Project Management Project Final Report

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King Saud University

College Of Business Administration Management

Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Project Management in Information

Technology Project (MIS 460)

Prepared by

Najd Alqahtani 439201404

Sadeem Albedah 439201613

Riam Alnasser 439201330

Sarah Alateeg 439203229

AlReem Alabbad 439201443

Raniah Alsehaibany 439200867

Supervised by
T. Fatimah Al-Otaibi

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Table of Contents
Part 1: Initiating .............................................................................................................................................................3
Project overview: ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Project objective: ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Who are the main users and how it will impact them? ............................................................................................. 3
What has caused the need for the project? ............................................................................................................ 3
Stakeholder Register for X-Fruit ......................................................................................................................................4
Stakeholder Management Strategy for X-Fruit .................................................................................................................5
Team ContractX-Fruit ......................................................................................................................................................7
Code of Conduct...............................................................................................................................................................8
Kick off meeting...............................................................................................................................................................9
Part 1: Initiating (Continued) .....................................................................................................................................10
Project Charter for X-Fruit .............................................................................................................................................10
Financial projections for X-Fruit....................................................................................................................................11
Business Case for X-Fruit ..............................................................................................................................................14
Part 2: Planning............................................................................................................................................................16
Requirements Traceability Matrix for X-Fruit ...............................................................................................................16
Scope Statement (Version 1) ..........................................................................................................................................17
An illustration of our website:........................................................................................................................................18
An illustration of our visual identity: .............................................................................................................................19
Part 2: Planning (Continued) ......................................................................................................................................21
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ..............................................................................................................................21
Project Milestone Report ................................................................................................................................................22
Gantt Chart .....................................................................................................................................................................23
Network Diagram ...........................................................................................................................................................24
Plan for hiring staff for X-Fruit ......................................................................................................................................25
RACI Chart ....................................................................................................................................................................26
Communication Management Plan Version 1.0 ............................................................................................................27
Request for Proposal ......................................................................................................................................................29
Part 3: Executing ..........................................................................................................................................................30
Cost estimate ..................................................................................................................................................................30
Cost Baseline ..................................................................................................................................................................30
X-Fruit Business plan .....................................................................................................................................................31
Options for getting small business loans ........................................................................................................................33
Quality Metrics ...............................................................................................................................................................35
List of Prioritized Risks for X-Fruit ...............................................................................................................................36
Risk Register ..................................................................................................................................................................37
Probability/Impact Matrix for X-Fruit ...........................................................................................................................38
Part 4: Monitoring and Controlling ...........................................................................................................................39

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
Just-In-Time Training Project ........................................................................................................................................39
Kick-off Meeting Date ...................................................................................................................................................39
Contract Statement of Work For X-Fruit .......................................................................................................................40
The updated list of prioritized risks and Risk register ...................................................................................................41
Risk register: ..................................................................................................................................................................41
Part 5: Closing ..............................................................................................................................................................42
Lessons-Learned Report .................................................................................................................................................42
Google site creation:.......................................................................................................................................................43
Minutes of meeting.........................................................................................................................................................44
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................................46
References: .....................................................................................................................................................................49

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
Part 1: Initiating

Project overview:

X- Fruit "The X in X- fruit is a symbol that stands for an anonymous variable that
represents our concept about the unexpected various fruits that we provide as a gift
box". It is a local business application that provides several fruit options during its peak
season. The fruits are provided as a gift box for the customers to make them curious
about the boxes they will receive in each season, the fruits that we provide are from
specialized farms from different regions in our country which has the best quality, the
customer can subscribe monthly, and, i n e a c h s e a s o n , they will receive a giftbox
that contains the fruits of the season as a surprise!

Project objective:

Our main goal is to provide an application for customers where they can subscribe for an
unexpected box of fruit every season, providing healthy and nutritious food made with fresh
seasonal fruits like ice cream, juices, and jams.
Who are the main users and how it will impact them?

We target families and individuals who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and fresh food,
and people who have a specific disease such as diabetes or any type of allergy, they could
write a note of what the fruits they are allergic to and they will receive what is suitable for
them, the customers will get fruits in the best quality in its season, also we provide them in a
fun and exciting way in every box they will receive.
What has caused the need for the project?

The problem of the problem of not having a specialized one-stop application that provides a
monthly subscription and combines several fruit options through its peak season and deliver
it to the customers here in Riyadh and to provide a nutritious food from the fresh extracted

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Stakeholder Register for X-Fruit

Prepared by: Najd Alqahtani Date: 2/8/2022

Name Position Internal/ Project Role Contact Information


Raniah Alsehaibany PMO Director internal Project

Najd Alqahtani Business Analyst internal Team member

Sadeem Albedah Operation Manager internal Team member

Riam Alnasser Marketing Director internal Team member

Sarah Alateeg PR Director internal Team member

AlReem Alabbad Finance Director internal Team member

Ahamd Ali Consultant External Sponsor

Mona Rashid Entrepreneur External investor

Saleh Alsultan Lawyer External Legal

Nada Othman End-user External End-user

Haseel Competitor External Competitor

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Stakeholder Management Strategy for X-Fruit

Prepared by: Sadeem Albedah, Sarah Alateeg Date: 9/2/2022

Name Level of Interest Level of Influence Potential Management Strategies

Raniah Alsehaibany Low High -Has her own business.

