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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

139 (3rd series)

Functional Neurologic Disorders
M. Hallett, J. Stone, and A. Carson, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 14

Do (epi)genetics impact the brain in functional neurologic


Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany and Department
of Psychiatry, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Advances in neuropsychiatric research are supposed to lead to significant improvements in understanding
functional neurologic disorders and their diagnosis. However, epigenetic and genetic research on conver-
sion disorders and somatoform disorders is only at its start. This review demonstrates the current state
within this field and tries to bridge a gap from what is known on gene–stress interactions in other psychi-
atric disorders like depression. The etiology of conversion disorders is hypothesized to be multifactorial.
These considerations also suggest that potential etiologic factors lead to alterations in brain function, either
episodically or chronically, eventually leading to structural brain changes. In particular, the knowledge of
how the environment influences brain structure and function, e.g., via epigenetic regulation, may be inter-
esting for future research in functional neurologic disorders. Reviewing the literature results in evidence
that childhood adversities play a role in the development of functional neurologic disorders, whereby at
present no reports exist about the interactive effect between childhood adversity and genetic factors or
about the impact of epigenetics.


Conversion disorder is a functional neurologic symp- First, environmental factors are hypothesized to play a
tom disorder, as defined by the Diagnostic and major role in the development of psychiatric disorders.
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition This is true also for conversion disorders. A few studies
(DSM-5: American Psychiatric Assocation, 2013) – investigated the association between childhood trauma
or, as defined in the International Classification of or adversity and conversion disorders. Within a literature
Diseases (ICD-10: World Health Organization, 2010), review, nine out of nine studies showed that increased
is a dissociative disorder – marked by the presence of physical and sexual abuse was found in patients with con-
pseudoneurologic symptoms. Criteria in DSM-5 now version or somatization disorders compared to healthy,
emphasize the importance of the neurologic examina- organic, or psychiatric controls. Psychologic abuse also
tion, and recognize that relevant psychologic factors was found to be more pronounced in conversion/somati-
may not be demonstrable at the time of diagnosis. zation disorders compared to controls. The review also
Despite research in this area, the etiology is largely included other medically unexplained conditions.
unknown. It is hypothesized to be multifactorial, with The impact of childhood adversity is not unique to con-
stress–environmental factors and potentially some version disorders, since it can also be seen in irritable-
mediating genetic factors influencing the development bowel syndrome and chronic pelvic pain (Roelofs and
of psychopathology (Krem, 2004). Spinhoven, 2007). In one more recent study, 56 female

*Correspondence to: Thomas Frodl, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg,
Germany. Tel: +49-391-67-15029, E-mail:
158 T. FRODL
patients with conversion disorder, who had psychogenic developing a number of mental disorders in adulthood
nonepileptic seizures, were investigated using clinical (Heim and Nemeroff, 2001; Taylor et al., 2006), includ-
interviews about dissociation and childhood trauma. The ing major depressive disorder (MDD) (Kessler, 1997),
total score of the childhood trauma questionnaire as well posttraumatic stress disorder (Bonne et al., 2008), anxi-
as its subscales – emotional abuse, emotional neglect, ety disorders (Heim and Nemeroff, 2001), and substance
physical abuse, and sexual abuse – was significantly abuse (Dube et al., 2003).
higher in the conversion group compared to control sub- The association between social early-life stressors and
jects. Moreover, the amount of dissociation was statisti- development of psychiatric disorders has also been
cally higher in the conversion group in line with a explored experimentally and there is evidence suggesting
traumatic background (Ozcetin et al., 2009). an impact of early-life adversity on brain function and
Furthermore, in an earlier study, 54 patients with con- structure. Until only a few years ago, the adult brain
version disorder reported a higher incidence of physical or was considered to be an organ with a fixed structure,
sexual abuse, a larger number of different types of physical unable to remodel or repair itself. However, recent
abuse, sexual abuse of longer duration, and incestuous research shows that both structural and physiologic
experiences more often than 50 comparison patients with changes occur in the adult nervous system, some arising
affective disorders (Roelofs et al., 2002). Moreover, a as a result of the individual’s interaction with the surround-
series of patients with conversion disorder presenting as ing environment and some from internal adaptation, also
epilepsy showed a significantly higher frequency of a his- interacting with genetic factors.
