking about what they will learn during whole
group instruction.

Teacher Actions Student Actions Data Collected

Warm Up: Teacher will tell Students will get out their
students “It’s time for our whiteboards, socks, and
warm up, please get out markers.
your white boards, socks,
and markers”

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Teacher will write 10-5 = __ Students will answer the

on the whiteboards. problem.

Teacher will say yes to Students will erase their

those students who boards once they get the
answered correct. She will correct answer. They will
say “I disagree, try again” solve it again if they got it
to students who got the wrong.
wrong answer.

The teacher will model Students will count with

solving the problem once the teacher as she solves
everyone has solved it. the problem.

Teacher will repeat these Students will repeat the

steps with the following steps of solving the
problems: 7-3, 9-4, 8-5, 5-2, problems.
11-4, 12-5, 13-8.

Whole Group instruction: Students will repeat after

Teacher will read the lesson the teacher as she reads
objective to students: “I can the lesson objective: “I an
subtract using a number subtract using a number
line” . She will write it on line”.
the board so it’s visible to

Teacher will read the Solve

and Share problem aloud:
Marc has 13 erasers. He
gave 5 of them to Troy.
How many erasers does
Marc have now? Show your
thinking on the number line

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Teacher will ask the Students will answer

students, is this a “subtraction”.
subtraction or addition

Teacher will say “that’s Student will respond with

right, but how do we “he gave something away”
know?” or “he will have less”

Teacher will write: _ - _ = _

Teacher will ask the Students will respond with

students. Where do we “13”
need to start on the
number line?

The teacher will make a dot

on 13.

The teacher will ask, do we Students will say

need to count forward or “backwards because we are
backward on the number subtracting”

Teacher will ask “How Students will respond “5”.

many do we need to count

The teacher will count back Students will count to 5 as

on the number line, the teacher draws.
drawing the counting

Teacher will ask “what Students will respond “8”.

number did we land on?

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How many erasers does

mark have now?

Teacher will fill in the

subtraction problem and
write 8 on the answer box.

Whole Group Video:

Teacher will play the video Students will follow along
and follow along with the with the video and answer
prompts. She will ask problems as they come up.
students to volunteer and
solve the problems.

Guided Practice:
Teacher will read the
problem 1. “11-3 = ___”

Teacher will model the first Students will count to 3 as

problem asking students to teacher makes loops.
count along with her.

Teacher will read problem

#2 “___= 15-6”

Teacher will ask: “What Students will say “15”

number do we need to
start with on our number

Teacher will make a dot on


Teacher will ask “how many Students will say “6”.

do we need to count

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Teacher will model

counting back on the
number line.

Teacher will ask “what’s Students will say 9.

our answer? What is 15-6?

Teacher will explain the

independent practice “you
are going to solve the
subtraction problems using
the number line”

The teacher will dismiss the

students to go back to their
seats and complete the
independent practice.

Small Group Assessment: Students will complete this

Teacher will pass out the independently.
“4.1 Practice the Strategy:
Using the Number line”
Students will complete this

Closure The strategy I intend to use is: Transition to independent work.

I am using this strategy here because: I will wrap up the lesson with telling students that
we will be applying what we just learned to our independent practice.

Differentiation Content Language Process Product Environment

For which students are you differentiating (refer to Modifications: Students can Students can Techer can Teacher/co- Students who
student profile as well as assessment data to practice solving explain how show the teachers can need more
determine individualized student learning need): subtraction they solved the students help with scaffolding with

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problems to problem another individualized focus can sit

10. verbally. problem and instruction closer to the
go in depth during board/teacher
with a step by independent
step. practice
Extensions: Students can Students can Students can Students can
practice solving write their volunteer to create their
subtraction process under solve the own
problems to the number problem to subtraction
30. line. other students. problem and
solve it.
Assessment Students will complete “4.1: Practice the Strategy: Using a Number Line” independently
during small group. The worksheets will be collected and assessed to see if students are
proficient in the content standard.

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement)

My main lesson objective was for students to use a number line to subtract. After reviewing the
assessment worksheet and observing students completing their independent practice. 81% of
students present [16] achieved this lesson objective. On the 4.1 “Practice the Strategy: Using a
Number Line” worksheet 12 students got all the questions correct, 3 students either missed one
or two questions [counted as wrong] and 1 student didn’t complete the assessment [counted as

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?

I would’ve changed my closure strategy. After talking with my mentor teacher, she provided an
example of closure strategy that I intend to use during my next lesson. I will ask the students to
gauge their learning and tell me using a fist to five hand signs to show me how they feel after
the lesson. 1 being I don’t understand and need more help, 3 meaning I understand but need
want more practice, and 5 being I understand completely and want a challenge.

I also planned to have some of the students volunteer to use the board and complete problems,
but due to technology issues, that couldn’t happen. During my next lesson I plan to involve the
students more in using the available technology.

During my lesson I made a change with the assessment worksheet. Since some students
finished their independent work quickly and were sitting with nothing to do, I decided for them
to complete the assessment worksheet at their desk instead of during small groups. With this,
students were all finishing work at different times and there was not enough time for small
groups and too much time to be completely done with math. Next time, I will plan for an extra
activity just in case other students finish way before others do.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)

Based on the assessment data, most students have demonstrated proficiency in the learning
objective. For the students who didn’t demonstrate proficiency, they can receive continued
practice during small group interventions. With my next lesson I can continue to demonstrate
using a number line as a strategy that students can use to subtract, while also providing other
strategies to subtract. I don’t believe this lesson needs to be retaught

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4. If you used co-teaching, would you use the same co-teaching strategy for this lesson
if you were to teach it again? Were there additional co-teaching strategies used
during the lesson not planned for initially? Please explain.

I didn’t use a co-teaching model for this lesson, but if I did, I would’ve used a one teach-one
assist model. This would’ve been helpful during the warmup. Since most of the students got the
questions correct quickly, a co-teacher could’ve helped assist with telling students if they got it
correct or not.

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