-Has great leading skills.
-She is responsible for many projects.
-The project will gain her more
experienced, and she wants that.
-She is a healthy woman, and the concept
of our project is all about it.
Najd Alqahtani High High -Have analytical skills.
-Has a series of successful analysis projects.
Sadeem Albedah High High -Can work under pressure.
-Has previous experience.

Riam Alnasser High High -Specialized in digital marketing.

-She is full focus on this project, so she
can make the best marketing plan.

Sarah Alateeg Low High -She works on another project.

-Has good social skills.
-The project will give new relationships that
will benefit her.

AlReem Alabbad High High

-She will oversee all financial operations,
budgeting, risk control, and development of
financial processes.
Ahamd Ali High Low
-He will advise and expertise the organization
to help them to solve problemsand improve

Mona Rashid Low High -She runs many mature projects.

-Has creative thinking.
- It will be a new investment experience
for her.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Saleh Alsultan High High -He will handle all legal issues and contracts.

-He can accept the risk.

Nada Othman High Low -Has the interest to go through the


Hassel Low High -They offer the same products that we


-They are mature in the market.

-By entering the market with attractive

ideas and prices, we will attract their

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Team Contract
Project team members name and sign-off:

Team Member’s Name Team Member’s Signature

Najd Alqahtani
Sadeem Albedah
Riam Alnasser
Sarah Alateeg
AlReem Alabbad
Raniah Alsehaibany

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Code of Conduct
As a project team we will:
Work hard to meet our goals and objective in a timely manner.
Communicate with each other by attending the meetings and sharing updates among the team members.
Considering the various perspectives among the project team members.


We will:
Cooperate and work together to make the right things.
Improve and solve together the conflicts and problems that could occur.
Feeling free to ask questions about any task, honesty, and openness is important to point out among the team
Enhance project-related personal skills and generate new and innovative ideas.


We will:
Use online software and tools to facilitate our communication.
Focus on the main goal and make the ideas clear for the team.
Attend at the campus from 12 – 1 PM when the project requires the presence of team members.
Listen and respect each other

Problem Solving:

We will:
Cooperate and participate in finding a quick and correct solution to the problem.
When we face any problem, we will write what we learned and how we solved it so, we can use it if the
problem accrues again.
Write what we have learned when we face any problem, and how we have solved it, so we can use it if the
problem occurs again.
Welcoming any suggestions with no criticism.

Meetings Guidelines:

We will:
Do online meetings through Zoom and Slack applications.
Meet twice or three times a week.
Write a report and share it with all team members after any meeting to be updated.
Do a face-to-face meeting when needed.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Kick off meeting

Kick-off meeting:
We held a face-to-face meeting to discuss our idea and tasks after we select our teammembers and know what we should
do in the assignment.

Meeting objective:
Knowing what the project is talking about in general, discuss and select the best idea for it to startworking on it also,
identify key stakeholders and goals.

Discussing our project idea.
Discussing our project goal, scope, time, and cost.
Divide tasks. Date: 01-02-2022
Time duration: one hour
Team members who participate: All

First topic: discussion

Each member suggests an idea for the project
Discuss each idea from a diverse perspective
Second topic: choosing the idea
Choosing the best idea for all member
Third topic: summary
Divide the task to start working on the assignment:

Action item Assigned To Due date

Overview of the project Raniah, Riam 05-02-2022
Prepare stakeholder register Najd 07-02-2022
management strategy Sadeem, Sara 09-02-2022
Prepare a team contract Najd 07-02-2022
collaborations software Alreem 09-02-2022
Action item Assigned to due date

Second meeting:
After we finished all the tasks, we hold an online meeting through slack to review everypoint and make sure every task
is done.
Date: 09-02-2022
Duration:25 min
Team members who participate: All
First Topic: Review tasks
We start review from task one to the last task and make sure we met the goal of every task
Second Topic: Review the report
Make sure the report is clear from any grammatical and spelling mistakes.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Part 1: Initiating (Continued)

Project Charter for X-Fruit

Prepared by: Sara Alateeg Date: 20 / 2 / 2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

Project Title: X-Fruit

Project Start Date: 1/2/2022 Projected Finish Date: 11/8/2022
Budget Information: The dedicated budget for this project is 120,000 SAR, and more funds are available
if needed, most costs for this project will be to develop the application and provide the best experience for
the customer.
Project Manager: Raniah Alsehaibany, 0539003435,
Project Objectives: Our objective is to raise societal awareness of the importance of fruits and attractively
promote them, they can enroll in an unexpected box of fruit that includes healthy and nutritious foods like
ice cream and juices made from fresh seasonal fruits.
Success Criteria: That the project meets all requirements and satisfies all stakeholders.
It is also completed within the three constraints of scope, time, and cost, with a payback period of two years
• Clearly define the requirements and the project scope.
• Set up frequent meetings to discuss the project.
• Hire a programmer & developer to help us make this project successful.
• Create a team and clearly define roles and responsibilities
• Set frequent milestones to check progress.
Roles and Responsibilities
Name and Role Position Contact Information
Raniah PMO Director Project
Alsehaibany manager
Najd Alqahtani Business Analyst Team
Sadeem Albedah Operation Manager Team
Riam Alnasser Marketing Director Team
Sarah Alateeg PR Director Team
AlReem Alabbad Finance Director Team
Ahamd Ali Consultant Sponsor
Mona Rashid Entrepreneur investor
Saleh Alsultan Lawyer Legal
Nada Othman End-user End-user
Haseel Competitor Competitor
Comments: "We can do it; I am confident that this project will be a success "
- Raniah Alsehaibany

