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Adaptação metabólica ao exercício

Bases fisiológicas da contração muscular

SnapShot: Exercise Metabolism

Cell Metabolism 24, August 9, 2016

SnapShot: Exercise Metabolism

Cell Metabolism 24, August 9, 2016

Human exercise-mediated skeletal muscle hypertrophy is an intrinsic process

The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2010) 1371–1375

Effects of prostaglandins and COX-inhibiting drugs on skeletal muscle adaptations to exercise

J Appl Physiol 115: 909–919, 2013

Resistance training to improve type 2 diabetes: working toward a prescription for the future

Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:24

Links Between Testosterone, Oestrogen, and the Growth Hormone/Insulin-Like Growth Factor Axis and Resistance Exercise Muscle Adaptations

Front. Physiol. 11:621226

Exercise as a Polypill for Chronic Diseases

Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science

Mechanisms of muscle atrophy and hypertrophy: implications in health and disease


Exercise Metabolism and the Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Adaptation

Cell Metabolism 17, February 5

Exercise Metabolism and the Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Adaptation

Cell Metabolism 17, February 5

Exercise Metabolism and the Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Adaptation

Cell Metabolism 17, February 5

Exercise Metabolism and the Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Adaptation

Cell Metabolism 17, February 5

Exercise Metabolism and the Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Adaptation

Cell Metabolism 17, February 5

Amino Acid Trafficking and Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis: A Case of Supply and Demand

Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:656604

Ribosome Biogenesis is Necessary for Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy

Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, Publish Ahead of Print

Ribosome BiogenesSkeletal Muscle Ribosome and Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Response to Different Exercise Training Modalitiesis is Necessary for
Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy

Front. Physiol. 12:725866

Muscle redox signalling pathways in exercise. Role of antioxidants

Free Radical Biology and Medicine 98 2016)29–45

Exercise-induced skeletal muscle signaling pathways and human athletic performance

Free Radical Biology and Medicine ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–

Exercise and sex steroid hormones in skeletal muscle

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 145(2015)200–205

Adaptations of the neuromuscular junction to exercise training

Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:10–16

Adaptations of the neuromuscular junction to exercise training

Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:10–16

Adaptations of the neuromuscular junction to exercise training

Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:10–16

Adaptations of the neuromuscular junction to exercise training

Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:10–16

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

▶Fig. 1 Schematic of how resistance and

endurance training can affect skeletal
muscle mitochondrial volume.

Int J Sports Med

Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Adaptations Following Resistance Exercise Training

Int J Sports Med

Omega-3 fatty acids and protein metabolism: enhancement of anabolic interventions for sarcopenia

Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2014, 17:145–150

Exercise and Nutrition to Target Protein Synthesis Impairments in Aging Skeletal Muscle

Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Protein Considerations for Optimising Skeletal Muscle Mass in Healthy Young and Older Adults

Nutrients 2016, 8, 181

Protein Considerations for Optimising Skeletal Muscle Mass in Healthy Young and Older Adults

Nutrients 2016, 8, 181

Exercício anaeróbico - adaptações
• Sinal anabolizante.
• Glicólise anaeróbica.
• Ribossomos são o algo.
• RNA não codificante.
• Volume e poder.
• Hormônios

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