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Notable hydrogen storage in TieZreVeCreNi high

entropy alloy

Abhishek Kumar a, Thakur Prasad Yadav a,*,

Nilay Krishna Mukhopadhyay b
Hydrogen Energy Centre, Department of Physics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi-
221005, India


 Synthesis of pure C14 type hexagonal Laves phase high-entropy alloy in TieZreVeCreNi equiatomic system.
 The developed new materials with 1.52 wt% hydrogen storage capacities.
 A stable cyclic stability in reversible hydrogen storage capacity of TieZreVeCreNi equiatomic alloy.

article info abstract

Article history: In the present investigation, we discussed the synthesis, structural and hydrogen storage
Received 8 January 2022 behavior of high-entropy TieZreVeCreNi equiatomic intermetallic alloy. This alloy was
Received in revised form synthesized by arc melting in an argon atmosphere where base pressure was in the order
28 April 2022 of 105 atm before purging with argon gas. The X-ray diffraction study revealed that the
Accepted 12 May 2022 alloy is C14 type hexagonal Laves phase. The pressure composition isotherms (PCI) of this
Available online 4 June 2022 alloy were investigated with pressure ranges at 0e40 atmosphere. The total hydrogen
storage capacities were found to be 1.52 wt%. The reversible hydrogen storage capacity was
Keywords: quite stable and only slight decreases in the storage capacity was observed after 10 cycles
Multicomponent intermetallic during hydrogen soaking. The demonstrations of hydrogen storage capacity of the TieZreV
alloys eCreNi equiatomic alloy were thus established, indicating the future potential of devel-
High-entropy alloy oping this class of high entropy intermetallic based materials for hydrogen storage.
Hydrogen energy © 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrogen storage

detrimental consequences due to pollution. One of the most

Introduction essential alternative energy sources is considered to be
hydrogen, which is a 100% pure fuel that can be used in cars,
Due to the scarcity of the fossil resources, the globe is expe- buildings, portable power, and a variety of other applications.
riencing an energy crisis. It requires immediate attention for The hydrogen economy encompasses hydrogen generation,
meeting the energy demand with more efficient and clean storage, and distribution/application, among other things; of
alternative energy sources that can protect the globe from

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: thakurp.yadav@bhu.ac.in (T.P. Yadav).
0360-3199/© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
22894 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 2 8 9 3 e2 2 9 0 0

these, storage is now the most significant. A multicomponent between 0.03 and 1.8 wt % for CoFeMnTixVyZrz where, x, y, and
High Entropy Alloy (HEA) is an emerging class of advanced z that can vary from the range 0.5 < x > 2.5; 0.4 < y > 3.0; and 0.4
materials leading to a new field in materials science due to < z > 3.0. X-ray diffraction revealed that these compositions
their superior mechanical, physical and functional properties, are not the single-phase solid solutions but they contain also
unlike that of conventional alloys which are based on one or an intermetallic phase, i.e. hexagonal C14-type Laves phases
two principal elements [1,2]. The term HEAs was firstly coined (P63/mmc). Kunce et al. [6] reported the 2.3 wt% hydrogen
by Yeh et al. [3] in 2004 and the concept of a multicomponent storage capacity after additional annealing and showed 1.8 wt
system was demonstrated by Yeh et al. and Cantor et al. [4]. It % hydrogen storage capacities in TiZrNbMoV, synthesized by
contains five or more than five elements, each with a con- Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) technique. This HEA
centration between 5 and 35 atomic percent. HEAs exhibit system represents a two-phase system with a BCC type phase
high chemical disorder, which can stabilize the single solid as a major one and the orthorhombic NbTi4 intermetallic
solution phases with simple crystal structures like body- phase as a minor one. Kunce et al. also reported ZrTiVCrFeNi
centered cubic (BCC), face-centered cubic (FCC), and hexago- as C14 Laves phase with 1.81 wt% hydrogen storage capacity
nal close-packed (HCP) in the multi-component systems [5]. [11]. Sahlberg et al. [12] reported 2.7 wt% hydrogen storage
The hydrogen storage property of HEAs has been of much capacities in BCC TiVZrNbHf HEA synthesized by arc melting.
interest. Solid-state storage is a viable, efficient, and cost- This is the first such report which proposed high hydrogen
effective way [6,7] for hydrogen storage, where hydrogen is capacity performance compared to the other HEAs and con-
stored in a material either in the form of atoms or in the form ventional alloys. Zhang et al. [13] reported the TiZrNbTa HEAs
of H2 molecules. Hence, designing of new type of hydrogen with a BCC phase and showed that after activation at high
storage materials with specific microstructure is very temperature, the maximum hydrogen storage capacities at
rewarding in which the number of interstices would be room temperature to be 1.40 wt%. Zepon et al. [14] revealed the
available for hydrogen atoms [8,9]. Some intermetallic phases formation of BCC phase in complex concentrated alloy by high
like Laves phase-based alloys open a new area of research as energy ball milling (HEBM) for hydrogen storage material.
hydrogen storage materials [10]. They demonstrated that MgZrTiFe0.5Ni0.5 which was synthe-
The first investigation into HEAs for application-based sized in argon atmosphere by HEBM absorbed hydrogen as
hydrogen storage property was investigated by Kao et al. in 1.2 wt%. The hydrogenation was accompanied by an incom-
2010 [10]. He investigated hydrogen storage capacity range plete transformation from BCC to FCC. Montero et al. [15]

