Salem Et Al. - Multi-Criteria Decision-Making System For Selecting An Effective Plan For Bridge Rehabilitation

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering:

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Multi-criteria decision-making system for selecting an

effective plan for bridge rehabilitation
a b c b
O.M. Salem , Richard A. Miller , A.S. Deshpande & Tejas P. Arurkar
Department of Civil Engineering , Syracuse University , Syracuse , USA
Department of Civil Engineering , University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati , USA
Department of Civil Engineering , Auburn University , Auburn , USA
Published online: 19 Sep 2011.

To cite this article: O.M. Salem , Richard A. Miller , A.S. Deshpande & Tejas P. Arurkar (2013) Multi-criteria decision-making
system for selecting an effective plan for bridge rehabilitation, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance,
Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, 9:8, 806-816, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2011.615843

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Vol. 9, No. 8, August 2013, 806–816

Multi-criteria decision-making system for selecting an effective plan for bridge rehabilitation
O.M. Salema, Richard A. Millerb, A.S. Deshpandec* and Tejas P. Arurkarb
Department of Civil Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA; bDepartment of Civil Engineering,
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA; cDepartment of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, USA
(Received 29 December 2010; final version received 25 July 2011; accepted 15 August 2011; published online 19 September 2011)

The managers of the US transportation infrastructure face the challenge of restoring the aging highway
infrastructure system and making it perform more reliably, safely and efficiently at minimum cost and with minimum
disruption. The process selection of an appropriate construction plan for rehabilitation/reconstruction of a bridge
requires its evaluation on the basis of qualitative and quantitative metrics such as construction cost, effect on
Downloaded by [Politecnico di Milano Bibl] at 07:09 14 November 2013

surrounding businesses and communities and the flow of traffic, etc. Traditional decision-making methods that are
focused on costs alone are not equipped to address the multi-objective nature of the decision-making process. This
article presents an example demonstrating a decision-making system based on the analytical hierarchy process that
can be utilised to transparently extract quantitative weights which reflect the relative importance of both qualitative
and quantitative objectives of a project and select a bridge construction plan that best meets the objectives.
Keywords: accelerated construction; bridge construction; multi-criteria decision-making process

1. Introduction costs, maintenance of traffic, quality of work, safety of

The US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is motorists, safety of construction workers, safety of
promoting the philosophy of accelerated construction pedestrians, impact on surrounding communities and
of bridges in order to mitigate the impact of businesses, consideration of impact on sensitive
reconstruction on the flow of traffic, enhance quality ecosystems, etc. The decision-making process essen-
of work and safety. Prefabricated bridge components, tially involves trade-offs between the requirements
non-traditional innovative contracts (AþB contracts, imposed by these factors. The impact of a particular
lane rental contracts, etc.) have successfully been used bridge rehabilitation plan on some factors (e.g.
in accelerating construction of bridges in several construction and future rehabilitation costs, impact
projects in the last decade (FHWA 2006a, 2006b, on traffic) is easy to quantify, while it is not possible to
2006c, 2006d, 2006e). The decision to use non- accurately quantify the socio-economic impacts. This
traditional construction methods in order to accelerate necessitates the development of a decision-making
construction of a bridge is often driven by the need to process that allows the decision makers to transpar-
minimise the impact on the flow of traffic on highly ently analyse the efficacy of various bridge rehabilita-
congested highways. This decision is easier to justify in tion plans in fulfilling a multitude of quantifiable and
bridge projects where the traffic volume and conse- non-quantifiable objectives.
quently the user costs are extremely high. In many
smaller projects, non-traditional methods and in-
creased initial construction cost are required but low 2. Review of decision-making models
traffic volume and user costs make it difficult for the El-Diraby and O’Connor (2001) presented a model for
decision makers to justify the extra expenditure evaluating bridge construction plans. This method
required for accelerated rehabilitation of a bridge. helps designers evaluate impact of each bridge design
The decision-making process for identifying an and construction plan using 22 metrics including
optimum strategy for bridge rehabilitation is essen- safety, accessibility, carrying capacity, schedule per-
tially a multi-objective decision-making process that formance and budget performance. In this model, the
requires optimising multiple objectives which are decision makers provide relative importance (weights)
influenced by a number of factors such as of these metrics. Then each plan is evaluated for its
construction costs, future rehabilitation costs, user performance on these metrics. A score is calculated for

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1573-2479 print/ISSN 1744-8980 online

