The Law of The Jungle Implementation in Islamic Boarding School

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1) Diandra Wafiyatunnisa 2) Enda Muhammad Iqbal 3) Qurrota Ayun
Almustagsyitoh 4) Robby Nasru Prima Nugraha 5) Yaspika Nurpalah
1) Darussalam Researcher Club, Social Grade, MAN 1 Ciamis, Indonesian
2) Darussalam Researcher Club, Science Grade, MAN 1 Ciamis, Ciamis, Indonesian
3) Darussalam Researcher Club, Science Grade, MAN 1 Ciamis, Indonesian
4) Darussalam Researcher Club, Science Grade, MAN 1 Ciamis, Ciamis, Indonesian
5) Darussalam Researcher Club, Science Grade, MAN 1 Ciamis, Indonesian

This research aims to find a form of application of the law of the jungle around islamic boarding school
environment. Also the student perception about how this law of the jungle applies in Islamic Boarding School. With
a qualitative approach, as a field of research that focus on the law of the jungle this research concluded that some of
students are approved the existence of the law of the jungle implementation around Islamic boarding school. The
law of the jungle implementation is also related to bullying case and high levels of seniority that is occur in Islamic
boarding school
Keyword: the law of the jungle, Islamic boarding school, the implementation, bullying, seniority

