My Reflection

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In the first part of the lesson which is Newborn Screening otherwise known as “NEWBORN

SCREENING ACT OF 2004” I learned that this policy is protecting and promote our right to
health including the right of the children to survive and have a healthy and normal development
as we wish for every individual. We should read and know the importance of this policy
specially those parents and becoming parents to know their rights after giving birth to their child
as well as to have a normal and healthy growing. I have also read the Principle of normal
development in infancy and early childhood. I learned and know our physical mental and
emotional develop as we grow older and what are the things we can do and learn to do as we
undergo to our development. The principles of development also enlightened my mind with
regards to the terms use in every parts of our body. Just like the word CEPHALOCAUDAL
Principle I just knew that this term is used to present the development of the child from head
downward, as well as PROXIMADISTAL (from center of the body outward) and
MATURATION (sequence of biological changes in children). On the other hand, in Brain
Development I knew that trauma, emotional and physical abuse, poverty can affect our brain and
lead to poor mental health. In Human Genome I discovered a trivia, that our genes are 98% the
same in chimpanzee and 75% in mouse and I started to observe others If there are similar traits
they have from mouse and chimpanzee. Moreover, I learned what the Human Genome is, what
the Human Genome project was and how the inflammation form it is being use.

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