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Module 2 • Man & Animal


Before You Read Words

A 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a
B 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. a

While You Read

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C

Answer Analysis
Which person:
1. used to have a negative attitude towards a certain 6. changed their mind about why animals might help
kind of animal? A. Maria people or other animals? C. Patricia
This shows her negative attitude at the beginning: I used to think that animals only did good deeds
I’ve always associated vampire bats with horror when they got something in return. Now I know
stories … I was wrong.
This shows that Maria has changed her opinion:
7. tells the story of animals helping a person whose
However, they may not deserve such a bad name …
life was in danger? B. David
This is an example of how animals help other animals.
… suddenly a single dolphin left the group and
2. provides more than one example of animals saving swam out to sea. The other dolphins set off after
lives? B. David it and then stopped to form a ring around a dark
Two examples are given: dolphins saving the lives object in the water. The object turned out to be a
of other dolphins; and dolphins saving the lives of young woman, who was unconscious. She received
drowning people, such as the woman described in emergency treatment and survived.
Bearzi’s book.
8. describes a study where the animals were divided
3. was convinced by a study they read about in a book? into two groups by the researchers? A. Maria
B. David  fter tagging each bat for identification, we caught
I read a fascinating book by a biologist, Maddalena a few bats in the evening and only returned them
Bearzi. … Surely this story shows that dolphins to their group after the other bats were back from
are capable of empathy, and helping animals and feeding. We observed that the bats that had just
people in trouble. fed began to give their ‘food’ to the hungry ones …

4. was fascinated by a story they heard directly from 9. provides an example of how animals help other
someone else? D. Mark animals from a different social group? D. Mark
I met a scientist who’d witnessed a fascinating  local elephant was feeding on some leaves when
encounter between elephants. … According to his a different species of elephant approached. The
first-hand account, … intruder had injured its trunk and was unable to use
it to eat. …. The elephant didn’t chase the stranger
5. mentions research that didn’t take place in the away. Instead, it pulled up a small tree with its
animals’ natural environment? C. Patricia trunk and placed it in the other elephant’s mouth.
In one experiment, the chimps saw a person trying
describes experiments in which animals had to do
to reach a stick that was in a cage. … In the next
things that were slowly made more difficult?
experiment, the chimps … had to climb to an 8-foot-
C. Patricia
high platform in order to give a stick to the person
who was trying to reach it. 
In one experiment … The chimps picked up the stick
and handed it to the person although they hadn’t
been taught to do this. … In the next experiment,
the chimps that had been helpful previously were
given a more difficult task.

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Module 2 • Man & Animal

After You Read Words GRAMMAR 1

A 1. a. even though b. because A 1. participated; a
2. a. task b. treatment 2. were watching; d
3. a. capable of b. within reach 3. pulled, called; b
4. a. series b. species 4. was reading; f
5. had been traveling; i
B 1. surface
6. had been working; j
2. nature reserve 7. were taking; e
3. identification 8. left; c
4. assist 9. were watching; g
5. unconscious 10. had already helped; h
6. associated B 1. had researched
7. Surely 2. was living
3. tried
4. decided
Word Expansion C 1. a. rained
b. has rained
A 1. assist 2. a. has just left
2. research / researcher b. left
3. researcher / research 3. a. Did … see
4. identification b. Have … seen
5. harm 4. a. haven’t enjoyed, have read
6. intelligent b. didn’t enjoy, read
7. treatment D 1. were walking; saw
8. survive 2. were; had been snowing
9. reward 3. didn’t … answer; had been swimming
B 1. survivors 4. didn’t know; had researched
5. was raining; took
2. assistance
6. didn’t look; had told
3. identity
7. was shining; decided
4. researched
8. were watching; was working
5. harmless 9. realized; had not / hadn’t brought
6. treat 10. were driving; saw
7. rewarding E 1. became
8. intelligence 2. was trying
C 1. set out 3. found
4. was lying
2. broke out
5. had obviously made
3. come out
6. had fallen
4. figure out
7. rescued
5. help out
8. set
6. turned out 9. understood
7. run out 10. was dealing with / had dealt with
8. missed out 11. calmed
12. had achieved