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Financial projections for X-Fruit

Prepared by: Riam Alnasser, AlReem Alabbad Date: 20/2/2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Business Case for X-Fruit

Prepared by: Raniah Alsehaibany Date: 26/2/2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

1.0 Introduction/ Background

X-Fruit is a local business application that provides several fruit options during its peak
season. The fruits are provided as a gift box for the customers to make them curious
about the boxes they will receive in each season, the fruits that we provide are from
specialized farms from different regions in our country which has the best quality, the
customer can subscribe annually, and in each season, they will receive a gift box that
contains the fruits of the season as a surprise!
2.0 Business Objective

Our main goal is to provide an application for customers where they can subscribe for an
unexpected box of fruit every season, providing healthy and nutritious food made with
fresh seasonal fruits like ice cream, juices, and jams.
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement

There are two situations that made us think about X–fruit as a business application, first
is the problem of not having a specialized one-stop application that provides a monthly
subscription and combines several fruit options through its peak season and deliver it to
the customers here in Riyadh, in our market there are only businesses that sell individual
fruits such as mango Jizan which provides only mangos. So, our application will provide
a variety of fruit options. The second we spotted that recently there is an opportunity of
people’s interest in a healthy lifestyle so our business will serve them through providing
the food from the fresh extracted fruits such as ice creams, juices, and jams.
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints
• We assume that the project will be accomplished within the right scope, time, and
• We assume that the team members will be collaborative through using the
productivity applications e.g. slack and they will have the required skills
• We assume that the project sponsor will be supportive and provide us with the
needed direction
• We assume that the resources will be used efficiently

• The complexity of having suppliers that will provide us with the seasonal fruits
• The difficulty of having the approval from the Saudi Food and Drug Authority

5.0 Analysis of Options and Recommendations

• We chose to target families and individuals who are interested in a healthy
lifestyle and fresh food, and people who have a specific disease such as diabetes
or any type of allergy.
• We had the option to deliver our products through several cities, but we chose to
start with Riyadh.
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements
• Consistency from the team members
• Support from the project sponsor
• Lawyer to deal with the legal issues
• A workspace for the team members to work together

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
-Second sheet
8.0 Schedule Estimate
We expect to complete this project within six months.
9.0 Potential Risks
• Not meet the project constraints: scope, time, and cost
• Deal with not collaborative suppliers that would supply us with the seasonal fruits
• Un-supportive project sponsor
• Dissatisfaction from the customers
• Financial risks
• Not committed team members
10.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: Financial Analysis
-First sheet

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Part 2: Planning

Requirements Traceability Matrix for X-Fruit

Prepared by: Najd Alqahtani Date:3/3/2022

Requirement Name Category Source Status

R1 Hire 3 staff members to Functional Project manager completed
coordinate the project (Rania)
R2 Collaborate with farmers Functional Staff member (Najd) completed
R3 Buy 5 laptops for office use Non-functional Staff member (Alreem) completed
R4 Rent a workspace Non-functional PR Director (Sara) completed
R5 Security technical Outsourced from the In-progress
technical consultant
R6 Compatibility with various technical Outsourced from the completed
operating systems (iOS, Android, technical consultant
R7 User-friendly interface technical Outsourced from the In progress
technical consultant
R8 Updated real-time database for technical Operation Manager In progress
orders (Sadeem)
R9 Online payment (visa, Mada, technical Outsourced from the In progress
apple pay,stc pay) technical consultant
R10 Create revised contracts with our Functional Lawyer (Saleh Alsultan) In progress
R11 Provide a report for application Functional Business analyst (Najd) In progress
R12 Create social media accounts Functional Marketing Director completed
(Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram) (Riam)
R13 Buy office furniture (desks, Non-functional Staff member (Sara) completed
chairs, projectors)

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Scope Statement (Version 1)

Prepared by: Sadeem Albedah Date: 27/2/2022 Project Title: X-Fruits

Project Justification:
The purpose of our project is to serve any person who prefers finding fruits in every
season. In our application, we offer a monthly subscription service that includes several
fruit options during its peak season. The fruits are provided as a gift box for the
Product Characteristics and Requirements:

- The application will be easy to use
- Provide different payment methods
- Application supports all systems (IOS, Android)
- Available social media accounts (Instagram, TikTok)

The contract with the suppliers (MangoJizan, farms, and others) will be supervised by
the lawyer to ensure their commitment to the contract requirements.

The information for each customer will be secure and shared only with the shipping
The access level for the employees will be read-only and available to read and write for
the project manager and IT staff.

