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Preparation and characterization of expanded perlite/wood-magnesium

composites as building insulation materials
Yunfei Lin, Xingong Li ⇑, Qinghua Huang
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Installing thermal insulation material in the wall is a major means of improving building energy conser-
Received 14 July 2020 vation. However, traditional building insulation materials have defects in varying degrees, including
Revised 6 November 2020 flammability, low strength, and not environment-friendly. To solve this problem, a novel thermal insula-
Accepted 22 November 2020
tion composite composed of expanded perlite (EP)/wood-magnesium (EPWMC) was prepared by filling
Available online xxxx
EP into wood-magnesium composites. The mechanical properties, frost resistance, thermal insulation
performance, flame retardancy, and smoke suppression properties of these composites were character-
ized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, and cone calorimetry. The results
Building energy conservation
Expanded perlite
revealed that, for EPWMC composites filled with 60–70 mesh EP, the modulus of rupture and elasticity
Mechanical properties and softening coefficient were all clearly increased. In addition, the thickness swelling of these materials
Inorganic spatial network structure decreased significantly. An inorganic spatial network structure was observed to be formed by the aggre-
Flame retardant gation of hydration products of magnesium cement, which improved composite strength and water resis-
Smoke suppression tance. These positive results effectively extended the service life of EPWMC materials and broadened
Building insulation materials their scope of use in wet conditions. The observed excellent flame retardant and smoke suppression per-
formances yield these composites as ideal building insulation materials for exterior or interior walls.
Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction microspheres and adhesive polystyrene particles, has good thermal

insulation and flame retardant ability [12,13]. However, due to its
Building energy consumption has become one of the three most poor water resistance and high cost, thermal insulation mortar is
important energy consumption routes in society and is in parallel not widely used as these defects greatly limit the practical applica-
with industrial and traffic energy consumptions [1]. Building tion of these materials [14,15]. Therefore, in recent years, increas-
energy consumption accounts ~40% of total energy consumption ing attention has been paid to inorganic thermal insulation
in China [2,3]. One effective measure for decreasing energy con- materials that possess flame retardancy and low cost [16].
sumption is to install thermal insulation materials in or on building Common inorganic thermal insulation materials mainly include
internal and external walls [4–6]. This material is designed to expanded perlite (EP), expanded vermiculite, composite silicate,
reduce building indoor heat from moving to the outdoors, or the and rock wool [17]. The main chemical composition of expanded
reverse, by altering the building’s external enclosure structure, so perlite is SiO2, Al2O3, NaO2, K2O, CaO, Fe2O3, and H2O [18]. When
as to maintain building indoor temperature. There are three kinds perlite is heated to 900–1200 °C, its volume will expand ~5–20
of materials commonly used as thermal insulation material: times to produce low density EP with a porous structure [19,20].
organic, inorganic, and thermal insulation-mortar. Organic thermal EP thermal conductivity is lower than 0.07 Wm1K1 and its bulk
insulation materials mainly include polyurethane, polyethylene, density at <500 kg∙m3. China, Greece, Turkey and several other
and polystyrene, which are widely used because of their good ther- countries were rich in perlite deposits, According to the estimation
mal insulation effects and low cost [7,8]. However, they burn easily of global production in 2019, the world leading producers of perlite
and emit harmful gases during combustion. Thus, wide application were China, Greece, Turkey and the United States, accounting for
of these materials increases building fire risk and is not environ- 47%, 20%, 16% and 13% of world production respectively [21]. EP
ment friendly [9–11]. Thermal insulation mortar, such as vitrified is not only rich in known reserves, but it also has the huge advan-
tage of low price compared with other inorganic thermal insulation
materials. In addition, environment-friendly and flame retardant
⇑ Corresponding author. characteristics broaden its scope of use [22]. This yields EP as an
E-mail address: lxgwood@163.com (X. Li). ideal thermal insulation material widely utilized in building energy

