Fellowship 2nd Edition Book 4 - A Generous Fellowship Playbooks

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Fellowship is a game about the journey.

Several heroes will

travel the world together, seeing a variety of interesting
places on their journey to explore the land and find their
the flow of play fellowship principles
purpose. There are many threats and trials on their path. The flow of play for each scene goes like this: Your Principles are the rules you must follow.
Each trial they face is a single scene, and every scene has Do not break them.
a flow to it. Fellowship is all about playing out those little 1 Set the Scene, Set the Stakes: The Framework will
scenes, stringing them together to create your adventure. set the scene, telling everyone what is here and what is • Be Heroic.
going on. The fellowship will decide what they want to You're here to save the day. You have a duty to save
Those scenes are strung together into stories, collections
do next. Once you know what's here and what you're
of scenes that share a central goal. Different kinds of stories this world, and you cannot go back on that. Act like the
doing, the scene is set, and it's time to set the stakes.
have different means of setting scenes and progression. heroes you are.
There will almost always be something in the
fellowship's way, a problem they must overcome. What's • Create solutions, not problems.
on the line here? What could go wrong? You don't need You're the good guys. There's plenty of bad going
to discuss this step by step, but each player should have around already - do not make the world worse.
the stakes in mind as they proceed with the scene. • Address the characters, not the players.
Don't call them "Jesse" or "Sam," call them "Aurora"
2 Swing the Spotlight: Once the stakes are set, it is and "Rumblebelly."
time to take action, and the Spotlight swings around the • Embrace the fantastic.
table. The Spotlight is the turn order of Fellowship, but
this turn order is not rigid or fixed. The Spotlight is
Don't let the world be boring. Do fun things, make
flexible, and it goes where it needs to go, as follows: the world weird, commit to acting and being fantastic.
When someone is in Danger, they get the Spotlight • Make a move that follows.
to tell us how they deal with that. You can only make a move you meet the trigger for,
When someone hasn't done something in a while, and the results of your move will tell us how the story
they get the Spotlight to tell us what they were up to. plays out. You cannot make a move if you don't fulfill
When someone has an idea, leaps into action, the trigger.
speaks for the group, or does something noteworthy, • Remind us of your moves.
they get the Spotlight to do their thing.
Everyone shares the same basic moves, but everyone
When someone's own actions put them directly
into danger, they lose the Spotlight, leaving their has their own moves to call upon when they need them.
moment on a cliffhanger. Be clear which move you are using when you trigger it,
When a player has the Spotlight, they will describe and let us know exactly what happens as a result.
what they are doing, and the Horizon will describe how • Always ask questions. Always answer questions.
the world reacts to their actions, and may require them If you don't know, ask. If someone asks you, answer.
to make a Move. The Spotlight is a dialogue, going back • Begin and end with the fiction.
and forth until something has happened. Start a move with what triggered it, end the move
When their moment has been long enough, or with what it accomplished, and then move to the next
when the danger shifts elsewhere, or when another
player has something to do, or when it would be a
move from there.
good cliffhanger, swing the Spotlight. • Don't steal the spotlight...
Don't let anyone keep the Spotlight for too long. When another player is taking action, let them do so.
Share the Spotlight often, and share the Spotlight with Don't interrupt, don't take over, don't get in their way. If
everyone. Most of the game will be played while the they don't know what to do, you can give them some
is playbook contains the basic rules for playing as the fellowship. Spotlight is swinging, so manage the Spotlight well. suggestions, but your hero shouldn't jump in and take
you should have one copy of this playbook on hand
for every two or three people playing the game. their moment from them. It's their turn, not yours.
3 Quick Recap: Once a scene is done, tell us what • ...But shine on when you have it.

happened, briefly, and check in on everyone. It can be When you have the spotlight, use it. Do something
hard to track everything while the Spotlight is swinging.
Take a quick recap to catch up on what happened during cool. Do something fun. Do something wild. It doesn't
BASIC RULES the scene before moving on to the next. matter, so long as you do something.
telling stories the showdown
It doesn't matter what you were doing: a General or a Set
Piece has appeared, or you have found a Source of Power or
Scenes are combined together to tell overarching Stories.
The 4 kinds of Stories you will tell in Fellowship are:
the Boss's Lair, and now you need to deal with it. range tags
The Showdown always begins with the new threat asserting Range tags tell you where you need to be to use a weapon or
attack successfully.
a little downtime itself. They make a show of power, causing chaos or fear or
fire or explosions. Whatever they do, it is dangerous.
Melee: You need to be up close to hit them.
Downtime is what it sounds like. When the fellowship Ranged: You can hit them if you can see them. Ranged
spends some time in civilization (usually when they Recover), Once the show of force is over, the fellowship is placed in weapons usually need Ammo or require Reloading.
they tell everyone how they pass their time. danger and must take action immediately. The Showdown is Area: Area attacks hit everyone in a group.
Each player sets a single scene describing their downtime. less of a string of scenes, and more an extended, dangerous, Dangerous: Dangerous attacks are like Area attacks, but
The Framework will follow up with a single question about high stakes scene, that will not end until either the threat or they always cause collateral damage.
it, such as "who was there with you?" or "what made that the fellowship are defeated or forced to retreat.
harder than you expected?" or "someone in town didn't like item tags
that very much, who was it?" Answer it.
Once everyone in the fellowship has set one scene, the
quick start Item tags describe the properties that a thing has.
Burning: Burning attacks start fires.
Framework player sets a scene. First time playingFellowship? Follow these steps: Clumsy: Clumsy items have -1 to be used, and Clumsy
Then, everyone decides whether to continue their downtime armor gives -1 to Get Away.
and set another scene, or end it. Downtime ends when at least 1: Pick Your Playbook Dragon-Made: This is immune to magic and elements.
half the fellowship is ready to move on. You can't pick a playbook someone else has, and one player Dwarf-Made: This item is nearly indestructible.
must be a Framework: the Overlord, Horizon, or Empire. Elf-Made: This does not age. Its touch burns non-elves.
a long journey 2: Choose your Name, Look, and Agenda
Giant: This can be used on up to three targets at once.
Necrotic: Necrotic attacks inflict wounds that do not heal
A Journey is the story of point A to point B. During a
Journey, each player tells us one event that happened along 3: Assign your Stats naturally. Necrotic damage is marked twice, and the first
the way, starting with whoever you like. The Framework may 4: Choose your Moves mark cannot be removed by Filling Your Belly.
frame the event by asking the player a question first, like 5: Choose your Gear Orc-Made: Orc-Made items are Clumsy in any hands but
"what did you find off the beaten path?" or "what was really These steps are all on your playbook. Look it over and an Orc's.
dangerous about this leg of the journey?" or "who did you choose from the options your playbook gives you. Piercing: The attacker always chooses which stat to
meet on the read?" 6: Introduce your Hero damage, and the damage cannot be redirected to armor or
After someone describes the event, they choose another Tell us about your hero, tell us why you are your people's other stats.
player at the table, and they tell us how they handled the champion, and then tell us three facts about your people. Reload: This weapon can only be used once per scene.
event. Give each event as much or as little detail as it needs. Each player must do this. Slow: This takes time and safety to use properly.
The Framework also sets a scene during a journey, telling Thrown: If you use this weapon as a Ranged weapon, you
the fellowship how the environment made the journey harder. 7: Meet the Framework lose it until you can go and get it back.
After every event has been resolved, you make it to your The Framework introduces itself, and goes through their
destination. character creation options with everyone. The Overlord
introduces themselves. The Horizon asks the heroes for
limited tags
These tags cost a Use to gain their benefits.
a proper challenge their primary motivation. The Empire builds an empire
and gives the fellowship their Rebellion.
Ammo: Spend 1 Use to make a move with this weapon. It
does not cost Ammo unless the move tells you it does.
Challenges are the story of earning something worthwhile.
When the fellowship sets a short term goal, the story to Armor: Spend 1 Use to prevent 1 damage you would take.
8: Bonds Drunk: When you Use this, you have Despair and cannot
achieve it is the Challenge. Everyone works together in every Each player fills in however many Bonds their playbook have Hope for your next roll.
scene, and new scenes are set until either the Challenge is says they start with with the names of anyone they know - Food: You can spend it to Fill Your Belly.
overcome, or the goal becomes unattainable. each other or Companions. Fuel: Robots can spend this to Fill Their Belly.
A Challenge usually comes from trying to earn Fellowship. Healing: Spend 1 Use to heal a damaged stat.
When you come to a community, they will usually have some 9: Rumors
Each player answers this prompt individually: Precious: Spend 1 Use to Forge a Bond with someone, or to
trouble that they need help with, and your Challenge is not have to do a favor for someone.
resolving their troubles. Choose another player, and tell us a rumor or superstition Repair: Spend 1 Use to fix something broken, or to Heal a
The first scene of a challenge is always spent making a plan. your people hold about their people. They cannot tell you robotic Companion or a Ship.
The fellowship decides what they need to do to get their goal, whether or not it is true. Useful: Spend 1 Use to produce something helpful.
and the next scene will be either the first step of the plan in Vigor: When you Use this, you have Hope and cannot have
action, or gathering what you need to set the plan in motion. 10: Start playing! Despair for your next roll.
Each scene after that will flow from there. Trap: Traps are items you need to place in advance.
overcome blood
Fellowship is a game about the challenge. A lot of
different challenges will get in your way throughout your basic moves When you attempt to avoid, redirect, or prevent the
harm something will cause, roll +Blood. You can
journey, and you will need to stand up and face those Overcome any obstacle, threat, Cut, or Move made against
challenges if you want to succeed. When the result of your
actions is unclear, your Moves will resolve them.
finish them any stat you or an ally, if you are in position to act and have the
means to stop it.
Each move has a Trigger. If you do not meet the trigger, When you attempt to defeat an enemy you hold an
advantage over, tell us what you want to do to them and On a 10+, you stop the obstacle, threat, Cut, or Move
the move doesn't happen. The trigger is the part in bold that from causing harm.
begins with "When you..." at the start of each move. To roll the appropriate stat.
On a 7-9, choose one: Pay a price to take the 10+ result,
perform a move, you must fulfill the trigger. If you do not have an advantage over them, you cannot
or create a temporary solution. A temporary solution will
Most moves have a Check. The Check is what you must attempt to Finish Them. An Advantage is something you
delay the threat, but when time is up, it'll be back in force -
do to perform the move, usually rolling dice and adding a need to get the upper hand, such as teamwork, the element
the Overlord will tell you when.
number. If the check says something like "roll +Blood", of surprise, or a moment's hesitation.
Overcoming harm with a weapon does not cost Ammo.
then you roll two six sided dice and add your Blood stat to If you Finish Them by...
the roll.
Every move has a Result. The result is what happens if
...trying to kill them, roll +Blood. On a 10+, they die by your
keep them busy courage
When you act as a distraction or buy some time, tell
you meet both the trigger and the check. On moves with a ...forcing them to retreat, roll +Courage. On a 10+, they us how and roll +Courage.
roll, the result will change depending on the numbers you back off. They won't be back anytime soon. On a 7+, you buy some time, and their attention is all
rolled, with higher numbers being better. 7+ means "7 or ...outsmarting, terrifying, or overwhelming them, roll on you, for now.
higher," 9- means "9 or less," and a range like "7-9" means +Grace. On a 10+, they admit defeat, and will not willingly On a 9-, they will retaliate against you when time is up.
"7, 8, or 9". challenge you again. If you Keep Them Busy using a weapon with Ammo,
Once you have hit the trigger, paid for the check, and
...disabling them or knocking them out, roll +Sense. On a use 1 Ammo. If you have no Ammo, you cannot Keep
figured out the result, the move is over, and you figure out
10+, they are physically incapacitated and unable to continue. Them Busy with that weapon. If you have the Clumsy tag,
what your move did and what happens next from there.
...showing them the error of their ways, roll +Wisdom. On you take -1 to Keep Them Busy.