INTRODUCTION escape from the bondage of the law, then the person
is free. From that example, we can conclude that the
The law of the jungle is a law that states the law of the jungle application can take many forms
strongest party is the winner and the ruling party. The depend on its environment. The law of the jungle
strongest thing that is meant here is strong in implementation can’t only occur in the forest, but can
defending and seeking justification for a thing that also occur in the political world and it can even
you are fighting for. As the name implies the law of happer in an educational environment, especially in
the jungle is a law that is born from animals behavior the Islamic boarding school environment
in the forest which the strongest animals are
carnivorous wild animals as a ruler who will prey on islamic boarding school is an Islamic
other animals that seems weaker than him. If we religious education institution that grows and
mean this law only at a glance then we will think that recognized by the surrounding community, with a
this law is a cruel law with no regard for justice. But dormitory system where the students receive religious
this law can also teach us that anyone who want to education through a system of study or madrasah that
win must be strong and can do anything to achieve is fully under the sovereignty of the leadership of one
the victory. If this law is applied without or several people with characteristics that are
consideration all that can happen is injustice. There charismatic and independent in all respects. Arifin
will be many bad thing happen because people will (1995: 240). One of the characteristics of students
do anything to achieve the victory (santriwan / wati) is self-personality. The characters
have been in the order since they arrived at the
In this modern era the law of the jungle Islamic boarding school. Independent living is
began to appear in our daily lives. However this law trained, so that in the future students can pass through
doesn’t appear openly but implicitly so that many life by not relying on others and can be independent
people don’t realise the implementation about the law or stand on their own feet.
of the jungle. For example there is many law
enforcement officials are not maximal and fair yet in In addition, santri is also taught the meaning
law enforcement. What is seen is when the person is of togetherness in Islamic boarding school, such as
entangled in a case and the person has the power to sharing food, sleeping in the same bed, lining up in
line at meal hours. Such habits are expected to form Interviews in qualitative research are
personalities shoulder to shoulder with others, it conversations that have a purpose and are preceded
because the students live in the same environment, by some informal questions. Research interviews are
from a variety of different backgrounds but treated more than just conversations and range from informal
the same. Living and socializing in one environment to formal. Although all conversations have certain
is expected they can be a noble person in the future. switching rules or control by one or the other
participant, the rules for research interviews are more
Because of the different characters and stringent. (Rachmawati, 2007)
backgrounds, it will indirectly appear some
qualifications where the strong are friends with the C. Data Analysis Techniques
strong while the weak are friends with the weak.
Unconsciously this is one of the forerunners of the Qualitative data analysis is carried out if the
existence of the law of the jungle in the Islamic empirical data obtained is qualitative data in the form
Boarding School environment where the strong group of a collection of tangible words and not a series of
rules over the weak. Therefore, the research team is numbers and cannot be arranged in
interested in researching the law of the jungle categories/classification structures. Data can be
implementation around Islamic boarding achool. collected in various ways (observation, interviews,
document digests, tapes) and are usually processed
before they are ready for use (through recording,
typing, editing, or transcribing), but qualitative
METHOD AND EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS analysis still uses words that usually compiled into an
expanded text, and do not use mathematical
A. Research Details
calculations or statistics as analytical tools. (III &
This research uses descriptive qualitative Research, 2009)
method. This method is a method based on natural or
The data that has been collected needs to be
original conditions. Qualitative research refers more
analyzed further so that it can be seen and known
to quality and relies on theory and is more concerned
what the results of the data are. By analyzing the
with the process than the results. This research
data, there will be data filtering that is suitable for
method is open-ended research and exploration by
research. Qualitative data analysis refers to
conducting interviews in a relatively small number
qualitative data that is not in the form of numerical
but in depth.
Qualitative research “style” seeks to
Miles and Huberman (in Sugiyono, 2018, p.
construct reality and understand its meaning. This,
337) suggest that qualitative data processing methods
qualitative research is usually very concerned with
or techniques can be carried out in three stages,
processes, events and authenticity. Indeed, in
namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion
qualitative research, the presence of the researcher's
value is explicit in limited situations, involving
relatively few subjects. (Rusliwa Somantri, 2005) a. Data Reduction
The discussion of this study will refer to the The data generated from the field is quite a
results of interviews from the population sample lot and in a form that is not as much as quantitative
based on the hypothesis of the information collected data. Therefore, data reduction can be carried out
which means summarizing, choosing the main things,
B. Data Collection Techniques
focusing on the important things, looking for themes
Data collection in a study aims to provide and patterns and discarding what is not needed.
information and facts that refer to the material to be
b. Data Display
discussed and presented. Data collection techniques
must be in line with the research methods used. After being reduced, the next step is to
display or present the data in order to have
Data collection techniques in this study used
clearer visibility. Presentation of data can be as
interview techniques in the form of direct interaction
simple as a neatly formatted table, graph, chart,
with resource persons or informants by asking
pictogram, and the like. Through the
questions and answering questions. In the interview
presentation of the data, the data will be
technique, the interactions carried out will be more
organized, arranged in a pattern of relationships,
in-depth and detailed.
making it easier to understand.
c. Conclusion Drawing/Verification stronger than himself. Meanwhile, their attitude