0378-7788/Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang, Preparation and characterization of expanded perlite/wood-magnesium composites as building insu-
lation materials, Energy & Buildings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110637
Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang Energy & Buildings xxx (xxxx) xxx

saving strategies. Currently, EP has been widely used in architec- 2.2. Preparation of EPWMC composites
ture, agriculture, medicine, and chemical industries [23].
Previous studies have demonstrated that composites prepared In the preparation inorganic adhesive was prepared by mixing
by mixing EP with other materials have improved overall proper- MgO, MgSO4, MgCl2, and deionized water, which was then glass
ties. Jia et al. have successfully prepared aerogel/EP (AEP) thermal rod stirred for 3 min to obtain a milky-white viscous inorganic
insulation materials by filling aerogels into the porous structure of adhesive (Fig. 1). On the basis of previous studies on the prepara-
EP, which have better hydrophobicity and lower thermal conduc- tion process [31,36], the pressure, temperature and time during
tivity than EP itself. Nevertheless, due to the complex preparation hot pressing were 6.5 MPa, 120 °C, 20 min respectively, while
process of AEP, it is clear that large-scale industrial AEP production the size of the expanded perlite was variable. Addition of expanded
cannot be realized at present [24]. Ding et al. have developed a perlite is constant at 3% of the total mass of the composite, accord-
novel thermal insulation material by mixing EP with inorganic ing to the size of the expanded perlite (30–40 mesh, 40–50 mesh,
organic adhesive. Although the thermal conductivity of this EP 50–60 mesh and 60–70 mesh), the composites were divided into
composite is 0.06 Wm1K1, density at 180 kgm3, hydrophobic- four groups, and respectively marked as E–30, E–40, E–50, E–60.
ity of 98%, and meets the class A1 fire protection standard GB/T Poplar shavings and EP were placed in the mixing machine and
8624-2012 (China), the strength of EP composites needs further the inorganic adhesive added into the mixing machine by air com-
improvement [25]. The addition of inorganic adhesives has been pressor. The mixture was spread onto a wooden frame with dimen-
shown to improve the mechanical strength, water resistance, and sions of 300  300  12 mm, then heat-pressed in the mold
fire resistance of EP products [26–28]. (6.5 MPa, 120 °C), and further cured in air for 3 weeks. The shaped
Magnesium cement (MC) was selected here as the composite samples were dried in an oven at 80 °C to a moisture content of
adhesive for its excellent flame retardant performance, low curing ~10%. The density of EPWMC composites was 1.0 gcm3. Five
temperature, and environment-friendly character [29–31]. The EPWMC panels were made for each EP size. The control group of
hydration products of magnesium cement at room temperature Cone calorimetric tests did not add EP, named mineral bound par-
are largely comprised of Mg(OH)2 and four crystalline phases. ticleboard (mbPB) [31]. The mbPB composite is a kind of wood-
These four crystalline phases are 2 Mg(OH)2MgCl24H2O (phase magnesium cement composite material, which was prepared by
2), 3 Mg(OH)2MgCl28H2O (phase 3), 5 Mg(OH)2MgCl28H2O inorganic adhesive and poplar wood. Inorganic adhesive was pre-
(phase 5), 9 Mg(OH)2MgCl25H2O (phase 9). But the 3 Mg(OH)2- pared by mixing MgO, MgCl2, Mg2SO4, and deionized water, the
MgCl28H2O (phase 3) and 5 Mg(OH)2MgCl28H2O (phase 5) have amount of inorganic adhesive was 65% [36]. The preparation pro-
the majority content and serve as the main crystalline phases. The cess of the control group was consistent with that of EPWMC
phase 5 is considered as the strength phase, as it can provide excel- composites.
lent mechanical properties to composite materials [32,33,34]. A lot
of poplar trees are planted in China, such that it is currently 2.3. Properties and characterizations
regarded as a renewable resource. Therefore, poplar shavings have
been used as reinforcement materials in composites [35]. EP is 2.3.1. SEM
incorporated into composite materials by hot pressing with MC Sectional microstructures of EPWMC samples were observed
and poplar shavings, and the resulting products called EP/wood- with Quanta 450 scanning electron microscope (Quanta450, FEI
MC composites (EPWMC). The properties of these composites were Company Hillsboro, OR, USA) tested at 15 kV accelerating voltage.
characterized by various means in addition to standard tests of The surface of each sample was covered with a thin layer of gold.
mechanical properties, with the crystallinity of MC tested by X-
ray diffraction (XRD) and the composite microstructures observed 2.3.2. Evaluation of mechanical properties
by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Also, the mechanisms of The modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE)
flame retardancy and smoke suppression were analyzed by com- were determined in accordance with the Chinese National Stan-
paring heat and smoke release by commercial wood-magnesium dard GB/T 4111-1997. MOR and MOE were measured by conduct-
composites and EPWMC composites. ing three-point static bending tests using an Universal Testing
Machine (MWW-100, Naier testing machine Co., Ltd. Jinan, China),
with the length, width, and thickness of test specimens at 290 mm,
2. Materials and methods
50 mm, and 12 mm, respectively. The loading speed of the pressing
roller was 10 mm/min until failure occurred in the specimen. five
2.1. Materials
boards were made in each group, and samples were taken from
each plate for MOR and MOE tests. Each measurement presented
Poplar shavings were purchased from Henan Hengshun plant
herein is the average for five specimens.
fiberboard Co., Ltd. (China). The moisture content of poplar shav-
ings was controlled at ~10%. The specification size distribution
2.3.3. Water resistance tests
was 0–2 mm (10.3%), 2–10 mm (38.1%), 10–20 mm (43.8%), and
Water resistance of EPWMC was evaluated by thickness swel-
20 mm or above (7.8%). EP was obtained from XinYang New Ye
ling (TS) and softening coefficient (KR), tested according to Chinese
thermal insulation building materials CO., LTD.(China), which had
National Standard GB/T 4111-1997. TS is the ratio of the sample
four different sizes: 30–40, 40–50, 50–60, and 60–70 mesh. Lightly
thicknesses before and after water absorption. It was measured
burnt magnesium oxide (MgO), magnesium chloride hexahydrate
by placing a specimen in 25 °C deionized water for 24 h, with spec-
(MgCl28H2O), and magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (MgSO47H2O)
imen size of 50  50  12 mm. Five specimens in each group were
were obtained from Henan Zhonghao New Material Technology
measured and the results averaged. The softening coefficient was
Co., Ltd. (China). Lightly burnt magnesium oxide, supplied as an
the ratio of compressive strength after water absorption to drying
industrial raw material, was calcined magnesite powder with
time, with a range of 0–1. The higher KR indicates better water
88% MgO, 2% CaO, 1.5% Fe2O3, and 4% loss on ignition. MgCl2 and
resistance and less loss of material strength. The values obtained
MgSO4 crystals were also industrial-grade chemical with the purity
were the average of five sample tests. The KR value was calculated
of 98.8%.
as followed:

Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang Energy & Buildings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Preparation route of EPWMC composites.

Fig. 2. SEM images of EP with different sizes. (a) 30–40 mesh EP; (b) 40–50 mesh EP; (c) 50–60 mesh EP; (d) 60–70 mesh EP.

f 2.3.5. Frost resistance tests

KR ¼ ð1Þ
F Frost resistance tests of EPWMC were performed using a low
temperature box (minimum operating temperature 30 °C), a
where f was the compressive of strength specimens soaked in water
thermostatted water bath (water temperature at 20 ± 5 °C), tray
25 for 24 h; F was the compressive of strength specimens before
balance (2000 g range), and electric blast drying oven (200 °C
max. temperature) for evaluating frost resistance. Samples were
taken from each group to test their frost resistance (According to
2.3.4. XRD
the size of the expanded perlite (30–40 mesh, 40–50 mesh, 50–
XD-2 X-ray diffractometer (Persee General Instrument Co., Ltd.
60 mesh and 60–70 mesh). First, the test piece is placed in an elec-
Beijing, China) was used to examine crystallinity, with a Cu-Ka
tric heating drying oven with a temperature of 65 °C, for 24 h, then
radiation source (k = 0.154 nm), 36 kV, and 20 mA. The scanning
adjusted to 85 °C for 24 h, and then dried at 105 °C until the quality
speed of 4°/min with a scan range of 5–75°.
Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang Energy & Buildings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. SEM images of EPWMC cross-sections. (a) E-30 EPWMC composites; (b) E-40 EPWMC composites; (c) E-50 EPWMC composites; (d) E-60 EPWMC composites.