get away
a 10+, you Forge a Bond with them, and they cannot bring
themselves to hurt you. grace
On a 7-9, you deal damage to them and lose your advantage. When you need to get somewhere out of reach or
If an ally was Keeping Them Busy, they aren't anymore. out of sight, tell us where you're going and roll +Grace.
On a 6-, you lose the advantage, and must face retaliation. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one:
If you Finish Them using a weapon with Ammo, use 1 • You get there quickly, avoiding any harm along the way.
Ammo. If you have no Ammo, you cannot Finish Them with • You get there quietly, drawing no attention.
that weapon. • You grab someone nearby and bring them with you.
If you have the Clumsy tag, you take -1 to Finish Them. If you have the Clumsy tag, you take -1 to Get Away.

strike from advantage optional talk sense grace / sense

/ wisdom
When you speak with conviction and ask someone for
When you have Advantage over an enemy you want
help, tell us what you want from them and why they should
to cause harm, you may pay a price and lose this
help you. If they're willing to listen, roll. When you...
Advantage to deal damage to them. You must be carrying a
...detail your plan and their place in it, roll +Sense.
weapon they are within Range of to Strike From Advantage.
...appeal to their emotions or desires, roll +Wisdom.
...impress, dazzle, or trick them, roll +Grace.
is playbook contains the basic rules for playing as the fellowship. What is an Advantage? On a 7+, they do as you ask, to the best of their ability.
You should have one copy of this playbook on hand An Advantage is any means of fictional superiority you On a 9-, you owe them a favor. The more you ask of them,
for every two or three people playing the game. hold over someone else. When you do something that the more they'll ask of you, and they can cash in at any time
sounds like an advantage, then you have an advantage. If - even right now, before they do as you ask.
fellowship BASIC RULES
they are better than you, you do not have an advantage,
and you will need to turn the tables in some way if you want
to Finish Them.
On a 6-, they choose one: They cannot do as you ask and
will tell you why, or the favor you must do them is expensive,
difficult, or demeaning.
* Use either the Basic version or the Advanced version of Pay The Price in
end of session
basic moves your game, at the Framework's choosing. Do not use both.

pay the price* basic

When you reach the end of a session, the fellowship answers
three questions. The list of questions is determined by which
look closely sense When a move tells you to pay a price, tell us what it costs
you. A price can be taking damage, losing or using equipment,
Framework you are playing within.
When you closely examine a situation or a location, suffering a setback, or losing an advantage. Whatever the cost, For each "yes" answer, the group chooses one. You may
roll +Sense. you must pay that price immediately before, during, or after the choose an option more than once.
On a 7+, ask three questions from the list. move you paid for. • Each fellowship player refreshes one piece of their Gear to its
On a 9-, you find one of those answers the hard way. full value.
• Each fellowship player chooses one stat to heal. It doesn't have
On a 6-, you may only ask one question. pay the price* advanced to be theirs.
Anyone can answer, but the Framework has the final say. When a move tells you to pay a price, choose one from the • The fellowship and the Framework each choose one player to
• What is going on here? What do my senses tell me? list below and mark it. This price is paid immediately before, Level Up. You cannot be chosen to Level Up if you are the highest
• Is something hidden or out of place? If so, what looks suspicious? during, or after the move it paid for. A marked price cannot be level player or you have already been chosen to level up this
• Tell me about _____ . How could it hurt me? How could it help me? paid, by you or anyone else. When someone Fills Their Belly, or session.
• Tell me about _____ . What are they doing? What will they do next? when the last option has been marked, unmark all prices.
• What will happen if I _____ ?