Project Success Criteria:

Our goal is to complete this project within one year from 1/2/2022 to 11/8/2022 with a
budget of no more than 120,000 SAR. We care about the customer's satisfaction with the
content of our monthly boxes, so we are keen to survey them.
Summary of Project Deliverables
Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team contract, scope
statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final
project report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the
Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code,
hardware, etc.
1. Detailed WBS.
2. Promotion: promotion plan for every season on different social media platforms
and physically.
3. Weakly reports: provide reports for sales stats at the end of every week.
4. Requirement matrix.
5. Seasonally products.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

An illustration of our website:

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College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
An illustration of our visual identity:

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Part 2: Planning (Continued)

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Project Name: X-Fruit Date: 27/3/2022

1.0 Initiating
1.1 Select project manager
1.2 Form project team
1.3 Prepare a business case
1.4 Stakeholder register
1.5 Kick-off meeting
1.6 Develop project charter
1.7 Preparing financial projections

2.0 Planning
2.1 Team contract
2.2 Develop a requirements traceability matrix
2.3 Scope statement
2.4 Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS)
2.5 Create a milestone list
2.6 Create a plan for hiring staff
2.7 Create a RACI chart
2.8 Develop a communications management plan
2.9 Prepare a request for proposal

3.0 Executing
3.1 Application Design
3.2 Application Development
3.2.1 Payment Method
3.2.2 Supplier contract
3.3 Security
3.4 Rollout
3.5 Support

4.0 Monitoring and controlling

4.1 Progress reports
4.2 Change request
4.3 Update various plans

5.0 Closing
5.1 Final project report
5.2 Lessons-learned Reports

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Project Milestone Report

Date: 27/3/2022

Milestone Date Status Responsible Issues/Comments

1.0 Initiating:

Stakeholder identified 16 / 02 / 2022 Completed Najd Alqahtani Ended

up excellently
Project kick-off meeting held 19 / 02 / 2022 Completed Raniah Ended
Alsehaibany up excellently
Project charter signed 25 / 02 / 2022 Completed Sarah Alateeg Ended
up excellently
2.0 Planning

Scope statement completed 19 / 03 / 2022 Completed Sadeem Albedah Ended

up excellently

WBS completed 21 / 03 / 2022 Completed Sadeem Albedah, Issue of

Alreem Alabbad downloading the
3.0 Executing

3.2 Application
Application approved 01 / 06 / 2022 In progress Riam Alnasser -

Application launched 24 / 06 / 2022 In progress Riam Alnasser -

4.0 Monitoring and


5.0 Closing
Final project report 11 / 08 / 2022 In progress All the team -

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Gantt Chart
Date: 29/3/2022

Full Gantt Chart:

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Network Diagram
Date: 30/3/2022

Full Network Diagram:

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Plan for hiring staff for X-Fruit

Positions Job descriptions Salary/monthly Work

Project Responsible for: 9,000 SR Full time
manager • Managing project resources
• Documenting the progress of the project
• Evaluate performance
• Communicating with stakeholders
Business Responsible for: 7,000 SR Full time
analyst • Compiling charts, tables, and other elements of data
• Identifying and prioritizing the organization's functional and
technical needs and requirements
• Using SQL and Excel to analyze large data sets
• Understanding business strategies, goals, and requirements

Marketing Responsible for: 5,500 SR Full time

Director • Develop a brand strategy
• Conduct market research studies
• Manage and refine the organization's social media presence
• Manage and measure marketing campaign costs
Operation Responsible for: 3,300 SR Full time
Manager • Oversee materials and inventory management
• Work closely with legal and safety departments to make sure
activities remain compliant
• Ensure operational activities remain on time and within a
defined budget
• Oversee accounts payable and accounts receivable departments

PR DirectorResponsible for: 3,000 SR Part-time

• Speaking on behalf of the company in interviews and press
• Developing relationships with media organizations and
important influencers.
• Delegating tasks to members of the PR team and monitoring
their progress.
• Resenting reports on the effectiveness of campaigns.
Finance Responsible for: 4,500 SR Part-time
Director • Overseeing audit and tax functions.
• Directing financial planning and strategy.
• Developing and implementing accounting policies
• Reviewing departmental budgets
Programmer Responsible for: 6,000 SR Part-time
• Identifying and correcting coding errors.
• Secure programs against cybersecurity threats.
• Code and test programming for software
Lawyer Responsible for: 4,400 SR Part-time
• Monitor legal risk in the documentation and give guidance on
the acceptable assumption of risk.
• Draft, review and manage wills, trusts, estates, contracts, and
• Manage regulatory and compliance-related services
King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

RACI Chart

Prepared by: Riam Alnasser Date:3/31/2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

Google sheet:

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Communication Management Plan Version 1.0

Prepared by: Sara Alateeg Date: 29/3/2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

1. Stakeholder communications requirements:

Project Manager: She supervises all project tasks and ensures that they are completed and delivered on time,
as well as ensures that all team members meet project objectives within the budgetary constraints.
Consequently, the project manager should always be informed that a member of the project team will require
every Sunday, they compile information for each quick meeting and send a weekly report, at the end of the
week and summarizes all operations.

Sponsor: She is a person who helps and invests money in the project in return for a financial return, so she
needs a monthly report on the project's developments. Also, for all stakeholders, a monthly simple summary
was developed to keep them informed.

