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Module 3

The Nature of Mathematics: Problem Solving and Reasoning

Name: Liaban Sheila, T. Yr. & Section: BSCRIM 1-C



Consider the real number 1/4. The x3≯x since 1/16. We have found a
counter-example, therefore the given statement " ∀real numbers x, x3≥x ",
is false.

Consider the real number -7. The |x + 3| ≠ |x| + 3 since 4 ≠ 4. We have found
a counter-example. Therefore, the given statement " ∀real numbers x, |x +
3|= |x| + 3 " is false.

2. n (6) = 6n

3. 6n+8
6 n+8
4. 2
= 3n+4
5. 3n+4-2n= n+4
1. n+4-4= n

1. 1, 7, 17, 31,49, 71, ...

Sequence 1 7 17 31 49 71 97
First 6 10 14 18 22 26
Second 4 4 4 4 4
In this case, we found common second difference of 4. Working upward, we have 4 + 22 + 71 =
97. This is the next in the given sequence.
2. 10, 10, 12, 16, 22, 30, …

Sequence 10 10 12 16 22 30 40
First difference 0 2 4 6 8 10

Second difference 2 2 2 2 2

In this case, we found common second difference of 2. Working upward, we have 2 + 8+ 30 =

97. This is the next in the given sequence.
3. −1, 4, 21, 56, 115,204, …

Sequence -1 4 21 56 115 204 329

First difference 5 17 35 59 89 125

Second difference 12 18 24 30 36

Third difference 6 6 6 6

In this case, we found common third difference of 6. Working upward, we have 6 + 30+ 89+
204 = 329. This is the next in the given sequence.
4. 9, 4, 3,12,37, 84, …

Sequence 9 4 3 12 37 84 159
First difference -5 -1 9 25 47 75

Second difference 4 10 16 22 28

Third difference 6 6 6 6

In this case, we found common third difference of 6. Working upward, we have 6 + 22+ 47+ 84
= 159. This is the next in the given sequence.
5. 17, 15, 25, 53, 105,187, …

Sequence 17 15 25 53 105 187 305

First difference -2 10 28 52 82 118

Second difference 12 18 24 30 36

Third difference 6 6 6 6

In this case, we found common third difference of 6. Working upward, we have 6 + 30+ 82+
187 = 305. This is the next in the given sequence.
nth-term formula:
a n = n2 +n-1

How many squares will there in the fifteenth figure?

a n = n2 +n-1

a n= 152+15-1

a n=¿225+14

a n=239

There will be 239 squares in 15th figure.

Learning Activity 6

Direction. Use Polya’s four steps to problem solving in solving the following

A true or false quiz contains 10 questions. In how many ways can a student answer
the questions if the student answers two of the questions with false and the rest with

Understand the What are the given  There are 10

problem information? True or False
What is asked?  How many
number of
ways can a
student answer
the question if
the student
answers two of
the questions
with false and
the rest with

What is/are the property/ies One of the numbers in

of the final answer? the set
Devise a plan What steps are needed to  Determine the
solve the problem? given and
 Follow the
Carry out the plan What are the results after There are 10 question,
we take the steps in solving the students answered
the problem? 2 question problem?
with false and the
remaining 8 questions
with true.

Thus, we will use the

equation c (10,2) =10|
12| (80) which is equal
to 45.

There are 45 ways a

student can answer the
questions if the student
answers two of the
questions with false
and the rest with true.
Review the solution Are we sure that our By following the
answer is correct? equations, it is clear
that there are 45 ways
a student can answer
the questions if the
student answers two of
the question with false
and the rest with true

Determine the unit’s digit of 4 320.

Understand the What are the given  The number 4³²⁰

problem information?
What is asked?  The unit digit of 4³²⁰
What is/are the  One of the numbers in the
property/ies of the final set
answer? (0,1, 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10....)
Devise a plan What steps are needed to To determine the unit digit of
solve the problem? 4³²⁰, which is the last digit of
number we must know first the
cyclicity of every exponent.

Cyclicity is the cycle or pattern

of the digit for every exponent.

No. x 1 x 2 x
2 2 4 8 6 4
3 3 9 7 1 4
4 4 6 4 6 2
5 5 5 5 5 1
6 6 6 6 6 1
7 7 9 3 1 4
8 8 4 2 6 4
9 9 1 9 1 2

Take the last digit of the given

Divide the value of exponent by

cyclicity of the last digit of the
given number. * If there is no
remainder check the last digit of
the given number, it is the set of
(2,4,6,8) your unit digit will
always be 6. If your last digit is
in the set of (3,7,9) your digit
will always 0.
Carry out the plan What are the results after The last digit of 4³²⁰ is 4
we take the steps in
solving the problem? The cyclicity of 4 is 2 therefore

There is no remainder so let us

check the last digit of the given
number which is 4.

Therefore, the unit digit of 4³²⁰ is

Review the solution Are we sure that our Following the table and steps
answer is correct? above it's is clear that the unit
digit of 4³²⁰ is 6

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