speak softly wisdom

You take damage.
Lose your weapon.
O You take damage.
O Spend some relevant Gear. bond moves
O Destroy one of your Gear. It is lost until you Recover.
When you have a quiet chat with someone, you may
roll +Wisdom. Then, ask three questions from the list.
Suffer a setback, losing progress towards something you want.
Take a handicap, making the situation harder for yourself.
forge a bond
When you bond with someone over something you did or
On a 10+, they must answer each question honestly. O Erase one of your Bonds. If the person named in that bond shared together, record a new Bond with them on your sheet,
On a 9-, one of their answers is not helpful. Either they is another player present in the scene, you deal damage to describing the connection you two now hold. A Bond is a single
refuse to answer or they reveal a terrible truth you didn't them. If they are not, both you and they take damage. sentence describing how you feel about them or what you two
want to hear, their choice. have done together. If you already had a Bond with them, you
On a 6-, one of their other answers is false. hope and despair can add another Bond, or rewrite an existing one. You can never
When you have Hope and make a move, roll three dice and have more than three Bonds with someone.
• What can they tell us about ________ ? keep the best two. If you Forge a Bond with someone outside the fellowship,
• What were they doing, and what are they going to do next? When you are in Despair and make a move, roll three dice they will join you as a Companion, so long as the Bond holds.
• What should I be wary of when dealing with them? and keep the worst two.
• What do they want, and how could we help them get it?
• What would they have us do next?
When you have both, they cancel out.
When someone outside the fellowship is in Despair, they the bonds that bind us
cannot do anything meaningful. When you roll with a stat When two or more players who have Bonds with each
command lore
When someone asks something about your character or
that has been Damaged, you roll with Despair. other work together side by side, they roll with Hope.
When one of them must pay a price, another may choose
your people, tell them. When you ask about another damage to pay that price instead.
character or their people, they will tell you. When you ask When you take damage, choose a stat and mark it.
about the Overlord, they alone may choose not to answer. Sometimes you will not get a choice, and a stat will be damaged
for you. While a stat is damaged, you are in Despair whenever
the bonds that break us
When your actions harm an ally, immediately erase one
fill your belly
When you are between scenes, you may Use Food to heal
you roll that stat. When an enemy's stat or a Companion's
stat is damaged, they cannot use it.
You cannot mark a stat that has already been marked. When
of your Bonds with them. When you have no Bonds with a
member of the fellowship, you cannot work alongside them
one damage. When you share a meal with friends, one person you heal, remove a mark from one of your stats. When you without getting in each others' way, and you both roll with
may heal an extra point of damage. take damage while all of your stats are already marked, you Despair when working together.
get Taken Out.
recover bound in service
When the fellowship rests in a place of safety for over
taken out When you call upon a Companion for help, you may
When all of your stats are damaged and you take damage one of their stats to create an advantage related to
a week, heal all of your stats and restock all of your Gear. further damage, you are Taken Out, and no longer able to
When you Recover, the Framework also gains a benefit, which that stat. If all of a Companion's stats are damaged and
help out for the rest of the scene. Tell us how you got Taken they'd take further damage, lose a Bond with them.
varies depending on which Framework they are playing. Out. What happened to you? What is going to happen to you When no one has any Bonds with a Companion, they
next? Can the fellowship save you from your fate? If so, how? leave the fellowship.
name: look Circle one from each list,
or make up your own: what is a devil?
• Cyclopean Eye, Empy Voids, or Scary Red Eyes Choose the option that best represents your people:
Choose one, or make up your own: • Large Horns, Many Small Horns, or Covered Head
Names: Aesma, Balrog, Beelzebub, Bloody Mary, Cobra, Crowley,
• Casually Sexy Clothing, Ornate Armor, or Simple Dress
lying snake
Etna, Faustus, Jack, Lucifer, Mika, Redd, Sep, Valor, Viper, Yaga You speak eloquently and pleasantly, but behind your
• Brightly Colored Skin, Monstrous Form, or Mostly Human poker face is the silver tongue of a skilled liar.
When you forge a contract with someone, you do not

agenda When you know not what to do,

consult your Agendas.
need to uphold your end of the deal. You do not erase Bonds
from breaking your own promises, Strictly Business does not
prevent you from going back on your word, and you never
You have these three Agendas: need to pay back or do a favor for someone you Talk Sense
• Be Brave, Take Risks • Tell Us Of Your People with. The Overlord can Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse,
but their offer has no power and you may do as you please.
• Improve The World Around You
merciless soldier
And circle a fourth Agenda that only you follow: You are not a literal demon, but a metaphorical one,
responsible for the deaths of too many to count.
Devil's Due When you strike with Killing Intent, you remove something
Keep your word in all things, from them: the weapon they hold, the armor they wear, a
and collect on all debts owed you. pouch at their belt, a hand, a leg, or even their head.
This does not work against a Threat to the World.
Overlord Ambitions
Grow your power as much as possible, vile beast
so you might one day become an Overlord yourself. You are a monstrous, vile creature from hell. Your words
are a curse upon all who hear them.
Your One Weakness When you could strike with Killing Intent, you may leave
Name the one person you actually do care about: ________ a curse upon them instead of dealing damage. Describe this
(You can Forge Bonds with them that are not Strictly Business.) curse and how it weakens or limits them, then tell them what
they must do to lift the curse. Forge A Bond describing this

stats Your Blood stat is +2.

Assign +2, +1, +0, -1 to your other stats.
condition. Erase that bond when they fulfill the condition.
When this Bond is erased, the curse is lifted.
This does not work against a Threat to the World. You
cannot put multiple curses on the same person.

You are in Despair when you roll a damaged stat.


When a stat is damaged, mark the small box.

wily temptress
Your words are like honey, and your minions worship you.
Those who fall into your spell find escape nearly impossible.
Add Worshippers to your Gear. You have one Bond with
Courage them.
Your Sign The Contract spells can each be marked up to three
times, allowing you to have up to three of each spell active

Grace playing as the devil

Sense The Devil has business with you. This is all just a job, just
work to be done, and they are very, very good at this kind of
work. The Devil is a killer. If they want you dead, only one
thing can save you from their wrath - a better offer.

the devil
Play as The Devil if you want to be a merciless assassin, if
you like cutting deals and making contracts, if you want to
keep others under your thumb and make them do your bidding,
or if you just want terrible demonic power.
devilish core devilish custom devil's advancement
All Devils have the following Moves.
None of them can be shared.
Choose one of these Moves to further define
what it means to be the Devil.
None of these Moves can be Shared.
When you Level Up, increase your level by 1,
then choose an option from the list and mark
it. You may only choose each option once.
You begin the game at level 1.
killing intent O Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum of +3).
You are not to be trifled with, and cause harm to others avarice O Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum of +2).
with ease. When an enemy leaves themselves open in front You can steal the moves of others. O Take another Devilish Custom.
of you, you may deal damage to them with a weapon you When you steal from a player, choose one of their Moves. That
hold. What qualifies as leaving themselves open is up to you, move replaces this move for the rest of this scene. O Take another Devilish Custom.
but cautious enemies that are focused on you will never have When you steal from a Threat, choose one of their stats. That O Take another Devilish Custom.
any openings. stat and its associated rules replace this move for the rest of the scene. O Take the Daemon Prince Custom Devil's Toys.
This Move cannot steal Overlord stats, Location stats, or the O Take a Core Move or Custom Move that another player
sign the contact stats belonging to a Set Piece.
knows. This overrides the usual limits on sharing moves -
When you forge a contract in blood, choose a spell from blood bath you can take any move, and you get its full text.
below, Forge A Bond with them, then mark that spell. If this When you kill someone, you heal, and you may unmark one of O Take a Custom Move from any basic playbook.
Bond is erased, the spell's effects end immediately. You cannot your spells. O Take a Custom Move from any Destiny Playbook. You must
use a spell while it is marked. be level 5 or higher to take this Advancement.
When you remove a mark from a spell that is currently business as usual O Take a Custom Move from any Destiny Playbook. You must
in effect, that spell ends, and you erase the Bond associated Take a Business Gear option. You cannot take a Business you be level 5 or higher to take this Advancement.
already have.
with it. O Take a Core Move or Custom Move that another player
When you Fill Your Belly, you may remove a mark from one dark magic knows. This overrides the usual limits on sharing moves -
spell. When you Recover, you may remove any number of Choose one of the following Moves: The Elf's Elder Arts, the you can take any move, and you get its full text. You must be
marks on your spells. Harbinger's Wizardry, the Orc's Shaman, the Angel's Words of Power, the level 5 or higher to take this Advancement.
Lantern's Bend Light, the Rain's Rain Maker, the Dragon's Dragon Magic, O You become a Threat to the World. When facing another
O Compulsion: You cast this spell on someone unconscious. the Pair's Company Secrets, or the Spider's Web Spinning. Threat to the World, you do not need to pay a price simply to
Tell them what they must do. After they wake up, they will Normally, these Moves either cannot be Shared, or only let you take act against them.
perform that task to the best of their abilities, and they will not one spell when taken outside their playbook. You get the entire chosen
know why they must do this task.
O Dedication: You cast this spell on someone who will fight
Move, with all of its spells, ignoring the standard limitations.

devil's kiss
shared customs
for you. They can feel no pain so long as they serve you, and Your bare hands gain the Necrotic tag. Record the moves you've learned from your allies here:
never suffer from Despair while acting on your orders. The Necrotic tag has no effect on you.
O Obligation: You cast this spell on someone who makes you
a promise. When they try to break this promise, they take mortal understanding
Take a Custom Move from any basic playbook.
damage. You may also take an Agenda from the chosen playbook.