Team members: Employees who work in the workplace are essential for business success.
So, they need good communication between them and to hold a short weekly meeting to understand the
course of their work and tasks.

2. Communications summary:

Stakeholders Communications Delivery Producer Due/Frequency

Name Method/Format

Project manager Weekly status report Hard copy and Raniah Sunday of every week at 9 am
short meeting Alsehaibany

Sponsor Monthly status report Hard copy and Ahamd Ali First Monday of every month at
short meeting 10 am

Team members Weekly status report Short meeting All team Thursday of every week at 1 pm

Monthly status report The memo, e- First of Sunday every month at 11

Legal consultant mail, and Saleh am
announcement at Alsultan
Operation Weekly status report Document Sunday of every week at 1 pm
Manager Summary of Sadeem
operation and Albedah
short meeting

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

3. Comments/Guidelines:

• Meetings will be held once a week.

• Meetings will be called the project manager (Raniah Alsehaibany).
• An employee from the team members is responsible for preparing the meeting room or preparing
the meeting online.
• Agendas will be issued after every meeting.

4. Revision procedures for this document:

• We are planning to develop a better communication plan; we should organize a meeting with the team
members and review the document status of all activities and tasks.
• Then if the document needs modification, it will be returned to them to modify it, then they will
review it again and verify with the project manager.

5. Glossary of common terminology:

We don’t have any difficult terminology.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Request for Proposal

Prepared by: Sara Alateeg Date: 29/3/2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

Purpose of RFP: A request for proposal is a document that explains our organization's activities to investors
to persuade them to invest in our project and receive their feedback and approval.

Background Information:
X-Fruit is a local business application that provides several fruit options during its peak
season. The fruits are provided as a gift box for the customers to make them curious
about the boxes they will receive in each season, the fruits that we provide are from
specialized farms from different regions in our country which has the best quality, the
customer can subscribe annually, and, in each season, they will receive a gift box that
contains the fruits of the season as a surprise.

Basic Requirements:

• Cooperating with local farms that provide natural food.

• Hire qualified support staff.
• Training the staff before operating.
• Hire a lawyer to help with legal issues

• Teamwork will take place in a physical location (office) to complete the project.

• Platform (applications) for X-Fruit.
• Operating systems (IOS, Android, Windows).
• The platform must be user-friendly.
• Project management software tool.
• Printer.
• 5 Dell laptops for the office.
• The platform must be accessible for all devices.

RFP Process: This request for proposal is conducted by the project manager (Raniah Alsehaibany) for the
purpose of getting the Basic Requirements. This RFP will be sent to the sponsor (Ahamd Ali), to get for his

Statement of Work and Schedule Information:

The project will set to be completed in one year from 2/8/2022 to 2/8/2023.

Attached below is a link to a sample agreement contract:

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
Part 3: Executing

Cost estimate
Prepared By: Najd Alqahtani Date: 22/4/2022

Cost Baseline

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

X-Fruit Business plan

Executive summary:

X-fruit is an application that provides seasonal fruits in a concept of gift box to make the customers curious
about the seasonal fruits that it will be delivered to them. We target people who are interested in healthy
lifestyle and our objective is to raise social awareness of the importance of fruits and attractively promote
them through different marketing activities following the marketing plan. in the meantime, we conducted our
financial plan which consist of the financial projections, financial analysis and the cost estimate and baseline
to meet our financial objectives. We will contact suppliers and specialized farmers so they can provide us for
the needed fruits which is discussed in the operational plan and relating to the management summary we are a
board of directors that consist of variety of roles so the project can meet the needed goals.

Company’s Description:

X-Fruit "The X in X- fruit is a symbol that stands for an anonymous variable that represents our concept
about the unexpected various fruits that we provide as a gift box". It is a local one stop business application
that provides several fruit options during its peak season, and they are delivered to the customers in Riyadh.
The fruits are provided as a gift box for the customers to make them curious about the boxes they will receive
in each season, the fruits that we provide are from specialized farms from different regions in our country
which has the best quality, the customer can subscribe monthly, and in each season, they will receive a
giftbox that contains the fruits of the season as a surprise! Our mission is to provide convenience for
customers and to introduce a new concept of the fruits industry through providing a one stop application that
provides a several fruit options in a surprising way.

Products and Services:

X-fruit is an application that focuses mainly on providing products. Which are seasonal fruits in a concept of
gift box to make the customers curious about the seasonal fruits that it will be delivered to them, customers
can join us through a monthly subscription. Also, we will provide food from the fresh extracted food such as
ice creams, juices and jams.

Marketing Plan:

X-fruit’s marketing plan will be primarily to focus on digital marketing and to conduct several marketing
activities, such as marketing through online presence using different social media platforms so the audience
can engage with us in an effective and easy way. And we will do different marketing campaigns to make the
customers aware about the brand. In the early stages of the business, we will focus on our social media
presence, and we will make an advertisement through social media platforms. Such as using the Instagram
advertisement feature, which is a feature that make an advertisement appears throughout using the
application, in the user’s home page, user’s stories and in the explore. And we will also communicate with
our registered customers using email to inform them about our new products and the latest offers.