Ó 2013 Taylor & Francis
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 807

each plan by summing the product of weight of each

metric and its score on the metric using the following 2.1. Review of methods for establishing relative
formula: weights
Review of research literature reveals a number of
Fi ¼ðWs  Si Þ þ ðWa  Ai Þ þ ðWc  Ci Þ methods developed for establishing relative importance
  of various objectives in a project. A number of direct
þ ðWt  Ti Þ þ ðWb  Bi Þ þ Wq  Qi ð1Þ
weighing methods developed for establishing weights
include allocation of points on a scale of 1–100 to
where Si, Ai, Ci, Ti, Bi, Qi are scores of ith bridge various objectives (Sinha et al. 2007), ranking various
construction plan for safety, accessibility, carrying objectives on the basis of their perceived importance
capacity, schedule, budget and project specific factors (Barron and Barrett 1996) and assigning various
rated on a scale of 1–10 with 10 being the best score objectives to categories and then assigning weights to
and Ws, Wa, Wc, Wt, Wb, Wq are weights for safety, the category itself. These methods do not capture the
accessibility, carrying capacity, schedule, budget and relative preference of the objectives of the decision
project specific factors for that particular project. The makers effectively. Observer derived weights method,
Downloaded by [Politecnico di Milano Bibl] at 07:09 14 November 2013

construction plan with the highest score is considered on the other hand, estimates weights of various
to be the best amongst alternatives. This model objectives based on regression analysis of unaided
depends on expert opinion to provide the relative subjective analysis of objectives by multiple respon-
weights for various metrics. The involvement of dents (Hobbs and Meier 2000). Gamble method of
quantitative and qualitative metrics in the decision- weight derivation introduces an element of risk in the
making process could make it difficult for the decision analysis by assigning a weight for one objective at a
makers to justify the trade-offs. time by asking the decision maker to compare a ‘sure
Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES) thing’ and a ‘gamble’ (Sinha et al. 2007).
framework (Ralls 2006) is another attempt to develop The swing weighting method asks the decision
a decision-making framework for accelerated con- maker to consider a hypothetical alternative bridge
struction of bridges. This framework consists of a construction plan where all goals are at their worst
simple flow chart for high level decision making, a levels. Then decision maker identifies the goal that they
matrix for detailed analysis of various factors affecting would want to ‘swing’ from its worst level to its best
decision making. This decision-making process pro- level. In this way, all goals are ranked based on their
vides for the decision maker to assign weights (relative perceived importance to the decision maker. The most
quantitative importance) to various factors but does important goal perceived by survey respondents is
not provide any methodology for it. In absence of a assigned a weight of 100, and then weights are assigned
transparent system, the process of assigning weights to to other criteria in proportion to their importance
various qualitative factors such as safety, environment, (Joubert et al. 2003). The indifference trade-off method
impact on local businesses and communities can prove allows the decision maker to explicitly define the trade-
to be difficult and contentious. offs that they want between various goals/objectives in
The decision-making systems discussed in the a project. This method forces the decision makers to
previous section identify the problem accurately but focus on the most desirable goal from an alternative.
they are not able to provide justifiable and mathema- This method requires very experienced decision
tically robust methodology to quantify the relative makers who have often made such choices in the
importance of various quantifiable and qualitative past. This method, though superior to the previously
factors. While Bridge Construction Plan (El-Diraby described methods, results in weights that are less
and O’Connor 2001) provides us with numerical values range sensitive than those predicted by the normative
for weights, PBES include a cursory discussion about model. The readers are directed to Sinha et al. (2007)
the weights. The difficulty in assigning weights to for an excellent and detailed discussion of multi-
various factors stems from the fact that the factors criteria decision-making methods in transportation
involved in the decision-making system are qualitative projects.
(e.g. safety, impact on surrounding communities and A problem faced in weight assignment of
businesses, environmental impact) as well as quantita- qualitative variables is the difficulty in presenting
tive (costs, impact on traffic flow). The literature the assessment in quantitative terms. Zeng et al.
suggests that weighting methods that allow decision (2007) noted that experts sometimes found difficulties
makers to choose weights directly, without a compre- in selecting a single number for comparison and
hensive analysis of trade-offs, do not guarantee that argue the advantage of allowing a range values for
the weights are theoretically valid and are difficult to comparison, such as 3–6, rather than a definitive
defend (Sinha et al. 2009). number. This can be overcome by using fuzzy logic
808 O.M. Salem et al.