strictly business rage

Your Bonds do not represent attachments or friendship. Those who are angry with you are always left open to your
They represent deals. All of your Bonds are promises, and Killing Intent.
they bind you to the person in them.
You can never write a Bond that is not a promise, contract,
When you Talk Sense with someone, on a 10+, they must
or agreement. You physically cannot break a promise or sign a contract agreeing to your terms. Forge A Bond with them, and
contract written in your Bonds, no matter how much you you may use one of your Sign The Contract spells on them without
might want to, and will automatically take the 6- result to their consent.
any roll made while attempting to break a promise.
When the listed person breaks a promise inherent to
one of your Bonds, you must erase that Bond. Your
Companions only function as Companions when it would
fulfill the promise or contract of your Bonds with them.
You must be in quite a lot of trouble, to be making a
deal with a devil.
Ah, yes. This Overlord business. I've heard of them, yes.
bonds devil's gear
I was wondering if anyone would come to us for aid. You start with 4 bonds with the other members of the You can kill with your bare hands (Melee). You can
Desperate times and what not. Well, worry not. You've Fellowship. Use these, or make your own: conjure blasts of fire (Burning, Ranged, 2 Ammo).
come to the right place. I have all the power you could You also carry some lesser souls (Food, 2 Uses).
possibly desire. Once we settle terms, I'll have the contract _____________ owes me money,
which I regularly remind them about. Choose your business:
written up right away.
O Envy. You have copies of all of the Gear the rest of the
Very good. Pleasure doing business with you. Now as I have vowed to help _____________ on their quest, fellowship has, but with only one Use each.
per the terms, I will be traveling with you to ensure you do in return for their most precious possession.
O Greed. You have endless wealth (Precious, unlimited Uses).
not break contract, as well as to lend my aid in your quest. O Pride. You have a magnificent castle, full of servants who
No no, I insist. I cannot just give you power so lightly. I lost a bet with _____________
and now I must do as they say. will do anything you ask of them. You control a small
I am the Devil, after all. I have a reputation to uphold. country and all its resources.
I will return _____________ 's soul to them O Sloth. You are functionally immortal and regenerate all
once my greatest enemy is dead. wounds (Healing, Self-Only, Slow, unlimited Uses).
O Wrath. You are armed with all manner of weaponry, and
I owe money to _____________ and will never remind them.
you always have the tags Melee, Ranged, Giant, and Piercing.
I won a bet with _____________ Choose your assistant:
and now they are my servant.
O Your beast (hell hound or devil bat).
_____________ has promised to give me their soul You have one Bond with them.
if we fail to stop the Overlord. O An imp. You have one Bond with them. When you Fill
Your Belly or Recover, you can change out one of its stats
_____________ works for me now. for another from the list. The new stat is unmarked, even if
the replaced stat had been marked.
I have promised _____________ that: O Centuries of experience (2 Uses). You can spend
1 Use to ask a question from the Look Closely list,
_____________ has signed a contract agreeing to: or to Get Away as if you got a 10+ before a situation
becomes dangerous.
O Your minion: _________________________________
Record your other bonds here: Choose another player to serve you. So long as they do,
you may choose to take any harm they would suffer in
their place. You can Forge Bonds with them that are not
Strictly Business.

the devil
devil's companions earned fellowship devil notes
Devil's companions are those allies who are particularly likely When you gain Fellowship with a community, Use this space to take notes.
to sign a contract with a devil. Many of them are available as the Framework chooses three Fellowship moves. Write about the Devils, write about the people you've met,
Gear options - a Companion in your Gear will always return Choose one of those moves and take it, writing it down here. the places you've been, and the things you've found.
to you, heal, or be replaced by another when you Recover. If you think it's important to you or to the Devils,
write it down.
hell hound
This reddish-brown dog breathes fire, eats fire, and plays in fire.
They will let entire buildings burn up so they can eat the ashes.
name: fire breathing fireproof

devil bat
This flying eyeball can cast curses on those it dislikes.
name: flight evil eye

These people will do whatever you say, believing you to be their
god. This small group functions as a single unit.
fanatical devotion take the bullet

This little creature works as a servant to powerful Devils like
yourself. Its flesh is easily warped, allowing you to change what you
wish it to be capable of. It can have any two stats from the
following list, mark the two your Imp currently has:
name: fireballs flight

magic tricks shadow step venomous claws


name: look Circle one from each list,
or make up your own: what is the mascot?
• Humanoid, Cat-like, or Ethereal Choose the option that best represents you:
Choose one, or make up your own:
• Butterfly Wings, Dragonfly Wings, Feathered Wings, or No Wings
Names: Acorn, Bartleby, Cube, Daffodil, Dora, Gloves, • Angelic Halo, Small Red Horns, or Big Goofy Moustache animal friend
Ivan, Kuma, Lily, Luna, Matilda, Nugget, Orange, Plum, • No Clothes, Simple Robe, or Colorful Clothing You are a furry cat-like thing that is probably not a cat. You
Raven, Tattletail, Touchdown, Yo have clearly supernatural traits that look out of place on a natural
animal. You are fluffy, lovable, and possibly immortal.

agenda When you know not what to do,

consult your Agendas.
When you Forge A Bond, write an extra Bond with them.
When you erase a Bond, you heal.

You have these three Agendas: impish trickster

• Be Brave, Take Risks • Tell Us Of Your People You are a small imp or fairy. While you are mostly here to help,
• Improve The World Around You you also can't help yourself from causing trouble.
You can craft convincing illusions out of shadows and smoke, and
anyone who sees or hears them will believe them to be true. Anyone
And circle a fourth Agenda that only you follow: who touches your illusions will know them for the lies they are.
These illusions are especially useful for showing the fellowship what
Pure Of Heart they should do next.
When you use your illusions to Keep Them Busy, roll with
Make the world a better place. +Grace instead of +Courage.

The Greater Good retired hero

You have a clear goal in mind, You've saved the world once before, and are here to save it again.
and will use any means to make it happen. ...or you would be, but you're getting too old for this. You can't directly
contribute like you used to, so instead you cheer on these new heroes.
Add your Battle Scars (Armor, 2 Uses) and your signature weapon
Vanquish Evil (Melee, Precious, Piercing) to your Gear.
Destroy villains, wherever you find them. When you create an Advantage for an ally, they roll with Hope to
Finish Them using that Advantage.

stats Your Wisdom stat is +2.

Assign +2, +1, +0, -1 to your other stats. supernatural patron
Choose another player: ___________________________________

You are in Despair when you roll a damaged stat.

They are your servant, and you are their Patron: a demon, god,


When a stat is damaged, mark the small box.

ghost, or other supernatural being that is granting them power in
exchange for their services. You and your servant may have different
goals, but you look out for each other.
You are always by your servant's side. When you are separated,

your servant can call your name to teleport you to them.
When you work towards your servant's Agenda, you have Hope.
When your servant works towards your Agenda, they have Hope.

Grace playing as the mascot

The Mascot is kind of a joke. You're tiny and weak, but that's what
this fellowship is for. You're here to support the fellowship's growth

and help them succeed in ways they could not without your guidance
and your power. But if anybody mistakes "tiny" for "helpless," well,
you'll show them just how wrong they were to mess with you and
your chosen heroes.
Play as The Mascot if you like leading the group but don't like

the mascot
Wisdom being the party's face, if you want to support your friends on their
mission, if you want to play a cute animal friend with supreme
magical power, or if you've ever just wanted to be that tutorial fairy
who torments your friends with useless advice.
mascot's core mascot's custom mascot advancement
The Mascot has these Moves. Choose one of these moves When you Level Up, increase your level by 1,
None of them can be Shared. to further define what it means to be the Mascot. then choose an option from the list and mark
None of them can be shared. it. You may only choose each option once.
devotion You begin the game at level 1.