Fig. 1 e Schematic diagram of the synthesis protocol for Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 high entropy alloy.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 2 8 9 3 e2 2 9 0 0 22895

investigated the single BCC phase in Ti0.325V0.275Zr0.125Nb0.275 Montero et al. [24] observed 2.7 wt% hydrogen absorption
multi-principal multicomponent HEAs synthesized by HEBM within 1 min at room temperature for Mg0.10Ti0.30V0.25Zr0.10-
with 2.5 wt% superior hydrogen storage capacity. In recent Nb0.25 HEA containing a major BCC phase.
study, Dewangan et al. [16] investigated hydrogen sorption The present studies aim at selecting the hydride-forming
through volumetric method on AlCrFeMnNiW, and at room elements (Ti, Zr, V) along with non-hydride forming ele-
temperature the maximum storage capacity was estimated to ments (Cr, Ni) and investigated the hydrogen storage proper-
be 0.616 wt%. Marco et al. [17] synthesized the MgTiVCrFe ties of TieZreVeCreNi intermetallic HEA [25], which was
HEAs by mechanical alloying via HEBM under hydrogen at- synthesized by arc melting technique in the presence of Ar
mosphere and maximum sorption capacity was found to be atmosphere and structurally characterized by X-ray diffrac-
0.9 wt%. MgVAlCrNi HEA reported by Strozi et al. [18] as a tion (XRD) followed by Jana 2006 Rietveld Refinement. The
single phase BCC lightweight HEAs with 0.3 wt% of hydrogen pressure composition temperature isotherms involving for
storage capacity which is low because most of the alloying hydrogen storage investigation were explored.
elements of this system are positive, only V has negative
enthalpy of hydrogen solution. Strozi et al. [18] investigated
for the first time the importance of enthalpy of hydrogen so-
lution for designing light weight HEAs for hydrogen storage Table 1 e Lattice Parameters and refinement parameters
application. Shen et al. [19] reported compositional dependent obtained from powder x-ray diffraction data of as-cast
hydrogen storage performance in TieZreHfeMoeNb HEA. In sample.
the same way, the high entropy MgAlTiFeNi HEA was pro- Refine Parameter and phase data
duced by reactive milling with 0.94 wt% hydrogen storage Unit-Cell Parameters a ¼ b ¼ 5.0875  A, c ¼ 8.2884,
capacity by Cardoso et al. [20]. Floriano et al. [21] studied A3B2 a ¼ b ¼ 90 , g ¼ 120
type TiZrNbCrFe HEA to represent C14 type major Laves phase Space Group P63/mmc (Space Group ¼ 194)
with BCC minor phase, which desorbs 1.9 wt% hydrogen at R- Factor Rp ¼ 4.68%, wRp ¼ 6.37%,
GOF ¼ 1.18%,
473 K. Some cycles of hydrogenation fully converted C14 and
Volume V ¼ 185.80 A3
BCC phase into C14 and FCC hydride phases [22,23]. Recently