tory of sexual or physical abuse than 140 patients with Chronic social stress has been shown to induce
complex partial epilepsy. Also severity of sexual but not glucocorticoid-mediated pyramidal dendrite retraction
physical abuse was significantly greater in the nonepilep- in the hippocampus and changes in dendrite arborization
tic seizure group relative to controls (Alper et al., 1993). in the prefrontal cortex (Woolley et al., 1990; Magarinos
Furthermore, a diagnosis of psychogenic nonepileptic et al., 1996; Wellman, 2001; Kole et al., 2004), which
seizures was associated with significantly higher rates might be associated with the behavioral manifestations
of childhood trauma in addition to female sex in a sample of stress-related disorders like MDD (Macqueen and
of 82 subjects with epileptic seizures and 96 subjects Frodl, 2011). There is mounting evidence that specific
with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (Kaplan et al., neuronal circuits, particularly in the developing brain,
2013). There are many more studies in this area, already are damaged by environmental stress-inducing changes
summarized in a review and meta-analysis that comes to in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and
the conclusion that there is growing evidence of an asso- inflammatory pathways (Krishnan and Nestler, 2008).
ciation between childhood sexual abuse and psychogenic Experimental studies have shown that stress or cortisol
nonepileptic seizures (Sharpe and Faye, 2006). administration may lead to depressive-like states and
To summarize, these studies all show significant higher atrophy of neurons in the hippocampus (Duman, 2002)
severity and rates of childhood adversity in functional neu- and that therapy with antidepressants reverses these
rologic disorders compared to healthy controls or patients changes (Santarelli et al., 2003). Moreover, chronic
with affective disorders. In particular, the comparison hypercortisolism has been shown to enhance tryptophan
between functional neurologic disorders and affective breakdown in the brain and induce neurodegenerative
disorders that already show higher rates of childhood changes (Capuron and Miller, 2011). Other research
adversities compared to controls suggests that childhood has shown that both physiologic and psychologic stress
adversity might play a prominent role for later developing can induce increased production of proinflammatory
a functional neurologic disorder. However, to date these mediators that can stimulate tryptophan catabolism in
studies also have to be taken with caution because of meth- the brain (Myint et al., 2012), with consequences on neu-
odologic difficulties, e.g., that there is no common defini- rotransmitter metabolism, neuroendocrine function, syn-
tion of childhood abuse, childhood abuse is usually aptic transmission, and neurocircuits that regulate mood,
reported retrospectively, and case and comparison groups motor activity, motivation, anxiety, and alarm reactions
were recruited, often not in a way that was representative (Capuron and Miller, 2011).
of the population. Neuroimaging studies provide growing evidence that
childhood maltreatment, defined as maltreatment or
trauma in the form of emotional, physical, or sexual
abuse, or emotional or physical neglect, could have det-
rimental effects on brain structure. Vythilingam et al.
(2002) compared 32 women with recurrent unipolar
Previous studies have suggested that a relationship exists depression and prepubertal physical or sexual abuse to
between childhood maltreatment and an increased risk of 11 women with depression without prepubertal abuse
and to 14 healthy controls. They found that the left hip- In contrast, maltreatment leading to childhood post-
pocampus was 18% smaller in women with depression traumatic stress disorder has been reported to result in
and prepubertal abuse than those without abuse and larger hippocampal volumes in comparison to matched
15% smaller than healthy controls. healthy children who were not maltreated (Tupler and
Emotional neglect has also been found to be associ- De Bellis, 2006). Recently, we demonstrated that
ated with smaller hippocampal volumes. Smaller left gray-matter volume was significantly decreased in the
hippocampal white-matter volumes were reported in hippocampus and significantly increased in the dor-
MDD patients who had experienced emotional child- somedial prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex
hood neglect compared to those without neglect. Both in subjects who had experienced childhood maltreat-
emotional neglect and brain structural abnormalities pre- ment in comparison to those who had not (Chaney
dicted cumulative illness duration (Frodl et al., 2010b). et al., 2014).
