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The Arab Empire and its successor

The Creator of Arab Empire

-Arab empire has been created when Muhammad died, and he left his follower with a
problem of succession. No son’s and his daughter couldn’t lead in a Male-dominated
Empire or society. So, in short this called caliphs is a successor or the new ruler of what
Muhammad made. Abu BaKR is the first caliphs. Who is this Abu Bakr? Short Story. He
is the father-in-law of Muhammad; he is a prominent companion and advisor of
Muhammad also abu bakr is one of the most important figures in the Islamic history.

The Arab Conquest

So, Islam grow under their new ruler or the successor of Muhammad. Abu BakR. Under
him. The Muslim Expanded over the Arabia and beyond to spread the Islamic
movement. And in this Conquest Abu BakR Succeeded as he brought all the central
arabia under the muslim control and successful in spreading Islam further through this
conquest. Because even if they die in this conquest as Said in the Qur-an they are
permitted to fight fearlessly also to have courage by the enhancing of their belief that
they were assured to go in the paradise or in the Heaven if they died in the battle.

The Ummayads
This Was the first muslim dynasty established in the 661 in the Damascus. The
Damascus is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. So, this
dynasty succeeded in the leadership of Muawiya. He fought against the Fourth
Successor or the fourth caliph which is Ali. Ali is Muhammad’s Son-in-law. Muawiya and
Ali had conflict to each other because Muawiya said that he is the real successor to
become the fourth caliph. After that ali refuse to accept the decision of Muawiya. So
after Ali move his Capital to kufa in Iraq he was assassinated by a group of muslim
called Kharijites. This was the first Islamic sect that emerge during the first Islamic war
or the first fitna. After this Muawiya Establish the Ummayads Dynasty.

Abu al-Abbas as-Saffah was a descendant of Mohammed's family. Abul Abbas led the
Abbasid revolution that overthrew the Omyyads in 749. He eliminated the corrupt power
of the Omayyads in Damascus and initiated the dynasty of the Abbasids. Abbas
safeguarded his victory by killing most of the surviving members of the Omyyad house.
The Omyyads had governed from Damascus, leaving Mecca only its religious
predominance. The Abbasids founded a new city, Baghdad, from which to rule their
territories. There remained only one province which refused to recognize the Abbasids,
that was Spain. There, one of the few Omayyads to survive founded an independent
state in 756.

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