Fig. 2 e (a) XRD pattern of TieZreVeCreNi alloy system, (b) Rietveld refinement of the bulk alloys, (c) XRD pattern after first
cycle dehydrogenation and (d) XRD pattern after 10 cycle dehydrogenation.
22896 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 2 8 9 3 e2 2 9 0 0

in the 2q range: 10e80 in a continuous scan mode with the
Experimental details 
step size of 0.02 and scan step length of 1.5 s. The structural
refinement of the as-synthesized HEA was carried out using
The high purity materials for the synthesis of the Rietveld's entire profile fitting approach, which is based on
TieZreVeCreNi system was procured from Alfa Aeser with JANA2006 and uniquely developed to tune structural param-
the purity of materials Ti (99.99%), Zr (99.90%), V (99.99%), Cr eters simultaneously using a least square method and Le-Bail
(99.96%) and Ni (99.99%). The calculated enthalpy of mixing fitting. Each run of the hydrogen sorption measurement used
(DHmix) was found to be 21.76 kJ/mol for this HEA system; 500 mg of the sample through an Advanced Material
therefore this alloy composition may be suitable for the syn- Corporation-supplied pressure composition isotherm (PCI)
thesis of a single phase HEA. Using a cylindrical steel mould equipment (Pittsburgh, USA). The hydrogen desorption ca-
equipped with a hydraulic press at an operating pressure of pacity and kinetics were measured using temperature pro-
3  105 N/m2, all the constituent materials with equiatomic grammed desorption (TPD) at 5 C/min heating rate. The
ratio were taken for consolidating as a palette. The palette hydrogen storage capacity and absorption kinetics were
(about 10 g by weight) was then used for melting and casting investigated in soaking mode under 100 atm hydrogen
by utilizing an arc melting technique in an argon atmosphere. pressures.
It was re-melted five times for complete homogeneity. The
detailed synthesis processes have been demonstrated using
schematic diagram as shown in Fig. 1. The characterization Results and discussion
was performed using an X'Pert PRO PANalytical XRD diffrac-
tometer with a graphite monochromator and Nickel-filtered Structure characterization was carried out using XRD tech-
Cu radiation (¼ 1.5402 A, CuKa working at 45 kV and 40 mA) niques to determine the crystal structure of the as-cast
in Bragg-Brentano mode. All of the measurements were taken TieZreVeCreNi HEAs, as illustrated in Fig. 2. All the

Fig. 3 e (a) Hydrogenation curve of bulk as-cast Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 HEA, (b) TPD curves of hydrogenated kinetics curve of
bulk as-cast Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 HEA, (c) pressure composition isotherm curve for absorption and desorption of bulk as-cast
Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 HEA and (d) Number of Cycles vs. hydrogen storage capacity of bulk as-cast Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20
HEAupto10 cycles.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 2 8 9 3 e2 2 9 0 0 22897

diffraction peaks (shown in Fig. 2a) matched with the hexag- to be 1.52 wt% of H2 after 300 min under similar conditions of
onal C14 laves phase (MgZn2 type, P63/mmc space group). The temperature and pressure. This is the first demonstration of the
XRD Le-Bail fitting plot has been shown in Fig. 2(b). The hydrogen storage behaviour of the as-cast TieZreVeCreNi
goodness-of-fit (GOF) of this refinement is 1.18. The refine- HEA with absorption kinetics. The hydrogen desorption ca-
ment data validate the TieZreVeCreNi HEA system with unit pacity and kinetics were measured using TPD with 5  C/min
cell parameters of a ¼ b ¼ 5.0875 A, c ¼ 8.2884 
A for C14 Laves heating rate up to 300  C and has been shown in Fig. 3(b). The
phase. desorption up to ~200  C temperature was quite slow, however
The calculated XRD pattern has been shown by dotted line at temperature above 200  C, the desorption kinetic was very
after refining all the data including lattice parameters, profile fast and the total desorption has been finished by 300  C tem-
shape and background, giving rise to close match with the perature. The maximum desorption capacity was observed
experimental data. The peak shape was assumed to be a ~1.51 wt%, therefore there is very less probability of the for-
pseudo-Voigt (pV) function with asymmetry. The background mation of stable hydride in this alloy system. The representa-
of each pattern was fitted by a Legendre polynomial function tive PCI for absorption and desorption of the bulk as-cast
of degree and the least squares refinement technique was TieZreVeCreNi HEA has been shown in Fig. 3(c). The regions
adopted for minimizing the difference between experimental observed were found to be nearly flat with equilibrium pres-
and calculated diffraction pattern by using the residual sures below 5 atm for PCI-absorption at room temperature
function, (~32  C) and PCI-desorption at 200  C. The PCI-absorption and
PCI-desorption was measured up to 40 atm pressure and the
X  2
Ry ¼ wi yðobsÞi  yðcalcÞi (1) maximum hydrogen storage capacity was found to be 1.53 wt%.

