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Excellent: No late arrival and early departure

Average: No late arrival and early departure, but the delay in class is too long, affecting the next


Poor: late arrival or early departure

2. Impression and Attitude

Excellent: Passionate and infectious;Enthusiasm 150%

Average: Generally enthusiastic, keep smiling;Enthusiasm 100%

Poor: Smiles rarely and unenthusiastic

3.Teacher Image/Presentable ( wearing )

Excellent: There are decorations attracting children, such as wearing bunny ears, or wearing

clothes with bright colors/cartoon patterns

Average: daily wear

Poor: improperly dressed, such as suspenders, tattoo, long beard

4. Rapport Establishment (overall view :Based on the teacher's performance throughout the


Excellent: The warm-up stage is natural, smooth, and enthusiastic, and has good interaction with


Average: In the warm-up phase, self-introduction and other interactions are carried out

according to the process, which is unnatural, formal and somewhat stumbled

Poor: After simply introduction (know each other names), went directly to the teaching part, with

a rather indifferent attitude

5.Total Physical Response (gestures )

Excellent: Appropriate and reasonable use, frequent occurrences, and not limited to simple basic

body movements, such as simple listening and speaking, repetition, etc., with large exaggerations

Average: The number of occurrences is greater than or equal to three times, relatively simple and

Poor: Use less than 3 times or none(don’t remember after class)

6.Teaching Aids/Materials (virtual + physical) props (toys, pictures, flashcard or Manycam)

Excellent: Two types or more, frequent occurrences

Average: Two types + less frequent occurrence/one type + frequent occurrence. The props are

relatively single

Poor: Less than three times, or none (not limited to types, for example, the teacher used two

types of props, but only used it twice)

7.Teaching Tools (tools authorization)

Excellent: skilled use

Average: Not very proficient, there is lag, and has little effect on the class

Poor: Unskilled and affects the class

8.Remodeling & Correction (Including spelling, pronunciation, grammar and other errors)

Excellent: Use effective methods to correct errors (such as pronunciation errors, the teacher tells

students which pronunciation is which mouth shape, correct students correctly), teaches the

students complete sentences, and the students can speak independently

Average: Error correction, but only repeated reading, or sometimes error correction and

sometimes no error correction

Poor: No error correction or too many errors. Repeated reading makes students feel bad(repeat

or just give the correct answer, ask the student to connect the correct one. )

9.Rewards (virtual + physical) props (rules) trophies, thumbs up, ice cream,

Excellent: at least two + reasonable frequency, not too few or too much exaggeration

Average: Two types + less frequent occurrences/one type + frequent occurrences(More than

three occurrences)

Poor: less than three times, or none, well done,

10. Time Management (excellent teaching, but left the class more than 3 minutes early,
reschedule. Left early within 3 minutes, with excellent teaching. Pass. Then private chat TM

reminder or add a note in the cons. ) The scoring standard is below:

Excellent: Did not leave early, and the schedule is reasonable.

Average: Did not leave early, but the schedule is unreasonable, such as the courseware cannot be

finished or the lecture is finished too early

Poor: Leave early for more than 1 minute or there are too many courseware the tutor couldn’t

finish (for example, only 2 of 4 parts are finished)

11.Summary & Reinforcement

Excellent: The teacher asks the students what they have learned in this lesson, and then adds

them, or the courseware has a review part, the teacher circles the words learned in this lesson

for the students to read (guide students to output-based review methods)

Colors, colorful clouds, .

Average: The teacher's own summary, or the courseware has a review part, the teacher will read

it (the teacher mechanically leads the students to repeat the review method)The teacher asked

the students to circle the words but did not let the students read it (belongs to average)

Poor: None

12.Constructive Feedback

Excellent: Targeted suggestions, such as which word or sound is not well-pronounced in this

lesson, it is recommended to practice more. Feedback,

Average: Very general suggestions, such as listening to music, reading books and watching


Poor: None

13.Mastery of English/Grammar (inspect the teacher's own grammar level, not corrected)

Excellent: The teacher has no grammatical errors

Average: RE-PT

Poor: The teacher has obvious grammatical errors(Fail)

Eg,I have a books/shoes

She love me./she like play.

14.Skillful Articulation

Excellent: accurate word and sentence stress and intonation

Average: Slight intonation problem

Poor: Obvious phonetic and intonation problems

15.Neutral Accent

Excellent:Neutral accent/British/American , no accent or slight accent (there are only accents

that can be ignored as 0, which can’t be heard if you don’t listen carefully)

Average:slight accent-a little apparent

Poor: apparent/strong accent (Fail)

16.Internet Reliability (There is a lag in the classroom, and the situation where the sound and

picture are not synchronized is a network problem)

Excellent:The internet connection is smooth and has no effect on the class (does not affect the

teacher’s movements, expressions, sounds, etc.)

Average: Occasionally stuck, does not affect the class, and has little effect on the classroom

Poor: The network is stuck or delayed seriously (reschedule)

17.Functional Equipment (device: Camera、Microphone)

Excellent: No problem with headset and camera

Average: There are current noise, microphone spraying, camera shaking, unclear picture quality,


Poor: The camera cannot be turned on or the headset noise is serious (reschedule)

18.Well-suited Distance(proper angle )

Excellent:Refer to the ID photo, shoulders up, and 1/3 of the space above the head (teacher with

headwear can see the headwear clearly, and there is a certain space above the head for teachers

without headwear)

Average: Shoulder up, there is no 1/3 space above the head (Teachers with headwear cannot see
the headwear most of the time, and there is no space above the head for teachers without


Poor: Too close (only the head part), too far (waist up to head part), or the angle is not suitable

19.Lighting Setup

Excellent: bright and comfortable , and the light is even

Average: brighter and slightly dazzling, or darker or the light is not even

Poor: too bright or too dark

20.Teaching Background (virtual + physical)

Excellent: The background has some decorations for children

Average: No decoration, blank wall, or decoration, but there is too little decoration or structure,

and the decoration is messy

Poor: The background is messy

21.Environment Noise

Excellent: No noise

Average: slight noise

Poor: Obvious noise or slight noise but long duration (reschedule)

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