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Module 2 • Man & Animal

A 1. used to / would; a / g A Possible Answers:
2. used to; d • They help take care of the animals.
3. used to / would; a / g • They feed the animals.
4. Did … use to; e • They probably help keep the area clean.
5. used to; b • Some of them might help to fix equipment
6. Did … use to; f or other things that are broken.
7. didn’t use to; c B 1. vet
B Accept all logical answers. 2. two weeks
3. circuses
C 1. never used to like
4. in cages
2. would go
5. wild cats
3. Did you use to play
6. repair work
4. used to participate
7. (the) insects
5. didn’t use to wear
8. November
6. use to live
9. (the) monkeys
7. did you use to work
10. the cost
8. would often invite
D 1. used to be
2. would go / used to go
3. didn’t use to take
4. Did … use to enjoy
5. used to think
6. did you use to visit
7. didn’t use to see
8. never used to enjoy
E Accept all logical and grammatically correct

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Module 2 • Man & Animal

Answer Analysis
Questions & Tips SCRIPT

Q1 Mika went to the animal refuge because she Interviewer: Hello listeners. Today we’ll be talking to
wants to be a _______________ . Mika Lawrence, who volunteered at an animal refuge.
Tip: Listen for: a job or career. Mika, why did you choose a refuge in Bolivia in South
she wants to be = I’m thinking about becoming America? After all, it’s so far away.
Mika: Well, I’m thinking about becoming a vet, and
a friend told me about this wonderful animal refuge
called Ambue Ari that they had worked at. I must say
that the trip was really worthwhile.

Volunteers are expected to stay a minimum Interviewer: So, you went to Ambue Ari and how long
of _____________ at the refuge. did you stay?
Tip: Listen for: an amount of time. Mika: All volunteers have to stay for at least two weeks,
The words volunteer and stay appear in the but some like it so much that they stay for much longer. I
script and provide a clue that the answer will
ended up being there for three months.
a minimum of = at least
Interviewer: I understand that the refuge was built to
protect and care for animals that have been abused in
Some of the animals at the refuge used to
perform in ____________ . some way. Where do these animals come from?

Tip: Listen for: a place animals perform. Mika: Well, they come from various places. They are
sometimes neglected and abused in circuses or by
The script mentions two places the animals come
from. You have to choose the one connected to private owners.
Interviewer: And what happens to the animals when
they get to the refuge?
Q4 Animals that are new to the refuge are put
Mika: The people in charge try to rehabilitate them and
____________ for a while.
give them as much freedom as possible. When animals
Tip: Listen for: a place animals are put. first arrive in the park, they are kept in cages until it’s
are new = first arrive clear that they aren’t sick or dangerous. What happens
are put = are kept
after that depends a lot on the animal, really.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Mika: Well, some, like certain kinds of monkeys, are set
Part of the work of some volunteers includes free and can wander around the refuge. The monkeys
exercising the _____________ . are really friendly and they walk right up to you. The
Tip: Listen for: animals the volunteers exercise. wild cats, of course, need different attention. They
The answer appears before exercise is mentioned, spend the nights in cages, but get regular exercise with
so you may have to listen a second time. the volunteers, who take them for long walks in the
jungle every day.