yci ¼ s LðhklÞ F2ðhklÞ 4i ð2qi  2qhkl ÞPðhklÞ A þ ybi (2)

where y(obs)i ¼ observed intensity and y(calc)i ¼ calculated

Where, s ¼ scaling factor, L(hkl) ¼ Lorentz Polarization and
multiplicity Factors, P(hkl) ¼ Preferred Orientation Function, A
¼ Absorption Factor, F(hkl) ¼ structure factor, ybi ¼ background
intensity. After importing the data different refining parame-
ters (i.e. unit cell, background, peak profile etc.) were set in
order to achieve the best Le-Bail fit. By checking all the refining
parameters one by one, the refinement of XRD profile was
initiated and the positions of the peaks were corrected by
successive refinements at different cycles. The experimental
profile was fitted with the most suitable pseudo-Voigt func-
tion because it includes both the particle size and strain
broadening of the experimental profiles and represented by,

pVi;k ¼ hLi;k þ ð1  hÞGi;k (3)

where L and G are the Lorentzian and Gaussian components

respectfully. After getting this best profile fit, for the structural
analysis, the atomic coordinates are entered in the program
and by refining all the data, the program gives the final
structure and detailed calculated parameters are given in
Table 1. The XRD pattern of dehydrogenated after one cycle
and ten cycle of the TieZreVeCreNi HEA samples have been
shown Fig. 2(c) and (d) respectively which revealed that there
was no indication of the formation of any new phases. The
XRD results confirmed that the stability of C14 Laves phase in
the present alloy composition remained unchanged before
and after de/re-hydrogenation.
The hydrogen sorption properties of the as-cast
TieZreVeCreNi HEA were investigated and the results are
shown in Fig. 3. The hydrogenation of bulk TieZreVeCreNi
HEA has been checked after five time of activation at room
temperature (32 C) and 100 atm of H2 pressure. The results are Fig. 4 e Scanning electron micrograph of the (a) bulk as-
displayed in Fig. 3(a). As it can be seen from Fig. 3(a) that the as- cast Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 HEA (b) dehydrogenated alloy after
cast TieZreVeCreNi HEA could absorb ~1.2 wt% of H2, in 10 cycle exhibiting intra grain cracking due to lattice
50 min and the maximum storage absorbed capacity was found expansion upon hydrogenation.
22898 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 2 8 9 3 e2 2 9 0 0

Table 2 e Reported hydrogen storage capacity in Laves phase.

S.No HEAs Composition Synthesis Method Phase Storage Capacity in wt% Reference
1. CoFeMnTixVyZrz Arc melting C14 Laves Phase 0.03e1.80 wt% Kao et al., 2010 [10]
2. ZrTiVCrFeNi LENS C14 Laves Phase 1.81 wt% Kunce et al., 2013 [11]
3. Ti0.30V0.25Zr0.10Nb0.25Ta0.10 Arc melting BCC 2.2 wt% Montero et al., 2020 [29]
4. TiZrNbCrFe Arc melting C14 Laves Phase(Major) 1.9 wt% Floriano et al., 2021 [21]
5. Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 Arc melting C14 Laves Phase 1.52 wt% Present Investigation