Eighty-four healthy controls and patients with MDD Research in functional neurologic disorders is rare
who reported a history of emotional maltreatment during and no significant effects of childhood adversity on brain
childhood had smaller left dorsomedial prefrontal cortex structure have been investigated in these disorders. Inter-
volumes compared to 96 comparison subjects without estingly, significantly smaller left thalamic volumes were
maltreatment (van Harmelen et al., 2010). found in 14 patients with conversion disorder compared
Recent studies in healthy participants and community with 31 controls when corrected for intracranial volume
samples have added to the evidence indicating that child- (Nicholson et al., 2014). Another voxel-based morphom-
hood maltreatment is associated with morphologic brain etry and cortical thickness study in patients with psycho-
changes. In a large study (n ¼ 193) of young adults with genic nonepileptic seizures revealed abnormal cortical
and without childhood maltreatment, a reduction in left atrophy of the motor and premotor regions in the right
hippocampal subfields CA2–CA3 and CA4–DG, CA1 hemisphere and the cerebellum bilaterally (Labate
and subiculum was revealed. This population was not et al., 2012). These differences may reflect a disease pro-
characterized by histories of MDD or posttraumatic stress cess, or could be a secondary consequence of having a
disorder (Teicher et al., 2012). In 148 healthy participants, symptom for a while, or even a consequence of comor-
reduced gray-matter volumes in the hippocampus, insula, bidities such as depression. Therefore, larger and longi-
orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus, and caudate tudinal studies are required in the future to explore these
were found to be associated with high scores of childhood effects in more detail.
maltreatment. This association was not influenced by trait Childhood adversity, inflammation, brain structure, and
anxiety, depression level, age, intelligence, education, or neurotrophic factors are not standalone measurements.
more recent stressful life events (Dannlowski et al., 2012). They seem to be related to each other. A history of child-
In a single-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy hood trauma and high levels of recent stressors predicted
study, the ratio of n-acetylaspartate to creatine was signif- lower brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expres-
icantly lower in the anterior cingulate cortex in 11 mal- sion through an inflammation-mediated pathway and, in
treated subjects with posttraumatic stress disorder than turn, lower BDNF expression, increased interleukin-6
in the comparison 11 subjects without maltreatment expression, and increased cortisol levels significantly
(De Bellis et al., 2000). and independently predicted a smaller left hippocampal
A study of 18 maltreated children, compared to volume (Mondelli et al., 2011).
20 children who were not maltreated, showed reduced There is one study investigating BDNF blood levels
gray matter in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and the left in patients with conversion disorders. Interestingly, serum
middle temporal gyrus in those with maltreatment BDNF levels were found to be significantly smaller in
(De Brito et al., 2013). 15 patients with conversion disorders compared to
To date, most studies have been conducted cross- 26 healthy controls. Moreover, there was no difference
sectionally in adults. A longitudinal magnetic resonance between BDNF levels between patients with conversion
imaging study involving 15 children aged 7–13 years disorders and patients with MDD. This suggests that
with childhood adversity and posttraumatic stress disor- BDNF level may be altered in a similar way in MDD
der symptoms reported that the presence of childhood and conversion disorders (Deveci et al., 2007). However,
maltreatment was related to a decrease in hippocampal the impact of childhood adversity, other environmental
volumes over a 12- and 18-month interval. However, this stressors and genetics on inflammation, neurotrophic fac-
study did not have a comparison group of individuals tors, and brain structure and function has not yet been
who were not maltreated, hence no definite conclusion explored in conversion disorders. There may be some sys-
can be drawn about whether children with childhood tems like the stress hormone, neurotrophic and inflamma-
maltreatment are more vulnerable for hippocampal tion system that may be most interesting to look at with
changes over time (Carrion et al., 2007). regard to genetic and epigenetic research.
160 T. FRODL
GENETICS between the undifferentiated somatoform disorder
patients and the healthy subjects. The group of patients
The role of heritability in conversion and somatization
with MDD, however, had significantly higher frequen-
disorders is far from being clear, and twin studies were
cies of TPH1 C-allele (p ¼ 0.0002) and CC homozygos-
not conclusive (Torgersen, 1986; Guze, 1993).
