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From Isaac Golden

BUAU is Buthus Australis - a 200 potency of Australian scorpion

A similar approach could be used with COVID19, and given that there is some uncertainty regarding
the Nosode and that there are many suggested GE remedies.

IF I was preparing a combination remedy it would look something like the following:

Influenzinum triple nosode M + Pneumococcinum M + Bacillinum M + Arsenicum Album 200 +

Justicia Adhatoda 200 + Gelsemium 200 + Bryonia 200 + Antimonium Tartaricum 200.

Thank you for your guidance on very important topic. Yes, Homeopathy have solution for this viral
infection by prevention and also to heal. Most all Homeopath waiting to treat corona positive patients.
After going through many articles few medicines are highlighted.

For prevention:

Arsenic Album 30CH

Bryonia 30CH

Camphora 1M

For treating affected patient:

Bryonia 30

Gelsemium 30

Eupatorium 30

Phosphorus 30

Antim tart 30

Argentum Nitricum 30

Thanks doctor, for your combination guidance.

Dr. Mhapolin Abu Dhabi
SBL Bryonia Alba Dilution is an effective remedy for the treatment of a number of health
complications primarily focusing on the treatment of flu and rheumatism. It relieves the symptoms of
flu such as constant sneezing, accompanied by cough and fever. It is also effective for the treatment
of arthritis and rheumatic pains.

Key Ingredients:
Bryonia Alba

Key Benefits:

 It is primarily used for the treatment of Influenza, coryza, arthritis and rheumatism

 It relieves the patient from symptoms of flu such as constant sneezing and cold along with
soothing sore throat, curing fever and treating excessive cough

 It is also helpful in the treatment of joint and muscle pains associated with rheumatism and

 Helpful in treating issues related to the respiratory system such as dry cough, asthma and
difficulty breathing

 Its uses also include treatment of gastrointestinal infection and dysentery and correct
feelings of fullness and nausea

 It is also helpful in treating severe headache associated with constipation

 It effectively improves digestion and assists in better defecation

Directions For Use

Take 3-5 drops two to three times a day or as recommended by the physician

SBL Gelsemium Sempervirens Dilution is a homeopathic medicine that acts upon the nervous
system that helps in the lack of coordination of various muscles in and around the eyes, throat,
chest, larynx, sphincter, extremities, etc. They are universally recognized as yellow jasmine. This
medicine is a deep acting remedy for patients suffering from anxiety related syndromes and
lonesome problems. Gelsemium Sempervirens are recommended for patients having headaches
with double vision or vertigo problems.

Key Ingredients:

 Natural Minerals

 Gelsemium Sempervirens

 Lactose

 Sucrose
Key Benefits:

 Combats the blood pressure level that arises due to anxiety, exhilaration and sudden shock

 Used in the treatment of cold, flu and sore throat

 Treats nervousness that is caused during examination time, job interviews and presentations
either in class or at workplace

 Helps in reducing severe anxieties that results in paralysis

 Treatment of sensation of tightness in the head, heavy eyelids, double vision and vertigo

Directions For Use

Take 3-5 drops two to three times a day or as recommended by the physician

SBL Eupatorium Perfoliatum Dilution is a homeopathic medicine which helps in relieving pain in
the limbs and muscles. It is an effective medicine for treating fevers of Malaria and Dengue. It is also
helpful in reducing soreness and hoarseness in chest.

Key Ingredients:

 Extract of Common boneset plant

 Ethanol

Key Benefits:

 Provides relief from throbbing pain in the head

 Helps in curing influenza and malaria

 Helpful in severe bone pains

 Useful in treating cachexia

 Useful in vertigo, headaches and vomiting

 Effective in reducing soreness

 Helps in treating constipation and sore liver

 Cures coryza, cough and soreness in the chest

 Helps in treating gout

Directions For Use

Take 3-5 drops 2-3 times in a day or as directed by the physician.

SBL Phosphorus Dilution is a homeopathic composition used for the treatment of a wide range of
issues such as anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease and respiratory disorders such as bronchitis and
asthma. It relives congestion in the chest and helps in improving breathing. It helps in effectively
calming down your nervous system down in cases of anxiety attacks.

Key Ingredients:

 Phosphorous Dilution

Key Benefits:

 It provides effective treatment for Alzheimer’s diseases and anxiety disorders

 It helps in relieving congestion in the chest and treats related issues such as excessive
cough, asthma and bronchitis

 It helps in the treatment of food intolerance and aids better digestion

 It also helps in the treatment of chronic fatigue system and helps regain bodily strength

 Helpful in the treatment of hepatitis, pneumonia, schizophrenia and bipolar disorders

Directions For Use:

Take 10 drops of Dilution in half cup water thrice a day or as directed by the physician

SBL Antimonium Tartaricum Dilution is a useful homoeopathic remedy for the treatment of
weakness and exhaustion. It helps in maintaining a healthy respiratory system. It is effective for
patients affected with cough and congestion in the chest, especially beneficial for infants and older

Key Ingredient:
Antomonium Tartaricum

Key Benefits:
 It helps in reducing weakness and exhaustion

 Improves respiratory functions

 Provides effective relief from feeble the cough and helps in clearing congestion in the chest

 Helps in conditions such as drowsiness and shortness of breath

 Also effective in treating symptoms of bronchitis

Directions For Use:

Take 3-5 drops of dilution in half cup of water 2-3 times a day or as directed by the physician.

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