which is modelled on human communication. Fuzzy infrastructure management studies (Saaty 1977b),
logic allows the assessment of the weights of various personnel selection (McIntyre et al. 1999), facility
in linguistic terms such as ‘low importance’, ‘medium management benchmarking (Gilleard and Wong
importance’, etc. This method allows for acceptable 2004), selection of demolition techniques (Abdullah
approximation of qualitative terms using logical and Anumba 2002), dispute resolution (Cheung et al.
arguments. The readers are directed towards Chan 2002), contractor selection (Fong and Choi 2000),
et al. (2009) for an excellent review of fuzzy sets and project management (Al-Harbi et al. 2001), etc. A
fuzzy logic. decision-making system based on AHP to optimise the
investment in rehabilitation of roads is currently being
used by the city of Zurich (Rafi et al. 2005).
3. Analytical hierarchy process The decision-making model presented in this
The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) (Saaty 1980) research study uses the well-established eigenvector
provides us with a tool to quantify these qualitative method for calculating weights. The AHP method
trade-offs between various objectives to extract a has been extensively researched by the operations
single set of weights which reflect the level of research community and its efficacy and robustness
Downloaded by [Politecnico di Milano Bibl] at 07:09 14 November 2013

importance of each of the factors in the overall for multi-criteria decision making has been validated.
decision making. AHP is based on three fundamental Other methods such as weighted least squares
principles of decomposition of objective into sub- method (Chu et al. 1979), logarithmic least squares
objectives, comparative judgements and hierarchical method (Crawford 1987), gradient eigenweight meth-
composition or synthesis of priorities (Forman and od, least distance method (Cogger and Yu 1985),
Selly 2001). AHP not only supports decision makers geometric least squares method (Islei and Lockett
by enabling them to structure complexity and exercise 1988), goal programming method (Bryson 1995),
judgement, but also allows them to incorporate both logarithmic goal programming approach (Bryson and
objective and subjective considerations in the decision Joseph 1999), a fuzzy programming method (Mi-
process. khailov 2000) and robust estimation method (Lipo-
AHP allows the decision makers to model complex vetsky and Conklin 2002) could be potentially used.
problems into a hierarchical structure showing the Vaidya and Kumar (2006) provide an excellent
relationship between the ultimate goal, the objectives review of the use of these methods in conjunction
(factors), sub-objectives (sub-factors) and alternatives. with the AHP. The method presented in this article
Pairwise comparisons are used to compare the relative can be modified if the user wants to explore alternate
importance of each factor with other factors using implementation of AHP.
numerical/verbal scale. The eigenvectors of the ma-
trices obtained from the pairwise comparisons reflect
the relative importance of each of the factor in the 4. The bridge construction decision-making model
decision-making process. Finally, the same pairwise In allowing the decision makers to derive ratio scale
comparison method can be used to evaluate the properties (opposed to arbitrarily assigning them),
proposed solutions for their efficacy in achieving the AHP is a compensatory decision methodology because
goals. AHP is suited to the problem of identifying the alternatives that are deficient with respect to one or
most suitable bridge construction strategy because more objectives (factors) can compensate by their
there exists hierarchy of importance across the various performance with respect to other objectives. In this
objectives in a project. AHP effectively captures study, the goal is to develop a decision-making process
decision makers’ preferences for relative weights using which helps to complete the construction/rehabilita-
pairwise comparison. Also, by virtue of its inherent tion of the bridge in the most cost-effective and safest
structure, AHP is an appropriate method when the manner with least disruption to the flow of traffic,
analysis involves the use of relative weights in a surrounding communities and businesses. The factors
multivariate value or utility function framework (Sinha affecting the successful completion of this goal can be
et al. 2009). classified as costs, traffic flow, safety, impact on
AHP has been validated through significant body communities, local economy and environmental con-
of research over last two decades. The method has cerns that are associated with the bridge project. These
been used for many wide-ranging applications such as factors have been determined in consultation with
comparing technologies (AbouRizk et al. 1994), forest industry experts and confirmed by an extensive survey
management (Mendoza and Sprouse 1989), setting of the officials from the State Department of Trans-
priorities (Reynolds 1997), resource management portation in US and Canada (Salem et al. 2007). The
(Peterson et al. 1994), resource allocation (Saaty relative primacy of the factors is dictated by the project
1977a), risk assessment (Kangas 1993), transportation requirements.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 809