is constant. After the specimens have cooled to room temperature, 2.3.6. Determination of thermal conductivity
weigh its mass immediately (accurate to 1 g, record as M0), and Thermal conductivity of EPWMC was obtained using CD-
immerse the test piece in a constant temperature water bath DR3030 thermal conductivity coefficient surveying instrument
(25 °C) for 48 h. The specimens were taken out of the constant tem- (Ziwei Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. Shenyang, China),
perature water bath pan, wiped off the surface water with water which also was according to the Chinese National Standard GB/T
absorbing paper, and put it in a low temperature box at 20 °C 10294-2008. Each specimen of 300  300  12 mm was measured
for 6 h. Finally, the specimens were taken out from the low tem- at an average temperature of 25 °C.
perature box and melted in a constant temperature water bath
for 5 h. The above process was a cycle, and the frost resistance test
2.3.7. Cone calorimetric tests
required 15 cycles. After 15 cycles, the specimens were dried in an
Cone calorimetric tests of EPWMC samples were measured on a
electric blast drying oven until the mass was constant, when cool-
calorimeter (FTT, Stanton Redcroft Inc, Britain) following Chinese
ing to room temperature, the specimens were weighed immedi-
National Standard GB/T 8626-2007. Specimens were placed in a
ately (recorded as MS). Mass loss rate and strength loss rate were
steel frame wrapped in aluminum foil and then the steel frame
calculated as follows:
fixed horizontally on the loader and exposed to radiant heat at
M0  Ms 50 kWm2 (under this radiation power, composite surface tem-
Mm ¼  100% ð2Þ
M0 peratures were ~780 °C).
where Mm is the mass loss rate; M0 is the mass of the specimens
before 15 cycles (g); Ms is the mass of the specimens after 15cycles 3. 3. Results and discussion
f0  fs 3.1. SEM observations
fm ¼  100% ð3Þ
The microstructures of perlite of different sizes, examined by
where fm is the strength loss rate; f0 is the compressive strength of SEM observations, showed that EP of 30–40 mesh had the largest
the specimens before 15 cycles (MPa); fs is the compressive particle size, largest structural holes, and high porosity (Fig. 4).
strength of the specimens after 15 cycles (MPa). Moreover, the spacing between particles was relatively loose,
Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang Energy & Buildings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Mechanical strength of EPWMC composites. (a) Modulus of rupture of EPWMC; (b) elasticity of EPWMC.

which could easily absorb water and produce high water absorp- 3.2. Effects of EP mesh on mechanical strength
tion. With increased mesh number, the pores in the EP structures
were reduced, porosity gradually decreased, interparticle connec- The effects of EP mesh sizes on mechanical strength of EPWMC
tions closer, their shapes closer to spherical, and absorb water less composites showed that EP improved composite mechanical
easy. strength according to different EP sizes (Fig. 2). When EP mesh
Observations of material microstructures after curing under increased from 30 to 40 to 60–70 mesh, the flexural strength and
natural conditions for 3 weeks showed that the main crystalline modulus of elasticity increased from 8.4 and 726 MPa to 9.6 and
phases in EPWMC products were 3 Mg(OH)2MgCl28H2O (phase 993 MPa, with increases of 23.1 and 36.8%, respectively. A possible
3) and 5 Mg(OH)2  MgCl28H2O (phase 5), with needle-like phase explanation for these results was that, first, EP produced a ‘‘barrier”
5 crystals being the main source of EPWMC mechanical strength effect on the hydration reactions of the inorganic adhesive and the
(Fig. 5) [33,37]. Initially, granular phase 3 was seen to account larger the particle size of EP was, the greater the damage to the
for the majority, with only a few needle-bar phase 5 crystals pre- bonding interface with the wood shaving. As the inorganic adhe-
sent (Fig. 5a). phase 5 gradually increased but still accounted for sive could not form a continuous bonding phase, the internal
only a small portion (Fig. 5b). Then, phase 5 further increased, porosity also increased [38]. Second, the mesh number and particle
the amount of phase 3 progressively decreased and changed to size of EP were inversely proportional, previous studies have
phase 5 (Fig. 5c) and finally phase 5 accounted for the majority, shown that the water absorption rate of expanded perlite
with needle-bar phase 5 interwoven and gathered into clusters, decreases with the decrease of particle size [39–41]. Therefore,
forming overlaps with each other and a network structure. It is the expanded perlite with large mesh number has lower water
obvious that the crystal length in Fig. 5d was longer than that in absorption than that with small mesh number, and in the experi-
Fig. 5a, and the crystal morphology also changes extensively. With mental group with larger mesh number of EP, the water content
increased EP mesh, the number of hydration products gradually in the hydration reaction of inorganic adhesive might have
increased. The more complete the space network structure formed increased. The wood shavings then became completely covered
by the main crystalline phase of the hydration products was, the by hydration products, finally enhancing the bonding performance
more the mechanical properties were enhanced. of the adhesive. Remarkably, with larger mesh perlite addition, the
MOR and MOE increased.