The fellowship are your chosen heroes, and you expect float O Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum of +3).
them to fulfill your Agenda for you. You cannot Strike From You can float through the air at will. You cannot carry O Increase one stat belonging to another player by 1 (to
Advantage, and you always have Despair when rolling to anyone with you while you float around, but can otherwise move a maximum of +2).
freely in any direction. O Take another Mascot Custom.
Finish Them with a stat other than Wisdom.
You can have any number of Bonds with the other fusion O Take another Mascot Custom.
players, but you can never have Bonds with anyone else. You You can combine with another player, giving them your O Teach any one Mascot Custom with another player.
cannot Forge A Bond with their Companions, with Threats power. How you enter this fusion and what it looks like is up to This does not need to be a Move you know. This
you'd like to recruit or with any friends you meet along the you. While you are fused, you roll with both your stats overrides the usual rule that prevents Powerful playbook
way. The Mascot cares only for their heroes. combined, and they can use your Moves as if they had them. Moves from being Shared.
You can have Bonds with the Overlord, because they are You can enter or exit a fusion at any time. When they O Take a Core or Custom Move from any basic playbook.
another player. take damage while you are fused, you also take damage, and O Choose a Custom Move from any Basic or Powerful
are forced out of the fusion. playbook. Give that Move to the player you have the
guiding light hopelessly positive most Bonds with (on a tie, pick one of them).
You can glow with a soft, friendly light. People are You never roll with Despair (having Despair still cancels O Take a Custom Move from any Destiny playbook.
naturally drawn towards this light, and will try to follow out Hope). O Take a Custom Move from any Destiny playbook. You
you if you glow for them. You can use this light to guide must be level 5 or higher to take this Advancement.
your allies, to lure enemies, or to go out and get help. i have just the thing
You can grant minor magical items to your allies when O Choose a Custom Move from any Destiny playbook.
i believe in you! they ask for your help. These items each do one specific thing Give that Move to the player you have the most Bonds
You can erase a Bond with an ally and tell them some and have one specific condition, such as "change my appearance with (on a tie, pick one of them). You must be Level 5
inspiring words to give them an Advantage they can use but only until midnight," or "shrink down to 1/10th your size, or higher to take this Advancement.
to Finish Them. but only while the user is embarrassed." O Choose a player. They Share a Move with you.
You can damage yourself to heal someone you have a The ally requesting the item decides what it does, but you O Choose a player to become a Threat to the World.
decide the condition it needs in order to work. They only have this status while you are by their side. You
Bond with. This also gives them Hope for their next roll.
innocent charm must be Level 5 or higher to take this Advancement. When
my turn Enemies never consider you a threat until you attack them. facing a Threat to the World, that player does not need
When another player gets Taken Out, you may take So long as you do no harm, they will actively avoid harming you. to pay a price simply to act against them.
the spotlight. When you do, you automatically take the
10+ result to your next attempt to Finish Them, as long as kitty's got claws
you use it against the threat that took them out. Your You are a Melee, Piercing weapon. Nobody consider you armed
anger counts as an Advantage against them. until you use this move to harm or threaten them.
When you give an ally an Advantage to Finish Them, their
attack gains the Piercing tag, if it did not already have it.
read your rites
You always know when something magical is nearby, and can
identify any spell merely by looking at its effects as it happens.
When you Look Closely at a magical spell or effect, the Overlord
will tell you what it does before you ask any questions from the list.
mascot companions
You can change to look like any regular person of the same The Mascot can never have any Companions.
people as someone you have a Bond with. You keep an obvious They are already the ultimate Companion.
physical trait of your natural form, like little angel wings or a big This is normally the space where Shared Custom Moves go,
goofy moustache. but due to lack of room and a lack of Companions,
Shared Customs and Companions have traded spots on this playbook.
Hello, heroes! I have gathered you here to protect the world!
A great danger has befallen this land, and I need your help!
What? Oh, of course you have some questions. I did spring
bonds mascot's gear
this on you rather suddenly, huh? My bad. See, you're all heroes, You start with 4 bonds with the other members of the Mascots do not rely on gear, and carry little
and I've gathered you here, and the world is in danger, and you Fellowship. You can never have Bonds with anyone
but the fellowship or the Overlord, more than their hopes and dreams (Food, 3 Uses).
need to save it. You with me so far?
Of course you're heroes! I decided on that myself ! Even if but you can have unlimited Bonds with them.
you aren't heroes yet, you will be by the time I'm done with you! Use these, or make your own:
We've got an evil Overlord to stop! They are cruel and ruthless, ____________ has saved me from danger.
but with your combined might, good will triumph! You will-
Oh, me? You want to know who I am and why a tiny cat is ____________ isn't ready to be a hero, but I will fix that.
bossing you around? Well first of all, how dare you, and second:
I'm the Mascot, silly! And I'll make a hero out of you yet! I need to keep a close eye on ____________ .
I feel safe when ____________ is with me.
_____________ is a true team player!
I believe _____________ will save the world.
I really need _____________ to do that thing they do again.
_____________ has faced the Overlord before,
so I trust their judgment.
_____________ is my favorite.

I really wish _____________ would listen to my advice.

Record your other bonds here:

the mascot
shared customs earned fellowship mascot notes
Record the moves your allies have shared with you When you gain Fellowship with a community, Use this space to take notes.
and the moves you've picked up from Advancement here. the Framework chooses three Fellowship moves. Write about your dreams, write about the people you've met,
Choose one of those moves and take it, writing it down here. the places you've been, and the things you've found.
If you think it's important to you or the fellowship,
write it down.
name: look Circle one from each list,
or make up your own: where are you from?
• Hope-filled Eyes, Scared Expression, or Unflinching Gaze
Choose one or two from each, or make up your own: Choose the option that best represents your past:
• Bandanna, Messy Hair, Tied Up Hair, or Space Helmet
Names: Ado, Elizabeth, Hodge, Ingot, Karo, Marcus, Mel, • Ancient Uniform, Luminescent Suit, or Modern Clothes alien world
Nico, Palonius, Raina, Reese, Sarah, Septimus, Tor, Xavier, You aren't from this planet, or possibly even this dimension.
Your Own Name. • Eye-Catching Strangeness or Unremarkable Normality You see things in ways no one else does, and you have a different
Homeland: 1000 Years Ago, 30 Years In The Future, New understanding of reality as a result.
Jersey, The Dark Side of the Moon, Your Real Life Home Town,
London, Cairo, Mexico City, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Moscow,
agenda When you know not what to do,
consult your Agendas.
When you take advantage of how the world really works,
you or an ally can Overcome with +Sense instead of +Blood.
When you or an ally roll to Overcome with +Sense and get a
The Parallel Dimension Next Door, The Year 20XX You have these three Agendas: 7+, you may also choose one option from the Get Away list.
Allies can only use this benefit if you are there to talk them
• Be Brave, Take Risks • Tell Us Of Your People through what they must do.
• Improve The World Around You
doomed future
And circle a fourth Agenda that only you follow: You come from a timeline where things went wrong, and
you're here to fix it. You can Command Lore about future major
A Whole New World events and how you remember them before they happen, but know
Protect your second chance at a new life here. that your presence has altered the timeline, so things will change
from what you know. The events you Command Lore about will still
mostly happen, just a little differently than you remembered.
Come With Me If You Want To Live When you make a plan using your future knowledge as a
Prevent tragedy you know will come to pass. basis, the first roll in that plan is made with Hope. After that, the
timeline diverges too much for your perfect plan to stay perfect.

There's No Place Like Home irl (aka: from the real world)
Find a way back to your world. You come from our world, and bring genre knowledge with
you. Your advice makes no sense to others, but always seems to work
out anyway. When they think back on the things you have told

stats Your Sense stat is +2.

Assign +2, +1, +0, -1 to your other stats.
them, your allies can erase one Bond with you to use Fool Me Once.

long ago in a distant land

You are in Despair when you roll a damaged stat.

You come from far, far in the past, either launched into the

When a stat is damaged, mark the small box.

future or frozen until you were woken up. Choose another basic
playbook, and take one Core Move and one Gear option from it.
You may take that playbook's Custom Moves as if they were
Outlander Customs.

playing as the outlander
Grace The Outlander is a stranger from a distant time or place,
somewhere far removed from the world everyone else is from.
You have no past connections, no people to call on, and limited
Sense knowledge of day to day life here. You are a true lone wolf,
looking for a new place to call home. And with your wits and
your tenacity, you will make this place yours.

the outlander
Play as The Outlander if you like luck manipulation

Wisdom mechanics, if you want to play a stranger from a stranger
land, if you want to play a time-displaced hero figuering
things out, or if you just want to play as your idealized self.
outlander core outlander custom outlander's advancement
The Outlander has the following Moves.

another time, another place

Choose two of these Moves
to further define what it means to be the Outlander.
When you Level Up, increase your level by 1,
then choose an option from the list and mark
it. You may only choose each option once.
You begin the game at level 1.

