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Activity: Before 30

1. Look at the list of Ten things to do before you’re 30.
2. Look at the things Tony has done and check in the space what have you done.
3. Then write 5 sentences using Present Perfect with already and yet to describe
your and Tony’s experience doing these activities.
4. Finally, record your voice reading the sentences to evaluate your pronunciation.

Remember to send the document and the audio file to your facilitator.

Exercise adapted from Open Mind 3, 2010, Macmillan, p. 8.


 Tony has already taken a cool trip.

 Tony and I haven’t had an unusual job yet.

Ten things to do before you’re 30

Tony You

1. Take a really cool trip.

2. Have an unusual job. X X

3. Do something extremely romantic.

4. Go backpacking. X X
5. Date someone who isn’t your “type”. vX

1. I have already taken a really cool trip.

2. I haven´t had an unusual job yet.
3. I have already done something extremely romantic.
4. I haven´t gone backpacking yet.
5. I haven´t dated someone who isn´t my “type” yet.
Activity: Before 30

Element Value Points
The use of Present Perfect. 1
The use of already/yet. 1
The right spelling of verbs in Past Participle. 1
Intonation. 1
Speed. .5
Clear pronunciation. .5
Total 5 Points

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Remember that the file must be named:
 Apellido Paterno_Primer Nombre_A_Before_30_Sentences

Send it through the Virtual Platform.

Remember that the file must be named:
 Apellido Paterno_Primer Nombre_A_Before_30_Pronunciation

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