The relative importance (weight) of sub-criteria with

4.1. Steps in decision making respect to the criterion at one level above can be
The decision-making process proposed in this manu- determined by calculating the eigenvector of the matrix.
script involves the development of decision hierarchy, The consistency of all the matrices must be checked to
construction of comparison matrices, calculating verify the reliability of the judgements of the decision
weights by using approximation of eigenvalues, check- maker. Saaty (1980) defined a measure of consistency of
ing the consistency of comparison matrices, evaluate a matrix called the consistency index (CI).
the potential construction plans using the relative
weights of various criteria defined in the decision lmax  1
CI ¼ ð2Þ
hierarchy. n 1
The development of decision hierarchy begins with
defining the overall objective or goal. In a typical bridge where lmax is the maximum eigenvalue and n is the size
construction project, the goal could be the completion of the comparison matrix. For a perfectly consistent
of the construction/rehabilitation of a bridge in the matrix of pairwise comparisons, the CI would be zero,
most economical and safe conditions, with the least because the eigenvalue would be equal to the order of
Downloaded by [Politecnico di Milano Bibl] at 07:09 14 November 2013

disruption to traffic, community, businesses and the the matrix (Saaty and Vargas 1982). A pairwise
environment around the site. The decision hierarchy can comparison based on quantitative judgements could
be tailored to the goals of the construction process. This potentially result in a perfectly consistent matrix.
model is versatile in this regard because it does not However, it is difficult to maintain this consistency
prescribe certain criteria for the evaluation of bridge when the judgements are qualitative in nature. Hence,
construction plans. The broad goals of the project can as a general rule, perfect consistency cannot be
then be further subdivided into sub-criteria such as expected and is not required by AHP, and the
costs, impact on traffic flow, safety, societal impact, computed CI will be greater than zero. The consistency
impact on local economy and environmental impact. of judgements in the pairwise comparisons can be
Thus, the hierarchy clearly describes the project’s calculated by finding the consistency ratio (CR). The
objectives. This process is very amenable to feedback CR can be defined as the ratio of CI and random index
by several stakeholders in the decision-making process. (RI) (Saaty and Vargus 1982).
The comparison matrices are then constructed to
determine the potency with which the various elements CR ¼ CI=RI ð3Þ
in one level influence the elements on the next higher
level, so as to compute the relative strengths of the RI is a predefined value of average CI for a matrix
impacts of the elements of the lowest level on the of a certain size. The RI, for various different order
overall objective. Each element is then evaluated random matrices, was calculated by Saaty (1980) by
against each of its peers in relation to its impact on randomly creating 500 positive reciprocal matrices of
achieving the objective of the parent element. These various sizes (1 6 1 to 15 6 15) and calculating the
evaluations are termed as pairwise comparisons and CI of each matrix. The probability distributions of the
take the form of matrices. This step can be used to CIs were then studied and values for RI were
involve multiple experts to evaluate the factors that fall recommended. If the calculated CR for a given matrix
within the domain of their expertise. The scale for these is 0.10 or less, the inconsistency is generally considered
comparisons, A ratio scale (Table 1), developed by to be acceptable for the evaluation of the decision
Saaty (1980) is used to facilitate pair-wise comparison. hierarchy (Saaty and Vargus 1982).

Table 1. Pairwise comparison scale.

Intensity of
importance Definition Explanation
1 Equal importance Two activities contribute equally to the objective
3 Weak importance of one over Experience and judgement slightly favor one activity over another
5 Essential or strong Experience and judgment strongly favor one activity over another
7 Demonstrated importance An activity is strongly favored and its dominance demonstrated in
9 Absolute importance The evidence favoring one activity over another is of the highest possible
order of affirmation
2,4,6,8 Intermediate values between Used facilitate compromise between slightly differing judgements
two judgements
810 O.M. Salem et al.

Each project would have a number of activities that robust, proven method of multi-criteria decision
need to be evaluated in order to determine the best making. The decision-making process can be illu-
alternative that would suit the project. The final strated using the following flow chart (Figure 1).
weights for sub-criteria can be obtained by multiplying
the weight (from the eigenvector) with the weight of
the corresponding criteria one level up higher in the 4.2. Illustration of the decision-making system: the
hierarchy. Each alternative is evaluated for its effec- Guernsey 513 bridge
tiveness in achieving the objective stated in each sub- In an effort to better manage highway infrastructure
criterion using pairwise comparison. assets, the Ohio Department of Transportation started
Sensitivity analysis can be performed to see how several initiatives aimed at reducing the problems
well the alternatives perform with respect to each of associated with the reconstruction of roadways. One
the criteria as well as how sensitive the alternatives are initiative, Strategic Initiative #9, ‘Build Bridges Faster,
to changes in the importance of the criteria. Sensitivity Smarter and Better’ identified bridges as a significant
analysis is the study of how the variation in the output source of delays in the rehabilitation process of
of a model can be apportioned qualitatively or roadways. The decision-making model developed in
Downloaded by [Politecnico di Milano Bibl] at 07:09 14 November 2013