Fig. 5. Water resistance of EPWMC composites. (a) 24-h thickness swelling of EPWMC; (b) the softening coefficient of EPWMC.

Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang Energy & Buildings xxx (xxxx) xxx

3.3. Effects of EP mesh on water resistance such that the frost resistance was considered to be enhanced
(Fig. 7). This was because water absorption and EP mesh number
Water resistance is a significant performance parameter for were inversely related. With increased EP mesh number, the EP
useful wood-based composites in building materials. The effects particle size and water absorption decreased continuously, which
of EP mesh on water resistance observed in TS data initially was conducive to the formation of phase 5 and phase 3 in the inor-
showed decreasing tendencies as pearlite mesh increased, with ganic adhesive hydration reactions. The better the mechanical
TS decreased by 74.3% to the lowest TS for E-60 (1.3%, Fig. 3a). strength provided, the lower the strength and mass loss rates
The coefficient of softening (KR) is an also an important index for and the better the specimen frost resistance. It were seen that,
evaluating material water resistance. This is the opposite to TS, when the EP was 60–70 mesh, the mass and strength loss rates
such that, with increased perlite mesh, the KR increased very of specimens reached the optimal value of 6.7 and 24.2%, respec-
clearly, from 60.3 to 75.8%, with E-60 samples again showing the tively, in this case, and the frost resistance the best.
best values (75.8%). This might have been due to the fact that the
larger the mesh number was, the lower the water absorption, the 3.6. Thermal conductivity analysis
more complete the adhesive hydration reactions, and, also, the
higher the composite bonding strength. As a result, the coefficient The thermal insulation performance of materials can be
of softening increased and TS decreased and thus the composite reflected by their thermal conductivity and, generally, the smaller
water resistance clearly increased. Compared with the previous a material’s thermal conductivity is, the better its thermal insula-
study about magnesium cement composite materials [31,42], it tion performance. And the better the thermal insulation perfor-
can be inferred that EPWMC composites have better water resis- mance is, the slower its heat transfer rate. The thermal
tance. Additionally, the water resistance satisfied the Chinese conductivities of these EPWMC panels were measured and it was
national standard (GB 4111-1997). observed that thermal conductivity decreased with increased EP
mesh number (Fig. 8). This was because EP had lower thermal con-
3.4. XRD diffraction analysis ductivity than the wood and inorganic adhesive such that, when
the EP particle size was large, the pores between particles were
XRD patterns of composites with different EP mesh numbers large, and EP thermal conductivity greatly affected by the air
showed that the diffraction peaks of hydration products did not between particles. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of EPWMC
show any obvious change and did not form new diffraction peaks decreased with decreased EP particle size.
under the addition of perlite with different mesh number (Fig. 6).
As showed in Fig. 6, the diffraction peaks of the hydration product 3.7. Fire retardancy and smoke suppression
did not show any significant changes also not generate new diffrac-
tion peaks under different sizes of EP. It can be inferred that new The flame retardant and smoke suppression abilities of these
crystal structures were not formed in magnesium cement solidifi- EPWMC materials were measured by cone calorimetry. The heat
cation when the EP was added. It is also can determine that the release rate (HRR) refers to the heat released by material combus-
mechanical strength increment of EPWMC composites is not due tion per unit time. It is the major parameter for assessing the inten-
to the formation of more intensive phase crystals. sity of combustion, which means that the higher the HRR is, the
more serious the fire. The flame retardancy of materials can be
evaluated by the HRR and total heat release (THR). Here, the curves
3.5. Frost resistance of materials of heat release showed that the HRR of two kinds of composites
materials exhibited one peak in the HRR (pk-HRR) rate, thus
The influence trend of freeze–thaw cycles on the wall material exhibiting one intense combustion (Fig. 9a). The pk-HRR was
with EP-filled thermal insulation building is an important parame- attributed to the combustion of flammable gas which was released
ter to examine. With increased EP mesh number, the mass and by the thermal decomposition of wood shavings in the sample. The
strength loss rates of EP-filled composites gradually decreased, pk-HRR values of mbPB composites and E-60 EPWMC composites
were 66.75 kWm2 and 60.21 kWm2, respectively. Compared
with mbPB composites, the pk-HRR of E-60 EPWMC composites
were reduced by 10.9%, to 60.21 kWm2, and the peak time was
also moved to later. The increasing tendency of two THR curve
became slow, to 370 s (Fig. 9b). Clearly, the THR curve of EPWMC
was lower than those of unfilled building wall materials, which
was due to EP addition. EP has the characteristics of noncom-
bustible, porous, and large specific surface area, such that its addi-
tion played a heat barrier role in combustion and thus partially
inhibited combustion [43]. Therefore, EPWMC exhibited superior
flame retardant performance than mbPB, and reached the B2 level
of the Chinese national standard (GB 8624-2012), which was a
flame retardant material.
Smoke produced by a fire is one of the main causes of casualties.
Therefore, the smoke production rate (SPR) and the total smoke
production (TSP) are parameters for measuring fire severity. The
SPR and TSP curves from CWMC and E-60 EPWMC composites
showed that the SPR peaks were in the range of 0–100 s, which cor-
responded to the burning of particleboard on material surfaces
(Fig. 9c). However, the peak value of SPR of EP-filled insulation
building wall materials (0.006 m2∙s1) was significantly lower than
Fig. 6. XRD patterns of EPWMC composites filled with different size of expand that of CWMC (0.011 m2∙s1). And, clearly, the TSP of EP board was
perlite. also significantly lower than that of the unfilled building material
Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang Energy & Buildings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 7. Frost resistance of EPWMC composites.