Operational plan:
- Partnering with a fruit suppliers and farmers
- Conduct a financial analysis and cost estimations
- Partnering with shipping companies and delivery channels
- Employ an efficient IT staff to make the application work efficiently
- Provide a fruit container for the fruits to be delivered in a good quality
- Raise the brand awareness and catch a potential customer through working on the marketing activities
that are discusses in the marketing plan.
- Obtain the governmental approvals such as the approval from Saudi Food and Drug Authority

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Management summary:

The team members of X-fruit are Raniah Alsehaibany the project manager and she is responsible for
assessing the performance of the project and to make sure that the project meet the project constraints which
are time, scope, and cost. Najd Alqahtani is the business analyst; her responsibility is to analyze the data to
determine the requirements of the business and the potential opportunities or problems and report them. The
operational manager of X-Fruit is Sadeem Albedah, she is responsible for the maintenance of the quality
assurance with the potential suppliers and the overall productivity of the business. Riam Alnasser is the
marketing director, she is a specialist in digital marketing, and she oversees the marketing activities of the
business. The Public relations is under Sara Alateeg’s control she is responsible about the content
development and management, and she is the media representor. And the finance director of the project is
Alreem Alabbad, she is responsible about the budgeting, financial activities, risk management and financial
process improvement.

Financial plan:

Our conductions of the financial plans are:

- Financial projections:

- Financial analysis:

- Cost estimate and baseline:!784&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authk

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Options for getting small business loans

Prepared by: AlReem Alabbad Date: 10/5/2022

# A potential Criteria of selection Interest rate Qualifications

source of the
1 Social Social Support and No interest rate o The age of the applicant should be
Development Social and the total between 21 to 55 years.
Bank Responsibility investment cost o The integrity of the credit record and
Oriented. of the project that the defaults do not exceed the
shall not exceed amount of 15,000 riyals.
(300,000) SAR. o guarantee percentage is not less than
100% of the financing amount,
provided that the type of guarantee is
a personal guarantee (governmental
or semi-governmental employee).

2 Bab Rizq Jameel Small business Secure funding o Saudi nationals / married to Saudi
financing. starting from nationals
SAR 200,000 o aged 20 to 60
with fixed o who are actively participating in
monthly small scale projects
installments of
up to 60
APR between
16% & 17%
Admin Fees 1
% up to 5000
3 Riyadh Entrepreneurial and No interest rate, o The applicant must be a Saudi
Business Oriented. and the total national, and the qualification must
investment cost be at least intermediate school.
of the project o To have the appropriate experience or
shall not exceed qualification to work on and manage
(300,000) SAR. the project
o The age of the applicant should not
be less than 21 years and not more
than 62.
o The applicant must have at least three
months of experience in the same
activity to be financed or a certificate
of specialization in the same field for
professional projects.
4 National Finance specifically for the Starts from o Commercial bank account statement
company sector of corporations 13.33% for the last 12 months certified by the
and establishments. bank.
o It is preferred that the activity of the
institution or company in the market
is not less than 3 years.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
5 Alraedah Supporting Small and The annual o Valid Commercial License in KSA.
medium business percentage rate o Applicants age not younger than 18
owners. ranges between years old.
A one-time
fee of 1.5%.

X-Fruit best fit:

After further research and according to the given information and after comparing all
searched sources of funding for X-Fruit. We have agreed to choose Riyadh to finance
us because they do not have an interest rate, which is the best choice
for the project so that the commitment to recover the loan within the specified period. Also, it
provides irresistible offerings that may reduce many administrative and operational costs; and
has effective media exposure which is a critical element for the success of our project.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Quality Metrics

Date: 7 / 5 / 2022 Project name: X-fruit

The following quality metrics apply to this project:

- The first quality metrics that is going to be applied is CSAT measurement, which is a measurement stands for
customer satisfaction score, to make sure that the customers are satisfied about X-fruit products. There will be
a survey provided for the customers frequently through their emails, to ask them about the level of their
satisfaction of the products in a linear scale that ranges from (1-5). 1 is for poor, 2 for fair, 3 for average, 4 for
good and 5 for excellent. And then we will calculate the average of the answers to know whether the
customers are satisfied about the quality of the product or not. Also, they can write their opinions of the
products so we can listen to them and to know whether to make some and enhancements to improve the
quality of the products.

- The second quality metrics that is going to be applied is calculating the turnover rate of the employees every
six months to measure the quality of the productivity for the project and the overall business. Turnover rate is
going to be conducted through dividing the number of terminates during the specified period by the number
of employees at the beginning of the specified period “Every six months”. And as the turnover rate increases
it will indicate that the productivity is decreasing which will affect the quality of the productivity for the
project and the business. And as the turnover rate decreases that will indicates that the project productivity is
remaining good quality.

