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Linux System

What is linux?
• On the server side a linux know as stable and
reliable platform which providing the database to the
system. •There are two properties:-
•Linux pros
•Linux cons
• ls –l
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Basic commands
• Pwd
• Ls
• Cd
• Mkdir
• Rmdir
• Touch
• Cat
• Rm
Introduc on to Linux
1. Linux itself sufficient OS.
2. Mul user and mul tasking .
3. One of the open source so ware used source code.
4. Provide high security level.
5. Func onality and interface.
6. X-86 compa ble microprocessor.
7. Use interfaces .
8. K-desktop and GENOME.
9. Characteris cs of linux:-
Linux distribu on
1. Distorts
2. 3 a ributes
• Hardware
• Ease of use
• The size of so ware repository
• Linux distribu on packages • 1
• 2 mandriva
• 3 knoppix
• 4 debian
• 5 suse
• 6 ubuntu
• Debian:-
• -its used as a based for many other distribu on.
• -Debian founda on is based on open source philosophy
• Debian focused mainly in three branches
• 1) Stable
• 2) Unstable
• 3) Tes ng
• It have various features
• Knoppix:-
• Designed to be used as a live CD
• Efficient compression mechanism and automa c hardware detec on
• Suse:-
• It is user friendly
• Use distribu on packages
• Provides configura on tools such as YaST.
• It is stable distribu on package.
• Ubuntu:-
• It refers to distribu on package based on Unstable branche of debian
distribu on.
Du es of the system administrator
• Self sufficient opera ng system.
• No one whose computer is connected to the internet for instance has
been protect or secure to the effects or poorly administered system as
demonstrated by DDoS and email Microvirus a acks.
• Superuser.
• LSA responsible for business network which include of dozen of
machines • User requirements
• Access every things
• Responsibility change from pla orm to pla orm
• Other features
• 1 installa on and configura on severs
• 2 installa on and configura on applica on so ware
• 3 crea ng and maintaining user accounts • 4
backing up and restoring files
• 5 monitoring and tuning performance
• 6 configuring a secure system
• 7 using tools to monitor security
Installing and configuring servers
• Server provide services
• Reqired graphical layer
• This is a server
• MOS and ND
• Provide various features
• Take print
• Security issue arise
• X-server ,local webserver, local p server and local mail server
Installing and configuring applica on so ware
• Individual user able to install some applica on in their home
directories and customiza on
• Install linux file hierarchy
• Loca on of Installa on is important
• Correct configura on possible
• Provide mechanism
• Set baseline
• Skeleton configura on
• System Administra on provides a set of ac vi es
Crea ng and maintaining user accounts
• Access any account
• Why account create for each user
• Aaccess account by user
• System Administra on task
• Users responsibility
Backing up and restoring files
• Data is important
• Avoid loss of data
• Files can be lost
• Causes of loss data
• How to minimize the disrup on of data • What is backup
• What is restoring
• Choose suitable medium
• What and how factors
• Maintain backup services
• Restoring based on level of damage • H/W & S/W failure causes
• Tes ng backup media
Monitoring and Tuning performance • Constant
assessment done by system administrator • Examin the applica on with
logical and physical structure • Con nues diagnosing and monitoring
tools • Ex
• Tuning is required for user
• How system performance tools work
• Need of system administrator
Configuring a secure system • System administrator
• Security system
• Protect system
• Prevent personal informa on
• Required precau ons while connec ng internet • Features
Using tools to monitor security
• Linux is the preferred os for those who demand secure network but
can easily be exploited by hackers as it is open source.

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