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Hamlet - To Be or Not To Be Parody 

"To See or Not To See"
By: Brix Augstheer L. Macaraya
To see, or not to see: that is the question:
Whether it's nobler in mind to buffer
The fails and sorrows of the exam portion,
Or to take stance against a point of struggle

By showing it to parents? NO! I'll die! I'll sneak

The results will justify and meet the ends
Sermons as well as the frustration will knock
It's better to dive into contemplation
Do you want me to be brave? NO BRO! I’ll SNEAK
To sneak, I mean from people, parents, and snub
Ignore everyone, focus, and not succumb
Seek peace of mind and avoid any turmoil
To bash and criticisms, let them inspect
And that they will try to take it in my strife

For this, I will have to take lemon and lime

Efforts and hard work are factors that mainly,
The ingredients for me not go astray
That sense makes me wanna go get some popcorn
Maybe consume foods high in protein like stake?
To boost my brain, for the results are at stake
To not disappoint my parents and shed tear
That tears of joy, that is what I want to wipe
From them, as they will see me run out of breath
From all the success that I have prayed, sworn

After thinking it all by staying still,

I realized that it’s okay to be sad
Love will eventually come, tender and soft
After all we humans stumble and fall
Just be reminded that there is this notion
Never prematurely reveal the result
To parents, so that they won’t have to lament

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