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1. Acquire
Acquire something to gain something by your own efforts, ability or behaviour.
- That book is rare and difficult to acquire.
2. Approach
A way of dealing with somebody/something; a way of doing or thinking about
something such as a problem or a task.
- We need to adopt a new approach to the problem.
3. Perception
An idea, a belief or an image you have as a result of how you see or understand
- We need to create a campaign to change public perception of the police.
4. Discern
To know, recognize or understand something, especially something that is not obvious.
- He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome.
5. Sensory
Connected with your physical senses.
- The children need some sensory stimulation besides TV.
6. Trait
A particular quality in your personality.
- Politeness is often considered a good trait.
7. Viable
That can be done; that will be successful.
- There are always viable ways to achieve goals.
Q: What issues are
A: The writter discuss
about the method thst
scientists use to assess
animal intelligence.

Q: Who wrote the Q: Where are Gita

article or passage? Simonsen from?
A: It was wrote by Gita A: She is a journalist
Simonsen. from Oslo.

smart are
Q: Why are experts
interested in animal
Q: When was the article
A: Human have been
A: It was published in
interested and how the
world works and also
all that is on it .
Q: How do experts asses
animals intelligence?
A: The author mentioned
the IQ by the kilo,
bottom-up method and
how animals develop
tools for living.
1. Impetuos
Acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results.
- The impetuous young woman started to shout everybody in the bar.
2. Loveless
Without love.
- Poor Cynthia is stuck in a loveless marriage.
3. Radically
In a way that is new, different and likely to have a great effect.
- You look radically different than you did last year.
4. Utterly
Used for emphasis, completely.
- We are so utterly different from each other.
5. Chilly
Too cold to be comfortable (especially of the weather or a place, but also of people).
- He used to be a chilly boy.
6. Fond
Having warm or loving feelings for somebody, especially somebody you have known
for a long time.
- Ed gave me a fond smile.
7. Worrisome
That makes you worry.
- There's been a worrisome increase in local burglaries.
One love
I didn't have the
opportunity to meet
another boy because
of studies.

House 4 careers
I'm still on earth but I Now I am in my fallow
love the moon. year

My life
in 2175

Longevity Family
I am 132 years old No children yet
It is consider a young I have a live longer to
age have children
1. Proudly
In a way that shows that somebody is proud of something.
- The mother watched her son proudly as he played football.
2. Devote
To apply (something) to a particular purpose; set apart or dedicate to.
- My mother devoted herself to her children.
3. Manage
To control or be in charge of a business, a team, an organization, land, etc.
- How can one teacher manage a class of thirty-five children?
4. Thrilled
Very excited and pleased.
- I'm thrilled that you are able to join us for dinner.
5. Mandatory
Required by law.
- Tom paid the mandatory admission fee to enter the building.
6. Proposal
A formal suggestion or plan; the act of making a suggestion.
- We will get the proposal with all the details to you tomorrow.
7. Oximoron
A phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other, for
- Fast turtles? - isn't that an oxymoron?

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