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ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet

Module 1 • Travel & Tourism Overview


ONLINE Article: High-Tech Treasure Hunting ONLINE and PRINT: Compare Pictures
PRINT Article: Beyond Sightseeing Useful Expressions: Comparing and Speculating
Strategy: Identifying the Topic of the Text
Word Expansion: Word Building, WRITING
Phrasal Verbs with come, Expressions with take ONLINE and PRINT: Write an Article
Grammar 1: Present Tenses Plan: Analyze Structure Using a Plan
Grammar 2: Prepositions of Time, Place and Strategy: Writing Engaging Openings,
Movement Using Adjectives and Vocabulary to Improve Style

ONLINE Interview: A Modern-day Adventurer ONLINE Language Review: Vocabulary,
PRINT Podcast: Machu Picchu Grammar, Skills
Strategy: Looking for Keywords in the PRINT: Assessing Your Learning

THE ONLINE READING SITUATION is built around the text High-Tech Treasure Hunting. The text
is about geocaching – a high-tech treasure hunt based on GPS technology.
The students will:
• learn the words and phrases needed for understanding the text.
• learn a reading strategy that will help them identify the topic of the text.
• read the text, applying the reading strategy and knowledge of the words and phrases.
• expand their vocabulary by learning and practicing word building and the use of phrasal verbs
with come.
• review and practice Present Tenses.
• review and practice the use of Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement.
THE READING SECTION OF THE PRINTED MATERIAL is built around the text Beyond Sightseeing.
The text is about unusual activities people can do in some well-known tourist spots.
The students will:
• learn the words and phrases needed for understanding the text.
• read the text, using tips that can help them answer the questions.
• expand their knowledge of vocabulary from the text.
• learn and practice word building and the use of expressions with take.
• review and practice Present Tenses.
• review and practice the use of Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement.
Note: The grammar presentation and practice in the printed material are different from the
presentation and practice online.

Overview: Page 1 of 2 1
ADVANCED ENGLISH B2 Student Worksheet
Module 1 • Travel & Tourism Overview

THE ONLINE LISTENING SITUATION is built around an interview about a businessman
who fulfilled his dream of exploring the world while seeking different challenges.
The students will:
• learn the strategy of looking for keywords in the questions to help them know what
information to listen for.
• listen to the interview and answer multiple-choice questions.
• analyze their answers with the help of tips.
THE LISTENING SECTION OF THE PRINTED MATERIAL is built around a podcast about a visit
to Machu Picchu.
The students will:
• be introduced to the topic of the talk by looking at a picture of Machu Picchu.
• listen to the talk and answer multiple-choice questions about it.
• analyze their answers with the help of tips.

The speaking task requires the students to compare and speculate about two pictures showing
what people are doing on their vacations.
Both ONLINE and in the PRINTED MATERIAL the students will:
• learn vocabulary to help them talk about the topic.
• learn useful expressions for comparing pictures and speculating about them.
The students will practice the speaking task ONLINE with a model. In the PRINTED MATERIAL, the
speaking task is open.

The writing task ONLINE requires the students to write an article about the best place they have
ever visited. In the PRINTED MATERIAL the students are required to write an article about two
places in their city.
Both ONLINE and in the PRINTED MATERIAL the students will:
• analyze the structure of an article using a plan.
• learn how to engage their reader with a good opening.
• learn how to improve their style by using adjectives and appropriate vocabulary.
• write their article with the help of the checklist and the model.

In the ONLINE Language Review the students will:
• do a multiple-choice activity reviewing the module vocabulary from Reading.
• do a multiple-choice activity reviewing the two grammar topics of the module.
• do a matching activity reviewing the vocabulary from Speaking and Writing.
In Assessing Your Learning in the PRINTED MATERIAL the students will:
• review the vocabulary they have learned in the Reading, Speaking and Writing sections.
• decide whether to do additional practice of the grammar topics they have learned.

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