- The last quality metrics that is going to be applied is measuring the application performance through
evaluating the error rates of the application and ensuring how well the application is running on a daily basis
by the IT staff. And to provide the needed updates or enhancements if any problem occurs and to remain a
good quality for the application through making sure that all the features are working in an effective way.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

List of Prioritized Risks for X-Fruit

Prepared by: AlReem Alabbad Date: 11/5/2022

Ranking Potential Risks

1 Scope creep
2 Poor resource allocation
3 Poor time estimates
4 Poor cost estimates
5 Stakeholders conflict
6 Unable to Attract all types of Customers
7 Data leaks
8 Orders delay
9 Poor communication
10 Carelessness in communicating
11 Inaccurate expectations

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Risk Register
Prepared by: Riam Alnasser Date: 9/5/2022

Click the link to view our risk register in google sheet:

Fishbone Diagram

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Probability/Impact Matrix for X-Fruit

Prepared by: Riam Alnasser Date: 9/5/2022

Risk categories

Category Risk Conditions

1.1 Scope Creep
1. Scope Management 1.2 Poor resource allocation

2. time management 2.1 poor time estimates

3.1 poor cost estimates

3. cost management

4. Stakeholders Management 4.1 Stakeholders conflict

5. End-userser 5.1 Unable to Attract all types of


6. Technical Risk 6.1 data leaks

7. Schedule Management 7.1 orders delay

8. Communication Management 8.1 poor communication

8.2 Carelessness in communicating.
8.3 Inaccurate expectations

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
Part 4: Monitoring and Controlling

Just-In-Time Training Project

Kick-off Meeting Date
Prepared by: Sara Alateeg Date: 24/4/2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

Meeting Objective: Understand the project in general, identify key stakeholders, review ideas, goals, and
divide tasks.

-Introductions of attendees
-Background of the project
-Review of project-related documents (i.e., business case, project charter)
-Discussing ideas
-Discussing project scope, cost, and time
-Assigning roles

Action Item Assigned To Due Date

▪ Read the assignment’s

scenario and discussed it with
the team.

▪ Filtering the ideas All members 11/8/2022

and choosing the best one.

▪ Divided the
responsibilities for
each team member.

▪ Set a due date to

finish all assignment
parts and review it

Date and time of next meeting:

Date: 1/3/2022
Time:( 2 hours)

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Contract Statement of Work For X-Fruit

Prepared by: Sara Alateeg Date: 24/4/2022 Project Name: X-Fruit

Project Name: X-Fruit.

Contract Name: UI/UX developer contract.
Scope of work X-fruit has a wide range of products and takes great attention to its user interface to provide
quick and easy access to choose and order.
Location of Work: The location of work will be at the x-Fruit office which has all the necessary hardware
and software for us to complete our tasks.

Period of Performance: The work will start on 2/8/2022 and ends on 2/2/2023.
Working hours will be 9 hours a day/5 day a week, also if we have extra work to do over the weekend.
Deliverables Schedule:
• Preparing monthly reports to update the site's features on 2/9/2022.
• Provide a list of needed resources on 2/9/2022.
• Conducting evaluations and reviews of the site and its experience on 2/10/2022.
Applicable Standards:
• User research and personas
• Teamwork and communication skills
• Flexibility in working hours
• Accountability
• Reliability of the data

Acceptance Criteria:
• It should be part of the job description.
• The deliverable must meet the quality standards of the organization.
• Deliverables must be completed on time and within budget.
• Create a good schedule and work with it
Special Requirements:
• Have great designer skills.
• Ability to complete duties by our standards and values.
• Experience and knowledge in the field of user interfaces.
• Complete the tasks according to the schedule.
• Bachelor's degree in an appropriate field.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

The updated list of prioritized risks and Risk register


Ranking Potential Risks

1 Scope creep
2 Poor resource allocation
3 Poor time estimates
4 Poor cost estimates
5 Stakeholders conflict


Ranking Potential Risks

1 Poor cost estimates
2 Stakeholders conflict
3 Scope creep
4 Poor resource allocation
5 Poor time estimates

Risk register:
ID Rank Risk Description Category Root Cause Triggers Potential Responses Risk Probability Impact Status
No. Owner
poor cost budget is not enough cost Inaccurate cost Hiring an experienced
1 1 Extra hidden costs PM Medium High Closed
estimates management forecast third party
2 2 Stakeholders Disagreement among Stakeholders lots of opinions Tasks are not clear Clarify the tasks in PM Medium High Closed
conflict stakeholders Management and lack of advance and inform
clarification of all parties of the basic
tasks information
Uncontrolled changes Focus on planning
in requirements and Scope Inaccurate scope no previous and paying attention
3 3 Scope Creep PM High High Open
growth of scope Management statement experience to all the important
Not specifying all the Not paying attention Pre-research and
Poor resource Scope Inaccurate pre-
4 4 resources needed to to all the required benefit from similar PM Medium High Closed
allocation Management search
complete the project resources projects
inaccurate time Facilitate the
poor time schedule time Inaccurate time transition to the next
5 5 Overestimating time PM High Medium Open
estimates management estimation step in the event of
early completion