quantitatively to different sources of variation and this study is illustrated using a SI#9 pilot project in this
how the output of the given model depends upon the section.
information fed into it (Saltelli et al. 2000). Sensitivity The Guernsey 513 bridge, which was one of the
analysis of the decision-making model which uses AHP pilot projects in the Strategic Initiative #9 study, is
requires checking the change in output for small located in Quaker City, Ohio; a rural town located
change in the input. This would entail changing the approximately 50 miles west of Columbus. This bridge,
pairwise comparison values for every factor and located over the Leatherwood Creek on the State
conducting the entire analysis. This will have to be Route 513, is the only north-south thoroughfare
done for every factor at many different levels. This through the town. Closure of the bridge would have
process is computationally intensive and it can take a resulted in a 20 mile detour for automobiles and a 40
significant amount of time. Commercially available mile detour for trucks and buses. This route is used by
software programs such as Expert Choice1 can be school buses; hence, the long detour was a concern. If
utilised to conduct sensitivity analysis. the bridge had been rehabilitated using part-width
The unique features of this decision-making model construction, it would have resulted in one-lane,
include developing a transparent hierarchy of project signal-controlled traffic and would have potentially
priorities, the potential to analyse the performance of caused safety concerns for drivers and construction
the construction plan using qualitative and quantita- workers. The Ohio Department of Transportation had
tive criteria at the same time, ease of compartmenta- a 16-day window between end of the regular school
lised feedback and evaluation by subject experts and year and the beginning of the summer school classes to
selection of an appropriate construction plan using a reconstruct the bridge. The Quaker City holds an

Figure 1. Decision-making process.

Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 811

annual Ohio Hills Folk Festival. The festival is a major involved construction of a two-span structure consist-
revenue generator for the people and the Quaker City ing of two-way post-tensioned precast concrete mod-
as a whole and hence it was imperative that the bridge ular slabs on an existing reinforced concrete
be complete and operative before the festival started. substructure. Longitudinal post-tensioning was
The decision to accelerate the construction of this planned to create continuity over the support and to
bridge was not based on commonly used metrics such enhance the positive moment resistance. Lateral post-
as initial construction costs, traffic flow, rehabilitation tensioning was planned to compress the joints between
costs, user costs, etc. The decision-making process is the modular slabs to prevent cracking of the joints.
illustrated using this project. The traditional method involved construction of a
standard cast in place bridge deck. The goal of the
decision-making process was to find the best possible
4.2.1. Development of decision hierarchy alternative to serve the purpose of early completion
The objective of the decision-making process was to with a high safety level and minimum disturbance to
identify the most appropriate bridge construction plan. the community and the environment surrounding the
Each construction plan needed to meet certain criteria. project site. The resulting hierarchical structure is
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These criteria included cost of construction (C), effect presented in Figure 2.

on flow of traffic (T) on state route 513, safety of
stakeholders (S), effect on surrounding communities
(P), impact on local economy (B) and environmental 4.2.2. Comparison of objectives
impact (E). Some of these criteria were further divided The overall comparison describing decision maker’s
into sub-criteria. Safety of stakeholders was further evaluation of relative importance of high level objec-
classified into: safety of motorists (MS), safety of tives is shown in Figure 3.
construction workers(CS), safety of pedestrians (PS). The first row of the matrix demonstrates the
The effect on surrounding communities was further importance of construction cost with respect to the
classified into: ensuring access to community (AP), other factors under consideration. In this case, con-
acceptability of the duration of the detour to the struction cost was considered slightly more important
community (DP), access to emergency services (EP), than flow of traffic, safety of stakeholders and
local events (LP): Ohio Hills Folk Festival, School environmental impact (by an intensity of 2 as per the
closing, etc. The regional economic impact was
classified into: access to local businesses (AB), accept-
ability of the duration of the detour to local businesses
(DB), congestion (CB), supply route to manufacturing
units (SB). The environmental impact of construction
was classified into: air pollution (AE) and noise
pollution (NE).
The three alternative construction options consid-
ered included accelerated construction with complete
closure, partial width construction and traditional
construction. The accelerated construction option Figure 3. Overall pairwise comparison.

Figure 2. Decision hierarchy.

812 O.M. Salem et al.

Figure 4. Pairwise comparison: social factors.