ity ( p ¼ 0.0003) than healthy subjects, with the same
genotypes, regardless of sex and age. Moreover, TPH1
Studies in conversion disorders CC homozygotes in the MDD group scored significantly
A PubMed search with the words “conversion disorder” higher in terms of verbal aggression and total aggression
in the title/abstract and “genetics” only results in six lit- questionnaire score than A-carrier genotypes, regardless
erature hits. For a search on “conversion disorder” in of sex and age. While there was an association between
title/abstracts and “epigenetics,” there were no hits. frequency of this polymorphism and MDD and the poly-
There is only one study that investigated the effect morphism was associated with aggression within the
of a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (catechol- group of patients with MDD, this was not found for
O-methyltransferase (COMT) polymorphism) on the somatoform disorder (Koh et al., 2012).
occurrence of conversion disorders in 48 patients with It has been suggested that serotonergic hypofunction
conversion disorder and 48 control patients. Alterations and serotonergic pathway genes underlie the somatic
in COMT activity are involved in various types of neu- symptoms of somatoform disorders. This hypothesis
rologic disorders. There was no significant difference was investigated using a variety of serotonin-related gene
between the groups (Armagan et al., 2013). Based on polymorphisms to determine whether undifferentiated
the sample size, it has to be argued that this study was somatoform disorder is associated with specific serotonin-
underpowered to detect any significant effects. related gene pathways. A total of 102 patients with undif-
ferentiated somatoform disorder and 133 healthy subjects
were enrolled. Patients with undifferentiated somatoform
Studies in somatoform disorders
disorder had higher frequencies of the TPH1 (A218C)
Another study investigated whether there is an associa- C-allele than healthy controls, but the difference was
tion between somatoform disorder symptoms with not significant after Bonferroni correction. The frequency
genetic variants that were found in previous studies to of TPH1 genotype in addition to TPH2 rs1386494, 5-HTR
be associated with pain. Pain is a major symptom of 2A-T102C, 5-HTR 2A-G1438A, and 5HTTLPR allele
somatoform disorders, including functional neurologic and genotype frequencies did not differ significantly
symptom disorders. A total of 148 somatoform patients between the two groups. These findings suggest that a
with pain as the leading clinical symptom and 149 age- variety of serotonin-related gene pathways are unlikely
and gender-matched healthy controls participated in this to be genetic risk factors for undifferentiated somatoform
study. Interestingly, the common G-allele of rs1800629 disorder. The authors thus concluded that the pathogenesis
(tumor necrosis factor-a) occurred significantly more of the disorder may be related to epigenetic factors, includ-
often in the control group than in the group of patients ing psychosocial and cultural factors (Koh et al., 2011).
with somatoform disorder and thus seems to have protec- In conclusion, so far there is only one study that
tive effects. Being carrier of the A-allele on the other reports an association between the SNP rs1800629 of
hand might be a risk factor for somatoform disorder the tumor necrosis factor-a gene in a rather moderate
(Gil et al., 2011). sample size. Thus, larger samples are needed to investi-
Polymorphisms in the COMT gene are associated gate the effects of rare copy number variants or for
with COMT enzymatic activity and pain sensitivity; looking with a genomewide approach. Thus, no major
the effect of COMT polymorphisms was investigated significant effect of genetic polymorphisms has to date
in the same sample. None of the six SNPs investigated, been observed for functional neurologic disorders.
including the functionally relevant common SNP in
codon 158 (Val158Met), showed a statistically signifi-
cant allelic, genotypic, or haplotypic association with
multisomatoform disorder (Jakobi et al., 2010).
Another study investigated 102 patients with undiffer- A number of research groups have suggested that gene–
entiated somatoform disorder, 106 patients with MDD, environmental interactions may be important to consider.
and 133 healthy subjects for differences in the genotype To date there are no studies available on the effects of
frequency of tryptophan hydroxylase gene polymor- epigenetics on conversion disorders, so we need to
phism and associations between this polymorphism discuss this aspect more theoretically.
and aggression. No significant differences were found Studies show that patients with conversion disorders
in TPH1 C-allele and CC homozygote frequencies show an excess number of childhood adversity events
compared to comparison subjects, so childhood adver- early stress, including a history of childhood abuse,
sity is one factor that should be taken into account. It was associated with altered levels of peripheral methyl-
is known that childhood adversity interacts with genetic ation in SLC6A4 promoter regions later in life (Beach
predisposition to even influence brain development and et al., 2010, 2011; Devlin et al., 2010; van Ijzendoorn
brain structure. For example, previously, we found that et al., 2010; Kang et al., 2013).
