Indesgingnginegiigne 1

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Drew and I decided to make something to hon-

or Mr. Santos and all he has done to teach us in this

class. We decided to make SantO’s which I have nev-
er seen before. We split up our work evenly and were
able to collaborate in a way that allowed for efficiency
and fun. We decided to make a multi faceted Cereal
box that talked about Mr. Santos and the classes that
he teaches. We took inspitation from San Marin for
the colors and we availed Mr. Santos of his likeness.

Mr. Santos is a
Computer Science and
Multimedia teacher at
San Marin high school.
Utilizing his incredible Inspired by my current Multi media design
teachings in this insti-
tution we were able to
teacher that in named MR. Santos, his love
make an immaculate is diffused through every bite
box and an even more
immaculate cereal.
overconsumption will
lead to unbelievable
levels of awesomeness
and omniscience in the
field of computers and
all things technology
related. Also there is a  

little bit too much fiber 

in this cereal but  

please disregard that  

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Swag, High

Fructose Drip Syrup, Water, and Gok (No
further research required).


Tastes so good Iit will make you join computer
science and/or multi media design 1 2 or 3 to see
the inspiration for these scrumptious supple

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