The hydrogen absorption and desorption curve (Fig. 3(c)) shows sites are expected, which may favour hydrogen absorption
the plateau pressure of bulk as-cast TieZreVeCreNi HEA, because the structure is open and relaxed. It is logical that an
which is below 5 atm and remains nearly invariant. AB2 alloy with a precise composition will not attract and
It is known that there is a direct relationship between absorb so much hydrogen, though all of which will occupy
plateau pressure and application of hydrogen storage mode, the interstitial sites of the Laves phase structure. Large
therefore this low plateau pressure TieZreVeCreNi HEA will atoms like Ti and Zr are represented by A, while smaller
be a suitable material for practical application. Since revers- atoms are represented by B (V, Cr, Ni). Thus the current alloy
ibility/cycling are another important characteristic of any is of the type AB1.5, with a combination of strong and weak
viable hydride, we checked the reversibility of the sample by hydride forming elements. However, the maximum reported
performing cyclic hydrogenation and de-hydrogenation ex- hydrogen storage capacity in BCC HEA is reported to be
periments. The hydrogenation storage capacity up-to 10 cycles 3.51 wt% [29,30]. In the case of Laves phase, the maximum
was performed to check the cyclic stability of TieZreVeCreNi reported hydrogen storage capacity was about 1.91 wt% as
HEA. Fig. 3(d) shows the hydrogen storage capacity of shown in Table 2. The advantage of selecting the Laves phase
TieZreVeCreNi HEA during 10 cycles of absorption and HEA instead of the BCC HEA is that the Laves phase has po-
desorption. It can be seen that even after 10 cycles, tential for better absorption and desorption kinetics than
TieZreVeCreNi HEA shows good cyclic stability and the ca- that of the BCC HEAs [31]. Some comparative results of BCC
pacity though it degrades slightly from ~1.52 wt % to ~1.49 wt% and C14 Laves phase-based HEAs are provided in Table 2 for
of H2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the powder par- better understanding.
ticle surface was used to investigate the surface morphology of
dehydrogenated alloys. Secondary electron micrographs of as
cast Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 HEA and dehydrogenated Ti20Zr20V20- Conclusions
Cr20Ni20 HEA alloys are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively.
After 10 cycles of hydrogenation/dehydrogenation several We presented a facile and effective route for the synthesis of
crackings are clearly visible on the surface microstructure. equatomic Ti20Zr20V20Cr20Ni20 intermetallic HEAs by arc
However, the samples do not break down into small particles; melting in an argon atmosphere. The as-cast alloy has shown
instead, fissures appear in the grains. the evolution of a single phase hexagonal C14 Laves phase-
It is interesting to note that the present HEA is associated structure with the lattice parameters, a ¼ 5.08  A and
with five elements in which Ti, V, Zr elements have negative c ¼ 8.41 A.This high entropy intermetallic alloy exhibited
enthalpy of hydrogen solution [26]. The experimental higher desorption capacity of ~1.52 wt% and also was acti-
enthalpy of formation (in kJ/mol H2) is 136,-70, 164 for Ti, vated easily. This intermetallic based alloy with equiatomic
V, Zr, elements with hydrogen respectively. All these data composition led to low plateau pressure (below five atmo-
were selected from extending Miedema's model to predict sphere) hydrogen storage materials. Thus the present study
hydrogen content in metal hydrides [26]. Cr and Ni also have suggests the scope for the further investigation on the hy-
negative enthalpy of hydrogen solution but it is very much drogenation behaviour of TieZreVeCreNi based intermetallic
less i.e. 12 and 9 (kJ/mol H2) respectively [26]. Therefore, Cr HEAs with light weight hydrides for developing new class of
and Ni formed the hydride only under high pressure and high hydrogen storage materials.
temperature. Moreover, Cr and Ni were used as a catalyst for
enhancing the performance of hydrogen absorption and
desorption in metal hydride [27,28] where Ni and Cr in the Declaration of competing interest
alloy system helps destabilise the hydrogen molecule, and
form the hydrogen atom. It also plays an essential role in The authors declare that they have no known competing
improving the desorption kinetics for the alloy system. financial interests or personal relationships that could have
Therefore, the present HEA i.e. TieZreVeCreNi system with appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
hydride forming elements (Ti, V, Zr) and weak hydride
forming elements (Ni, Cr) are an interesting combination as
notable hydrogen storage materials. The calculated enthalpy Acknowledgements
of mixing (DH mix) for the TieZreVeCreNi HEA system is
21.76 kJ/mol. It should be noted that as this alloy is not The authors would like to thank Prof. M.A. Shaz and Dr. S.S.
strictly AB2 type Laves phase, therefore many vacancies in B- Mishra for many useful discussions on high-entropy alloys.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 2 8 9 3 e2 2 9 0 0 22899

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