childhood maltreatment interacts with the s allele of In addition, it was recently found in a healthy sample
the 5-HTTLPR and is associated with smaller hippocam- that DNA methylation at the SLC6A4 promoter in white
pal volumes in patients with MDD (Frodl et al., 2010a). blood cells of adults was associated with lower in vivo
Since there are no studies in conversion disorders, it is measures of brain 5-HT synthesis in the orbitofrontal cor-
relevant to look at other studies that examined the asso- tex, irrespective of 5-HTTLPR genotype.
ciation of other disorders, such as dissociation, with The functional relevance of DNA methylation in
early-life adversity and genetics. SLC6A4 promotor regulation was further demonstrated
Dissociation is a failure of perceptual, memory, and by an in vitro experiment, showing that DNA methylation
emotional integration that is associated with a variety of the SLC6A4 promoter in a luciferase reporter construct
of psychiatric disorders and usually dissociative pro- suppressed its transcriptional activity (Wang et al., 2012).
cesses are related to childhood trauma. One study inves- These findings, taken together, suggest that DNA methyl-
tigated whether there was a potential gene–childhood ation in the SLC6A4 promoter may be one of the physio-
abuse interaction for dissociation in bipolar disorder logic mechanisms of how early stress could translate
subjects and their affected and unaffected relatives. into altered brain development. Hippocampal changes
A sample of 178 affected and unaffected family members might be particularly relevant here, since this brain region
from patients with bipolar disorder was investigated for is densely innervated with 5-HT, and highly involved
this purpose. Interestingly, the low-activity Met allele of in stress regulation (Lupien et al., 2009; Frodl and
the Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene was O’Keane, 2013). However, other candidate genes and
associated with lower levels of self-reported dissocia- the whole epigenome need to be investigated first to
tion. The COMT Val158Met polymorphism interacted understand how specific these associations might be
significantly with total abuse scores obtained from the and also how many other methylation regions might
childhood trauma questionnaire to impact on dissocia- be affected.
tion. Here the Val/Val genotype was associated with Recently we found that methylation of 5-HT trans-
increasing levels of dissociation in participants exposed porter polymorphism was significantly associated with
to higher levels of childhood trauma, whereby those with higher amount of childhood adversity and smaller hippo-
the Met/Met genotypes seemed to display decreased dis- campal volumes (Booij et al., 2015). Moreover, methyla-
sociation with increasing self-reported childhood trauma tion of 5-HT transporter polymorphism also was
(Savitz et al., 2008). These findings increase the likeli- functionally relevant for brain activation during emotional
hood that conversion disorders may also be related to attention-processing tasks, as measured using functional
childhood adversity by gene–environment interactions. magnetic resonance imaging (Frodl et al., 2015).
The physiologic mechanisms accounting for such We need to consider that multiple factors are interact-
gene–environment interactions are not known. One of ing over time to explain the associations between early-
the potential mechanisms by which gene–environment childhood maltreatment, hippocampus, and HPA axis
interacts and affects brain development is via environ- functioning. Other influences, like genetic and tempera-
mentally induced stable changes in genetic expression mental factors, probably also play a significant role. Key
(Szyf, 2009; Booij et al., 2013; Nestler, 2014). These personality traits that have been demonstrated to predict
changes in stable expression are most probably caused HPA axis stress responses are self-esteem and an internal
by epigenetic mechanisms (Szyf, 2009; Booij et al., locus of control. In healthy subjects of all ages these traits
2013; Nestler, 2014). Following the observation of are significantly correlated with hippocampal volume
tissue-specific DNA methylation changes in the hippo- (Pruessner et al., 2005). Environmental factors like stress
campal glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene in postmor- and genetic variation are linked together via epigenetic
tem brains of victims of childhood abuse (McGowan processes. Animal models tracking the trajectory from
et al., 2009), a number of studies have analyzed DNA early-life stress to adult depression indicate that sus-
methylation processes in peripheral tissues. With regard tained stress during development leads to hypermethyla-
to the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) system, an increasing tion of the GR promoter gene, leading to reduced
number of studies have found associations between function of the GR and inability to shut down stress
peripheral methylation in the SLC6A4 gene and responses (McGowan et al., 2011). An impact of parental
early-life adversity (Booij et al., 2013), or depression care on epigenetic regulation of hippocampal GR was
(Nestler, 2014). Specifically, studies demonstrated that demonstrated in a study observing that suicide victims
162 T. FRODL
with a history of early-life adversity display decreased
GR mRNA expression and increased cytosine methyla-
tion of a neuron-specific GR (NR3C1) promoter in post-
mortem hippocampus compared to either suicide victims
with no early-life adversity or controls (McGowan
et al., 2009).
