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ENGL 210 Team Charter

Team Members: Farah Alawyia (Team Manager), Wala Abdelhalim, Odai Elfeghih , Ahmad Al-khlaqi, Ruba Yousif,
Abdulraheem Hussain.

Date Submitted: September 10, 2022

Broad Team Goals:

1. Presenting and submitting high quality work and staying consistent with the quality of our team’s work.
2. Always communicating and understanding each other in order to build a good dynamic and create trust
within the team.

Measurable Team Goals:

1. Meeting all deadlines set by the professor.
2. Regularly planning and attending team meetings and discussions.
3. Distributing the work depending on the capability of each team member by focusing on and understanding
their strengths and weaknesses.
4. Following the professor’s rubric, requirements and expectations for this class.
5. Sticking to our plans as a team by following our team charter, also adhering to all deadlines and
responsibilities by following our task schedule.

Personal Goals:
● Ahmad: To improve my writing skills alongside my communication skills.
● Farah: To improve my team collaboration skills(working well and communicating with my team members)
as well as my writing and public speaking skills.
● Odai: To improve my skills in creating visual presentations.
● Ruba: To be an effective and efficient team member and to be able to enhance my communication skills
both verbally and through writing.
● Wala: To improve my time management skills alongside my teamwork and verbal communication.
● Abdulraheem: To improve my communication skills, as well as public speaking, and to build my team
working skills and to manage my time effectively.

Individual Commitment:
● Ahmad: I will commit to all the deadlines set by my team members as well as to try my best to share ideas
with the team. I will also commit to showing up to all team meetings and communicate beforehand if I
wasn’t able to attend.
● Farah: I will commit to being a responsible team manager and team member; by following all deadlines
and working alongside my team members by communicating well with them. I will always inform my
teammates if there are any sudden changes to my schedule, however there are no specific days or times I
am not available to meet. I am always willing to jump in at the last minute and pick up any work or ‘slack’
that has been left unattended or unfinished.
● Odai: I will fully commit to being an active team member, making sure that I meet all requirements and
support my team members by offering help when needed, even in the last minute. I tend to be quite
flexible with any spontaneous tasks. I am available every day before 9pm.
● Ruba: I will commit to the deadlines and never delay my team. I am willing to put 100% of my effort into all
of the work that I will put out this semester and I will always let my team members know if my availability
throughout the week changes in case I have other commitments. To be more specific, I am willing to work
at least 2-3 hours ,twice a week. Preferably, I would like to work earlier during the day and not later at night
as I use that time to catch up with my other assignments and due to the fact that I’m taking 20 credit hours
this semester, I don’t think I’ll have extra time to cover up/jump in to take up another team member’s
slack. With that being said, if it's completely necessary and urgent, and no other team member is available,
then I will step up and cover up for another member's slack.
● Wala: I plan on committing to all my responsibilities as a team member; submitting parts on time, showing
up to meetings, informing the team of any sudden changes and so forth.
● Abdulraheem: I will commit to the work given to me by my team and will manage my time accordingly and
will put all my effort into not only completing the work to the best of my ability but also to not miss any
deadlines, attend all meetings, and to communicate to my team effectively.
Other Concerns:
● Ahmad: I am worried that my writing skills will set back the team’s work quality, I am not the best writer
but I try to improve that part. I also am worried if there are time conflicts between the group and I, which
will make us lose valuable meeting time.
● Farah: I am concerned that my lack of experience in public speaking might hinder my team's ability to
perform well. In addition, I am worried that I may seem too demanding or controlling when setting
deadlines and communicating with my team members.
● Odai: I find it difficult to keep a long attention span sometimes. I tend to get distracted easily and that
hinders my ability to complete my work quickly.
● Ruba: I have a habit of overthinking especially when it comes to writing so I’m afraid this will affect the
team’s overall efficiency. I also worry that my busy schedule this semester will interfere with my availability
and make it difficult for my team members to decide on meeting times.
● Wala: I worry my other commitments may interfere with my ability to provide 100% of myself to the team.
Similarly, I worry that I may become overbearing to the other team members in stressful times.
● Abdulraheem: I am worried that my other courses may take up most of my time and I might be falling
behind on my English course and may hinder my team’s performance. Furthermore, I have difficulties in
public speaking and talking with people that I just met and so it might make it difficult for me in the first
few weeks to be efficient.

Ways the team can help with the concerns mentioned above:
➔ For team members who worry about their quality of writing, a review session can be organized where
other team members can offer constructive criticism and advice on how to improve or booking group CTL
sessions, where those team members can ask all the necessary questions that will help them out.
➔ For team members who worry about their public speaking skills, we can ,as a team, help support and
encourage them by organizing sessions where we do practice presentations that act as ‘trial runs’ and
provide them with helpful feedback. If everyone in the team is comfortable and agrees, then we can record
those sessions so that those team members can look back at them and view the presentation in the
audience’s perspective which would be very helpful.
➔ For team members that worry about their busy schedules, communicating about time and availability
throughout the week will be very helpful so that the rest of the team can plan accordingly such as assigning
fewer tasks at those times to those team members. For future assignments, they can then step up and take
on more responsibilities to make up for their lack of availability during that time.

Conflict Resolution:
➔ Conflicts that aren’t resolved within a day or through the common platform of communication will be
brought to a face to face meeting, where each individual can voice their opinion on the matter. Identify the
points of agreement and disagreement and prioritize the points in which both members disagree so that
it’s easier to handle. Otherwise, a vote will be held wherein the majority wins.

Missed Deadlines:
➔ A reminder from the Team manager and confirmation from the Team Member is to be expected within 24
hours of the Member's deadline; if the task is not completed after the deadline has passed, another
member/members will take on the task immediately. If the team member can provide a valid reason then
this can be overlooked for future team assignments. Otherwise, the instructor will be informed after the
assignment has been submitted, and measures will be taken accordingly.
➔ In the event of a second missed deadline the team will have a meeting discussing the occurrence and the
team member will be questioned, in an attempt to discuss why this happened again and look at different
ways to approach the problem. If the team member/members do not abide - give proper reasoning - or
show that they take the task seriously another meeting will be held with the instructor’s attendance.

Unacceptable Work:
➔ To assess unacceptable work, team members agree to give each other constructive criticism and accept
other members’ critique. Team members are compelled to offer honest, constructive, and specific
feedback to one another. This will put everyone on the same page about the quality of work expected by
the team, while maintaining a safe environment for everyone to improve.

➔ In the case where the work is clearly unacceptable (doesn’t follow the guidelines, missing a great deal of
information, etc.) the team manager will kindly contact the individual privately first. The team member will
be contacted by the team manager and be given feedback on the parts that should be changed/improved.
Other team members are also free to offer constructive feedback. If the member is unwilling to commit to
their work and does not comply, the entire team will speak on the matter. If the member is being
constantly uncooperative, then the instructor will be informed of their actions.

➔ If the team member believes that they are incapable or struggles to complete the task to an appropriate
standard for underlying reasons, such as being inexperienced or simply not knowing how to, then an
additional team member will be assigned to perform the task alongside them to allow room for growth and
to create a learning environment. This additional team member will ensure that they remain receptive and
cooperative while offering help/advice to their struggling colleague.

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