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Figure 5. Pairwise comparison: economic impact.

4.2.3. Checking consistency of judgements

Figure 7 lists the consistency indices, random indices
and the CRs.
It can be seen from Figure 7 that all the matrices
are consistent as their CR is less than 0.10.

Figure 6. Pairwise comparison: cost. 4.2.4. Establishing relative contribution of criteria in

achieving overall goal
The pairwise matrices created in the previous step were
ration scale). The construction cost was considered to used to calculate the eigenvectors of the matrices. The
have the same importance as impact of construction on eigenvalues establish the weight vector for the compar-
the affected communities due to the small window of ison matrix at the criteria level. The eigenvector
construction available on account of school schedule associated with the principal eigenvalue of a matrix
and the Ohio Hills Folk Festival. Construction cost ‘A’ can be calculated using the following formula:
was considered to be significantly more important than
regional economic impact as the closure of this bridge Ak e
lim ¼ Cw ð4Þ
was not considered to have significant impact on local k!1 eT A K e
manufacturing facilities.
In the same fashion, all the sub-criteria are where e is the column vector unity and eT, its
evaluated against one another using the pairwise transpose, C is a constant and w is the eigenvalue.
comparison. Figures 4–6 show the matrices devel- This formula can be numerically approximated using
oped by performing pairwise comparison for the sub- the following:
criteria of regional economic impact (access to
businesses, detour acceptability, congestion, supply 1X n
wi ¼ P ð5Þ
route to manufacturing units) and the effect on n j¼1 nk¼1 akj
surrounding communities (access to community,
detour duration acceptability, access to emergency where aij ¼ element located in row i and column j of
services, local events). Similarly, comparison matrices the decision matrix and k represents the number of
were created for all sub-criteria. Finally, each bridge elements in a column. The final weights for a sub-
construction plan was evaluated for its performance criterion can be obtained by multiplying the weight
on various sub-criteria at the lowest level of the (eigenvalue) with the weight of the corresponding
hierarchy. criteria one level up higher in the hierarchy shows the
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 813

pairwise comparison of the estimated construction The final score of bridge construction strategies
costs of the three bridge construction plans under was:
(1) Accelerated construction with complete clo-
sure: 0.52
4.2.5. Evaluation of alternatives (2) Partial width construction: 0.25
The available plans were then compared to identify the (3) Traditional (cast in place) construction: 0.23
plan that best achieves the objectives. The matrix of the
sub-criteria eigenvalues is multiplied by the transpose of On the basis of this analysis, it is clear that
the final sub-criterion weights (Figures 8 and 9). accelerated construction met the objectives of the
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Figure 7. Consistency values for matrices for the Guernsey 513 project.

Figure 8. Final evaluation criteria.

814 O.M. Salem et al.

project in the most effective manner. The construction software programs. Figure 10 shows a representative
of the bridge was accelerated with partial lane closure, output of sensitivity analysis using Expert Choice1. In
and prefabricated elements were used to ensure the figure, the criteria (objectives) are represented by
minimum disruption of traffic. vertical bars, and the alternatives are displayed as
horizontal line graphs. The intersection of the alter-
native line graphs with the vertical criterion lines shows
4.2.6. Sensitivity analysis the priority of the alternative for the given criterion, as
Sensitivity analysis can be used to determine the effect read from the right axis labelled Alt%. The criterion’s
of change of relative weight of one objective on various priority is represented by the height of its bar as read
alternatives. As discussed earlier, sensitivity analysis from the left axis. The overall priority of each
cannot be performed efficiently without the use of alternative is represented on the overall line, as read
from the right axis. When performing sensitivity
analysis, one can graphically move the criteria bars
vertically to change their importance and observe the
impact of the change on the overall AHP analysis.
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5. Discussion
AHP is a robust methodology, but it can become
unwieldy when there are a large number of criteria
defined to meet project objectives. Most state depart-
ments of transportation (DOTs) have a major invest-
ment backlog in the face of increasing budgetary cuts.
This often results in, sometimes justifiable tendency to
put excessive importance on initial construction costs.
The decision-making model cannot counteract the
inherent biases of the users. The user(s) of this model
have the power to set priorities amongst various
factors that need to be considered in decision making.
If the user has a predetermined bias towards one
factor, the results of the analysis will be affected by it.
Even with the use of this decision making system, the
Figure 9. Evaluation of alternatives. decision making process could potentially favour

Figure 10. Sensitivity analysis using Expert Choice1.

Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 815

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