You are from someplace so far removed from this world

another life O Increase your Courage or Wisdom by 1 (to a max of +3).
Take a Custom Move from any basic playbook. O Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum of +3).
that most folks don't believe you when you tell them the You may also take an Agenda from the chosen playbook.
truth. You know things you should not, and you don't This Move cannot be Shared. O Take another Outlander's Custom.
know things you really should. You have no people here. O Take another Outlander's Custom.
You can Command Lore about the world you came from, catchphrase O Ask a player to Share a Move with you.
and the things you know about this world as an outsider When you say a one liner after you roll a 10+, if O Share a Move with a player you have 3 Bonds with.
looking in. Your knowledge of this place and this time is another player smiles, laughs, or otherwise indicates it was O You have Changed. You must be level 5 or higher to take
spotty, but the little you do know, you know far too well. a good line, you heal. this Advancement. When you Change, choose a Destiny
you meet the requirements for and take its first Move.
fool me once fool me twice
shared customs
After you use Fool Me Once, you may pay a price to re-
You know how things should go, even if it isn't how roll up to two more times. Each re-roll rolls only one die, same
they actually end up. After any roll you make, you may re- as Fool Me Once. You can wait to see the result of your first re-
roll one of the dice used in the roll. You must keep the roll before deciding which die to re-roll next. Record the moves you've learned from your allies here:
new result, even if it is worse.
Hope and Despair are applied to the final dice results, i know something you don't
after your re-roll. When you successfully Overcome the attacks of an
enemy, you gain an Advantage over them.
fresh eyes
When you Look Closely, you may ask one additional i need to know
question from the Speak Softly list. Another player will You can Speak Softly even when you do not have time or
answer this question for you. safety. Enemies you Speak Softly with will answer your questions
even if they would not talk to anyone else, and even in the
middle of a fight.

just add duct tape

When you Recover, you can retrieve one of your lost or
destroyed Outlander Gear options. You still get to choose
replacement Gear options for lost or destroyed Outlander
Gear, but only one replacement each. In other words, you can
have a maximum of eight Gear options with this move: your
four Outlander Gear options, and four others to 'replace' them.
This Move cannot be Shared.

never tell me the odds

When all of your dice in a roll match (for example,
double 4s or triple 1s), you succeed as if you got a 10+,
regardless of the roll's actual total.

When someone within arm's reach would suffer harm,
you may take that harm in their place.
bonds outlander gear
Where am I? What is this place? This isn't like where I'm
from. This whole world isn't like my world. How did I get here?
Can I ever get back?
Or maybe, maybe this is a new beginning for me. Maybe I can You start with 4 bonds with the other members of the You carry simple rations (Food, 4 Uses).
find my own way, make my own future here. I've got a clean slate Fellowship. Use these, or make your own:
and nothing to lose! Well, I don't have much to lose. I guess I Unlike other playbooks, your Gear is irreplaceable.
could die out here. That'd be bad. _____________ has shown me how things work around here. When you Recover, if one of your Outlander Gear
Okay. I know all sorts of things this place probably doesn't. options was destroyed or lost, take a new Gear option
I'll figure something out. I just need to make some friends, make Something bad will happen to _____________
from another basic playbook to replace it. You must
myself useful, start a new life. I can do all that, can't I? if I don't protect them from it.
take a Gear option you could access in your current
Wait, what do you mean, "evil Overlord?" You're kidding, community. So, if you Recover in an Orc Community,
_____________ reminds me of my parent.
right? This isn't some kind of game, is it? ...well alright. I've you should take your new Gear option from The Orc.
played video games before. I've stopped some Ganondorgs in my I want to show my world to _____________ one day.
time. I can do this. I can save this world! I may not be from What did you bring from your world? Choose four:
around here, but I need to protect my second chance. I have to. _____________ only knows the new me. O An unusual sword (Melee, Precious). It has a true purpose
I'm the Outlander. I'm not from around here. Get used to it. you can Command Lore about when the time is right.
_____________ actually believes me O A weapon that cannot be made in this world (Melee, Piercing).
about where I came from. O Strange armor (Armor, 1 Use). No one but you can wear it.
O A gun (Ranged, Piercing, 3 Ammo).
I know what will happen to _____________ in the future.
O A med-kit (Healing, Slow, 2 Uses).
The most impressive thing I've found in this new world is O Limited edition collector's items (Precious, 2 Uses).
O A skateboard, a jet pack, or a cool car. You have one
_____________ . Bond with it.
I think I might be in love with _____________ ? O A small critter native to your world. You have one
Bond with it.
I think _____________ might have fallen in love with me.

Record your other bonds here:

the outlander BASIC PLAYBOOK

outlander's companions earned fellowship outlander's notes
Exiled companions are those allies who are particularly likely When you gain Fellowship with a community, Use this space to take notes.
to join arms with you. Many of them are available as Gear the Framework chooses three Fellowship moves. Write about your world, write about the people you've met,
options - a Companion in your Gear will always return to Choose one of those moves and take it, writing it down here. the places you've been, and the things you've learned.
you, heal, or be replaced by another when you Recover. If you think it's important to you,
write it down.
A small mischievous animal friend with an unusual talent, brought
here from your old world. Write their second stat yourself.
name: mischief maker

A quiet, self-propelled vehicle with limitless potential.
name: stunts quick and quiet

cool car
A fast ride that seats four, with a really loud paint job.
name: all eyes on me fast and

jet pack
A backpack that lets you fly. It can also be used as a bomb, but only once.
name: powered flight explosive potential
name: look Circle one from each list,
or make up your own: what is the shattered?
Choose one or two from each, or make up your own: • Bulky Form, Spindly Limbs, or Tiny Nubs Choose the option that best represents your people:
Names: Ash, Bort, Crow, Dia, Fran, Geo, Granite, Hive, Jimber, • Colorful Flesh, Dull Hue, or Glittering Beauty chimera
Phos, Pyr, Roll, Sarge, Shard, Tremor, Vess • Few Clothes, Form-Concealing Cloak, or Military Uniform You are a frankenstein of body parts all stitched
Materials: Amber, Ants, Beasts, Brass, Clay, Diamonds, Glass, • Humanoid, Misshapen Lump, or Shifting Swarm together: a chimera of multiple animals, or a big zombie made
Gold, Machinery, People, Plastic, Rats, Rubies, Sand, Soldiers, Stone of multiple people, or some kind of ooze that reanimates and

agenda When you know not what to do,

consult your Agendas.
pulls together flesh. Your something extra is recently-living
tissue, such as severed limbs or harvested organs.
Your whole body is extra pieces, so you can have up to 2 of
You have these three Agendas: each part attached to you at a time, instead of only one of each.
• Be Brave, Take Risks • Tell Us Of Your People
• Improve The World Around You
You are a living crystal, shiny and reflective and very
cool. Your something extra is precious gems, like sapphires,
And circle a fourth Agenda that only you follow: diamonds, or rubies.
Your extra parts are difficult to come by, but exceptionally
Glass Houses durable. Your Blade Parts and Weird Parts have unlimited Uses.
Take advantage of the weakness of others. Your Ejection Parts have the Reload tag instead of Ammo.
You are Precious, literally made of money. You can Use your
Precious tag by destroying one of your extra parts.
Pick Up The Pieces
Undo the damage done by villains or disasters. platoon
You are several small units that work together: five
goblins in a trench coat, or a sentient swarm of bugs or rats,
Silver Lining or a squad of toy soldiers. Your something extra is new
Stay optimistic, and always look for the bright side. recruits. You can easily find like-minded units to add to your
ranks within any community, filling back up to your limit.
You count as a Group, which means you can act against

stats Your Courage stat is +2.

Assign +2, +1, +0, -1 to your other stats.
two threats at once with a single move, and you can deal
damage to Groups or Gangs or swarms without needing the
Area or Dangerous tags.

You are in Despair when you roll a damaged stat.

Blood sand and stone

When a stat is damaged, mark the small box.

You are a being of clay, dirt, sand, stone, or other hard,
basic earthen material. Your something extra can be found at
your feet, but must be shaped to meet the purpose you want

Courage for it. You can attach as many extra parts as you'd like, up to
your limit, as long as you have time and safety.
You have no weak points, so Piercing does not work on you.

playing as the shattered

Grace The Shattered is immortal, but not indestructible. They
break easy. Their pieces fall apart, become lost, get destroyed,

and need replacing. But they can do replacing. Quite easily,
even, as long as they can find the right materials.
Play as the Shattered if you like the lure of immortality
with drawbacks (but different drawbacks from the Remnant),

the shattered BASIC PLAYBOOK

if you want to play an elemental hero made of diamonds or
stone, if you want to play as a stitched together chimera or
various beasts, or if you want to play as a bunch of tiny
goblins or imps who work together as a team.
shattered core shattered custom shattered advancement
The Shattered have the following moves. Choose two of these moves When you Level Up, increase your level by 1,
to further define what it means to be Shattered. then choose an option from the list and mark
bulletproof army of me it. You may only choose each option once. You begin the game at level 1.