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Module 2 • Man & Animal

Questions & Tips SCRIPT

Interviewer: Long walks with wild cats! Wow! How else

Apart from caring for animals and cleaning
do volunteers help?
up, volunteers also do __________ and build
cages. Mika: The monkeys have to be fed and there’s lots of
Tip: Listen for: a job the volunteers do. cleaning up afterwards because they leave a real mess. Then
Cleaning up is mentioned in the script and is a there’s building cages and repair work, oh – and spending
clue the answer is coming. time with wild cats like pumas. This is particularly popular
Note that the order of the jobs is different in the with guys. I suppose they think it’s cool, which it is, really.
Interviewer: What kind of conditions do the volunteers
live in?
Long clothes helped protect the volunteers
from ______________ . Mika: When I was there, the place was pretty primitive.
We lived without electricity, telephones or access to the
Tip: Listen for: something they needed protection
Internet. It was the insects, like mosquitoes and sand
The answer appears before clothes are flies that really drove us crazy. We had to make sure we
mentioned so you may have to listen a second wore long clothes even though it was hot, or we’d be
time. covered with insect bites.

Interviewer: The seasons in Bolivia are different from

In Bolivia, most of the rainfall is from those in England. When were you there?
____________ to April.
Mika: I was there from December to February, which
Tip: Listen for: a month. would be cold and wet in England, but down there it’s
Be careful not to answer too quickly. Several
summertime. Summer is from November to March. It’s
months are mentioned, so listen carefully for the
hot and it’s also when most of the rain falls. The rain
month when the rainfall in Bolivia begins.
goes on right through to April.

Interviewer: Do you mind my asking why you stayed so

long? It doesn’t sound like it was easy.
Mika: It wasn’t, but I loved every minute. I spent most of
my time working with the monkeys. It’s amazing how
Mika worked mainly with __________ . they all have such different personalities, and I got really
Tip: Listen for: people or animals. close to one of them. Every morning it would jump onto
worked mainly = spent most of my shoulder and play with my hair, and it would just stay
there while I went about my duties. If I sat down to relax
for a bit, it would climb onto my lap and sit there.
Q10 The volunteers’ money covers their stay and
also helps with __________ of running the Interviewer: I’ve heard that it costs volunteers money to
refuge. stay at the refuge. Is that true?
Tip: Listen for: something the money helps with. Mika: Yes – it’s $375 for the first 15 days and $18 a night after
Covers appears in the script and is a clue the
that. This covers accommodations and three meals a day.
answer is coming, but be careful not to answer
And some of the money is used for the cost of keeping the
too quickly.
refuge going. It’s not a lot really and it’s for a good cause.
their stay = accommodations and three meals
a day Interviewer: It certainly is. Thank you so much, Mika, for
helps with = is used for coming in to talk to us today.
running the refuge = keeping the refuge going

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Module 2 • Man & Animal

B 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a
C 1. take after 6. do chores
2. in terms of personality 7. manage on my own
3. tend to 8. really appreciate
4. sense of humor 9. make an effort
5. childhood 10. special occasions
D Model Answer:
Student A: Do you come from a large family?
Student B: Not really. I have two older sisters. I’m the youngest of three.
Student A: How often to do get together with your family?
Student B: I have to admit, not as often as I’d like. I’ve been very busy with my studies lately. But we generally
make an effort to get together once a month.
Student A: What do you like to do when you get together with friends?
Student B: It depends on the day of the week. On the weekends, we like to go to the local clubs. I’m always
interested to see who’s performing there.

A 1. Whether endangered animals should live in zoos.
2. In favor of: … zoos are a safer place than the wild for an endangered animal.
Against: … the value of zoo breeding programs is uncertain.
3. The writer believes that endangered animals should live in the wild.
B 1. a. Paragraph 3 2. a. Paragraph 2
b. Paragraph 4 b. Paragraph 1
c. Paragraph 2 c. Paragraph 4
d. Paragraph 1
C 1. On the other hand, the value of zoo breeding programs is uncertain, b
2. On the one hand, on the other hand, however
3. a. Although / While
b. Despite
c. However,
D 1. a. in favor
b. in favor
c. against
2. Accept all logical answers.

E Writing Plan: For and Against Essay


Paragraph 1 Introduce the issue

Paragraph 2 Present one side of the argument

Paragraph 3 Present the other side of the argument

Paragraph 4 State your opinion and sum up the reasons for it

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