Pe8 Q1 DLP7

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 8

DLP No.: 7 Learning Area: Physical Grade Level: Semester: Duration: Code:
Education 8 Grade 8 Quarter: 1st Quarter 60 minutes PE8GS
Learning Competency/ies Executes the skills involved in the sport.
Key Understanding to be Developed Basketball involves basic skills such as shooting, passing,
rebounding, dribbling, running. In this lesson, students will engage
themselves to drills that involves the fundamental skills of
basketball by executing it properly.
Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program
Performance Standard The learner designs a physical activity program for the
family/school peers to achieve fitness.
Knowledge Describes the basic skills involve the sport basketball (SHOOTING).
Skills Executes the skills involve in basketball (SHOOTING).
Attitudes Display flexibility in every skill involved in the sport basketball.
Values Demonstrate oneness through team sports.
CONTENT Team Sports-Basic Skills of Basketball
LEARNING RESOURCES Learning Module, ball, pictures. Cone, stopwatch

Introductory Activity  SETTING THE MOOD: (Picture Analysis)
Time Frame: 5 mins. -What is dribbling?
-What is passing
Time Frame: The teacher will ask for volunteers to execute the skills involve in basketball
15 mins. such as:
1. Who know how to perform shooting?
Time Frame:  Do you think your classmates execute properly the basic skills
10 mins. in shooting?

 What should be considered in executing these skills?


Time Frame:
15 mins. Types of Shooting:
 Lay-Up
A lay-up is the most basic shot you can make. You drive to the basket
all the way on the right or left side and lay it up with one hand. The
hand you lay it up with depends on which side of the court you are on.

 Jump Shot
A jump shot is another basic shot to make in basketball. You jump and
while jumping you shoot to the ball, hoping to make it. A jump shot can
make three different types of points which are: a free throw shot, two
pointers, and three pointers. If you get this type of shot down, then you
can work on practicing the other types of shots.

 Hook Shot
This type of shot is more difficult to do. You are shooting the ball in a
hook motion. First, you have to have your back towards the net and
just have your outer hand on the basketball. Then, you are going to
swing towards the basket and with the ball in hook motion. You may
have to practice this type of shot for a while to get the hang of it.


Time Frame: Students will be grouped to 5 and each group will perform each skill
10 mins. according to their proper execution with their group.
Each member of the group will perform shooting and will execute the three
types of SHOOTING. The team who will gain more points in the activity will
win. (each group is given 2 minutes)

Assessment The students will play the actual game BASKETBALL. The teacher will assign
Time Frame: students who will be the officials of the said sport and the rest will be group to
5 mins. form a team. Each team will compete following the rules. Knock-out system
shall apply to the game.

Assignment In a sheet of paper:

Time Frame:
1. Did you really enjoy the game?
2. Did you feel acceptance by the members of your team? How?
Concluding Activity End the class with the Qoute:
Time Frame:5 mins. “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of
conversation.”- Plato

Prepared by
Position/Designation: Division: NEGROS ORIENTAL
Contact Number: 09069775824 Email address:

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