Udyamam - Verse Unfolded - Sw.V.

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Six Qualities needed to achieve spiritual goal (or any goal)


 त दैव ं सहायकृ त ्
उमं साहसं धयै  बिु ः शिः परामः षदेत े यवते

Udhyamam sāhasam dhairyam buddhiḥ shaktiḥ parākramaḥ ṣadete yatravartante tatradaivam


These are qualities that make you a successful person in your spiritual goals. Your material goals
will also be taken care of through this. We’re invoking Īśvarah in each mentioned quality and
recognize the grace factor that is the factor we don’t have control over in any way except
through prayer.

Achieve here means to prayerfully invoke and sustain, earning the grace to attain success.

udhyamam - proper discipline, will power

sāhasam - enthusiasm

Dhairyam - courage, clear conviction (oh Fear, I’m not afraid of you! You’re my best friend, take my
hand, lets go together!)

buddhiḥ - intelligence, keen, bright intellect, independent thinking

Being a maverick! Not blindly following what is popular, instead following Vaidika Culture guided by
Guruh, making Independent Intelligent choices based on

clear understanding of the goal which I want to achieve (ultimately freedom –


śaktiḥ - Balanced health, strength (physical, emotional & intellectual)

healthy body, mind & intellect, balanced,wellnurtured and nourished psychology

parākramaḥ - determination, fortitude

In the face of obstacles I stay determined and find a way to overcome the obstacles without getting
discouraged. The conviction in the intellect gives emotional strength and stability, without that we
can become wavy and doubtful.

The sahāyakṛt is the name of the person who has prayerfully earned the ultimate Grace Moksah,
through putting forth all the proper efforts with all of these qualities. A successful person is one who
has relaxed in absolute selfacceptance.

kṛt = doer, karta

șadete – these six (qualities)

vartante - they are

yatra - wherever (these qualities abide, in whichever person) (relative pronoun)

tatra - there (in that person)

daivam - grace of isvarah will be present and will cause the person to be successful (in any

We are always riding on the grace-factor (daivam). It is the unseen factor that ultimately makes the
difference of success and failure of any pursuit.

These qualities abide in everyone but they need to be nurtured and nourished to fullness. In Īśvarah
they abide in absolute measure whereas we need to inculcate them. By worshiping Īśvarah we
aquire these Sātvika Qualities in full measure. We recognize Īśvaras grace which comes in the form
of all the support we’ve been given, opportunities, mentors, books we’ve read etc. We show our
gratitude and prayerfully earn grace, then the success doesn’t go to our head we don’t ever become

Alternative reading of the last line: "Tatra daivam prasīdati"

tatra – there, in that person, who has all these qualities and has applied them to any given

daivam – Grace

prasīdati - will come to him, will be attained

he will gain that grace and all the fruits/goals (Sādhyam) of the given Sādhana. We see that grace is
earned through our proper efforts. Through deliberate, prayerful thought, word and action...

This verse is taken from a text called Subhāșita grantha māla

bhāshita - said, spoken

subhāshita (with prefix “su”) - well or truthfully spoken in an eloquent manner

subāșita grantha māla – a text in which is taken down many quotes from Sanskrit literature that are
well said. A beautiful flower garland of well spoken abiding truths in a Grantha-Book.

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