Epigenetic influences on the HPA system may also
be transgenerational. One study has shown that mater-
nal childhood abuse is associated with lower cortisol
responses in their infants (Brand et al., 2010). Interest-
ingly, HPA axis development commences in utero.
For most of the duration of pregnancy, the baby and
mother share a common corticotropin-releasing hor- Fig. 14.1. There is some evidence that early-life adversity is
mone (CRH)–adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)– associated with the development of functional neurologic
disorders. While there is the assumption that stress–gene inter-
cortisol axis, because the placenta produces CRH
action plays a significant role, to date there is no study avail-
(McLean et al., 1995). CRH production by the placenta
able showing that a genetic variation or single-nucleotide
is positively controlled by maternal and fetal cortisol, polymorphism (SNP) is clearly associated with functional neu-
so that if mother or baby is stressed, CRH production rologic disorders. However, samples investigated to date are
will increase (Smith and Nicholson, 2007). Increased clearly too small. Experimental data and observations about
production of placental CRH will result in increased the stress–gene interactions suggest that epigenetic modula-
cortisol levels in baby and mother and, because of a tion of gene expression might play a central role. This idea
positive feedforward loop between cortisol and placen- needs further investigation.
tal CRH, there will be increased CRH production
(McLean et al., 1995). Babies born to women who
were psychologically stressed during pregnancy tend
showed larger gray-matter volumes in the superior and
to have disorganized sleep, to be less responsive emo-
middle frontal gyri, orbital gyrus, superior temporal gyrus,
tionally (Field, 2011), and to have higher cortisol
and fusiform gyrus (Kim et al., 2010). Birth weight
responses to stressors (Davis et al., 2011). The HPA
significantly positively predicted hippocampal volume
axis seems to be “programmed” in utero, via GR mech-
in adulthood in female subjects reporting low maternal
anisms, so that the developing brain is primed to
care, suggesting a complex picture with some protective
respond to a fixed “set point” in postuterine life
factors (Buss et al., 2007). Thus, events postbirth may
(Glover et al., 2010).
also reverse the damaging effects of a harsh intrauterine
Thus, developmental factors may play a role in some
environment, and the greater plasticity within the HPA
cases of medically unexplained (or “functional”) symp-
system during childhood can provide greater resilience
toms like conversion disorder (Buffington, 2009).
for the developing adult (Fisher et al., 2006).
Experimental data suggest that, when a pregnant mother
perceives a threatening environment, this situation may
be transmitted to the fetus when hormones cross the
placenta and affect the course of fetal development
(Meaney et al., 2007). These changes also appear to To date there is a significant lack of data about gene–
increase vulnerability to life stressors, putting these environment interactions in functional neurologic disor-
individuals at greater risk of developing disorders char- ders. Also to date there is no major evidence that genetics
acterized by pain and discomfort (Bateson et al., 2004). alone play a crucial role, although this research is limited
Medically unexplained symptoms need to be consid- by relatively small samples under investigation. Another
ered from the perspective of underlying developmental limitation is that comorbidity with other psychiatric
influences involving epigenetic modulation of gene disorders is high in functional neurologic disorders
expression that affect function of a variety of organs and somatoform disorders, e.g., with affective disorders,
based on familial (genetic and environmental) predispo- substance use disorders, and personality disorders. Evi-
sitions (Fig. 14.1). dence already exists that childhood adversity is a factor
These observations may also indicate that good mater- influencing the vulnerability for functional neurologic
nal care could protect against excessive stress responses disorders; however, again, the mechanism for how this
and result in larger brain structural volumes. Indeed, is provided is unknown, in part because research on epi-
mothers who reported higher maternal care in childhood genetics in this area is just at its start.
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