0.0869 Wm1K1 when 60–70 mesh EP was added. Moreover,

E-60 composite showed excellent fire retardancy and smoke sup-
pression. The pk-HRR was 60.21 kWm2 and the TSP at 0.27 m2,
which were clearly superior to those of wood-magnesium cement
composites. In addition, these findings offered motivation for con-
tinuing the development of high value-added thermal insulation
building materials based on renewable resources to achieve build-
ing energy efficiency and reduce harm caused by building fires.

5. Employment or leadership

None declared.

6. Honorarium

None declared.

Fig. 8. Thermal conductivity of EPWMC composites. Author contributions

All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire con-
(Fig. 9d). Magnesium oxychloride cement has excellent flame
tent of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.
retardant properties and can hinder material combustion and
smoke generation. Thus, both building wall materials showed
low SPR and TSP values. However, the EP-added composites were Research funding
relatively incombustible and insulated against the flames. In addi-
tion, the smoke was composed of some suspended small particles The authors gratefully acknowledge, the National Key R&D Plan
that were effectively adsorbed by the EP. These results showed that Project (2017YFD0601200), and Hunan Key R&D Plan Project
EPWMC exhibited excellent smoke-suppression properties. (2017SK2334) for funding this project.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

4. Conclusions
Yunfei Lin: Resources, Investigation, Formal analysis, Data
The influence of EP mesh number or size on the performance of
curation, Writing - original draft, Visualization. Xingong Li: Con-
EPWMC composites was studied. With increased EP mesh number,
ceptualization, Methodology, Funding acquisition, Supervision,
the MOR, MOE, and softening coefficient of EP-filled composites
Writing - review & editing. Qinghua Huang: . : Resources.
increased, but the 24-h TS values decreased. The optimal MOR,
MOE, softening coefficient, and 24-h TS results were obtained by
adding 60–70 mesh EP. Increased EP specification was observed Declaration of Competing Interest
to promote the formation of inorganic network structures in the
MC, and poplar shavings were tightly bonded by this network The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
structure, thus enhancing the resulting EPWMC mechanical cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
strength and broadening the utility of such materials in humid to influence the work reported in this paper.
environments. With 60–70 mesh EP addition, the mass and
strength loss rates of EPWMC were 6.7 and 24.2%, respectively, Acknowledgments
and the material service life effectively prolonged by its improved
frost resistance. EP exerted a significant effect on the materials Thanks to all research partners in this project for their cooper-
thermal conductivity, with the best thermal conductivity at ation and collaboration.
Y. Lin, X. Li and Q. Huang Energy & Buildings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 9. HRR, THR, SPR, and TSP curves of E-60 EPWMC composites and mbPB composites.

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