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
Part 5: Closing

Lessons-Learned Report
Date: 11/5/2022

Prepared by: Sadeem Albedah

Project Name: X-Fruit
Project Sponsor: Ahamd Ali
Project Manager: Raniah Alsehaibany
Project Dates: From 1/2/2022 to 11/8/2022
Final Budget: 272,580.00
• Did the project meet scope, time, and cost goals?
Yes, the project was within the scope and time, but the expected cost was 120,000 and exceeded
• What were the success criteria listed in the project scope statement?
Our goal is to complete this project within 6 months from 1/2/2022 to 11/8/2022 with a budget of no
more than 272,580.00. SAR. We care about the customer's satisfaction with the content of our
monthly boxes, so we are keen to survey them.
• Reflect on whether or not you met the project success criteria.
The project was able to meet the success criteria established in the scope of the project, which was
achieved through the cooperation of the team and the implementation of a timetable. The cost was
also covered through the investments made by the owners.
• What were the main lessons your team learned from this project?
- Define the right requirements that meet the project scope.
- Identifying the right stakeholders will achieve the project’s success.
- Understanding the project in all respects and views is essential to its good
- Find out more about the cost and budget, and it must be more accurate.
- Time management is a major success for the project, and it could solve many issues.
- Assigning tasks equally between team members will speed up the result of the

• Describe one example of what went right on this project.

We have met the project scope correctly that we have previously defined.
• Describe one example of what went wrong on this project.
We should calculate the cost accurately, and it should calculate based on our needs
the right.
• What will you do differently on the next project based on your experience working on this
We have gained a lot of experience during working on this project. We learned that we should
research more about financial resources to avoid mistakes. Also, we are also looking forward to
expanding our relationships to get more investors and consultants.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022
Best practice:
• Determine the objective of the project from the start
• Clear business plan
• Using project management tools ( Slack, Trello, Microsoft Project )
• The advantage of researching competitors
• Distribute tasks and roles equally among team members
• Periodic monitoring and review
• Document each task
• Hold regular meetings
• Prepare to face risks

Google site creation:

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Minutes of meeting

Third meeting:
Date: 19-02-2022
Duration: 40 minutes
Team members who participate: All
-Reading and discussing the second assignment's guideline
-Distribution the tasks between us

Fourth meeting:
Duration:40 minutes
Team members who participate: All
-Edits second assignment's mistakes

Fifth meeting:
Date: 28-03-2022
Duration: 20 minutes
Team members who participate: All
-Discussing the third assignment's Tasks
-Distribution the tasks between us

Sixth meeting:
Date: 1-04-2022
Duration: 60 minutes
Team members who participate: Sadeem & alreem
- Develop work break down structure

Seventh meeting:
Duration: Two hours
Team members who participate: All
-Edit mistakes and check for all tasks are written correctly
-Assignment overview: spelling and grammar errors
-Distribution last assignment's tasks between us

Eighth meeting:
Duration: one hours
Team members who participate: All
-Start working on the executing part
-Review the comprehensive cost plan and Business plan

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Ninth meeting:
Duration: 50 minutes
Team members who participate: All
- Monitoring and controlling each task
- Review the risks lists and prioritize them

Tenth meeting:
Duration: Three hours
Team members who participate: All
-Discuss lessoned learn report
-Write our best practice that we believed it
-Checked and audit all the final report
-Close our project

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022


About slack:
The software tool we are using for our project is Slack, Slack is the collaboration hub that brings people, information,
and tools together to get work done.

There are a lot of features in Slack:

Channels bring order and clarity to work, we can create them for every
project, topic, or team. When there’s a channel for everything, we can focus
on the conversations and work that matters most to us.
As we work in channels, our conversations and files become a searchable
archive that gets more useful with time.

2-Slack connects
We can easily book meetings, share documents, and simplify various other routine tasks with apps.

3-Voice and video calls

We can create voice and video calls and even share our screens in our virtual meetings

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

4-Slash commands
Slash commands act as shortcuts for specific actions in Slack. There are three types of slash
commands you may be able to use in your workspace:
▪ Built-in slash commands created by Slack. We can use the ‘remind’ command to help you
remember to do certain tasks.

Also, we can use the ‘search’ command to find anything in our history conversation

-App slash commands created by developers

-Custom slash commands created by the members

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

We can see all the shortcuts in Slack by pressing ‘Ctrl + /’
For example, to do a quick emoji reaction we can press
‘+: the emoji command:’

6-Slackbot response
Slackbot is always willing to help, whether it's through a direct message (DM) or in a channel with your teammates.
we can use Slackbot to add custom responses or access personal reminders and tasks.

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022

Also, Slackbot cold remind us about any messages we want to remember by clicking “remind me about this”

7-Schedule messaging
We could easily choose the time we want our messages to be sent

8-Voting in slack
We could send a poll in our channel using Simple poll, which is a simple add-on to slack that makes polls very
easy. Simply go to Simple Poll and click add to slack. Using the add-on is easy and all done in our message. easily
start by using the / to pull up all the magical list of things we can do in slack.
The third picture shows after the members have voted:

King Saud University
College Of Business Administration Management
Information Systems Department
2nd Semester 2022


▪ ‫بنك التنمية اإلجتماعية‬. (n.d.). ‫تمويل المنشآت الناشئة‬. Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

▪ Small business financing (murabaha). (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

▪ (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

▪ (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

▪ ‫( !مرحبا بكم في الرائدة‬n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

▪ How to calculate employee turnover rate. AIHR. (2022, January 20). Retrieved May 12, 2022, from
▪ Birkett, A. (2022, April 6). How to measure customer satisfaction in 8 simple steps. HubSpot Blog.
Retrieved May 12, 2022, from


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