Custom 5e Goblin Race

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Very much seen as a nuisance, goblins, for the most part, are a fairly respectable race. Known
for their ability to quickly create different things such as buildings and tools, they are sometimes
sought after for quick repairs if materials needed for a full repair. The items tend to be able to be
made due until proper repairs are made. Goblins live in a few different areas. Some in swamps,
some in caves, and even in deserts.

Many goblin groups are known for working well with other races. For example, in the forest town
of Bucksnort, druids and goblins work together to live in harmony. Many goblins are even sought
after as diplomats.

Names Goblins have two names, as most folk do, however, they don't necessarily reflect their
family lineage. That tends to be done by a small branding. A goblin’s first name tends to come
from a list of their tribes allowable first names. Two living goblins in the same tribe cannot share
the same first name. So, when one dies, that name become available again. Male and female
goblins have no discernible difference in their first names. Their last name tends to come from
either their occupation or first item they ever repaired.
First Names: Wort, Bullart, Scrimsham, Dribbolt, Sibalt, Gillyoat,Griknak
Last Names: Axehead, Cartwheel, Leakyroof, Holeypants, Brokenarm, Squeakydoor, Tornpants

Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma increase by 1.

Alignment Most goblins tend to lean toward the Neutral side of the spectrum.

Size Most goblins average between 4 to 5 feet tall and weighing around 100 lbs. Your size is

Speed Your movement speed is 25 feet.

Darkvision You can see in the dark up to 60 feet. You can only see in greys, not in color.

Sneaky You have proficiency in Stealth.

Nimbleness You may Disengage as a bonus action.

Makeshifter You are proficient in Survival when trying to build a shelter, when trying to quickly
fix something, and gathering supplies needed to do so.

Little Rider You have proficiency with Animal Handling when dealing with small animals no
bigger than a large dog or a miniature pony.
Antagonize You know the vicious mockery cantrip at 1st level. Charisma is the base ability to

I’m the Sneaky One! When an opportunity attack is made on you, you may react by giving
disadvantage to their attack.

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