towards someone weaker than them will copy the
Furthermore, drawing conclusions and attitude of someone who has bullied them.
verification. The initial conclusions put forward are  
tentative in nature, and will change if strong evidence  
is found to support the next stage of data collection. DISCUSSION
However, if the evidence is valid, then the  
conclusions put forward are credible conclusions. In the sub-chapter of research methods, it
has been explained that this research uses a
qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a
RESULT research procedure that produces descriptive data in
the form of written or spoken words from people and
In this chapter, we will describe the results observable behavior (Bogdan and Taylor. 1975.
of our research. The research we took was based on Qualitative Research Methodology. Bandung:
the results of existing research, namely the results of Remadja Karya).
research on the application of the law of the jungle  
which we later developed into research on the Based on research in the field, most of the
implementation of the law of the jungle in the Islamic santri have been in the chain of applying the law of
boarding school environment. the jungle in pesantren. Whether it's prey or a
predator. The students also confirmed that the law of
Implementation of the law of the jungle in the
the jungle in the pesantren is a chain that has never
Islamic boarding school environment setting.
been broken from the past, aka hereditary. According
to Daffa (a resource person), the cause of the chain of
Based on the results of the analysis of the
application of the law of the jungle in the pesantren
implementation of the law of the jungle in the
environment usually includes a matter of politeness
pesantren environment, it can be concluded that:
that occurs between seniors and juniors. This happens
a. 7 out of 10 students do not know the
when a senior feels he is not being properly respected
meaning of the law of the jungle.
by a junior. But this is not always the case, because
b. 9 out of 10 students confirmed the
there are also many cases where the junior has greater
application of the law of the jungle in pesantren.
power than the senior.
c. 8 out of 10 santri agree that there is a
relationship between bullying, especially seniority,
Meanwhile, according to Haikal (the
and the jungle law.
resource person), the law of the jungle that is
d. 10 out of 10 santri have been victims of
implemented as seniority and bullying is very much
the law of the jungle.
needed in the pesantren environment, because it is
considered the most appropriate medium as a
Several implementations of the law of the
reminder to each other, especially about politeness.
jungle in the Islamic Boarding environment have
But Haikal also added that the application of the law
proven that there is a high level of bullying,
of the jungle system must be accompanied by a
especially seniority, in pesantren. Most students have
nurturing attitude towards the weak.
been victims of the application of the law of the
jungle with various kinds of behavior.
And according to Sabieq (a resource
person), the pros and cons of the law of the jungle
Usually, the victim is a person who cannot
depend on its placement. If he deserves to be a 'king',
fight back against the perpetrator due to the lack of
then it's only natural and appropriate. Meanwhile, if
various aspects of the individual victim. This usually
someone is not worthy, or just wants to take
happened between seniors and juniors, people with
advantage of power and strength, then that is not at
power and those people without power, and between
all appropriate.
sly people and gullible people.
In essence, the law of the jungle in pesantren
Some of the students agreed that the law of
can be implemented in two ways, namely bullying
the jungle touched on a little about politeness. They
between the strong and the weak and seniority
believe that this incident is a chain that usually
between seniors and juniors which is usually due to a
happens from generation to generation. For example,
lack of decency.
someone who has received this treatment has a high
level of politeness and obedience to those who are
The law of the jungle is the law that states Rachmawati, I. N. (2007). Pengumpulan data dalam
who is strong he who wins and the weak will lose. penelitian kualitatif: wawancara. Jurnal
This law appears without realizing its existence. In Keperawatan Indonesia, 11(1), 35-40.
the educational environment, especially in Islamic
boarding school. The Students comes from different Arifnn Lubis (2021). "Hidup sebagai Santriwan
backgrounds. This leads to classification between Santriwati"
strong and weak groups. From the presence of strong Qurra Ayun (2017). Apa itu Hukum Rimba? -
and weak groups, came the law of the jungle. The
students has experienced the law and there are even
those who are the culprits. In its application, this law Molnar, L. (2021). The law of the jungle. the online
deals with bulliying. Where the weak would submit hate-speech against the Roma in Romania. Victims &
to the strong, such a younger class would submit to Offenders, 16(8), 1108-1129.
the upperclassmen. Usually, the stronger the group,
Eripuddin, E. (2017). The Analysis of Plot and
the more powerful it will be. This can increase the
Setting as Found on the Jungle Book Movie. Edu
level of discrimination against other weaker group.
Research, 6(1), 177763.
During this research, the team has received a MODERN DI KALANGAN ORANG RIMBA
lot of support and assistance. DALAM DI JAMBI. THAQAFIYYAT: Jurnal
Bahasa, Peradaban dan Informasi Islam, 15(1), 91-
First of all, the team would like to thank Mr. 112.
Idan Nurdiana S.Pd,. M.Pd. as the chairman of MAN
1 Darussalam CIAMIS who has facilitated and Huberman, M., & Miles, M. B. (2002). The
accommodated the team to continue working, the qualitative researcher's companion. Sage.
team thanked him for his patient support and for all
Prof. Dr. Sugiyono. (2018). Metode Penelitian
the opportunities given to the team to continue the
Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
team's research.

The team would like to thank the team

supervisor, Ms. Noeranisa Adhadaianty G, S.Pd.,
M.Sos., whose expertise is invaluable in formulating
research questions and methodologies. Your
insightful feedback drives the team to sharpen team
thinking and take teamwork to new heights.

I would also like to thank Mr. Jamiludin

Hidayat S.Pd., M.Sc., Mr. Budi Rahman S.Pd.I,.
M.Pd., Mr. Riki Yakub Firdaus S.Pd., Ms.
Abidaturrosyidah S.Pd for their invaluable support
during the team's research period and for providing
the team with the facilities they need to choose the
right direction and complete the team's research. .

In addition, the team would like to thank

friends who have supported the team by providing
stimulating discussions as well as fun distractions to
rest the team's mind outside of team research.

Somantri, G. R. (2005). Memahami metode
kualitatif. Makara Human Behavior Studies in
Asia, 9(2), 57-65.

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