Your body is hardened, resistant to damage. You are When you fall apart, you maintain control over your detached pieces. O Increase your Blood or Sense by 1 (to a max of +3).
(Armor, 1 Use), and you can Use this armor to protect either They can all move independently, and go where you want them to go. Your O Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum of +3).
yourself or someone within arm's reach. detached pieces cannot perform tasks more complicated than pulling a lever O Take another Shattered Custom.
or pushing something, but they can make use of any of your extra parts.
When you heal, you restore your one Use of this armor. You can be in as many places as you desire, and even move around as a O Take another Shattered Custom.
swarm of parts instead of as a single entity, if you wish. O Take another Shattered Custom, or ask another player to
sum of your parts This Move cannot be Shared. share a Move with you.
You are capable of falling to pieces and coming back O Share one of your Moves with another player.
together again. Detached pieces of you re-attach easily, and
broken history O You have Changed. You must be level 5 or higher to take
Take a Custom Move from any basic playbook.
lost pieces can be replaced by finding similar materials to You may also take an Agenda from the chosen playbook. this Advancement. When you Change, choose a Destiny
your body (ie; flesh for flesh, stone for stone, etc). What you This Move cannot be Shared. you meet the requirements for and take its first Move.
can attach depends on What Is The Shattered.
clobberin' time
When you attach something extra to your body,
beyond what you normally have, choose one of the When you deal damage with a melee attack, you may
choose to send them flying away from you. They get sent in a
shared customs
benefits below. You can only have one of each extra part Record the moves you've learned from your allies here:
direction of your choice and are pushed well out of your way,
attached to you at a time. Mark a part when you have it, and easily allowing you to pass by them.
erase the mark to show you've spent it.
The second, light gray circle is for Chimera-type Shattered, which can attach falling apart
up to two of each part. When one of your stats becomes damaged, you gain
Hope on your next roll.
O O Blade Part: You attach something sharp, like claws
or a sword. This is a weapon with Melee, Piercing, 1 Use. greater sum
Add the following options to the Sum Of Your Parts list:
O O Heart Part: You attach redundant pieces, like a
spare heart or extra arms. This part is Healing (Self Only), O O Ejection Part: You attach something you can launch at enemies,
like a spike or bullet. This is a weapon with Ranged, 1 Ammo.
1 Use.
O O Decoy Part: You attach a distraction, like a shell of yourself or a
O O Weird Part: You attach something useful, like wings detachable tail. This part is Armor, 1 Use.
or magnets. This part is Useful, 1 Use. If you Share this Move, they also gain Sum Of Your Parts, but with
this list of parts instead of the Sum Of Your Parts list.
When you Use one of your extra parts, it is destroyed.
You begin the game with one of each extra part already ship of theseus
attached. Choose a second People's Move from your playbook.
When you Recover, you may attach one of each extra part. The People's Moves are the four moves under the "What is the ______?" header on your playbook.

take the hit

When you put yourself in harm's way, you can Overcome
with +Courage instead of +Blood. If you do, none of your allies
needs to Overcome the same harm - you take the entire hit for them,
regardless of your roll.
wall walker
You can move along walls and ceilings of any solid material. So
long as the surface can support your weight, you can move along it at any
speed or cling in place without falling.
When you go solo, you can act normally while Wall Walking.
When you have a passenger, they must cling to you with both arms
or they will fall, and you must keep all your limbs on the wall or you will
bonds shattered gear
Nnnnnn... Who has awoken me from my slumber? Ahhh, so
much of me is missing these days... I should have gotten myself
up long ago. I need to... refresh... rebuild.
Ahhhhh, do you need my help? Mmmm. Mmmmmmmmm. I You start with 4 bonds with the other members of the You are a simple weapon (Melee). You also carry
suppose. I can help you. Ohhhhhhhhhh? Do you think I cannot? Fellowship. Use these, or make your own: whatever it is that counts as food to your people (Food, 3 Uses).
Haaaaa. Well... I suppose... you would have never seen anything
like me before. Worry not. My broken form is not... an obstacle. I will protect _____________ , no matter the cost. You carry some personal affects. Choose two:
Mmmmmmmmmmm. This Overlord sounds. So troublesome.
I trust _____________ to put me back together. O A fragile but deadly diamond-edged weapon (Melee, Necrotic).
But there have been many like them... before. There may be...
many more like them... to come. And I will outlast them all... all When you deal damage or Finish Them with this weapon,
the same. If they intend to break me... I will break them, too. _____________ and I have sworn an oath. it breaks. When you have time and safety, you can spend a
I am Shattered, but I will survive. Unlike you. spare part to reforge this weapon.
I find _____________ 's reckless bravery baffling. O A case that holds spare parts (2 Uses). Spend 1 Use
They should let me charge in instead.
to produce an extra part of any type from the Sum
I've known _____________ for all their life. Of Your Parts list.
O A pet salamander, pet rock, or pet zombie.
I respect _____________ 's strength. You have one Bond with it.
O An unusual med-kit consisting of various adhesives
I want to understand _____________ .
(Healing, Slow, 2 Uses). You use them to re-attach your
I wish _____________ was more like me. shattered body, but they can also seal up your friends'
wounds in a pinch.
I'll do whatever _____________ asks of me. O A strange book about __________________ (2 Uses).
Spend 1 Use to Command Lore about this topic,
I don't know how to apologize to _____________ . answering any single question asked about it.
Record your other bonds here:

the shattered BASIC PLAYBOOK

shattered companions earned fellowship shattered notes
Shattered companions are those allies who are particularly When you gain Fellowship with a community, Use this space to take notes.
likely to join arms with you. Many of them are available as the Framework chooses three Fellowship moves. Write about the Shattered, write about the people you've met,
Gear options - a Companion in your Gear will always return Choose one of those moves and take it, writing it down here. the places you've been, and the things you've found.
to you, heal, or be replaced by another when you Recover. If you think it's important to you or to the Shattered,
write it down.
pet rock
This elemental creature is made entirely of stone, sand, mud, or
crystals. Or maybe some mix of all those things. Whatever it is,
it is your friend, it eat rocks, and it punches like a sledgehammer.
name: stone body sledgehammer fist

pet zombie
This pet dog or cat or other animal died, but was resurrected. They
may be a mindless zombie now, but they are perfectly obedient and
will never die again.
name: mindless undying
obedience loyalty

A small lizard friend that can spit fire to defend itself.
name: spitfire wall crawler
name: look Circle one from each list,
or make up your own: what is the spy?
• Cold Eyes, Ever-Present Smile, or Poker Face Choose the option that best represents your people:
Choose one or two from each, or make up your own: • Clean Cut, Concealed Face, or Flowing Locks
Names: Antonio, Benedict, Carmen, Hall, Hatsume, Jimmy,
• Fancy Suit, Ninja Outfit, or Plain Clothes bombshell
Majda, Mata, Noor, Odette, Pliskin, Rose, Smith, Yoshiko, Zelda You are a highly destructive saboteur, and most of your
Code Names: Agent, Bond, Cloud, Danger, Eagle, Golden, • Bombastic Figure, Small Round Body, or Wiry Frame missions end with the target location as a pile of rubble. You
Haze, Listless, Model, Paragon, Renegade, Solid, Thorn, Twilight, walk away from every explosion without a scratch on you.
Viper, West, Zero
agenda When you know not what to do,
consult your Agendas.
Add explosives (Trap, Dangerous, 2 Uses) to your Gear. You
can spend 1 Use at any time after setting the trap to collapse a
passageway or blow open a new one.
You have these three Agendas: You never take collateral damage as a consequence from
• Be Brave, Take Risks • Tell Us Of Your People someone using the Dangerous tag. Dangerous attacks that target
• Improve The World Around You you specifically can still damage you, but their collateral never
causes you any trouble.
And circle a fourth Agenda that only you follow: daredevil
You perform stunts no one else would ever consider, and
A Wrench In The Works usually even walk away from them. You perform wild acrobatics
Dismantle the current status quo. with ease.
When you Overcome danger by using the terrain to
Blood Money protect you or while piloting a vehicle, you roll with Hope.
Expose the crimes of the rich and powerful. fatale
Your beauty gets you all you want and more. You leave a
Look Out For Number One trail of broken hearts behind you, and their pain fuels you.
Protect yourself above all others. When you erase your last Bond with someone, you heal.

rogue agent

Your network actually works for the Overlord, but you
Your Grace stat is +2. don't. You have direct access to the Overlord's plans, but must
Assign +2, +1, +0, -1 to your other stats.
be careful about when and where you access this information,
because your actions are monitored.

You are in Despair when you roll a damaged stat.


When a stat is damaged, mark the small box.

When you call on your network for information or
assistance, you also learn the Overlord's most recently enacted
Plan, and the Overlord (or one of their Generals) learns the
fellowship's current location. This is not optional.

Courage You also know the Overlord's Weakness, and carry it on you
(1 Use). This is not part of your Gear - once you have lost it or
used it, it is gone.

Grace playing as the spy

The Spy knows what they're doing. They know what you're
Sense doing. And they know how to use what you're doing to get away
with whatever they want. They're sneaky, mysterious, and don't
trust anyone. That's just the life you live as the Spy.

the spy
Play as The Spy if you want to outsmart everyone in the


Wisdom room, if you want to play as a sneaky son of a gun, if you love
the allure of cloak-and-dagger style intrigue, or if you just want
to do lots of cool tricks and stunts constantly.
spy's core spy's custom spy's advancement
The Spy has the following moves. Choose two of these moves
to further define what it means to be the Spy.
When you Level Up, increase your level by 1,
then choose an option from the list and mark
it. You may only choose each option once.
You begin the game at level 1.
You are part of a network of spies, consisting of people backstab O Increase your Blood or Courage by 1 (to a max of +3).
of all kinds. You have a contact you can get info from in When you are within arm's reach of someone who does not
O Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum of +3).
every community, and you can Command Lore about the think you mean them harm or does not know you are there, you may
erase one Bond with them to kill them. You need a weapon to do this. O Take another Spy's Custom.
network, its purpose, its perks, and its exploits.
If they are a Threat to the World or another player, this move O Take another Spy's Custom.
deals damage instead of killing them. O Take a Custom Move from any Basic Playbook.
trust no one O Take a Gear option from any Basic Playbook.
You use your Bonds as a weapon. Because of your trust counter operative
issues, people you Forge A Bond with do not become When you use Heart of Fire to buy yourself a reprieve, in O You have Changed. You must be level 5 or higher to take
Companions. addition to the choice you already make in that move, choose one: You this Advancement. When you Change, choose a Destiny
When you meet someone for the first time, you can steal something from them, you get them to tell you something you meet the requirements for and take its first Move.
important, or you place a tracker on them that will let you find them
Forge A Bond with them based on your first impression of
You can erase a Bond you have with someone to do some-
again later without fail, one time only.

heart breaker
shared customs
thing without them noticing you did it. You can use this to When you hurt someone emotionally, you may Forge A Record the moves you've learned from your allies here:
get them to talk about something they shouldn't, to sneak Bond with them.
past them, to take something from them, to swap out some-
thing with a fake, to pass along a coded message, or any
i never really was on your side
When you betray someone dramatically, you may erase
other kind of sneaky spy stuff you need to do unnoticed. all of your Bonds with them to roll with Hope for any rolls
related to this sudden betrayal. This also gives you an Advantage
daring devil against them. This Move does not trigger when you betray
When you need a cool prop appropriate to your someone who you have no Bonds with.
environment, like a chandelier to drop, a window to leap
out of, or a vine to swing from, it's there. license to kill
When you use the terrain to protect you, you may When you Finish Them with intent to kill, if you are
Overcome using +Grace instead of +Blood. Leaping off of using a small and quiet weapon, you may roll +Grace instead
tall places to escape danger always counts as using the of +Blood. If you do, add the Piercing tag to your attack, if it
terrain to protect you. did not already have it.
mistaken identity
prepare for the mission No one knows who you really are. You can spend other player's
The Spy changes depending on which Framework it is Bonds with your name in them as if they were your own Bonds. You can
operating within. If the Framework changes, change your use this to fool them with Trust No One, to help them fool someone as if
playbook to the correctly prepared Spy. The Custom Moves they had Trust No One, or to impersonate them for one scene.
Counter Operative and Specialized Training change with you.
If you were the Ace or an unrevealed Turncoat before
undercover training
Take a Custom Move from any basic playbook.
entering the Overlord Framework, replace that move with You may also take an Agenda from the chosen playbook.
a new move from the What Is The Spy? list. This Move cannot be Shared.
This Spy is prepared to fight the Overlord. specialized training
When the Overlord or their Generals Twist The Knife on you or
an ally within arm's reach, you can keep your cool and act as you please,
and help your ally to do the same. They do not get a free Hard Cut
against you or your ally, and must make a Soft Cut instead.
When the Overlord makes An Offer You Can't Refuse, you can lie.
They will think you agreed to their demands, but you have no obligation
to follow through with them.
bonds spy gear
If I understand this correctly, what we're dealing with is a
villainous mastermind with a grand plan, limitless resources,
hundreds or possibly thousands of henchmen, and no one knows
where they are or when they will strike next. Sounds like quite You start with 4 bonds with the other members of the You carry your spy gadgets (Useful, 2 Uses).
the predicament you've found yourselves in, eh? Fellowship. Use these, or make your own: You don't carry your own food, but the network
Fortunately for you, information and infiltration are my pays for your meals. You do not need to spend
_____________ is a useful fool. Food to Fill Your Belly while within a community.
specialties. I will help you find this Overlord. I will help you
stop their terrible plan. I will help you save the world. I will get When the time is right, _____________ always pulls through. Choose two of these weapons:
you all the intel you need, disable any defenses we may need to O A concealable dagger (Melee), which is never found
No one makes a better distraction than _____________ .
sneak past, and ensure our operations proceed smoothly and when you are searched.
efficiently. And all I need from you, is for you to trust me. _____________ is the only one I can trust. O A silenced pistol or repeater crossbow (Ranged,
I am the Spy, and you need to trust me completely. 2 Ammo).
I love _____________ , but they do not love me. O A remote explosive that must be set beforehand
(Trap, Dangerous, 1 Use). You can spend 1 Use at
_____________ loves me, and I can take advantage of that. any time after setting the trap to collapse a
passageway or blow open a new one.
I once loved _____________ , but I left them. O A garrote (Melee). When you Finish Them with this
weapon with intent to kill, on a 10+, they die in
Can I really rely on _____________ ? complete silence.
I worry that _____________ actually trusts me. You carry a simple poison with 1 Use. Choose one:
I am afraid _____________ will abandon me. O Knockout gas (Area). Anyone who inhales this visibly
colorful gas passes out for several minutes.
Record your other bonds here: O Emetic contaminant. Anyone who eats food or drink
that this has been added to becomes incredibly sick,
filling them with Despair for a while.
O Lethal syringe. Anyone injected with this will die
within minutes if they do not get the antidote, which
you also carry 1 Use of. When you inject this into a
Threat to the World, they take damage instead of dying.
O Kidnapper's rag. When you are behind someone,
you can spend 1 Use to put this rag over their mouth
and nose, making them pass out quietly and instantly.
They will only wake up after you have taken them
somewhere else.

You have a weakness you cannot resist. Choose your crutch:

O Good alcohol. You carry high quality champagne
(Vigor then Drunk, Precious, 2 Uses). You never refuse
a drink that is offered to you.
O Beautiful women. When someone beautiful asks
for your help, you cannot refuse. Choose one more
Weapon to add to your Gear.
O Dangerous men. When someone dangerous
challenges you, you cannot refuse. Choose one
more Poison to add to your Gear. It has 1 Use.
O Cute kids. When a kid is in danger, you have to get

the spy
involved. You can Speak Softly with children without
rolling, as if you got a 10+.
spy companions earned fellowship spy notes
The Spy does not have Companions, only temporary alliances. When you gain Fellowship with a community, Use this space to take notes.
Use this space for whatever you wish. the Overlord chooses three Fellowship moves from the book. Write about the network, write about the people you've met,
Choose one of those moves and take it, writing it down here. the places you've been, and the intel you've gathered.
If you think it's important to you or to the Spies,
write it down.

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